HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-03-08, Page 8J. h --Thursday, Match 8th. 1934 THE SIGNAL GODERICH, ON'T, St. Patrick's Cards Sc and I0c each at Ilioats, won the tournament by eTTmTn- BADMINTON TOURNEY On Tuee day evening, at the round- rcbtn tournament held by the Bad- mintou ('lute, the lack of a round num- ler of entrants resulted in a bye In Pitch round, lent Scvernl good games were played by the nine couples. it f.arey attd Miss H. Couper, who won k Store TOWN OF GODERICH -4 i TAXES Liberal discounts are available for Prepayment of 11e34 Trxtes for March. It pays to pay early. J. H. ROBERTSON, Tax Collector rung Mies G. Watson aunt Miss E. Cooper, who entered the final bracket i un a bye, with a score of 15.12. Games remitted se for ,wet First Reuod Misr ti. Watson and Miss E. Coop- er 17. ---Mrs. A. H. Taylor and Mrs. R. ' Owen Sound, where interment takes ('. hays 11. I place today (The'rsday). Miss J. Mettle and Mies C. flays 15 • • • -Mrs. E. C. Beacom and Mrs. J.• A. Graham 12. _ P. terry and Sties II. Cooper 18- H. Watson and M. llethertngton 14. Mise M. Watson and Miss M. Red- l lust south of the village ea Tuesday, efts l5 ---Mrs, E. C. Beacom and Mists February 27th, atter sums months of E. Dean 9. 34. (taker and Miss E. Williams -- bye. Second Round Miss G. Watson and Miss E. Cooper 15-M. Baker and Mks K. Williams 8. P. Carey and Miss I1. Cooper 15 - bliss J. Martin and Miss C. Hays 13. Mims M. Watson and Mtss M. Red- aitt-bye. OBITUARY WILLIAM BIGGAR The death of William Biggar, late of Port Mc'Nicoll, occurred on Tuesday at Alexandra hospital. Deceased was visiting htr son•in-law and daughter, Sir. and Mrs. N. McInnes, Essex was or many years an engineer on the C.P.R. A short service wet con- uucted by iter. D. J. Lane at Bre- en funeral parlors on Tuesday AI1eraoou _Wore the bodyt-accom- peeled by Mrs. McInnes, was taken to nue C.N.R. sfatTon for removal 10 JOHN ANDERSON An old resident of Dungannon base heeu removed by the death of Jobs Anders:toewhich occurred at his home failing health. Mr. Antlere.eu was burn eighty-two years ago in York county, near Toronto, and at an early etre cause with the family to Loudes- toro, in this cuuuly. liver sixty yearn _ewe be moved to Dungannon, where he had lived ever-sEsie wilhthe excep Iron of two years spent in Lucknow, tie was associated with the Metho- dist (tow United) church. Sur'iv- Semi-s Int aro his w wife ife-and three sons: P. Carey and Miss H. Cooper lfi- tTriuIe Ra-IrEffnn bf Goderich, and t MissM. Wtt('Stt and Miss M. It,viditt 8. Gordon, of the 4th concession of West miss a. Watason and Miss E. Cooper t'at,auush, Two suns and a daugh- -bye. e•r predecease(! Mtn. A sister of de- Ftaals I ceased, Mrs. Stewart, resides it Pick - P. Carey and Miss H. Cooper 15-- I turd, Mich. The funeral tooe place tat- Thursday last, with interment in itungannon cemetery. Rer. D. A. NrMifinu condu(teeefthe service, a _ x'iSr pRili+rnre;re=yt'ere i14eteiti.'''>rlei .411(1 Gurdon Anderson, Sons of d e cased, and Norval, a grandson. • • • . NT.'"hT'RFT:T'C:i1.Iy 311T.L1;Tt Nee s has lawn received of the dewlap at ..raiandia, Sask., of Ernest Reginald Miller, a native of Goderietl son of the tate W. R. Miller, who• for ye.irs was"prtyycipal of Central school here. leeeKsed was in hisy-fi fifty-first Teat-: He is surrtved by itis wife and three 'sons, Allan, R said Mica (7. Watson and Miss E. Cooperlt NOTICE _- - TAKE IIOTIQL that all persona in arrears_of 'fare's moat make arrangements to pay same to rq off or before March 10th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon, ¶i hers 4' 1 ant compelled by law to seize any chattel;, and I will ecize saint chattelg in consideration of the- laid Ta'xes:--Ner-fttrtlter notice will be given the delinquent*., Dated at Goderich this 1st day of Mareh.:\.Tl. 1934. �. ROBERTSON, TAX_ COLLECTOR SAVE ON MEATS FOR CASH FR.II Ill( fsG PORK Rteek off Ilam 2 lbs. for 3 er Fresh Pienir Ilam. 18e Ib. Batt Roast Lwin Roast . . Shoulder ('hops 20e lb. 22e lb. :Or Ib. Rotten' Hams 23e Ib. m e.