HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-16, Page 38i .. , arrNr Semilett, Wetheemility, Deans er 23, :191111 Adidas Nr Mils • 1, Aiccs... rMll 1% Sunless . new SOUSE FOR Dm TRY C & E F b>idr, POli!ltBLBWEWDIG aid used. Dial Gode ich, fug, coo ltty horse, 3 bud- W"11i dopm!tablewelaaogasci 524-7231_ -40 I roo!■�s.. sear 1GilouSL_ -issaloPrePtorwillk BRIAR Tryan .Eledf ala me H Bet .from Gtr T:V_ and Electric* ,phone 528-3112, Locksow, We also lame Mess and Same for:your Ele triol oma ti taudidfirr. -43ffar SBUIIOwsSNSS :Phase 395=5247 50.52.: ONE AND TWO ..betheo l f fished er maranislied ap- artinesita;e Cal Glenda Apatte after 9 p.m., 529-71030. r HOUSE al 1 uctsanose one 528-3007 =-47ttbar. is alri Christmas °i STORE ON'GUN STREET. silk Bowers for a1 arcauois Plane 528-3007_ =47116x. available. Phase Shama Al- Wry 529-7584. —47-51 AN11QUE pime cupboard. Call Tong at 528- " or 528-3811_ -44ns Quarteosaidlibiles S coprOmsaumG TuesdayandThasday j Citandwaappedtioyo r Burrows.� Fi Av abl IiEATMAAEBT L1I011 I Shop528-3009 OiifNoAssiUCa1 j 395-2470 ; • leirESPerrifirearasrorroworsbaltroftworlerralWeerworepal S&D. CD*Alics Custom Eriag,Gteeswate Eseuisgs and Saturdays Dusgamos529-7801 —50-52 ONE BEDROOM. heated apartment Main Street also; mod healed . toom, em sspyre& all awes paid, multi*fates. Phone 528- 3721. —Offer Ousters Stalks SPIKEBAILIIMI B. R. 5, LUCKNOW 5211-2520 "ARIYw kGsmsmlaed I!is e52&3bh5 21thr . ' M. Pubic swifts iii JOT IURIFi4S is soar the Regal Repsesemlative for fracksow and area. : Phase 528-3837.—50,51ar 12. Hap mailed CAS requited fir Tor - Mil) Sifts i■ Lacicsow: noise 395-5415 —Sus Emploposme waded HAYRIDES and s Lor fag outings er rags etc. Our place oryams.. Clete; Dialtoi, rt Ia8„', 529-7420 4 WILL DO DAMMING it my houseday es sighL Call 528-3206. -50,51 18. . wakes av■lluble CG Bnalai hSOf.Ol1K:244p 111114515 COMM AT We have a wage afbeaatifol sake's, ashes, &swam Christmas decorations. Come and see me ar phone 528-3602. —48-51 BED waterbed Qseea, Bing or double incLdes. heater, Mattress Suer, bsacketsAil Tutt. I.dsucttioars o. `assembly, guarantees iscluded. Scud sews 5175 Cal (416) 631- 6904_ 316904_ Stats HF.RITAGEbtgesize 1.2arm IL asiaismase awes, 15'75.1110- Greer 1575A0Geer T.V. & phase 528=3112. 51ar ADAMSON 11111114111101111 Ceintgallin Lvairraw 528-2113 CHB? Could pay S500.00oldie o stafyaar . iwiat"tois s „ 11r'POSSA%E Mack and tiller OWL Time views of The Redly - Sedan Coach 1856, 191k 1980 Choose your ons as- sestmest. Call 528-3429 ell' sees Batb at Mucha="s home 51 mom rommommloor Ivor efoortmMomereranw.messamm. Acams. Imon•rammiir ammo Nriri APA F FOR BEf, one bellaaws. - fridge and • good padkiag. Phone 521-2113. Amt Dees- bee 1, .1981. — IFireEsiimates roillOC music Sherlock-ldasiusg Pianos„ Panasonic Soma lEquip- sren t. R000isati aced pianos far sale; used pianos warded. Far pierso lung aids grains. call 395-2962. —der 21.POMINIII HAVING A DRINKING PSP AA can help. Phase God ich 5244001 ar Walkerton 181-31515► PREGNANT and seed help? Fe.punnet anadlestiall Wit. Bird. Cal 357 1066 coact oc 432-1197. --40tfar 5 ALCOHOL A PROBLEM' is polar fa" a ilyr Al -Amon cam help imam and hirads of „aloollacs. •Plume Walkways 881-3113, Goderich 524- 6001- Ask for as Al -Anus snlarier_ —45 i 22. Last and -food 31. Cards of Soft EHPA?1iC,1t Iwould MetoOm& Say 'datives, kinds and neigh - bows :for cards,: frit and visits while I was it Wing - ham Hospital and slice coming home. Special tiaras to Drs.. Cor* Skase and Jolly and special thanks w Tilalty 11 C.W. kir their Xmas . tilt. ; Al was decry sprit:cited. Sleety, GladisKriPahieh 51x DURBIN I would lige to thank . my hinds, seigibmos and tela tines for their cads, ° Boum, treats and visits also phone rads while I wras.a paned in Gotland. hospitaL Special dunks to Dr.' Hoirgwards, Roitbre,Flowers and lst1loor mines - Jahn S. Dlorir —51s IORMISMINIC 1 wraaid )fie' to tic eta woe who remit `'.Boo's' lam, edit ,sI* is ___T - Hu spit—,r L rdos.. Alio tanks m Dr.. Barr and De- Guiseand all .ihe muses as Mb Boor_ Esesythimg wais appreciated. MIS. Clare IehroMme :51z HASH I