The Signal, 1934-03-08, Page 7THE SIGNAL -
Thursday, March 8th, 1904—T
County and District
Ex,Reeve Owen Geiger of Ilensall isI away on Sunday at his home east o
reported to be reeovertng from a ser- Welton. Ile was In : hla eighty 'second
pdas tl of rwyeral weeM, year. Ills wife predeceased hem and
The town council of Seaford le n,n- he 1s suriltvcar by Awe eofis" end "tufo
,Adoring a proposition for rho sale et tl.ughtera: J. B. Buchanan, Walton;
a Bus mill owned by the town. Irunald, at home; Mrs. Charles Huff-
man, Bowden. Alberta, and Mre.
Mr- and Mrs. T. J. McLean, of 11'llllam F.Illutt, Mitchell.
Wingham, recently celebrated the The funeral of the late Mrs. Joshua
thirty-fifth anniversary of their wed- F
Mag- to
Miss Ellen Devereaux dled on Fri -
i ay it the home of her brother, W11 -
)tam John Devereaux, 2nd concession
of Tnckersmith, in her sixty-seventh
Mary Harding, wife of John Port-
erfield, died at bee home in Howlck
township February 28th. In ber slxty-
rtxth year Surviving, besides the
husband, are three daughters, all at
Rev. Joseph M. Fallon, tourer par-
ish pried at Wingham, died F;.,roar7
2ith at Montreal. Several tnontics r go
be was forced to relinquish his paras
at aldgetown as the reeu;t of 111 -
health• a atber I'ower on February 22nd. The
Lloyd Manore, of Grand Bend. 3oung couple will reside In sel]
passed away to the Queen Alexandra New Water Sunk, fee
Hen er
Sanatorium. near London. In hes this- Exeter is discussing the question of
ty-third 7eAr. He was for " a a pure water supply for domestic purr
well-known fisherman at Grand Bend. pgraea Some 01 the wells In the vii•
He leaves a wife and three small lagt have been found to he conlamin-
children. .ted, and 'the council b securing In -
Mr. and Mrs- Clark Crowe. Wiliam-
with a view to submitting
hung, announce the engagement F rat of plans to the ratepayers for an M-
e eldest daughter, Mabel Eleanor, ,_eeee ....._ ets system,
" n Geortn R: IIItItrAtrt. rtaeat-sotF ef- Nil l.terarei---- - -
Mr and Mrs. G. R. Aberhart, SPaforth: Exeter Times -Advocate: A meeting
to disenes aoyaberus war called to
tweet-Sn..he town_batl.. +s(!1rd9Z. after_
uoon Last by the Canadian tioyabean
Co., Milton, but the meeting was not
hider took plate February 27th from
he home of her son, Gerald Snider,
f the Blue Water Highway north of
►rysdale. Deceased was a resident
f the Drysdale dletrlct for many
ears notit her husband's death about
tteen years ago, after which she
moved to Kitchener, and latterly she
ad lived with her daughter, Mra- C.
ontgomery, near Parkhill, where she
passed away at the age of seventy-three
year& The Interment was in Bayfield
The wedding of Marl Ilntser, daugh
er of Mr. and Mrs. C. Hulser of Hen -
all, to Alex. Hildebrandt, also of Hen -
till, was solemnized at Zurich by Rev.
the marriage to take plates in London
the latter part of March.
— Ylis lrargaT t- 5 hra' R.N.. of Exe-
ter, met with an unfortunate aeeident
in Victoria horpltal, London, where
she had gone to attend a patient from
Exeter. Sbe had just arrived and
'hanged to her uniform when she
sapped and fell on the moire. break -
tug both bones In the left wrest.
Mrs. Margaret Hooper, of Clinton,
lamed away on Friday last at the
Lome of Mrs. Sundercock, Hensel!.
e here she had been eared fur during
or illness of about four months. 11.-
eteased the wide" Alert Hopei'.
wee In her seveatyeiblt year. A sol,
ftn Hooper. rieI4eS it. London.
fuaeral took place at Clinton.