(Hoe-eureil) half or whole.. 'fresh Hama, half or whole 20e 1l). --Centre ( tits. .... .. , fee 18. - Vert Petit Sausage. ,-.. , life lis,. 2 Ile. for 2/4e Prue Beef i lamburg Steak . 10e Ib. 3 tin. for 25. Fre-4. Homemade Headcheese'. 3 lbs. for 2.1e GENI'INE BABY BEEF, SATI'RD 11' ON1.1 Round Steak 2* Ib. Rltrloin Steak • 23. Ile. Prime Rib Roast 19e Ib. Prince Rib Boil 12e Ili. Prime Shoulder Roast ,14e 1b. ('HOi('E STEER BEEF Shonkler •Reside..._IIe, 12_e M. Sirloin Steak ink 18, Round Steak Ile Ib Rib Roast Rolled 18e Ili. SANITARY MEAT We IMilts Promptly MARKET -HAMILTON STREET TII0s 1.E(.4. Phone 91.. ad 1 Tut 1 >rth Rine emitattede Bere_...ett+peeta�lbe,/. The -prezeutill9➢r.Dl el �. .e,� e- boat to do a little better than ten 4n took place. The following members ' , ,, rel tro4.thl:ptpaear6,Yer relies an hour. The ship. for which gnaUfled for the C.B.P.T. bronze 't'r, Mrs. 11 'w. Whitton., Bruce street +, name has not as yet been derided, medal: Harvey Neel), Walter Wert- on Satunlay, at 1.30 pen. - ^.tit " tee -ready ter eh- se- the tirat allow ;of open water. AT 1 HE HARBOR FATHER AND SON NIGHT Happy Gathering of Men and Boys at North l4treet United Church The break-up In the river Ice which Last friday eventug, the basement ltelhe imminent of North street I'plted church was the t1ent at the weekend was scene ut a happy gathering of the men .verted by a drop in the temperature ,end boys of the congregation. to the freezing- peelnt. G. M. Brown tt tjoy. work Its ern of .Lmr3uxn (ittv4asa4 para war to clues the boys' crm• at the harbor thin week viewing the--askdalr-_ .-a. snag turevstaut. situation ane. The campaign had been opened .. vest weeks previously with an tm- presslve -father and son" evening church service at which an earnest appeal was made for a keener Interest in "and greater support for boys' work. and there or no doubt that this appeal brought a real response wht,•h was received gratefully. The meeting sobs In the hand the members of the Tecumreu Ranger Camp. It was a fourfold gram, typical of the trail ranger week meeting. Chief Ranger Ila Neeb was the chairman and coed the meeting quite'%redjtably for neat time. Opening with a welt -known hymn. the devotional study and prayer were given by the camp -leader, who pointed out bow it Is possible to play the gum* In life as the Good Samarjten. did In the intellectual or business per - 1(4, a new member, Ernest tiaikeld, cteelved his meusberedtlp ceremony and became • a remelted member in goad - rending, The tally, Walter 1(arlow. teed the minutes of the last tegulaf meeting. The leader gave a report en the resent campaign. stating the feuds receive} amounted to $44.23 and that this would be a real aasietanee to the boys locally, as a portion is retktned in local funds. • • • It is unlikely that the remaining !forage grain, pray one hold each in the etreetricoldoc, at the elevator, and *he ate. Prescott, at the Western Can- ada Flour Mills, will be unloaded be- fore the arrival of spring. The car- go will remain 1n the hold of the Prescott, at any rate, as