The Signal, 1934-03-08, Page 44 -Thursday, March Rh, 1834
$19.50 x.50 $24.50
The price of Clothing Is advancing. Don't drluy buying your
�lvld. i ii', ethcrwise- eau -aiii_1rty Mote_hoer
At lite above priet•s we will tell you fine gorges and w•oreteela
made to your order In the new 1804 styles.
(inter your EASTER SUIT now aud save money.
W. C. Pridham & Son
t'hune 'h
The Square, Gotlerich
• "Success eau only be one Ingredient
itaLhappinesa."- aftertrand RuatM'11--�
Money is either something to have
or it 14 something that has you."-
Brur,• Morton.
and Coke
We are expecting in
the near future a car
of Western Lump Coal.
Hineks Street Phone 178J
House Speech byGODERICH TOWNSHIP Low Wages .Paid
CC. n I GODERIOH TOWNSHIP, Mar. 0.- Shock Committee
. A. Rober so lase Ruth Evans spent the week -end
t the lama of her parents. Dr, apd
Mrs. Evans, In Clinton.
(Continued from page 3) Word was rewired by Mr. (!•wand I ' (Continued from pap 11
Ih4ti orifi '•' ...w� ia..rrsa .�(,,�e,_
curs y o {TurrpL, buil pas-tt<Z1t lndepeudeut grail- charged- that
haulers, through tnterlockiug dlrec-
leratee, hold the real mover, economic
4udpolitical, in Canada today. De -
ate On Hie- -Haut of Canada bill ie
hit, ihtermedlatc or lower school
ei we can Ile• made a very ireful part
our ertyratiuual system. At present
it.1a woefully tnemcieut in taking
lire uT ifipIIA -62" The adotescent 'ge -
Both the past and present Ministers
of Edtcatiou realized this, yet a gen-
cratton of pupils has passed and no•
thing has been done.
It may rem like repetition for me to
again discuss matters pertaining to our
highway., but 1 think 1 ani In a poei-
ttui to do so, being conversant with
and lu close •contact with the system
for.inauy years past. The Honorable
the Premier wad In charge of the De-
partment fur tawny years. His tenure
of office as such was fairly free from
criticism, pmt attr, t+ue who has to do."
and be - +�-
[ tills and preceding Tory Gov-
ernments has no . bed of 'rosea and
must long for the not too distant day
JIi Saturday evening.
Mr. aud Mrs. John Siellug and faro -
:11y mored to Gotlerich last 1Veduea{Iay.
-. Mr*. owcrby_-e.W- --
t''ipy the farm. •aettodu;tvl for Thur day Ihr ludrt
Miss Marion Porter returned to the pendent group to expet•ted to wove au
Collegiate institute on Muudny, to re uweudweut asking that the new cen-
sume her studies. trail bank be publicly owued and vau-
lt was with much regret that we tretled.'
learned of the death of Mr. James „Figures were' tabled this week show-
S:eep In Clinton. The sympathy of ,ng twit the lienuett Government has
the commynity goes to his daughter,
noticed the public service from 73,571
Mrs Alvin, McAllister. to•Otr,:Oet sleep servauu eines It come
Paten C6ttreY Notes There war a into power in July, 1930. The Gov-
iood turu-out at Union on Sunday. arnweut service pay roll has been cut
The pastor, Rev. !'. W. Craik, delivered to dtIU S15.7tt7 per annum, a saving of
a tine addreaa on the subject "The f1tl,7b4.277 annually.
Stabilizing Yenitn (Psalm 121), Dar -
Replying to a resolution by Thom -
lug the service, an appropriate num na )teed, Liberal, New 11'esRaiuster,
her, , "Tl R lie -FtW1 flys
• --- t » r ne Raved c e wow
L.l'� fawning_ lit-mata111stp, CREWE, Yatcl The W:IE:1# lend a *ew a by- Helen and Three thilidgml.'4 .
met at the home d Its. Will Rhactlfr deeds u t + 1 During Sunday school, a solo, •'A Child ltht►des Mlnlster at Fluuure, sat
tort on Thursday, Parch 1st, with of the King," was sung lov Mary liar- the scheme is mut practicable, unless
Miss Susan K1lpratHrk as hostess. wood by request A coo •ert will he oigieed to by alt the larger countries.