After an Illness of several month&
James Steep paared away at his home
In Clinton on February eteth. at the
lege of fifty-three years. Deceased was
a native of Ooderleh township. He is
rorTired by his wife, formerly Miss I
Mary Lila Campbell of Varna, and
four daughters: Mrs. McAllister of
Goderteh townahlp, and Hazel, Vera
and Bernice at home.
Alexander Buchanan. a well-known
resident of Grey township passed
"Blue" Spells
Reduce some women to abs
petulant shadow of their own
smiling selves. Others take
the Vesaable Compound
when they feel the "blues"
coming on. It steadies quiver-
ing nerves... helps to tone up
the general them
more pep . • . more charas.
Connell met February 12th. All
present except Councillor Varrlsh-
ltiuuter of Jauuary meeting read and
epproset, on motion by Johnston and
Notice of meetings of the Ontario
Municipal Association and Ontario
No action taken.
On wuilun of Sherwood and Zinn,
eubseetlou 9 of bylaw No. 1 was com-
pleted by appointing Herman E. 1'hll-
flpk al weed Inspector.
A bill from Goderfeh hospital for
f;i34.25 was rent to the couuty clerk,
on motion by Zinn and Johnston.
Letter from Chas. Crawford re rent
of house occupied by Victor MacLean
aaa left for next meeting.
Moved by Zinn and Sherwood ami
resolved, that council instruct treas-
u:er to demand payment of back taxes
er all balancer pertaining thereto for
the years 1927, 1928, 1929 and 1930.
Moved by Zinn and Johnsteu, and
carried, that treasurer's account for
postage and supplies be paid, $32.22.
The auditors then gave their report,
shies was received on motion by Inn
end 8herwood.
Moved by Sherwood and Johnston
Ibat the auditors be Veld $12.50 each.
The following bills and accounts
were ordered paid, on mutien by Jolue-
eton and Sherwood:
Lorne McKenzie, Ashfield's share of
street lamps in Dungannon, $15.75;
Municipal World, dog tap and sup -
pies, $46.03; local board of health,
drat meeting, $12.50; Art Courtney,
teller supplies, $18.52; Roy Petrie, re-
lief supplies. $10; Geo. W. Fielder, re- nose, mea
;siring grader, $2; John Bennett, sixty-five per cent. protein and phos-
preatt and.aspairLMS n. Avert. $885 ; John p:aoric acid from ten to twenty per
Little. snow road, $2; Herbert Curran, cent. TheieLoree 4o not 1 study the R ed
eelary, $4.0. blindly,ther
Council then adjo:arned on motion of eaelysis, asprtntedyou n knowbags
of other
• containers, a
tezvmd_and 71 'sslue the Needs are for y
C. Fs Me Mel➢ G yarpotee, and also as compared with
ether feede of the same class.
News of the Farm
Notes and Comments on
Agricultural Topics
Straw as an Absorbent
..,• yel►edR pied as beddlnn for live
eiteek- Will absorb from t•R
Dater its weight of liquid, and it fine-
ly cut will soak up about three times
as much liquid ase p
b eai ent.ity dry
ther. the abaorpl v
sawdust and fine shavings is 'from
two to tour times that of ordinary
• • • •
Spring Seed Requlreeents
Farmers who desire to assure their
seed supply at minimum eoet are al-
ready taking stuck of their spring
requirements. Those who hare seed
of their own will be talking steps too
have it properly cleaned
tefore the spring rush. (ethers, less
fortunate, will be well advised, this
year particularly, to secure what they
require as soon as possible, making
"lure that they are getting varieties
which are most highly recommended
for conditions such as theirs.
• • •
Buy Feeds en Guarantee
Do not find youreelt with a "gold -
brink" feed, money spent and no value
in return. Oat feeds analysed in the
laboratories of the Dominion Expert -
mental Farms have had r t ralge(0 protein
four to foufteen per
bed from ten to thirty per cent. of
t meals of from forty to
porting special strains, but quell and
ualtormlty of product, and a eoustant
and assured volume, were essential on
the British market.
Grain Feeding
In all grain feeding It must ere kept
in mind that the product being used
le as *spanrie...true and...cara under Ian.
eirc•umstaneee bo used In the feeding
or finishing of low grade or hrdlffer-
"151 fuel lnale. 'fatly
the animals be of approved types, but
experience has clearly shown 'that
certain kinds of farm .ululate greatly
excel others in their ability to utilize
tete feed. provided. Erperiatil is this
true In eonneetton wtth the feeding of
;rains. Poultry would probably head
the list in -this regard, with the pig
trending a close second in its ability
to manufacture teed grains into meat.
e•onomically. The dairy cow, because
rat her ability to give off Team her body
enmense quantities of milk during a
I mg lactation period, would rank
third, followed by beef cattle and
• • •
Weeds in Cereal and Grass Seeds
With reference to weed classifica-
tion and seed grades under the Seeds
s.(4.- weeds are classified Into three
groups according to the serlouaneaa of
their character. The first ,group con-
flate of primary noxious weeds, the
nine members of which are couch
grass, bla4des aampiuq. dotider, Held
t;,idwed, Johnson grass, ox -eye daisy,
perennial sow thistle, white cockle, and
wild mustard. The second group to
luowu as the secondary noxious,
witch includes ball mustard, blue
weed. Canada thistle, chicory. field
peppergrass, cow cockle, darnel, docks,
ft.lse tlax, forked eatehfly, hams ear
WHITECHURCH, March e.—Word
was received here on Monday of the
were' of Mr. George dillies of Luck -
rev, an uncle of` Mr. Alec Rose and
father -In-law of Mr. W. J. Fisher.
Ile was in his ninety-second year.
- -Mr--•and Mrs, Jones end !smelly
entertained the families who were
neighbors on the boundary be -
Mra. Jtoy Patton of. Lucan spent
the week -end here with her mother,
Mrs. Fox.
Miss MeQuold spent a day last
week with Mrs. Patterson of Lock -
Mrs. Robt. Ross, who has been to
Wingham for the past few weeks
with George, returned to her borne
on Monday and George was able to
tome home on Tuesday. We ire
pleased that he has recovered so well
from tele attack of pneumonia.
Miss Winnitred., Ferrier of Ripley
and Miss Olive Farrier of Stratford
Normal fk•hool spent the week -end
:ere with their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. It. Farrier.
Mr. Jack Campbell of Wings:un has
here helping S12@ '_4t__ _
Laren V Y lak!
Gather. Mr. John,am ll. Who bas
been seriously ill, but who now is pro-
vesslug more favorably.
Mrs. L. A. Knight and her father.
Mr. W. J. Fisher. returned from Strat-
ford 1,11 \V edneeclay lax]
The tt hltot tiUrih orchestra are put -
tine on a dunce in the institute hall
o11 Wednesday night.
Mr. Andrew e errie t+ stili on the
•Irk IUt at the hole; of Mr. ileo Me-
1'lenaiha0. "
The Culross Sunday school was
tuusterd, tifghtfiowering catchfly, held on Sunday- at the Ilene, of Mr.
iltrlrs>° esisr tltiL- .. fesa nWn _.aMti 3lri. F.HrI Laastli•k--;g(ly pce.L
great and perennial), ringrase, Rus- .ism. with a good attendant t.
elan thistle, etikewee1l, stink -weed, The regular monthly meeting of the
tumbling mustard, wild carrot, wild 1Vonletl's Institute will be held on.
M ieseild.sadtelo-.--The-thl d-gr1 eutee 11, lJte hAII The roll tall Is
largely attended. The farmers With PORTER'S HILL
district who grew soyabeans last year
v ere none too well ma Defied with the
PORTIIt'S HILI., March 0.-4)n
Jolts Darroeh h i ad Sunday our faithful pastor ( Rev. R.
John Darroch, of Lakelet, one of the M Gale) braved the bad roads,coin-
John as tar as he could with his car,
best-known men of Howiek township,
(tied last Thursday in Walkerton bos-
pital after an Illness of a few days.
He was in his seventieth year and had
been an auctioneer fes_ over twenty
years. He tc survived by his wife
1,d two -sous, Arnold oL CliffoteLMIL
Alan of Rochester. N.T.
Coughs t'p ifI.bboee
Mrs. Lloyd Porter, lith concession
of Grey township, recently coughed
ap a fishbone she s allowed over a
Fumaces Cleaned
Repaired and Pipes
Prompt rerviee and prices
res son a hie.
Agent for MeCiary Furnace*
John Pinder
Phone 127 P. O. Box 13.1
teen finishing the rest of the way with
horse and cutter. Not a great many that has been done. There are prim -
were present at Sunday school and re- -'•se paths for all to tread who care
gular service; but conilderiig the con-
dition of the roads the kLLendence was
good. Credit is due also to oar mall
faithful all
• • •
Matte Canada Mere Beautiful
The unlovely thingw and unattractive
places in Canada that displease the
eye are made by man. It is time- he
set out to undo some of the damage
to make them. An amazing ,amount minded of worry can be under along
triose piths to a brtght spring a
man, who has been 7 t1 II neon. Since Adam tilled the first gar -
through the cold, stormy winter. We many pastimes have come to claim
surely appreciate ons mall wbee It Is. their thousands but have passed out
too cold for us to leave our ebony of the picture, while gardening has
stood through the centurim. There
cu itatne a long list of lesser weeds ; to be answered with an beer quota -
such as catsnlp, Iamb's quarters, flop. end the topic, on w•hulo% boxes;
'Lague foil, etc. nod perennial lonletrs, is to be le
NO seeds of group one, primary ;large of Maas Carrick.
noxious weeds. ere allowed ltt grades Rev. T. ('. Wilkinson returned to
No. 1 and No. _ for reels of cereals :Lie home from Myth on Thursday
and other field crops. but allnwauee 'est. His father, quite recuterad, ne
Is made i1, grade No. 3 of cereal and I ;ompenkd him. -
field crop seeds for five .primary nox-, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fale•tmer. of
tons weed meets, or le primary and sec- Culross, ;pent a day last week with.
bilary we•et seeds combined. 100 weed! Mr. and ]Ars. Cecil Fab-tNler.
An Old Resident Passes.—Word
•bas received here on Monday moru-
lag- that ---wt Robert. Ttthnipson.- who "I
The Ideal Way to Reduce -
A woman writes to tell how she to
reducing reeves fat—and cher way
•'I ant 49 years old, 5 ft. b',4 1na. In
:.right, and was -190 lbs. when I
started taking a level teaspooutul of
hruaehen Salts every morning. I went
idutilraffown In weight—some welly
2 lbs:;- "others lust- ltb., nett t --got— —
down to 1S4 lbs. I have never telt `M
better In my life than I do now. and
I feel so much lighter and feel years
younger."—(lira.) W. 1.
The action of Kruschen Salts, taken
r gularly etery morning, Is to effect —'
a natural clearance of undigested food
substances and watery waste matter.
1[ is that waste matter which is
stored tip in the form of ugly fat. 1f
1t Is not regularly expelled.
Feeds of all kinds and 300 seeds of
other cultivated planta per pound.
e for seed of dorm; and-
. 0. a assn
araseen allows no seeds of primary Dad been in Wingham hospital for
uoxloun weeds. :to. 2 grade ettows the pain -We weeiu. had pasited away.
Dec primary noxious weed weds per Mr. Thompson had suffered from can-
eune•e or 20 primary and secondarycer of the stomach for several months
uoxlous weed reeds combined per 1pot. He was well known through
•mr•e, while No. 3 grade allows 2S the surrounding townships, where he
FREE sass a•ew d g rued _ $ 1 .
at nor aasasse Is4ss vat
V k
' GIA. T " 'k 6
*551s pre m.
a e.a for You W prove our cWm• for
Y yy
1 I"OIANT"7 -
Ask your druggist 1,r the new •
This omelets of our resutar 75r. bottle toast has
with 5 separate trial bottle- euthelent for atwemt -
one seek. Open the trial boil, holt, put n to
the test, anti then N nee ~we' esoleia ed LAM..
knw-hen dew everything err .1.1,11 1t to M.. rhe
regular bottle 1. still es g,..d so new. It
bark. Your druggist In ■,rt'.,r.,wt W r.trra
your 75e. Immediately and without .in, -a lion.
You have tried krust•ben tree at our ..prose.
What could be fairer t Manufactured by
g. OtiMths Hughce, -1.14., Man,hester, Fina.
(blab. 17561. Importers ; McGill', ray Bros.,
Ltd., Toronto.
Kingston Street - Goderich
Brophey Bros.
mbalatice service at all hearts.
- day or sight
PHONES: Store 11>M ii7
!tremble. is rather scarce these Jays, eel must be something In It. Buy some I r
year ago. it was quills of an inch tro one is moving out very far from Ffiower heeds, plant some floe:trt oi,rtmary noxious weed seeds. or 80! at one time sold drugs and also fish.
!brut* this coming spring.
Helpl,r.mary and 'secondary noxious weed He was a reepec'ted member of the
wade and three-quarters of an Inch home. to make Canada more beautiful
combined, or a total of 500' Felted church, belonging to Chalmers
long. After It lodged In her throat, Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Harrla(o enter• • o used .eels per ounce The use of pr
making her choke ■nd gasp for air, I Lined a few of their friends to a Legume
an x-ray photograph was taken but ' dt nee last week.
resealed nothing, and the doctor Mr. and Mrs- Howard Cox are mot- phumnexi p g of many new w'eel. andthe ire' --
came to the conclusion she had asthma lug their household effects teem Mr. te1q g1ltuetlonu• of thtyney already In the ixnd. tatlon agent at Welland, rite) Nat and1,c plearlp llontgom>xr7" farm to Mr. Fred F:1•
F'seod Dewa_in B I butt's, where they_are engaged for the station
Stanley at home—and t. J di'rat an ,
1e" -The_ Is a striking r•semhlance Ie- !'%dao (lira. Steele) and Ethel (Mre.
Alarmed at the foetus; of Miss 1 Stemmer. re r,mriiended for sea. h oro as alfa!- .neral was
The St. Patrick's concert that has fa sweet clover and soya benne, t„ ,pe . /detest mental eelfvtty -of- Hood ). survive- The - ft n eb
Addle Kernlck to leave her home at l planned is likely tomb; pnatponM , peclally when seeding fur the first zeniths and the active mind of the ifl iWId cm Wedneedltf---ia---WS p am
weds eO r
1,t church ins to union. His wife pre-
InoculatingCrop" sled grain that has not bcs•n well de.eaMd him about twenty years.
When legume crops are being i:eanel Is responsible for the intro- • Your Sona- Ralph. formerly of Wing -
for spring seeding. considers-
should be even to the question
of Inoculation. This ie particularly
ew In Muskoka. Richard
neighbors - ' ecu ;meter
Exeter for severat'dals, aulg s.faii,8 the terrible coisdltleen of the temp. Inoculatpou•-teetlidsas. Yt adid ake•}•,eis1P."-•ebur Robert A. Jnnrw y
formed Reeve Sanders and Dr. J. 11..
{'Ing it all culture of the proper hatteria t
1 be held later.
Browning. who effected au entrance Weare sorry to learn that Rev. J.
I1, the house and found Mlsa Kenmlck W Hlerttert of Hulmesville 1s under
dead In her bed. -She was about six- ,ice doctor's care, and servlee at Tay -
;y yearn of age. Death is attributed 'or's Corner was cancelled on Sunday
11, heart failure. I i was an :set. We hope be will soon be able
at,ptert daughter of1 the
the late Woo to take hie regular work again.
Kernlck and so tar a. known had no Holme.rvllle T.P.S. were unable to
b igM"143tt ; .,- y>e.rsete to the meeting at Gracebailiebailiesty
13eafsrti iii;; IInjmea en Friday evening, oug re'
Charlie Roods, the thirteen -year-old heavy rain that fell all evening and
sou of Mr. and Mrs. John Woods, Sea- on into the night.
forth, was seriously injured by being We regret to learn -60 Mrs Leslie
.true by a ear going through the (,ox In 111 at her home.
town on No. 8 highway. Young rad for econowt
Wood. was riding on a toboggan which "Nations must dept -
was being pulled by another boy, and salvation on indivldwil efforts."--Ea-
lie ftel off directly in front of the car, mon de Valera.
the result being a broken arm and leg.
The driver of the ear, a Toronto man,
hail no chance to avoid the accident.
'I he Injured boy was taken to the
Hydro Store
Electric Stove
Quick - Clean - Economical
and cool to cook '-with
a c .,
1itt seed at the time of sowing. It is 'lll'III11II "I !1 1 1
cagy to carry nut And helps to insure
'excess with the crop.
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Metter and Embalmer
All calls promptly attended to
day or night
—Ambulance Service--
Store 335 Resldenee $55w
Hantiltcr street. Goderieb
• • •
Ontario Swine to Be Tested
it wan derided at the annual meet- 1=
of the Ontario_ Swine Breeders' e
.r" 1 regime feedtn4.119
stations should he testab11e1fe4 through -
nut the Province, at wltleh the progeny
of breeding Mee shall 1e tested on the
',ads of market type. The primary
ebJect in mind Is that of bringing On-
tario bacon up to the level of quality
attaining in Denmark. DItc•useing
this question, George It. Rothwell, live --
stock commiationer of Canada, sail C
loaf the Danes have set the style. It
was not neeenrary for this country to E
i.eaplta I.
Brussels Man Diem Suddenly
Archibald Thompson, C.N.R. section
foreman at Brussel" for thirty years,
stied "uddetty on Tnetday afternoon
1 f hruary 27th, while at hie wr.rk. 1•Te
Was In his fifty-fourth year. He had
had hie dinner and with Martin
Thornton, his Resistant. w•at driving
the "Jigger" -toward Wingham when
be took a ---weak spell. Thornton
ttsgged the 'train which came along
,Irortly after and Mr. Thompenn was
!;:ken to W410hnnt hospital. but died
before reaching there. He leaves his
mother, his wire. four eons and four
Painted Accident to Little Girl
"The outlook can be summarized In
the ftere•a.rt that 11134 rhothl 1e a year
of action."—Rooter W. Babson.
eeebulid the stock of bacon hop by Im-
A dlstr'eing accident oe•urred one
(lay recently to little Alpena Bedard.
the eight-year-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Bedard, of the 14th ennees-
f for rat Hay township. The children
hr d fond a pure of wire lying in r
tree and am It wee of uremia! appear- els-ors the ground. And now, with
place they took 1t into the house and the days growing longer and tie nor -
played with it. Ther
was !somethingattached to the end of the wiry and teal person becoming more restle.•ra 1n
the little girl held thin pert In the get out of doors. this is the time to
Move, and en exploattm followed. blow- le an. Not only will a piece of paper,
Ind it pleee out of the stove door end a pencil, and a catalogue, provide one
taking off parts of the thnmfi and three v'ltit peroral evenings of entertain -
fingers of her hetet. it In thought the trent, but it will pray dividends In
piece of wire was the cap for gelling more and fresher vegetables and eon
eft a 'tick of dynamite and had tenuous and more varlesl bloom.
•honghtleeely been laid to the tree Straight Rows
some yeera ego.
Hunting Jackrabbit by Hand
e\J r
-Gordon Lindsay Smith
The ord joke about the seed eats-
i,gue. nrrlring In mid -winter must
tette originated with a person torn
and reared In an apartment house. As
a matter of fact, the seed catalogues
,.re not usually mailed before the
ml(idle of February, nod at that they
are not a bit too soon to be of prac-
room, the first -named group will be
used and nut of the way. For this
sort of planting eight to fifteen inches
between rows la nuBbclent, or a better
rule would be to allow the regular
etlatance between the rows of corn
and tomatoes, for instance, then "im-
pis put the csrly stuff In between
Where n horse or garden tractor Is to
be owed, about the narrowest rows
Deal value, because the ateceasful sum -
for tega•taLhs will be 30 Bullets, but it i= and fall garden ulna y
11 starts
the garden le going to he hand eulti
from plans drawn up when snow atoll steed end at much ■a pomible grown I a
The Fordwich Recond tell. this one:
.park ralrhlts have become a delectable
dins on many dinner table.. but yon
tette to po.artta a pm to "entre the
rahhtt (nnlesa some friend gets more
than he esn nee). It fell to the let
of OMHg. Help.', of tMa vl11are. how-
ever. to get a big one last Wednesday
w'ithnnt the aid of gun. Aping into
Shelly Bricker's .hsep pen. near the
station. he was surprlaed to nee a him
Peek p.rPhed nn a .help's Beek (the
sheep was Tying down) sect mains
fodder nut of the feed -rack. The rab-
bit was tt rot w- asw1e et we lea,s,ev
,,.reA. prPa-
etio to Jgli.r.r.•w14t }r --ebY
- l f'eYv- f1
VAP solea. ''N►-tllttinaoss. sane-rirrt.
well just eay that a town lady cons-
orted Mr. RaMrtt tate a tush. for her
family a maple of dos pater.
"MeWa t►pla1esm Abeam. but Ood'■
msasags r .hiss." --0111y 18008q.
the following width" Are eufltclent :
lettere, epinech, carrots, leets ami C
similar narrow or early tegetsbtca, 12
!nr-hes; be,ine, peas, potatoes,, ethked j_
tomatoes ani! men, 20 Inehes ; ;oolong, 1,
cucumbers, tinttakel tomatoes, 21 to
:e0 Ludwig.
Owers =
But it Ie with flowers that the aver- I=
t,re person gets an opportunity really
t t display bill personality. Straight
Vegetables like soldiers unt+e gr"‘ r,w's ere not wanted here, but jlot
i1, straight rows. and' the reason Is the opposite. in vegetable gnrdeoit•:
the name in both eases. Not only do care la frankly Against nature, melt'
the troop" and the rwdlehee look neater piylnR the Hotpot of a tiny plot of
when exactly In line, but by thle meth- ;and nittly times over what meld 11,1
lly bP harviWw] rat the 111110 Kean- T
911 a greater quantity IA put Into the $,rea
Annie Aper;. In the small lots in town. Will flower garden% re those flint rap
'he latter point 1R fn impyortpnt e(tn- tray to 1e perfectly nattrel, rather
cideralidn, while on the farm neetneest like.g dletgpt vista of hIlis and wood", •
will toe the ehtef appeal. Vegetable It U cleverly planned And grown, en
g,trdena sanest be very pmduetlVP et- that there im ehnndanre of bloom from c
fairs. end from a fraction of an acre early in the 'wagon nntll fieavy fropte,
of ground ten time. the yield a P1- ''very harsh line of fenree And innn-
perted a. would COMP from a 'impar dbten. la broken and verandah", gar -
Area ander ordinary Ae1d conditions. ages, dog kennels and rhlrken crops
Where spare Is limited It la passe aro Aer,on en r ;epee .
to grow two ernes, even n 0 w n e 1e garden it a perfet't blend
The- Shortest Think
In The world
No, not a gnat's eyelash, nor a
but the -
Public's. Memory
mosquito's whisker,
You may have been in business for fifty years,
people know about it. But they forget—new cus
are being born every week, and they grow up, and
have to be told.
In advertising you ate not addressing a mass meeting -
you are talking to a never-ending P RADE!
Unless you keep telling them by Advertising what you
have to offer them, the fellow who has been in business
only flfty weeks, and who advertises intelligently, will
prbve to yogi the troth 'of it.
MI Pel Wh I 1 a •
1 tb as leer A 1 N -
its whIttee.tiMls 'reWew+ee eaa . , -
toil mrd
Aa where the wmmet tug of green taws iimline of otet tin,
i t1f t4F iv +
t eietyti of Cana
is one by n Ang rows lir PPtjQ. Parit freffr.ielm: fIM*"Ntbt 'iAi MiAll .e.. "mac.
stuff like lettuce. radish and %ptsseb, Anile, If epee. permit., with s large
in between !stet matnring vegetables
mach a enrn, tomato.". parsnip, enol
swims chard. Ry the time the later
things are beginning to need foil
. .err...-......_. .
tree or two in the heekgronne An
just to break too much uniformity in
the ihlormailty, here and there tall
things wit! be drawn a little forward.