a clear bar- ter is required so that the ship can be turned around to get the hold under tit elevator leg at the M111. There is aJ.Proximately 2,000,000 bushels of grain in the two elevators at present. • • • Captain Gore, . of the steam yacht Auona, lying in the harbor, is here supervising the outfitting of the craft, which will leave port this spring. john -Muir to installing the engine. • • • Although only the shell Is as yet eemjfleted, work on Harbormaster Bert eraeDonald's new harbor craft is pro• greasing rapidly. • Reip' la ptenttiul, as many of Bert's friends drop In to lend a hand with the work. The out - 1 ne of the craft, which is therty feet (rem stens to stern, nine feet a -beam ane built of one -inch Itritish Colum- bia cedar, is sleek and smart, with rakish clipper bow and squared -off stern. With the Chrysler -six marine INSPECTING TITS SCOUTS Ou Wednesday night, at their head- quarters in MacKay Hall, the 1st and ltd Boy Scout troops met with A. t'addou, field secretary from Provin- c:rl headquarters at Toronto, and after a meeting with the court of honor, at vhicl! ways and means of improving the already well-couduc•ted troops were c;,scticeed, Mr. Padden conducted a rrrieee off' Inm""`ii `-ars t -agar:•'- dre.eting ,the troops, he, expressed life :e'easure at the Increase in the number of Scouts in Goderich, and congratu- iated the leaders on their well-con- ducted and alert troops. A confer. cure was held with the ()Meets and committee and the meeting was hronght to a close in typical Scout s of meatier, with a pork and bean supper. Trail pro- BORN mpd- MOHR'NO.-At Alexandra hospital, y Oolerieh, on Thur,rlay, March 1, to acted Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mohring, a daugh- hlg ter. atacTIONALII:=•=Xi Ale xandro hoe- p}tal. Goderich, on Friday, Manch 2, to Sir. and Mrs. J. MaeDogald, a daughter. FOR SALMI OR RRNT yo RENT -ONE HOUSE CICNTRAL- ii I.Y LOCATED. Apply to M. W. HOWELL. jt'OR SALE. TWO ONE -HUNDRED acre farms. For information, ap- ply to P. 0. BOX 153, Ooderlch, WED ._--__4444_ T11'PIT.- In Alexandra Limpital. Goderich, on Friday, March 2. Charles Tipple In his rend year. RI/MICR �t .Alex/tiara bosidtaI, Goderich, on Tuesday, March 8, William Bigger. formerly of Port ]Mceitell. interment at Owen Souud on Thursday, March 8. IOHNSTON,-In Goderich, on Wed- , needay,1 March 7, Margaret Porter, widow of the late David Johnston, ill her 1 year. 9dLB.-D S1RA E LOT Olt Bruck street, (Ioderlc'h-4260 (Can- adian). W. A. WHITELY, 8216 Oak St., New Orleans, le. )!t RENT. -APARTMENT OB atruund Boor Colborne Apartments, !.ealed and with ceonveniences. Three rooms, Front room could tee used aft store. Apply C. G. MIDDLETON, Court House, Goderich, TOWN OF OODERICIi, TOWN I)EitI:NTI'Ri:Y POR -SALE Subscriptions for the purchase of alo,0(0.W of Town of Gotierich bonds t. til be received by the Towu Treas- urer from Friday, March 9th, 1934, 7'hrre ane only ten bonds, dated from March 31st, as toffees,: No, 1 -for 8 795.U5, due 1936 HS No. 3 -fur ;ills •1937 $ 876.54, due 1937 No. 4 --for $ 920.311, due 1938 No,' 6 -for $ 906.38, due 1939 _'-��--S.-tore$1U14,70,..