Mrs. Raymond Fiuulgaa occupied the when someone else will carry the held In [neon church on l'rlday, the House approved Cauadu'e adher-
.-.-.r- --- . -•._-,r+wsee-•io.iitw••Lxatiw►-e4eee- PARAMOUNT
eir. "Tete Meeting opened a;{1QT - __ Sunda 1sc u. Theieitu+sPlm o to
the Lord's Pray- I have always deleted that those souls school. program will be whereby Canada, Australia, tufted
hymn, followed by I c; that yp ;t,Late», Mexico and Peru, as the chief I'.ULt.MO['ST, march A. -Yeas •
�er in unison. The Scripture lesson, who use our roads should pa, Picea by local ter. usual 41 Sunday saver-prtnlucing countries, agreed to Jinn!, ltlrhanls hoe.returned to her
1 1 Baa read by Mae. Menary, after wide! ;Just auflprlettt money should to col- Sundae t•lll he as usual ut union.; rtrbiltre the eke of silver.
Mrs. Rivett sang a solo. Readings let ted to meet our obligations year by
Sunday school at 2 p.m.; prerchln� i p l home rhea spending ,the path. few
t:els. given by airs. Sherwaat. )Ira 1 year; that taxation for road purposes scrvbe at 3 p.m., with the pastor In I A resoluton by Joseph ltarette•
months aur -lug In Lueknow.
'freennan anti Mot. McWblaueY•-]tlara.siaw:d be -used for .so OtherF!trpoee• . charge -...There was Y.P-@ meet- ! Conservative, Bcrthier-Maa►luonge. The dance which the 2nd nil 4th
lternice Duruin gave an Instrumental at present we have anything but an tug on Friday evening Ia.t 1tyrre:, t0 haverspe:laitvrwnitItecYtudj- �.,p„p i,j,�p peoida were p11ttJng p.1
on the organ. Prayer war offered by 't.tuitnble ay»tem and the burden b .. toe potpie=a1 of printing dollar bills- -test Friday lu -the hall hat Ossa:
,ltM� th. ,--• t••,�y n,.. 1t,.._4c
ohr)_1 (1,L I iu the Erench lauguatgc, esus talked ru,t mel nitil a later date, Owltal
tinily 1.4; wag given by ND,- Rivett Is Dila ao during the hist two Or -v -r, for the name thing with little
A solo was then rendered by ]fns• three years. 1 a Mrs. Juhu .lanuie,e 1s spend}... a
Watt, "\o, Not One." The 'fleeting. At diffc•tent times In this House and it -\l F'iF:1.1, llnrch 7. --.lobo Me I ++nccesa, few days with Mrs. Campbell and
,..... branght_t&a_Slose with another' tht•.jumurub.e ptemlrer feu Leewl Autde M 1.errd nod Nl+ar.on Ih1ti I A Gucerument bill proposing to cen- (i tt I u lent oc
a'rr}rer} iir►pert vis depart iii triliwiet
1 emu. Lunch was then serve -CI -if EV Xortheast " W'ellingtuu it has f►een
form of a birthday party. All i p•Intetl out that millions of .dollarsi. . 1
members prevent who had bitthdays I have been collected for roads, but a
In the months of January, February ,omparatively small. amount of that
Or March were wetted at tete table on cash eontritattlon which goes into cob-
1etch the birthday cake was placed. 1 lewd for road
I •\iter everyone had la'ef seri ed by
tthe hostesses, Mrs. Maize. Mrs. Me-
Whhiuey and Mrs. Kilpatrick, a social
1 half-hour was spent. Fourteen mem•
berm and nine visitors were pretreat.
but you may Control them!
