HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-03-08, Page 5theassearstes, -- -so
Guitars, Violins
Tenor Banjos, Ukeleles
Seek the Child's
Dormant Talent
Gut, Aluminum, etc.
A large assortment.
ev. D. MacLeod in Thoughtful
Address to Central Home
and Sch()Q1 Club
An event meeting of the Central"r-m,.hl 1.. Haslerhh, wt �"
ng g Acer Sacchnrinum (these two surd. mated curt of gls.9 0. The e•tlwated
flume and School Club was held at ere copied -not orlgInal-and mean ,.►bot east in connection with this work
the school on Tuesday, Mho Hubert- hard, or sugar, maple). is $0,100, towards which each of the
-- ..r .-.-a.. ,...,......,..e .- - - -
- - _ - t minus
maple sugar has not been developed hal Fit-ri.m.
. MapleI Sugar Da Complaints •
Should lit- •�I .
Go to Hydro Office
By right of calendar maple sugar . •
days tlhould be .here, but the actual (Continued from page 1)
crate of the weather more than out• mentt!'lli't Board. Intimated that ap-
ii:erflts any the ruience the taxi. ar may !;rural had been given by the Federal
exert enllsea ut the sap. -It re- and 1'rocluchal t olernmeutr of• the
,ares frosty nights and sunny days .
Third In the Scrlra of Interd,atomina-
tlortal ]Ducat People's Roiliest
The Baptist church was tilled to
city on Monday night, when the
Ithlyd !a the seeles-efelnleardoasaudna.
tonal meetings sponsored by the.
young people of Goderich was held.
1'he specbtl speaker at this service,
*Lich was conducted by Mr. E. Corn.
ir:h, wax 1IPr.-' smokier" aw`'e;- `fI:A::-
pastor of Trinity Unite! church,
Stratford.' Mr. Owen wits iutrodueel
by Iter. F. W. Cralk, pastor of Vlr
loris street 1•nitedihureh.
The speaker gave an Impressive ad.
dress, inspired by the words of John
N:(killll. 11e asked, those who wren• on
the outsklrt, of the crowd attd about
:o depart from the words and teach-
In again, 441 that not Due word wool
he &wed. There stns nothing, be
said, sit saddening as the turning hack
-TpI- -crow_ Stu spiritual tete!_ ChM
had attain...I The tide of men 'to-
wards religion was "compared to, the
ejrb.dfl flow in a elver. whlmh Is beau.
..ttfot qtr It -Sews le with the graceful
-- _ablps
riu Its bottom, bet drab and an-
lnepirtng when the mud -Mata art re•
...salad by the ebb. Ko Is the tide of
men -toe -in -am religion morn more ttr--
IertestIng than the 49.b from It.
in the past people asked. "is Christ
r.eces5ary?- can we do without lllm?"
They thought they could, but were
e'lsappinttd : they didn't get what
1bey expected. Then Christ thinned
ont 1LU erewd of followers, beennse
He.wentP(I only- those. who were real-
ly Interested In Ills teachings. He
wanted quality. not quantity. and iie
maul seeks it.
Men today were working. said the
'p•aker. 011 1111 N.R.A. plan with re-
gard to morals, with everyone peel
rig them according to Ids own liking.
L, deepe't thing In man. however.
was not sin. bot lite rapa.•tty Inc
Mr. ()wen added to the foree of hla
address nytth several apt 1!lu''ratlana
As program committee for the year
e Club elected tics. Gray, Mrs. Win. llutarlo to the extent that 1t has In
This was referred to the water,
Stood and eflat G. a. ell. the slater- Province of ljuetee. In ')ght and harbor eumntttee.
The wafture committee gra tetully fact, the bulk of the maple pralwtsi Front the Ontario Municipal Boatel
acknowledged a douatltu from the fire of the world comes from Quebec and was received the copy of an order ap
brigade of 110 to the welfare and the adjoining States of Vermont and proving of bylaw No. 11, W154.-provld-
New Hampshire, and while some of lug for the cute of $10,000of-deben-
w;lk funds, also donations of cloth- the brat maple syrup and maple sugar tares for menial..>nn•nt.rellef works.
tug, mittens, and u sweater from kind iu the world is produced is Quebec It- Committee-
t.ieuds. During February 1386 txnttlea
of walk were served to the children. la to be regretted that it -does not react' The finance roniwituw re...emended
The following Is the report of U.S.