-due 1940 No. 7 -for $1005.44, due 1941 No. 8 --for 81118.71, due 1942 No. 9 -for $1174.84, due 1943' No. 10 -for 81233.38, due 1944 There bonds bear interest at fir ler cent. with interest coupons *g- litches*. and are offered to local sub- rcrlbers at par. No subscription necessarily accepted. L. L KNOX Tow.. Treasurer, Oudericb, and ferry, alt at home; also 8 hre brothers, W. It. Miller, Toronto; R. Miller, Itosetown, Bask.; A. V. Mille Bredenbury, Seek., and three sister 31ra. R. G. McDonald, Winnipeg; M P. 31. McNeil. Calgary; and Mrs, G. J (+� Toronto- T-iw-lealandia paper says• A gloom was east over the district Sunday evening when word flashe. around that Ernest Reginald Miller, prominent merchant of 7.calandta. had Leveed away, The iate Mr. Millet who had not enjoyed the hest of health _ for the pest few months, had been able to attend to Ms bnsiuess. Only a few hours before his death he (scrupled his customary piece in the choir of th Visited church at the afternoon ser- vice. He partook of it lieerty supper later going down into the basement as wee his custom to look at the fur- e naet'. While there he was suddenly 'Ot Flrick_en and passed away in a Jew min- ui<'ss ""fife cause of death be g attri- I. ' di[bthM Ambit tatlurg... lie' - • • • {•1 CHARLES TIPPIT 15 On Friday last, Charles Tipple Newgate street, passed away 'n Alex- andra ho'.pital, having failed to rally after an operation performed the pre- vious day. Deceased, who was in his set enty-second year, was tarn in • • • Ooderich has reit just at present even any Bah to boast about, let alone a sea monster such as is being claimed by several places since annouecement :f the monster of Loch Ness; Evers trooly James Mood Ted- Chessman t those quallfying for the aehlasement buttons were: Terry Cooper, 111111 Barlow, Sidney Neeeh, Bert Worseli. Walter Barlow. Ted Chapman quali- fied for the badge erect. -a !penal IN MEMORIAM DL' F't'.-1 n kind and loving Isromory of a dear mother, father and broth.• er, resting la elettland cemetery, "One beautiful morn, at opening of day, Prize to the canvasser with the moat funds, and Roy jfolland reeetc.cI the A.. voice was calling that seemed t the most ardent Bshermen at the her- hadge boob as special recognition for * Lor, who sit out in their shanties for hl= campaign work. '-' ',aura during the day. are just ■boot During the ,ou fab period the dada r. 'fed up" and ready to sell their shacks dslidoe( the Lada had mach fun ecrrrising s•. to the highest, or eren •the first, Md. 'c.elr uncal tutee! to Mach good old rt'• der, for nee as a dog -kennel, for Ore tunes as "Do You Ken John Peel." and ' hood; or whatnot, "Mr Wild blah Rmse." Al? premiere- tnjoyed vert mneh the musics' au._ tern Oren by the father and ems BR1 PS at'rhestrn end !ego the epeet,t tom 1 tern hy the Worthy bort and by lir a The Goderich Township Woman', Ttren. d Hoap}tal Auxiliary will hold its re - fen phy's1ra1 period brnttRht more •gular meeting on Thuratay afternoon, hen for everyone. Mr. A, - March 15, at 2.30 o'clock, at the home e't°on was Ramp" 1Peder and ail ted' of Mrs. Harry Salkeld, Montreal lore 81. and small. had Mme lively Street. hope and steps. "Follow the leader." row the an beg." "teeth( DWI 4, Hale of homemade baking and coon- "throw bean try produce, under the auspices of the tall*" were emnnR the group games Goderich Townehlp Hospital Auxili- ary,In McLean Bros.' store (north :hen !erred by the good hest. Mr: Ile. of *titan t, on Saturday, March Barry Long. alSietMl M his burl. h, from 2 to 5 o'clock. The nesseeng rimed with the eine !ng of "Anil Laing Arne" and the Mfrnsh benediction by the pastor, Rev, 0. T. Watts. The Trail Rangers and their of- tkers and feeders wish to tweak at A good musical program has been persons who lrihserOp4 to their work In the recent (-ammeter] and a^k them prepared and Rev. D. J. Lane will be to Wateb for further news about the the speaker. A Large attendance Is boys and their work, hoped for. The regular