Don't run risks with so-called "cold -killing" remedies. It's so easy
to upset the system with unwise internal dusting.
}� eafe'wi%k yafle Lainity!aatealtbilictliace % m bar, doess
tion and dangers of oolds by following Picks Plan tor better
Control of Colds Its worth has been clinically tented-aud proved.
Details of the Plan are in each Vicks package.
To AVOID many colds
At that first nasal irritation or stuffi-
ness, apply Vicks Nose & Throat
Drop., the amazing new aid in pre-
venting many eeWs.
To RELIEVE a cold
If a cold has developed, apply
VspoRub at bedtime. Its prultico•
vapor action -ail night lout( -gives
squthin,t relief. Avoid. dosing.
•glvnIJere from .ltev. J. A. Walker,
termer pastor of Dungannon United
church, now a missionary In West
('Irina, of the critkal (lines. of his
son, Donald Walker, twelve years of
age, who some tlute ago was bitten by -
a dog affected with rattles. Ile was
;:ven the Pasteur treatment, which
teas effective:- •Some time after Don
stet became'erttically 19, this trouble
ted as abscess of the
• era n.--. eco
was rushed to hospital in Pekin. a
titres -day Journey by aeroplane, where
re a In i• - un operation was performed. A. re
3frr.- ltaer4wiPt is aamar . cause on Ties performed.
o the (!
feet that a second bperaHon had been . '
stat mea -_•
atter a two weeps' rt -h l" luudou. -
!bureau to causing a great storm among l...we of Me. and Mrs. Frank Ilamll- vet
Mr.. M. F. Roods- returner) hove last, t•;eneli members on lath side,. The ;,,n. I.ahnlah, where a little gTrl�ps
week, having spent a ea,up!e of w•t•ei:,1 French are French first aud Conserve parfurmtrl, and that. If 'a third was
In Toronto and Dunnville. came t^ stay. :retraaary he would have to be brought
U rice or of the after thus ; they are The Club had
of paramount M pt tome to Canada. Rev. J. A. and
Mr. nanoid Atwood. who spent arr"jealuua of their minority privileges. e U.F.O.rluh hada .ter y p1111 011 W'1
*dictated revenue ane time at his home here, nturned to ih• 1(11 rtes: Walker renamed to Mtn." in NO-
1•allding. i[ such had been the cane trait on Monday. Pelee River Outlet t day' night. At thee[ loaf mes•tlrg they ,ember. 1929, after a thrti-antler-halt-
1 Dlec icing the resolutio. ot_•C-_I1_u•rVoytd an neater eap{,etr- I'uana are
ere would not have -the Staggering road('amerotn-Walmvky.---ConlrutmaffW:; yMar p•wtorwte ter {►unaanuuta and
(Au we now been. We pay 6 centsbeingby Keauedy, 1'-F.A-, Peace River, favor- !wing made for their annual box ate "only last summer Mr. Walker under -
are extended many frleoda mY
,n. tax, at least 31,4 Bents, of which Mr. and Mr.. John R. 1 hmer•nr ern !ng a raillery outlet from the Peace • oat to be held la the near future. ,caul an operation fur nppendlrltla.
River to the facile roast, Hon. It. J.
hoist be used to pay the interest Nlonady evening, February 26th, at Maulun, Minister of ltallw'ays, told the., MAFEHII�IG 1trintivPr at Exeter and Toronto and
, :larges on flit /180,000,000 of road the rectory, Rev. . W; G. Bugler' friends here are anxiously awaiting
�IPbt. 'We were living to a fool's para- Joined to the holy tauute of metal House that the Cweeks
revenues for further news.