wrath' like lb say simony thanks s tb the doctors and mom and a1 the help as lid F.asis:. Also to diose that payed kw ire, visited sae. ' sat "cards and gifts and helped at home whir is hospital and mem after com- ing home;. Losse -51 32. C+irg irrl!!s LEGIONISNMIG AS see tubers of Ibe La ckiow' Legion, Brat 309 are te- oto attend` tie 'needing os Tuesday, Decets- brr 29 at &00 pan. 5la szsminets Ano $iwn1 sue ravg' .rfil'be held by the Ai 6rld Fed Ilion oi'.Ap eailone to lotus a committee to "Keep the Liquid Waste Disposal Sit." out of Ashlield. Tows- slip, will be held es Wed- Dieceaibes30, 8 pars. at Biai&side &book . AS int- erested patties ate imbed to attend.. come art aid. support your local Feders d . —51,52 DDR7Dl: The, tndoro p s'epots wi travel by bas to honkie' at Deovember 27, leaai Zaa 12 mom.. Fess ate soto Wow. akr.g and suppoat'sbe team. Caa 528-2546 far seats... _S1 4ue1/ "Ft nness A. For sale Monis AimIgorrilMIIWIMMilrellellria;MilllirmINNOr DON 1H01YII'. i? aidFOUND a 1 coiomed Am. vim._ Appraisals - Adams' Sales weft Pwlosc 528-3 mi_ and Session toner and an-� teen, isrstalatialk t' - 31 Cauls Ill thrill: dos service. 395-3466, 1115P- —91For TWO BOOMS„ • Maim Streeapartment. Apply t a"s F 46tfir 3 BEDROOM APARTMENT. coveted,. skive. Woke. dredo,,- wa, comlidoser per.. • o.0 5284532 ar 513-3910- —` ' .... LIICKNOW 41 bedroom amesc three beihroons hams. &Mast area. far hardeer partirstars phone 529-71.58, —404 Ceti Cemsolom R. R. 2Animas Phome529-7161 AMIUMBEMElt BACIIIMEING AUCTIONNIMSEMOCE Groat affellimrahl, Wry WallwelirallmakTeessimer 1*... tedA.ei■riees" Saks al IMITypes Phone Ripley 395-5353 'le matt: 2.392-1f M cipsiolitigneutmG. lhasc„ and d Lambs . _ Mardays: rates; Cermet Ripley Abair, 395- 2405 or 3954979 Chaco ,. EICAVATING and . sand. gravel mad top sat.. nem Robert Simms. It.. Lip 52S-.1140, - WHIM The fanny d the late Ftan- nes Wiiiis .wadi like to thank the nary tebnites and friends who visited the framer- al r imer al home, for die Dotal tri- butes ri-b . and PID the Sava*, AtsEy. Thais to who were se good to Grainzbita libleTX she live lOB tire Seim Ate.andl she was is ,hospital.. Thanks to flee MacKenzie and McCrea* Frame* Hamm. to Rm. Scott for bola miciarage mil also th` Des awadl stdfatt the Lack - MEW a lka tAl and tire itrsoglarars Hospital_ Thanksalso to the Milky Wits staving tomb after aL . ' Sam Ritchie aid .BRe Male and art t of the sePoN far their many a 9.. r '1110 32. womb L.retsa wlegion 7list g: December 31/411 Tit ie"s OteiesiCr S10..00percoupie Surteptsbord Limited ma offichats avaiMbleimisesecainve ariddatbar A/ Ifeielis wr■rslt lie pi3a MAY T „Ititat ieir29 .1111.11• ammtnassavossmontatowsimpam..nevesmomm. HOLSTEIN heifer . due - pros i a t ely is telco wwwwoeles Phase. 529-7466. —51 C. Waldo' LTll9L FARM 5T lm1 iLT'D. P111011235-82116 BUTLER -I gDtncSio Ilalloadesis, Whose lielt Fags, Cosy -s -Feed Cattle Feeders; Single Maim C Bars Cle iters, Oswalt aims- FAIMATIC Blender Hammeir Mills, Blender Rom Mills, Meader Mk far Graand HW. Calk+ . .Leg Elevat- as. AMIN utile Barn Man - me pl - Grads bis -1350 to 250,000 b.. Balk Feed "Tads- ACME ants:A+C lE - Fa:-letvim- t Systems - ASTON Ventilation Sys- tem B & L Complete Hog Coram ant Systems - SL Y SL*IGER 9 "Maimite Swains. CLAY - Pasts and, Senior far Clay Egar"rpme i Mamie Revs, ` Aaatocs, WEHAd1DIE EVERYTHING - ALMOST —flair, Wanted Cattle, silk or. eTae- able& pa* top dollar. eat 392-6829Yir.s. —47tf E. Farm anion REM SIMILE EQUIENENT Cleasers. Brim Feeders, Silo Bio Crak- es. . Water Bows Cowls Stalls and Hog ramdllisg. Ciudad Maid Jolhoollos,L IL 3 Omar ASSN&. s r AN1 PARElir y The Haws Candy Health Parent rhe to attest im Classes. being bd/l is the Citriiesioagroog, lr'lian Mala111Ft ,. Immo 4.marmite 71:0 W p.m. These cues' WM rat for eight awe The cost is Saiik For pre-regis. twins or Anther intinnuatiora‘. please call t' Heuer Unit office in poor aim at 36i -n641. The sent geefes of domes vow ro.eg* trc k a#i wee • 29, 582- —5L5 site "igarto 1 iiia ' 'Alar®� ,'. lig ea' 11111111100 *MI6 110111111 HoPe Christmas ttacics up to be the Happiest • holiday Yt!