monthly meeting of the ictoria Home and School club will held in the kindergarten room of ctorta •'ar8not en Thursday, March and will be in charge of the men. :latorade,, .,.I p-alitine to Om -'a Jarin and nearly _a hatt_centery ase OpF�eaing. STEDELBAUER'S ° 11 - evenings USED CA (t' prols•t.sI teat the cold, winter (1NNug I. plcas(1 N'tty not enjoy the winter? Come In this week, as we have several good need closed ('ars that we are anxious to move immediately. Fair anon - ante will be given on your ear. 13 -PLATE BATTERIES,- S:E __ -:-tail (GUARANTEED FOR ONE k'EAR) -Easy Payment Torsos May Be Arranged If Des r+ed-. MOORE'S' GARAGE, .St. Andrew's Street GL4SS! GLASS! WE CARRY A FULL STOCK OF and PUT Hobbs. -Plate Glass. We will do your Glazing Sash called for and delivered Let us quote you prices on Stormsash We carry a complete line of - BUILDER'S SUPPLIES GODFICH.-PLANING. MILL PHONE 388 CAMBRIA ROAD O w'e�lihik, er. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Prop. entered the employ of the Grand Trunk, new the Canadian National ltailway. In iia forty-three years as a conduc- tor onduct for on varfoue runs he became a well- known figure on the railwav, pertl- ealarly In the London and Stratford ('itisions. He ran freight and pass- bee Inger trains between Terme-. and tar $Mersin- was for fifteen years conduc- eri fir op �paaaenger trains betwes-t, Dur- i oe tunsandToronto and Kincardine and of Toronto, and for the fast three years fell 'Ye that are weary, come and rest; Lay down your head upon My breast; Come, follow Me and 1 will guide Thy footsteps to the Jordan's aide.' Our mother heard the sweet command, And gently took the Saviour's hand." -Never forgotten. DAUGHTER GRACE. CARD OF TRAMS ARTHUR F. LiTH(;1)W wishes to thank all who were so kind to his 1u( -7e, the tate A. W. Curzon, during bin Illness, and also alt who gave their sympathetic and. iu -h apprecisted so nistance at the time of his death and burls!. AU'CTIONEERIMO TiloMAH (SUNDRY. AODBRICIL LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL A 1'CTIc )NEER Telephone No. 119 Sales attended to anywhere and every effort made to rice satisfaction, 1Maralnat red notes discounted. W so'l'es WANTED TO BUY OR R _-_ Farm nr smell place. Apply DOi 5, Signal (Office, Goderich. AN WiTH CAR.-WATAINIE 1 Deafer needed for local rural route lappiytng eatabliehed demand for world•famonx spices, extracts, baking powder, soaps, clean ere, medicines, By spray and stock tonics. Sixty -six- year reputation. 0.000 dealers. Must be satisfied with 830.0o week:y at el- start. Credit furnished right parties. in. L Write, J. R. WATKINB COMPANY, •Tiftnteeal. Que., Definee9t0•tB. • re - "Mary Made Some Marmslade." a SODALITY OPTICE'RR three -act comedy by the Dramatic At the annnnl meeting of the Rod C)uh of Ontario Street tufted church. 'ty of St. Peter's rhnrrh, held en St Ctintdn, will be given in MacKay Hall day, the following- ill[ggIeeKisspv 'rl-tu leSeger onrsdnp evening, March 15, at 8 l'reSldent, MISS Mary HrlgsPv: el p.m., under the auspices of t7,e Wo- ',resident, Mies Deism's Plante: 'mere- ueen'm Aesoriation of North street tory-treasurer. Mies llelen Page. tilted church. Tickets: Adults, 35c, councillors, Muses Mnrtlna HnwsP children and students, 25e. Eileen O'Brien and Rhea Itapehler. Central, Horne and School Club bee ----- it fortunate in securing for a lee- WOMEN'S INSTLTt"rJ e -recital Canada'p greatest - )lvlas The (March meeting of the Goderl ter, Major Charles G. I). Rot*ri.. branch of the Women's Inetltnte w t, novelist, historian, and