the higher -class markets. 1'he rea- acceptance of the offer of Karr Laws
8. No. d, East FIs the rel (\Veatt .S. Two pleasing wukal numbers ruo ►s that a very large proportion of of 531) ensh for Iota 1379 and 1380 In
8. , for the wlnlrr round of exam -
a piano duet by MEN. F. 11. fill- It is shipped to the Soi tnern States, Wells survey. bought In by the town
ler and Miss E. Somerville, and a where It Is used for ttarnring chewing .t: the lust tax, mule. Bylaw No. 11
ttlations: whlktllug solo by Mrs. J. 11. Johnston, ready r' 11t: err
\' --Kenneth l'nmpllell 04%. tobacco, and as there is much a re d �(_hlll'UIC recelrt ll the_etAl approval
ti_.. -1V--.
_ ,.eeumpanied by Miss Somerville. market for a carelessly made product of the Ontario Munl.•Ipal Board, the
tar. 1\- .` a Cook t2%,-I-----lira-
� a- he ('tut, ia-iwtuuate to oaring ae
on 71, Gordon M.'Dowell fl(1. • tune' Major Charles G. 1). Robertsit is not conducive to the manufacture
fhounpaou NIS, Fileo•u Walsh 02. 1 of the better grade. Incidentally, the elven Its final reading, and that the
for a lecture recital in North street railing experts say that the dirk col- Isnlds Is• lesued and -sold lvally at par.
Jr. 1\' --Elvin \Vlghtman 75% (hon.),, 1'nitrd church 011 Tuesday, Merck " 11e'
t t 7 \I I r Thdrntoa y' Dred syrup and sugar le slut the best. Parymeut Df a number of anoints was
4'5.U� ora ger i:. _"4 rl-
re1BoloArta*tr fig Ik,. Jimmy a '7U-Aborlginil lildl(
Education was the subjee•t of an ex -
I:4, Sr.I - Mason 53 (faihae• tell nt and thought- provoking address It Is to the Indians that we owe our counts totalling 5)1131.83.
. 111 -Jean Campbell Idol (.i ack 1 The s s.4 ial committee reported (In
alledr Harold flack- ''y Rev. D. MacLeod. Education, he knowledge of this delightful product' part) ns idlowia: 1
Bob (levier (fls (f sold, Is not confined to the schoolroom but "Mr. Lo" -to whom work watt ab•.
4.1 Jr Ifaflern11. eorrent--permitted the female mem- "Regarding aeeount* from the come
s�il the teacher; It Is, bigger than (y for payment of a share of the cue
Jr. 111- Verus Hackett 71cJr, Eileen mere academie work Every t•hild le bees of Iris family to produce this Belt- • indigent (tents In hit tt :Ia we
T 1 7U Ronald Taylor 63 Jasper 1 d sen tS cues Cur the t larder.
fatuity (e ge pitsp
52 1•)' "r ' candle Of
po�ts bllltles aA uca on - - -- xrmm muni that- tlmsc nr'on tow tw rP
tsnetl :Sit ftniledl, Bob Gower Is the drawing ont and developing of '•1'umolested worked the women, "terra to 1!' Reeve au.l Depot Reese
a fn list 1. - those p teibitlttes. The edueitfton of - - Made their sugar from the maple." _
ttr have ndjusttd:
I __ •ir mel�cxj ri•a® ti•rf prtmitivr ��u.,,rtlue biter from Ilou lV
Thursday, March 8th, 19114-11
lty l'. D. X. R.
Well, last week -end DX we, again
1 it on the head and this last time 1t
*aa by warm weather. This alum**
past winter has been either too cold
3rtoowarm. At least that is what
the -members say+
An air mail- letter were fwwlve•d-from
(',CdQ Montevideo, 1'ruguay, South
translated. The letter was entire -
:4 in Spanish: ' We have noted well
the details that you suggested end we
ere pleased to eontirtu to yon the day ,
of the 10111 atart'1-Iii 4.; ttrmrt
4 a.m. (()Marto. Cana 1 ti •1 we
ern effectuate recording to your de -
'sures, !1 special irnnstuission whlch we
!lupe w•Ill l,e henrd by ninny devotees II
of foreten eonntrlei. We promtae to, 1
wake up a program of North Atuerl• 111
e.in mule awl are prepared to an-
nounce It in Eng11'h :old Npa'rlsh. Ail
an Important detail of the publicity
you mop Rlve out Gianni f Ills broadcast,
I we will assure you that to all persons IJ
arlting its that they heard the above
m(ntluned 1rnnsmlaslon we will *roll
t'eettfles to the taet`thht they-wertv11a.
