HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-02, Page 28• ••• atimegeargewimmote~minhillmalowls1W.MIIP • . i�.NIW crit4100. parsonsi NOTICE1104211111TOHS Alamo= If =ESTATE Off flizmient JANE SCOTT ALL •motes having- cla• ims against the estate of the above meatimed, late of the • Village \ of Lnelteow, in the County of Brace, Spiaster, who died ors October 12th, 1981, me required to file pool' of same with the under - ors or before the 19th • day of December, 1981 - After that date the Adminis- tratriX will proceed to bute the Estate hawk** ft oily to the chins of which she•shall the* have had maim • DATED at Wirtgleams, Ont- ario this ZIrd day of Nov- ember AD. 19f4., ° CRAIWPORD MIL DAVIES &ELSTON 1101roillami„ Orande. SWIM imstartlis Atfaddlotok- --48,.49,50Arr NOTICE 'ID CREDITORS /Monis= All thins aping die nark JAMES TTENRYTINGIAND , late of the T, :i of Kitdoss„ is the Camay of *we., deceased. ado (Ned on or shwa Noreinber Stk. On, retro h Med with the andersivred persowal rep - ramrod,* ow tit before ber 16th- 1981; there after the otaderSigoett distribute the assets of the said estate &Wag regard onfy to the chives of Which die imodertigned then has Dated %weather • 24tiv„ 1981... Oswald Eagiandi and Harold flimphrey, • ecatom. e/* GEORGE I- IIROPHY, laniister & bar, Six WO, lavelaitaw, Oat, aviao, NOG ID& -48,49,50ar ..tua,t tO 21). Potpie *Mom LIMON 0/MY Pnbfic Etlirary now open at Sr Efeletis Itak wee* on Mos - days from 2:30 to 43* gArtt.- HAYRIDES and sleigh tides for faintly outings or groups etc- aurora:ear yours- Clete Want, %Waif, 519-7420, • --Olte _ •PRINTING •department of Albert* weakbrequires prin- ter or von off to qualified person- Gaming aver WARS,• patentiat over • SUAT,6110.46 Mate Katt • Star Clirtutiele, Wainwtigbt • 4111) 802.4465.. --Oars V will not be respotenlde gar any cfelitt boomed by my utak Shirley Mae Whitby, as . off November it. lett Whitby " NOME Mat* 'December' Tit Etigt.anyttnewishingtoliook the EirclintoW terottiv should d611tatt Atill• eg) Ittontgormny at 5284706t. -41,48* ' SHOP THE WANT AIS deuttaamoimPosordismaspootwaturges.wro 31. Cods ol ."`"Ilwd"1"."`""".."""1""""""••• dinwoiptawasswouirdin• HAVING A DRINKING PROM.Ett? AA can help. Phew Golfed& 52•4.60111 or Walkerton 881-36• 55., -*War. PREGNANT and tcd help? Free• positive confidential support- girthright.. Call 357-- 106* collect or 432 -7197. - IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM is year fart*? Al-Aatoo can •help fams aid friends of aleobefies., Phone Wafkertorr • 8814113, Goderieh 524- 6et Ask for tar• Al-Arrorr aumber.. -45as 24. Ilinfellie epper. MONEY -SAVING Tat rips, • year-ead tax plarmiag, basi- used fano re•a•ms- Learn • by conespooderae, Write 1 • k I Tax Sehoofs, 118 Rov borowgb Drive, Toronto, Oat - alio 4141Y IX& -�z EARN mosey stsde„ ittcreasingly midair doom- comfelters *ad accts.. Satimt We offer the best wattles kr Conrada„ Aho re- • making of down cartforters,.. Contact Ades IferkTmg 535 - Brant Street?•ifernag- • Mrs -L1 6- (414 634- 6022- -48vor •WINP•OlijlerdinIV 25. To Oro sway • FRIENDLY MIMES are •Snaking in r a hoete;, mai* Wadi with facial inarkiags, Call S29,7007, -47 •11111VoilliraiNIMPaINIIP•MilralIMPLIIIINVOMP•1111•P•mr 211. Esigb tottesetimmettoseertsareimptitiiirtid.hoordimeamer mureiri-Wwir marl Mr - IrOmed Lowry andanit Mr's, ate proud to atilMetite the (alveoli:4m; •marr• iage nt their children- Karen Maw are r6 teasel% Wolter, oro Saturday, PItternEcer 112,tV ar 5.Ci8 st St Andrews United Mirth.. ripky, An open reception wilf &Mow their- Marriage at dire- Pripley Huron Complex.. dliErdlIMINONIMP•OMMINftall11.11•11,••=10,11MP 2L liardsgsf tmerroor.mohmmlealsolnaimerawromeNometwome STEPTIVSOVE-WARML On November t6 V981 at Pentictom D.C..„ God otitues sed die aniz'sin holly ma away of Rev- Larry Steveni- sou and IToretree Cra Ward eft- lLartyi die soiv of Mr.- nd Mrs,, Lorne Stevenson of Ettinentort- Albert*. Florence the youngest daughter of h4V, and MrS, Leslie Wardell., RL m L. Ritmo, antaiint. The, young couple will reside in Pentietoro„ Et_C. Epftesians 5:- 31. Cords thooko MiComael Than*, to die &tattoo Pes *Win Sunday Salmi] and congregation fbi die evening •in my honour on Sunday.. November VS- V reallY, entkir ed3 seeing so maw off the people with whom V. had taught during die yea Even'one of the pupil' from my first Sunday School) class: was there. What 'Tlianlistothe Sunday School staff for the corsage and gift which 11 shaft treasure at was. Thanks tu everyone who) had anything tae di witt the pia the evening May° God, Etles s yoa ail inti your work with the eftififren in• Ole church: • Sincetley, -48v Kay tVfcCormick HAMM Ii to slovenly thank oar relatives aid *kids Tor the eards„ gift•s•arid visits whie 1 was in Wingfram Hospital and show retanring home - Special thanks to Drs., Cor- m, McKim sad Jolly and musing staff orr 2ad floor., A very Special *asks to every one who helped look after Ryas.- &ferrules kindness • will always be remembered, Marjorie Hackett 48 MOMS • 1 troold 1e to thank the Moses m ICU sad sowed floor of Wiogbam Hospital •for their •case; also DM - Con*, Me Win tad and my tan* sad• friends for cards, gifts, Ilnavers sad well wishes- 1 Oust ~rose very mach - Merle Ifotlgias -48z LATE Sacere Oasts to Meads, Mathes sad seightmets, who atteeded oredertag •receptor( me November II The lowly gifts sad mak are • very much appreciated.. Thanks gobs - Breeds aad Mike 1_48 SLAKE • Aspleiall" thask you to tea - fives aid friends who seat cards and gifts asd visited us in be froepital, Aka a sal Thanks to Dm lohly, Coti* and McKiar tad the staff at tlie Locknow foletrimf Centre and Wm Hos pita 11„ icanca and Amy -48 PATTERSON weufdi like to dim* every- one for the sfaireas 1 had in • Auburn- alsofi DUngarmory and•Kingsbridge eonthined, fOr the marry finely aid me- ld gifts I verthett A special' thank SOWt rfiw ones who pat them on- We would aI ffte r4 that& everyone fa wedding presents mid the farm* attended reeeption put on in OU homair.. Aho •special thank you for the delitibm (ismer whiefo was served•after ow wedding, Thank you to everyOne- Doiliene and Riet Patterion (nee Darlene Austin) SMELL 11 wish to thank Dr- Knox aid the staff off hcincardirar GeitL• erg t'ospit4 ahottiose who sent card.afl1edi or.helped iiv any way while V was a. piltexenc •Edbert Etustielt -48s romoottonli,dmirainarmlimiiiirittriost 32., Casino aunts NEW vvirstvgrAwn racknow region Thursdity„Deternherlt. fg8X • "Mies Otchestrat IlatOpereoup4re • hurteltprouided tidkaanee &Resod* Available at diet:wand irtmeseitutive -417A8ar RIPLET LOOS IRMO) Karon Township Rani,. Wed- totsday„. ...ttt• bet Z. ft pm. Otte got of goI4 fa tiegdar gams. gal& one share die wealtlit two novelty, specialS 115.06 and Silit011t. 4corner jackpot on, 5 1,45.00t purple ban. 5.0(h juefivot S425.00, •on, ST aflCIMIStIt.t• itttintl S41,50. dbnr priaes, -48ar • Wow Sowileido 1,001111010, Zmisl-rifog 25 mow arnianr armaisr wawa damotro ammo ammo mom 32. vomit .•I muardisoN.KOMPASS °ADVANTAGEI DreceComotyllealdt liInfastse Presehootel*A411ths GENERAL HARDWARE -INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES 1 tad Wediesday eaelt moith Merida& WedaesdaY, STEEL SERVICE CENTRE • Do:eber% 1981 Mole amity, Health Mgt Mice 3 , 10101WAINMairale• •"AVAILABILITY" "PRICE" CHIMISTMAS SAM", MAWS *CUM At him &mod Mott, 4 Selma Street, Mot 'Oat& es December WO to 9 p.m- December S, 9 am- to 4 p.m- Phone 3964841- -48' SNOWW01111121WEETAVG The St Helms Saorrootale nob *IN hold a areerog ow hfooday„• December 1th at at the Township' HAL -48 SHOOTrAirrt • S, Helots Ha December 3 a 8:30 p.,m- Lath serve& Everyone vvelconie, CITESISIASIMONG A Cert of samedi Christ - oars mask resettled by the Myth Vesal Sagas at p.m- mad 8 p-ra. ea foraday, December 6, at Myth Memor- ial Ifs& Tickets 13.60 aird %LW are •available hue on( members orhy phoning S23.4131 or 1t82-3616,•Re- Iteskralest to &&w, -4748 racw mars gvie timer Exicknow exoffsossity Centre - where tickets *if be sold December 12th from S •pan- Pint (maw, first serve& Ordy 208 tickets sof& S1S-08 per couple, lunch• iodide& Danag by Special Appoint,. riftriCrn soottrAar sittember 1 fon 9 oar& S pan- gigarne sale of new • Iamb at Lucknow Pub& School.•Library Chb wet, comes aft -48 , adiroyerr&DANCE Pfam to attend die at* Junior Farmers annual ban- •quer and dance.. Friday, Dee - ember 111„ at 7 rp-nr.- Bruce Twg, Community Citrate, Underwood- DaneiSg •'llarvest".., Tickets tea& able- Phone 395,5093, -48,44k • • VA1111\ESYCOMOITT Pha to attend the Mph* Amer Farmers rierCiin cart Pridby„ Petember 4, itt3ii p.m.. Rip* Tivonship Rant --;48% • ONTARIOYs• largest farm machinery consignment sale„ florwieht,, &Kari% Friday,- Decenther 111„ OW fa atATIL. (Satititt coin:rutted second Pt*, dity ea* mondi)d, iftprotntirtp, an* 0.50 - 115 nectar o phis aft types of faits equipment COnsignments svelbane, 14or more information MT OM 4244998 Of* 41.41 -9693, - Proprietors K Si. 1161Thifitekis St Som. --Etat* •INIUMWSON ANS IltO�$S MOM • • (519) 3964571 MOMS SU - kAftritt COOWArrid. *WM* 6KIMOVII0****OW:AKt • .14002654053 • ' CALL TOLL FREE MOM 1111101111 6)4" '-'64tit* -1111111111,""AMINIF669"1"• 0111111110; 1111111111. Too tate lir Ossify r;;;;;;;;;;;$ • • cusrem maw of team- ' ics„ greetrware sad pottery- --":"-- Pkovie 6294251 fnr appoint- "1111.M141 Masers, Sok FetdelSo Ste as arid itrlinuraeron. ••gmaidem hemp* 48 49 es i 'rater Boatb,°Cow Ads am) Ifog Coated MINIATURE DACHSHUND. moo siguliary L.* poppies.> MOW* aid long ' *saw haired, 8 -9 *. at saitstitY# --40tfor enegeot he pets, de- wormed, tattooed, aid regast, ered, Sweetie Keroets, Myth 1-S234652, -48ar IMPERIENCED offset press - mos regaire' d as a wortiag sepervisor. Top wages and seem* pfas aural coat - paw• benefits.,•Also web press appreadee *Ark 2 to 3 years expenesee, Red estabfished sewspaper compooy is soar% western (Markt AN replies- doorstop tiat Apply 1nveritktg OCNA Fe fAD1, -48as ift,EPOTTER/PITOTOGRA- PIM wasted• for weekly neavaiper,• Some saless, O to wort op to • editorship- Salary raage S1,08 *S1,W per moat*, Monte Keith, Star Chronicle, Wainwright On* 842.4466.. Attention Farme• rs CP Wooed WANIEb TO BIM sir orti of rotted vat,. phase SIO, 1151„ , WANTED. TO•8Vir top qual- ity first and second cut hay - Mart Rohrer,. phone 367- 2868i. No Sunday calls- -4,050 Waited Cattle, Sick or • able& pay top &am CO .192-6819. anytime.. -Ott WANTED TO RENV - Crop, land:250- acresL. Phone 157-10435„ -41.48"S0) .sosait.itetreressitowireittameettorrtestaissemowyetteti O Liheistodi elkwarlr011it Cross fordratte Of c,..dire mkt A:member anti December.- Bredty itainp.Le shi or Daroc ;boars, Usual selection of testi$ Ramp - ski*. Varksliire. and Wits- bretlfrotrate Paws, It& libbitobitis-ort„, E 04.. Vicaftont. 34S-2117.- -46.41.48 arMilLOWIT • WA nit MOM 10421116 MUM - lbag Woe Sid thargik".. at, thdtarders, %kale Re* Feeders,. Cosiesi-tt•Feett Cattle Fede•rs, ' Siete Chaii Conveyers, atm Clearers,•Oar&•Tina- mixes- PARMAITC - Meader Hammer bers„ Meader Roger Milk. Meader NM for•Gravid 11-44tistore CoAagrs, Leg Eferat, ors.; • ACORN - Cable Saw llydraarte 'Wasp ure pentos,, WESTEEL4k6SCO Gras' isints ViStV 2SitAtirit galt Feed Tido, ACME - fa -Jet dart Systems., ASTON Ventitation Sys - terns, &: L Complete Hog Congnement System 'SLURRY-SLINGER - Li - Old Nolarurre Spreaders. CIAY - Parts amf Semite for Clay Equipmest AERO -PLUSH• - •000 Manure frops‘, Aerators,. Separators,. • **mom EVESIMI100- AMOS itgre Air•..•..• •411, homebody is a looking for your bargain. offer it toda Phone 5284.2822