writer Geld on Thursday last, with the pr inimitable animal stories. Do not tient, Sirs. Jas. Blamet, In the chs to hear him In North street S be report of the recent card part ted church, Tuesday, March 20. at was given, 111.80 having been Cleared, m. Admission 25 cent,. Ttek- It was decided to hold an at-home tar will be on sale at E. C. Robert_ flit members and their famlliea on 's jewetlerp store and W. C. Prid- Thursday, March 22nd, In McKay m'm elotlrt»g sYpre. Hall. Mr. Ian McLeod of Clinton, tasl� - egrlcultura) representative ..gag-. till. AR$IQR T ON TOP aunty, gave a eery instrnettre - m' dress on garden planning. Mrs. Gor- mpion' of Junior Hockey leragtte� urn Bisect gave a demon,tration o0 Sponsored by Lions Club before retiring in 1030 was on the Goderich-Toronto run. He had been a reafdenr--of Ooderieh for the pant seven years. Surviving, besides bit widow, ere fear denghtera," Mrs. A. W. el:traen and Mre.. Samuelson, of 1S9, Mtg. Luecombe, of Ottawa, and Mrs. Anderson, of Sarnia, - -A funerai service was eondneted on Saturday at -the home of deceased by Rer. D. .1. Ione, minister of Knox Preshytesten church, of The de- ceased was a member. The remains v ere then conveyed by C.N.R. to Mimk•o for bnrial. The pa'.iltearers trete 8. D. Croft, Dr. W. W. Martin, Tette (fleeter, W. (7, McMillen, Dr. L. M. Mabee and Forbes Miller 'On Monday a service was conducted bJ Rev. R. C. M'Derml(i of Toronto. formerly of Goderich, at the Lome of deeessed's daughter, Mrs. Sarson.1. Mimeo, and burial took plate- to Parklawn eemetery, Toronto. TIM - pallbearers there were old railwair eomtidie-or dereaoed. ylrn -Thiel' end Mr. and Mrg. 8. 13. Croft went from (Iodetich for the fencer!. GODiIIRiCH BRIDGE CLl'R . At the weekly duplicate bridge tour- nament held Monday evening, the (ol'owing were wtnnere: North and Smith -let, Jag. Robert ton and W. F'. Saunders., plus 19%; 2nd, Mr,. N. C. feneway and 1'. F. Carey, plum 13; 3rd, Dr. Jacks.,n end E. Field, pine 4. East and West -1st, Mrs. I. 1) Eastman and Mrs. P. F, Carey, plus t; 4mf, Mtg. H. Felward" ami Mrs.., R. Wheeler, plug 7: 3rd, Dr. J. A Greham end R. C. Whatt'ttry,'plltls E1,4. Neat "Monday evening s epee'.I tame will be held, end all member* .tie naked to he present. S'OitN(I PEOPi.R'R RKATIING PART1 The y,amg people of North .'reset T'nited clnar,eh enjoyed a 'melee even Ina nn Wetlnesrtay that e'ommetse.d with s skating tsarty at the rin't inti Wit!. brought to a happy clomp with a regular "feed" at the ehnreh. Ai- thrargh not se many were present se' was hoped, the evening,_ gs a grv•(i( aneeeas. AT the rink the Sunder school Mame* oi_Mr. FI. R. Long and Mr A. lit Roberton mimed In a friendly herk.y matt" which wan won by the former with a wire of 4-1 Rhatfng was MOD In order for an hour Off OD, after wh1M the party retiree' 'o the rhumb for hot-dogs and melee. ('ul 8 p. et! Son ha_. a (7sa 7. rh ns eel- concession 8 (one-half mile north of la Ir. Loyai), on MONDAY, MARCH 12tb,1934 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE OF LIVE :'HOCK AND GRAiN. - Mr. W. 8. Raymond will . spell by public *melon at his premises, lot 8 MEDICAL DR. F. J. R. FORSTER, ETE, RAR, NOSE, THROAT. Late House ltrtt'ros New York Ophthalmic and Antal as- sistant at Moo ye Hospital reBekl Eye Hospital and Golden Square Throat Hospital, London, Emil. 53 Waterloo Street 8., Stratford - Telephone 267. A4 Hotel Redford, Ooderh-h, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the messed Wed- eseday of each month. DRUGLESS PRACTITIONER fil1ROPRACTOR AND DR('GLESS Goderich, ('hone 