tetters to our program.' ('X22(1 toper.;
"tea on the sante Cregneney as KNX
of Ilullyw,sul, Calif. (KNX 1■ owned
try l'aranlnnnt I'l ltires1. and aleurld
Ike Peelle heard nsln :it ) watts. En-
Millinery' ---
An Early Showing of the New
Spring Styles
The • Breton Sailor, IoM wind-
`-TiToarn it Taut* Elie-Aplr//r Ih-"
tall tlxe new t:lhrtcs and straws.
rareoff;■nil reaeonauty (tone.
Gotham "(fold !:tripe" 111181:,
a.IjusMbl• tops, ht all the new
shades for Spring.
Ir.' -_r.. (1.-e.. jus jrYI
uu.l rewodellrngs.
We Invite your 'patronage.
-.C. L &..S• McKINNON
r -PHONE _ Ism _- mit .f KE
tiro program I e rat to item-
hers only. -
Ike spire and don't miss 11t:r 'III
Ituenos .'.fres, herturve they -will come
1n like a loo of brick+. Last De.
emberon a I1X_progr:uu cher cattle
I n etjt9jl yr p.v_ - lon!1 n x_ )tit __-111_✓L?e-
itolt. although thousands ..f mile-
The clap now has n memb.•� nw-ar
r. 11 Mnr asst R ightman TN
_ter ;+ia1fedlaalju ll begins in the cradle an __ L'.
PfRt41"t! _ 11r-ritP'�rifly-tt►aln•es�w' 'n n In :<eav Y 1 ..t--fventrtrst•-trim
Snelle 6).
Jr. 11 --Lavern Cook S1% fbon.).
Doreen Vincent 78 . (hon. \. Billy Ru-
rfiattatr '11. Inveee4fusest)=41tlalied t -
A1Mrt Mases Jul • f'fallryl 1.
v y . I n'• Iii, fir-
e - .v hi wl it n I t.
hie life I . q par-
ents. his playmates, his toys, all asso•
i.Gunn-, In the home. In the cmmm m-
':-1Fj -1111e-l?mreh- roil the-re
!melted that elle. be ta[en In the calve.
_irons a short log split Iq two :and 1101• (.1,51 in the MacKay cwunuutlS hutLryt the to time:t este . for
e ��I ii inifl nr .
would u.w 1ae licit ,..�
no axe Uact it l
With . • •u t tem Dalt
for unemployed. sped we r t m 1 1
outer today. •t 1 to numbered In his letter. R'•• might
rick the bark o1 the tree an, below ;he eummunh•ution, be ackuuwledge11 s;,rn you net to he surprised any 01
idyls 1i .t.tkls they would Insert a chip In order and that -the 'uggt•stl'_tl tw,arrr,l bra ty.. .,. ,yrsetf.h,:,rhr,
h i. a
to' rim the -sap 1 - IIe;ttsiirt;-3Gw..� �.:R--
"We have mel' midi parties -inter ;ems drihose stator& moor 1et1
made of Irlrehbark, ora tr0u.h made .Ind and An*tralla We'll w ire ;run
Kr. Primer -Aro ld Cook. of a little. child's toyxHt that they may
not only be stilted to his age, hub may
eueourago• hlun to accomplish some-
tlang for. •hl,naelf, Ugh bo only tote
suoreseful plating of one block upon
t: nether.
When a child reaches w>litp ago, of
euurne parents and-teaeltcrs ere an -
Jr. r1oter-llgnnid-f ides
M. D. JEFF1I1UtON, Teacher.
• • •
Following is the report of t-.8.8. 3,
L'olborne, for February:
V Claw (examined In botany, La-
t.n, algebra, geogra4day, arta-Donald
Williams 54%.
Pr. IV (examined in grammar, his-
tory.- composition, literature. gPog.-
., n.. keagap. Jt%. Gor-
don Williams 54.
Smr. 111 (exaGel in history geog-
raphy. spelling, arlthmetle)-Doti$
\Vllllams 67%, Jack Valises 57, Arn-
old Touag 41. riwtn Hylar 44. Mar-
_taret McKulgnt 3f1 - 'n Ilia Fere25,
Glen Williams 24. b Irene ale
sa nt.