.,:e when we thought our roads- were :imoui Miss Mabel Wiilmesley, dough - ,the first +eve weeks of Gal, year aL\FE:KI\'I i• March ft -Tom Dewy.i.,1,1neves-tearyfor. It Is only neves-teary to take ter of Mrs. Mary 1Calmealey and i were three million -dollars in excess y,atngeat son of Mr. and ]Ire. Robt.
t,r-taetthree years to prove my state---fain.-tate Sohn N'nlm-.tey. ami -John -H f of the sante Period wear age e•h
Thr henry e hied fells` al ottl four AUBURN.
rut. e , ;/'arm rola son "f the I.1te Nlr: uttd Mea !louse adopted au Innattotta amen years In the Bank of Montreal, Lucke l
In 1!17431 t2 the revenue of the, I meat to the effect that the PMtr RI►- t.ow, bar bre ptrumeN and trams-
ear At'ltl'tRN. Marsh 7. -Mra. E. Law-
Thomas Cameron, all of ilayfleld.
Inghway Department was >F:.1.435.0(i0: New Ifooka at the .Library -.-..ea I er outlet be built "when cotdlHoas !crawl to, the Lad lleft tof bpanch of «n spent the wank -and the "next of
cdhwry expenditure was 713,100,1100; !books recently added to the Bm field permit." eke same hank and eon for Leaming-
her mother, Mrs. Sclater. nt Seaforth,
npttal cpendlture, ba^_.CIp7,(KNl Sim- i library : The Government took the , uuwe� fru last week. We congratulate Tom Mrs. N. 11111 and hilly, of Goderich,
911 i"it means this -that 00 floe. s .-FitnisoN--__.� step Ole week by a rote of I:1 to 42 �� pron3mIWt fraud ;Iso on the taws•' ttaitcrl PM t Jert1i ts'._ Mr. ani Yrs. Jaa. '
eminent received a motor revenue of The Fuwttain.... ..('buries alorgauj` declining to Rice first resiling to a -;bat 'he was ver long In 11* J1tlinr town, Carter over Sunday. -------
ores S55,ree.I l0 In thaw years, yet !test fount Retnrlia..0 hr 1tlMorgaulldll by James Woodsworth, Labor. Lurknuw. --___- , Mr. K. K.Dawson spent a few days
nldtrl over g"2.iIMI,(1110 to out road I'tr r.,4e olimrrrle' W tmnlpeg• to exclude deportable p•r• Hr. an.rMr. No ng. 'Arthur a-ith friends In Hamilton.
,It M. The Yellow Briar l'utrit k Slater *one on relief Ieing reptorted as pub-
and Je:ut L onR mor from (iHtyrby Mrs. Wm. Thom. of Colborne town.
The figures for 1933 are not avail- Ther Rises-. ...]ohn reek late :ie charges preliminary to departs- on Thursday, coming to e:,alytlelr by ship,
Is visiting at the home of Mr.
able, yet we know revenue. watt groat- .Little the luso_-__--...•Loulwl rlh.rtt faun. The common pr•rtlre is for all nvlotpdd:e, and theta bouw d and-- I,vtxl Mr.. Frank Ralthby.
TvilLa to get first reading autonuticat- ,o;,Pr effects by truck. .1• Ho-
1 P a On Tuesday of thin week a yAnap
cr and expenditure murk rrdnerd. Onr I Light of the Weale'Tu litArtt.%ane Grey
are-.a_.dnnt.rfrd aarea w•hen_.we. 1lss RltOon.,..Bty+a Strettrr Aldrich t and then the ead1eprle 10 be de north of Go had
to. were not ^pen r
MID aamr to the home of Mr. sad Mrs.
consider that_ehe interest charge. are' 1Ime Way of the Scarlet Playerpeex ta-fed on second medlar --- c r . they had arms their
aver-7tt;A(►aRAA..-tend- - atlow ' ,� _ ....i. Baroness Or
Mum" ]fieiatpr R. B. 17enttPtt was awl proceed on their way-ina •letgir r
nearing the E2a.11(t11.0tN1 mark. It this, Tate" Carat AterkeniuR•Til At. John, N.A.: on Wedneeriey .for lir: tong ae-'engaged be e- * StrKPnfte gathered to the batt ea'
I • iditlon 1s per820.0 teal 1n it will he only 1
F. P. Oppenheim the opening of a new pier there. To 1tothera of Arthnr as -reneger of his .lana! 1't M celebrate. Ola blrthda7.
e few pairs till the revenue it not mit- IThe Secret Cargo 3 5: Fletcher rawly. Mr. Itennetrat travelling about farms here, and will reside on the Thr evening wn.r'lp•nt In cards, after
_fir Interest revenue .,As It is, \-E'ICTIO\ : ;he country, Vane..n cr. Tumnlu, Mon :others bursa end. We welcome Mr. tables! lunch was seared _ __.
iF' _ • , lsratt wwsrt, pas i! r. tw- ,)bl•.� „alMtr' tfiw thnf tnPerinit of tLif'R.3t R. •"
.efficient now. ,The Great Otfunsive.,Maurlce Hindus hi fullest ve of nn earl Federal `rnmmanity. ,f liaox Ptrabyterlan Phnreh watt held
The Farming Industry Fur Sinners tole 1. J. Ruaaeh e.erttrttt Necle yea;
maybe n6.1 Mrs. Henry Horton rani daughter at phi• home of Mr. W. T. Riddell on
71tee alone will tell. I Nli.ry left this we for 1.'.ndon. Thursday Inst.
I would Ira monies In my duty !f I The Disturbing -Miracles t :.,fere they will make :u1 t vt,•ndetl al r. Frank ltallhby tapped some of
llocd Dnughasl
W not draw attention to farm con- Bcar,i COiJ >� t) f t visit toff! Mrs. Il 'ton's hnohrr, Mr. „ter erne. last Mnndap. Mr. C. \Ivens
..rams,.. t.:r:?h4 r L1 s to ri _ 0, 4.+ +w4was
r , i itigbout the Province. My -honors-- sort'
_ . e .tet tett ane •
William Pallister,'R:II.
• au.rely with grows ceiling and sip
r,ble friend the mrmter from East El- Nlchnls (01'KR1E'S CORNERS, March 8 Nlss Suefe KII{cUrh k of ('neons was l tuatnptR. spring mart he hint around
ren eulogizes 1 the Nfini.ter of ARrlru4 A Thatched •Roof ....ltecerly -Mlrs Madeline Johnston has re-
Traeta for DItA•ult T:mes.E. 11. 1►tirrr' thc`grti*t of Mr. awl airs. Thomas In- ,la runner somewhere.
lore anti the w, nderful things he has Personality and tit fe•uee..L H. Hohtgl: 'urned from Gtxlertch, where she has iii.nnn on saturdny. I Daylittt Ladies' Ald.-The rrattlar
accomplished. the
We all knave Iris heart leets nursing. I rannthly meeting .(-the i,t l.atllrii
1. its the r(ght plane, but few farmer. JUNNHi FICTION I Mr. and Mae. t.loyd Stein of Para- DUNGANNON
l'.:11SOP any •evidence of pro-{erlty. ' Why the Chimes .Itatg• • ..R. M. A111.111 mount visited recently with 'Mr. and '.Id war held March tat, at the home
tail 'Mester has not l as the Mrs Lorne Farrlth of Mrs. Alfred Asquith, w-Ith a hair
improved } 1)1'AGAXI►(1N, klatch 7. -Nr. Gee attrmdance. the prrrMrnf, Mn. Dow-
of this anpp.neI Impro,eme°t usable to the short:iKc in :uppish MIs. Viola ']taker baa returned I Genn, nt Colerlcli, spent the week- i sen, In the chair. and 311*. Howson
The rerr•nt lnerea*e In the'prtce of • t••peclslly lei ibis's^ in resptrt to the `rem elalfing friends at Kincardine. rad rt -his huttwyaiu____ �nt the organ. Atter a hymn. "True-
1ok and grain is wholly sate- hog fndartry, Thr hurt crop during lira, Adam Johnston Spent a day The Junior institute is h•ddfng a learterl, Whole -hearted." Mrd. J. Mc-
tee past year should be sufficient an- last we.'k with Mende at Belfast. ' I ew-hrP party in the icrlah lull on 1 FnIRTII led and all Joined to repeating
ewer to any (ioserntnt•nt or organize- Mr. Wilfred Parrish and his son
- 1
We are aggressively after the Drug Business
of this Community. Watch our Windows
Ironized Yeast......_ . _ - .98c Baby's Own Tablets.. 22c.
Jad Salts, condensed... "59c Ayerrt's Cod Liver Oil
Work 25c, 50c, $1.00
10 ozs. 89c
NO TAX Beecham's Pills 22o
Warns Ointment22c �� Fish Food, Holland - - .
-SPECIAL-NOXiI S6c Jar, for
Sloan 's Liniment, small, .29
.. a -
-Kleenex.... 2 ittt 45t
C- ig i Drops.. 5c, 10c pkgs.
Mets Kee -Kee $1.00
wRrl4tl r'I,s; Extra value
-Monday, Tuesday Noon, CFRB. between 12.15 and 12.30--
Lauder, Dunlop, Campbell, Wigle
----4 01)ERR'll IIKt (.f ISTS -
Albert Kiliongh. -
Ab0it twenty! of the friends of Mr.
through Cornfield's
Friday evening. March 1g1t. fhr Lnrd'a Prayer, after which Mrs.
tion seeking to control prises by crop ex. returner from G talerlch hospital
A hot, surer, with it alay, "The 1 itobrrt•on read the 121x( I'awlm and
curtailment and that the law of +apply Lie Wedne-day. They are bath pro-
' lama. l». -gr, will he Rir''a in the; prayer was offered by NIRA Small.
l'hitod church Fri, Miss Elkin, Sire Aequith nod M
presenting an interesting and unusual collection of Women's and Misses'
adapted to the most exacting needs of the fashion -wise
Swagger Coats in fancy tweeds. "Wind-blown" Coat of Engljah Wool Crepe."
Suit," the theme song of Spring Fashions. Two-piece•arid three-piece Suits
Ihr i ,• „i , t, , „rt, all have that "wind -
look -Mown forward- unexpectedly,bl•.w, 1.'aekit•,trel blown upward
anti !h1,i1111 sideways.
Spring Dresses
Prints in small flowers. Stripe designs.
:nation pribts anti IIIo!s erepes- All
•;:,u•1 ,111,1 fashion -right for afternoon, (lay -
:1: ,1 i»ntln}' ni;rht.
Sizes 14 to 20 .
Sizes 38 to 34 .
. $8.95
Fine quality. t,\, 1 hest snake, new
e* �luttetir a 'loft grey; Beige
neutral grey +hale ; Clear -
Special $1.00 pair
Phone 418
Ir.pd demand cannot be denied. gresstng sorts ntcrly. _^ _ _
"" ---The formers of Itntario are an In- liars! loth. Austrlour, hdbrst people, an indlettl-
• toil people with plenty of Initiative, • ices( W imi- uu,sh Fire Insurance Co.
not seeking special favor*, but who do U)N )r tBOIRO, March 0. -Mrs. i► was held In the secretary's bdke on
' e::nt. an opportunity to earn a cone pr. Roberton of Clinton Is ;letting al
Tuesday of this w•(rk.
Portable living- Thts has been int
po"' the home of )I r. and Mrs. C. 7Lueldell. Mr. ThornUro }:rely, of the O.C.!
slide daring the ,past few years and Mfrs. J. ii. Shobbrook spent tie.1411 the frank -and hf the !Dine o[
;hr: re►Sunr err not hard to fltxl' week -end at the home of her son, Mr. !•i Parents, Mr. and alga. Heber
W e aro an exporting natio" and., Iters Shollrrnok, near (falerh h. 1''"I�
ridttt And In order
uurrkets ft•r ear+ Mr •rind -Mra. Rubs. Fairserr h. anti' The funeral of the late John An-
e• that
to get „
r dill -sun N'a• el
Dade R held farm his late ret•
An -
geode, hat In , . I e
t�l e
In Clinton
R sent F
I u.te
we- moat be willing n. buy. •� 3i r. Win, Lyon 11 1141 daughter. ails„' 't''O'''' 'ro Thnradny. lave. Rev. D. A. I
until the farmer lar -'a freer ArPIMe to Ruth, attended the fnnrral M the late 'lt'MJllnn of the noel dturrh had comfort of the chapter and especially
tto markets of the world will he have
Mrs, Hooper in /'Tinton of Monday.
charge of flu•-'errLp• The pulltrenr• 1 the verse, '•lle• that keepeth thee will
Awn -healing Power
-mill:lent ►^ Pro Mr. Wilmer Howatt scut Saturday . rs w'a're thaw Sona, Thomas, Mel- t nl *Mmta•r nor *l'.-tr." Wax liow-
I etre the comforttt and net -remitter; -of lu iritdon. p 3' tin and flotation, and one grandacm, .on gni* a read!ng•entltled "At Home.
Me; the Implements And twpalrs nares Born -to Mr. and Mr.. Ctrs t'owkn Norval Anderson. interment took Lore;, with Thee." 'The hcauttful
on February :DRtb, a suns ('ougrnhtla• ;.l' a'''' 1n Dungannon cemetery 'aymn "The.'-f"ity Fonragnnre" was
wiry for aueeetedul farming and the
wherewithal erewlthep to clothe and edmnte his
Hons... - air+. John Anderson la visiting her then wine and the meeting Mewed with
Lamely; Ont when that time dare- crime
son, Thomas, In Coirerich. rrnyer toy Mr.. Howson. A dntnty TI ,
fund not nolo them h»AinPalfend In -
NILE Mr. Itobt. Armntroitk, our genial lent 10 -cent tea woe then served hr the
lustre will immediately revive and -
fond nniTrT'arrler, has been off Baty the Intl
hrwtr•n Ami enjoyed. ,JtJJ, �'
-•we-wryw}} veria-n► Rix read -to zecOY--.4_ __ _-- ' -- I few tem het confined to the home ---- --� -
cry. • - NILE, March 7. -Mrs, A. W. Young, tit of hI sistee, i[ra, ---Hee Tir'.1 rich. "TiiMrs are t.w-worse fermi nevenl-
Thrrn to yet another probiem which wtio had been visiting in Toronto, 're. :Mr. ('h:is. Rivett bas• been carrying 17 and seIt-tions than to '*!rive to R{I`
more directly rnmea under the eotltrol ,urned to het home an NAttrer!.y. the mail for him. - pear to be too selt4•ffi etas," -Bir new
11.9 (:ocrrnuu•nr ant{ which meat he
The many friends of Mier Eileen ' 111 le CWina:-Word hn- barn re II it' -t rilinc. ,
fated, and that immediately: 1 refer reason. who moI+•rwtwt vwwpasretIe- f
10 taxation find Interest rate,. eat appendbIt1* In the (lolerb'h hos• _
The moratorium on mortgat(a hue I A,lhaI res rutty, will be pleased to knAw
rtpywl proceedings to many ere**, bort that she Is making n rapid reamers.
arineipal and Inure -t on mortgages The no's -Went teacher. and officers
Ona Man plied up to anrh an Patent ' ;, ole charge of the Sunday school lint
that thousand. will never twelve ;in- Surnrlaay. • one
hgtt relief 1, Riven In lower Intellect Thp Aret ear to be ttlrIr -Ines the \„,t 1'ba} iuy Ui ,•plc of the .\tbn1nt117 :The F'lnrr I.I •ntMant."
rotes. This I. lmlerativr and ibe ,•ncwatorm made It. nplearabee In _
equation meat 1» heed. 1 believe It II* vlllagr on Monday.
Ntt,\t.\1-• Tt•}:Nlt,\1''and WED\Ef1DA1' on 1* done through the, Prertnt•tal lits. John Clark of Loyal la chit
Savings 113144- and Agr1e4. rn1 Renard. jf,r this week With her etnughter, Sli-
t In not intend In noir»t!' tlta tlMtjrr Vietor Toting. --
f„rthrr At present but will prevent a
ursnlutiot before the Hoare rlaPA. BENMIIaLER
My honorable friend from North- BEN
Wellington, the leader of the opt -
rogation, made the following •t•atrrf*nt I B}?tMt ,11:18. March A., -Mr. Fir;e
--that if one per rent. redin-tl^n were itiardiner hitt gone to London to war..
tnr,de on Internet rate.. it wnnl.l mean again.
A saving of a :teep e. lout 1 propose to! Mr. Palmer Kllpatrir•k nit Toronto TI11'It!tU.\t. FI{Ilr.\Y and NATI'ItD.\t'
s-tns this nearer how, awl shoo some 1anrnt the w•eekwnd at the hoarse of
of the honorable memler. Jn*t what It Wilt Tong. MARION DAVIES
teethe* to their awn people hark home, I Mrs. A. M. Strsnghnn ha* been nn- aarlgh•l hp Onslow Stevens. J. Farrell MAeI10°AhI and Juliette
the people who sleeted them. 1:nd ex- well for A few day..
Cern ori, presett- ,au• r1 the grandest 1ri•h •'nmetly rnmancea
et thew tow k In their behalf: A number are sugaring from cold.. M
sIO 'g74,11ll.ssmftmaisilmnikm. - s- ,- -,,, .. ovty.lv_rNtgas:, mitts to t t ..-,-,+ -
Y...,lR ct_.,p
Egli,. fltldli7; RMPx, $7S.idii: Ctrl. Th. mads Aar 011011 ARAtu [M .
678,487 ; Halton. $42.147; Huron, thonkh vary roimgti "Peg of My Heart"
pM1 lI : Kent, 7t0APID : 1.incnin. MIs. Fiinlet• Tone 1V11aa home frou
*10,327: middlenes. n73,363: (lntertn. DI1nRAnnrin on ann.l • ,
Pti1R•IR14; (1xMM,• 71Af1,11tt7: Peel. Mr* WI1I ltni ler, of Rrnmthlrr, wAe MATINEF.R WEDN1:QT)AT and RATt'RDAY at 3 p.m.
t4!t,p3S. Perth. >]R{,IRti : P1m1-*. In Milverton attendlnR the funeral of CONING- -"KING or TRIG SITZ"
$87,944; Waterloo, $4,�; Welling- her grandfather. Mr Peter ('ook• who
` ton, >�.Alt. ' was In his ninety Sixth year.^�4- , _ ...__.
--- I luit,rrtson. After another hymn the
LONDESI ORO 1 The regular monthly meeting of the r - business of the meeting was trans-
acted. The program 'consisted of a
lea Tfte i 31}". trowel, entitled
"Walking with Col." and "Someone
alae Pan do it."•l'y Miers Elkin.' Mr*.
Fc:Ritaou also gave a reading, "No-
thing to -fear, nothing to do, nothing
to pay." Mrs. E. Rnithby gave a pa-
t "W'hr the tideI - nt nub"
xr, n t t 1.n o t
sw Rmaii P briefly on h 121st
k rI 0the �^J
Psalm, panting ,out tete hranly and
�`w"� ]oyleilholyeir! Love! Hate! intrigue:
Weaving the pette•rn of laarling lion -P life In Now Vork ('Ity. A
• human Interest tale with n brilliant east.
- Wallace Ford -Mary Carlisle -Walter Connolley