341 Equipped with eleetro-magnetle baths. Electronic electric treatments and chiropractic. Chronic, organic and nervous diseases. Indy In at- tendance. °Mee hours 2 to 5 and 7 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Friday and Bay, tardily, and on Weslnecla, 10 Do 1! .m. and 7 to 8 p.m., or c'on,ultatie may be had by appointment. A. N. ATKINSON 1'seahtencee and office --Corner at 0(18 'street and Britannia road, The 15441 RADIO In Ma. ey schedule was played 1ut week ween the Mills and Murrey teams, former winning 3-2 and thns tie- up the last three teams In the np, with a win and three losses Garrick's team are group (ham- s, having won the four games ed, Mason was a close Second three wins and a loss. The de - heck bet 1h(. Ing gro each ibn -day w:tb (MT Gua !tie Jule, and Th folio M re (' M Oa M (]a M' M1 Th 'IIP R. T Moo telt Th with geme0 tank itey A h pen* teen to pear ferfitster c,e)n lift.! last !n ev Arr by tb to a Boston Naked beans. At the rime ;lie meeting lunch was served by th 'e stesees for the day. commencing at 1 o'clock p.m.: Three horses, five cows, eight calves, 8 one yearling heifer, five two-year-old cattle, one sow, 15.hogs, poultry. and s quantity of grain. TERMS--Cash. t}0 W. S. RAYMOT'jornprleCO� __: T. OUNDRY, Auctioneer, f SALE OF FARM LAND e Y There will he offered for sale by pub- lic auction, on .March 17th, 19.34, 51 Mho office of Meagre, Nays & Hays, Hamilton street, Goderich, at 12 o'clock noon: The East Half of Lot Number Ten, fn the 12th concession, W.U., Town- ship of Colborne. TERMS -Ten per cent. of the pur- chase price at the time of the sale and the balance within thirty days n For further particulars aloes to MESSRS. HAYS & HAYS, Hamilton street, Goderich,. Ont., or to s THOMAS GUNDRY & SON, Auction- eers, 0ederiele Ontario, "WILD GiNGER" ENJOYED The play "Wild Ginger" given In Victoria street United church last Friday evening by the young people of Benmiller, under the auspices ofp :he Christian Service Grou, was well, attended and pinch enjoyed. Each e haraeter was suited to his or her e game was that between Garrick particular part and "Wild Ginger Mel, when (Jarrell, although (Mies Dorothy Welters) was a MAIM. ea his toughest game in tier &rhe' outstanding favorite, sharing honor managed to come out on top with with Mr. Stanley Snider, who too 0 Teed. 1t was MAson'11 only lose the part of her Lather. Mr. Ros root him the rhampionehlp. 1 other as "Wiley Walker" played th e results of the games were as w''sale part in creditable manner. Rev. t: W. J. tton of Benmlller epoke hrlef- nrray 2-Coatelto 1. ly and between acts mouthdrgan selec- arrMk -M -Costello 0. --__ tions by Meagre. Cleland Walters, Bill metPllo 4 -Mills L on Stew and Carl Clark, accompanied hy Mhos 3 -Murray 1, (Lill Breen et the piano, were well re - nick ]1-14111s 1. celyed. assn 1-Coat,lln 0. THEFT AT SI'. PETER'S RECTORY trick 4 -Murray 1, On Sunday, while Rev. Father Low- teon 2 -Milia 1. ry was enneucting the evening service reirk 4 -Costello 0. in St. Peter's ehurrh, s thief, after IIS 3 -Murray 2. raining entrenee to the rectory, by a e following are he tnemtters of cellar window, stole a sum of tieeney ehamplonehlp team: J. Garnet, maid to be In the neighborhood off *80. urner, H. Wilson, A. Brindley, R. from a drawer In the reek In Toth- mfleld, li'. Carter; B. Worrell, (i. er Lttwry'a study. The money wag 1n eh, K. YoanR• diver, chiefly twenty-five rent plrPa. e Lions (1118 14 well tspinned Collection in envelope! and loose the manner in *itch the junior "hen** that was nn plates nn the p has been conducted, and rightly desk was not disturbed. Presentee) Each one of the hoard of referees 'sellers were notified shortly after mtd- It upon himeelf to impress the night and invilatigated the matter. ern with the welt -known maxim, j ontprhrta In the anew were the only miter game can't be won from the fii,sw, as no fingerprint& could he Ry hoc." The ynnngwfers nano found along the emirs. that matt of d (814 nut end afters few games ner.mmity have been followed by the which sweet/eel Asinon•tta(lona ;bier from cellar to study. A moppet ed the tart they s (t1.d down to was apprehended on Monday morning, enol tawarda alaptcya.*soda triL .several ,jpevra. ani �$)ed hockey, with the ramie that p(h to AAP hie leery oA one the �1ss were a minas quantity In the ,l11 dlaeorered nn the suspect, ■ local few games and better hockey was youth with a peat record. end al Idere* though rubber's worn by him fitted anaMmeate are now being made the tracks in the snow, pollee allegro, • Lions for bringing the seseoa evident.* wax Insnteri.nt to warrant aneet,nfnl close for the leans, an arrest. !omen TO CRISniTORR NOTICE TO CR8DITOR$. 1 In the matter of the estate of Arch!- elle Cross Hunter, )ate of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, 1'hyaIeian, deemed. Notice Is hereby given purenant to the Trustees Act, 1.8.0. 1927, Chap. 150, that all creditors and others hav- ing claims against the estate of the geld Archibald, Cross Hunter, who e'led on or about the 23rd day of De- cember, A.D. 1933, at the town of Onderlrh, are required on er before the 24th day of March, A.D. 1934, to lead by poet prepaid or deliver to the executrix of the estate of the said deressed the full psrticnlars, In writing, of their elalms, a statement of their accounts, std the nature of i)te *Prurity, 1f any, held by them, vielflpd by declaration. And take notice that after ,nch last mentioned date the sold exPcutrlg wIN ',roreeel to dlotrlhute the sestets of the saki d.ret•ed among the parties en- 'It:ed thereto, having/ reseed only to the OHM* of heals ► lite shall !hist have rat#'.. - (4RAt'1C Pl. HUNTER, Reeentrly by DUDLEY 1C, INN.MEB, Solkltor for the said Executrix. Dated et Goderich this Lt day et Me,reh, A.1). 49114. LEGAL UDLET E.-1:10t4E% tester, Etc. Ogee -Court House, tledetteie Telephone 55. DOUGLAS 11. NA/RN, Barrlater and Solicitor Office --Hamilton Street, Oodsr4cl Telephone 512. �• R. DARROW, BARRISTER, ET0. Etteet'asor to J. L Kllloron Office -The Square, Goderloh, Telephone 97. j,'ItANK DONNELLY, R.A., Barrister, Solicitor, Ette. OBitee-I1ansilton Street, Ooderiod T.;epbope 282, _. _. • HAYS & HAYS, BarrLRers and Solicitors R. C Hays, K.C., and R. C. Hays, B.A. ()Mee -Hamilton Street, Goderich Telephone 88. ERNEST M. LEE, Barrister and Soilcitae - Sun bite Building, Adelakie mad Vic- toria Street,-, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 6301. INSURANCE, LOANS, ETC. MAKiLLOP MUTUAL FIRE iNRUR- NCE CO. -Firm and isolated •town property lamired. Oalmrw--Aleve. Brtrdfoot, Prestldsot, Reefnrt.h; James Oonnolly, Vtee-Pres, Goderich P.O.; Merton A. Said, Plea - forth. See-Treas., 8esforth P.O, Director's -A. Broadfoot, R.R. No. g, Neaforth ; James Sholutee., Walton; Win, Knox, Lnndeaboro; Robert Fee - He, Myth; Geo. Leonhardt, Bornholm, R.R. 1; John Pepper, Rrecefleld ; Thos. Moylan, Reefowth, R.R. 5; Wm. 11-. Archibald, R.aforth, R.R. 4; Jamey- (onnnlly, Goderich. Agents -W. J. Yeo, R,$, Noe c++ ton; Jame" WI ■ Fleffemt'rr, . •^ wa forth; Chas. !r Policy-ho30 fort rt Rr'pa 1 Oeeetr ' GODERICH ,