Jr. HI (examined in !theory. gent
-raptly, literal/see. spelling.--I.snretlre
1411,1- Elmer McWhinney 50,
Ruby Willson44, (tarry Penman 41,
Ill Free 21
tions that he shall slieeel In hitt
studies, and - ponce great %trees. too
much stress, on the taking of high
marks. The child of an academic
turn- of mind.sureeeds .and tecelves-
tion. wbll j- - boy or -earl -
w'hose talent dotes not 110 in thnf dire•-
t on cornett out at the foot of the clans
and see% that he or she Iles been a di.-
nppolntment to those in the Home.
Yet that chltd may he a genlns to en-
s ether line of work, or 1f not a Renins
'WIN Is' paowessel of a talent that will.
11 derrind, mike a citizen }u,4 as
levee as those In the "white-collar"
tabs. •Therefore parents and teachers
a' he progressed. 1 11 ('lass -Violet Free (NS%, Helen
He enelu'led with the after' rd): "A1141-otmg t5. -Dorothy Pearson: ft
after - _
of ns are Chrlstlana a fashion. Pe:agan 41, Hilda Ken
frame of us are Tear to ftnrlsr. some Sr framer t.n15 Reagan -8W. 'W-
are on the edge of the crowd, within rte Pentland W. iternice Mathews 84,
Fearing of Ilam, yet "n the serge n
fraying• If any of you are on Harald Knight. absent.
nntskltts 'of the crowd end thin g
the n Jr. • Primer--IkIwald - !neon 60%.
of leaving. get .'loser to film, wp r',ose Roy McKnlrld :nil Blllle Knight 25.
"'that the 10101) of 111' hand 7711' bring ,itne. 25. -
a new purity of heart find a new ware- E. \(anT)ONALD, Teacher
to yltl all
The Seripture le -son, ,trhr.•w 12: ---
1.17• way rend 1.y Llenleaanl;,-prt( r a�-- - D TROTS JUMP
Number on roll, '2•' ; average totem
0f the salvation Army " + <TAitn'lrr:r+M trues 1 klt(liri` sun:
Iter. la .1. l.:uu•, Itcv:.1..N. 11 Mill ,of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie, Ashfield
:ant Rer. Mr. Owen all lel In inspire- township, was brought to Altxandra
'tenet prayer and Rev. Geo. T. Wefts ut-apltal on Monday. _after. n eLtiicolt
1 reught the ser•i•e to a dorm with the trip over hart mart., 'with both arms
benediction ;end' n leg fractured the result of a
Members of the Itaptlat Tonal); game he indulged In nt hi. s' Boot, S.
Propl's t-nb.n who assisted at the .4. No. 2. -\shfold, with his praemates.-
st eel.•.• were the preddent, Aubrey \Vlth several other children. Russell
1'ettlt. who sang a solo, "afore Like owes playing In the w•leY1 grounds,
11a Mas(er" and Erle Graff, Dong. lumping teem the roof of -et, ont-
Johnston, Bert Campbell and Ilarold I building Into a sn0wleink. 11.. nllsyed
Vi tlwon, who took np the eolle•llon..-..1hP remove -and - leaded on 1111145 and
(1'n Monday, March 12, Rev. W. M. 1,•el on a sheet of lee, after a drop of
Kennaein, D.D., of Toronto, will be (-emit six feet. The frn,•tnr.- were
the speaker In North street United set by physlclnns and the tat' Is 10w
eburrh at the fourth meeting in the resting 'omfnrtnbly after his un-
fierles. -' pleasant accident.
:1.onld seek to find what possibl:lfles
Il.' dormant in the (•hIld at the foot
of the elates, and to glee the viand not
-only opportnntty hut encouragement
oliow'TiTs peinrlis belt "3Tiera Tr
asufertnitstesty Ruing-na--e#---e.er-
reprising number'of young people wan.
tel finding -their right place to the
t .r Inanity, --iterrome vlisro rr (sof xn.i
t t 01ltous. The Itpme"dlid the set:not
!Ant especially the home,. are respon-
•tl,le. •
The speaker closed with an e•trnest,
iea that the child mi_ one talent kyr
L•elped. to build np self-confidence and
hit tartitD- ii?s3: