HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-02, Page 261!NIONCOir►0111610111 MEM 10 MEMO= A11DOME11S ,E4THE EMIR OF WW1= SAM SC011 ALL prisms bawl's- claims spinet the estate of the above mentiowed, Phar of the of Latham..m the County of Brace, Vai w who 'ems cat October 12th, 1981; are requited ' to file proof Gismo wader - signed all or terse the 19th day of December, 1981. After that date the Adminis- ttrrains will proceed to disl ii - bete the . Estate ham re- ga rd oak too die cats of which she shallthen have had awe. DATED at . Wiigbaas, Ma- mie thisd day of Nov- ' amber, A.D., 1981. CRAW MILL DAVIES A ELSTON Sirei arsiarilhe 10 CEMIDITORS AND MEW . AB dim areal die eitatie of JAMES HENRY ENGLAND Lae of, the Township of Kinloss, in the Catl' Comity o Bracey .. az or ribald November 5th, 1 ' ::1, mast be 'Ned with the undaersigae reseattarne on or bone December 1611i, 1981„ there- after the undersigned will otttriEbntte . the assets .of the said estate e only to die claims of which the andersigned dien has notice. Darted November 24th, 1981. Donald Emerald and Harold I firaplrrwey, Ex- ecutors., ell GEORGE J. samonT,r Datnrirrder & Soar - Sao 010, s O* i 2„ .. ---48»49,50ar 11111.01111 HURON COUNTY Patobe Library ' arm open •art. Sty Weirs Hall„ . near .Mon- days wti n-dacys fnoirtrt to 4:3e pact. -48„49 • HAYRIDES mad sleigh tides for family, mitiags or els etc. Oar tat* or yours. Clete Wont, on ,� , 529-7420. PRINTING dep at o:ventt of Alberta vie ekly ottptites prin- ter or mei sell to qualified pen:oily Grossiag over O,O00„ polesdad Over S100.000.00 Moat Keith„ Stour Chnatiele, 'H'' V a ( 46 I will sot be r spowrala for aroy d W my wine,; S, Mae Whithy,, as of November 25 1961. Rick Whitby —47.48,49 NOTICE Effective December yp1',s,�t�,1981, aayoue vtisMiog to ,; the Ladino* Legion atonic) teltItAcif 3ames Montgomery at 5284706. 7'« SHOP ME WANfAC6' oPitlloarld HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? .AA cau help. Phone 524-6001 or Walkerton 8813655 —40tfar PREGNANT and need help! Free positive couridential sanest. Baht. Call 357- 1066 collect or 432-7/197. IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? M-Anosi can to Imams and friends of ahriholics. Mane Wallratten 881-3113, Godetrich 524- 6001. Ask for am Al -Anon amber. --45tur 24. Besiness epper. MONEY -SAVING Tata tips„ gena'- ad tan, busi- ness and farm tetanus. Learn by canr+espemdence. Write U ARTar Schools, 118Ron- baw leg! Mire, Toronto, Ont- ario M4W 114. - EARN mosey in style.Sell coardionets and woes - series.: We offer the best values on Canada. Also re- making of down comforters. Contact Amoral Bed i *g Co►., 535 - Brant Stmt, Burling - too. L7R 2G6. ((411) 634- 6022. -48ru 25. ,To Om away, FRIENDLY PUPPIES acre lo*ag for a hoar mandy black with facial niatl000s„ Cad 529-1: —47 25 -Engagements EMOTE- LOWiY Mr. and Mrs., Ronald Lowery and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Elliott aria proud to 111MOUllee the forthcoming age of the children, Kasen Marg- aret to Robert Wafter,. arra Satuiday., December 12.1961 at SAO p.m. at St:; Anthems United Church, Ripley. An nape, reception well follow their marriage at the Ripley HOMO Complex, 29. 911arrlages SIEVE ON-WARDELL On .November .16,' 1981 at Penlietoon;,. at.. Gad waitmrors- sed the ardor in holy matri- mony o Revs. Larry Steven- son and Florence Gail Ward- ell. Larry is :the sora of Mr. and Mrs. Lie :Stevenseci o Edmonton. Ata. Flamm is the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lesrie W R. * I. Riipky„ Ontario. The 'young k w tesCole id Penticton. B.C. Epi% 5; 2225. 31.Cat* sf • McCormack Thaalks to die Ineknow Pres- byterian Sunday Somal. aid congtegatiou for Ibe crowning a m .honour ea Suaday. November 15.1 reallyr eajoy- ed seeing so malty of the people with whom 1 had Wim datiog the yeano Ere* ai*e of the pupils nem ling first Sunday Scheel ms's was 'there. What aa' till 'fly to the Sunday of staff'fdtc the conage and et which 1 shall treasure al - Ways. Thanks to everyone who had any'thiog to to with the 04=110g rte even May God litess yor in your work with the aural in It* cls y:. Rev !t twin Mom eissweiwoximosi• poissiew gimp 31. Canis el 1 wit to shim* out air !elation and #rte for the' • gifts and vices while 1 Wa.s rapt Wieettaan Hospital and sluice =twain home. Special thanks to Dna:, Cor- rin, Merin and Jolly and nursing staff ori 2nd floor. A vy special Thanks to even one who helped look after Rte- Eveayane"s kindness U always be reraembeted., Marjorie Hackett t 48 HODGINS 1 would 'like to tthimk the muses on ICU and sewed floor of Wingla all Hospital fair their care; also Ihs. Crinin, )cors and JOBy and erg firmly., and friends oar cam, gifts, flowers and well 'coshes. I dime everyone rely march. o Merle Hodgins -48a IAZEITE Smart thanks to Meads. gelatines and neighbours. who attended om. viedifing receptim os November.13. The lovely gilfts and eat ate very much appreciated. Thanks again" Brenda and Mire. —48 ,EKE - A► special dumb yo: an rela- tives Krad Mends who seat cards and gglts and visited us in the hospital. Also a special thanks to Drs. Jolly, Corti and McKim and the staff it the Lordknow Mesal Centre and W"aighatm Hospital. and Amy —48 PA'1TEJRSO.N 1 wank) lire to thank o ewy- one for the showers I had be Auburn. also in Dungannon n and Kingsbridge eombined, for die uuy low and ase - fail gills 1 rid.. A special thank you to the ones wvlio putt there on.. We wiluld also like to thank every for Wedffing presents and thew finely attended receptiow p31 on in our honiour. Also a special dusk you for the delicious cramer which was served after oar Haig_ Thank yaw to everyone. Darlene and Ric Patterson (nee Darlene Austin) BCSEIELL I'wish to dunk Dr. Knout ,react the staff of King dine Gen- evaU Hospital; also those who sera cards. caried or helped cart aivy wady while 1 was a Elbert Basher] —48 32 Coming NEW YEAR'S EVE ?ARTY Lucknow teatime Thursday; December 31., 191 Mies Orchestra 1s per couple Lpresided Advance tickets ody Available k at the bar Wan executive .4 Ilam T H.Wed-. rz ►yV December 2, 8 puri. Ode pmt of 101 regular g.es.. eirte sa the tleVePy sp 1arm Melt It 4 darter fackost on 5 S45,Ef 54.E oro 5" cam. Corso- 54150, pis:. Coming" wants itssultatfirton MSc Brice Coanty/kalthIIai1 Infants, calms„ Adults 2ridWe nesdayearch>rmanth December 9, 1981 Burne County Health Unit Office 3-4:30p n. --tsar CHIRSIMASIIAZAAR, CIERAMICSR CRAFTS At Mos. Howard Schauta,. 9 Seneca Street, Point. Cbu ca on Decerober 4, 9:.30 to : 9; • December 5a,9 a.n.'tarr4 • Phone 39151841. 77-.48 SROWIIIORREMER1140 The St Helens Saormadde Ciub will bold a aavetaa on Monday. December 7lle at: 1 WILKINSON-KOMPASS "ADVANTAGE'' ."AVAILABILITY" "PRICE" GENERAL HARDWARE ---'INDUSTRIAL SUPPLIES ' STEEL SERVICE CENTRE I I mimosa! mat £a*ss amino (519) 396-75T1 2m OUEEN swim -, KINCARDINE, Q1rtApio CALL TOLL FREE • 1-800-265-3053 - - .mow -»ww coarons imionn Tee Lab TeMuir CUSTOM ;flil .G of maw i „ .:ire' and .per Pliant 529 -7253 Sir appoint - meat and.;iafamoiatt os, 8:30 pan., at the Township 49 Halt. 7448 SHOOT PARTY AttSt. Helens Rall D 'cendier 3 a 8:30 pwi„ ,Lunch served. • Everyone welcome. -t-48: CIEIRSTMASINSONG A Concert of ` sacred his inosic presented by die Myth Festival Siagets *4 3 p.m. and 8 pit on gip, December 6 at Blyth Manor- ial Hall Tickets 53.00 and SLR) acre . ava8able fours choir members or* phoning 523-4331 or 482-. Re- freslunent to Mow_ —47,48 L'1EW YBAR"S EVE DAA i ucaowv Community Com.. wehe ae tickets evaV be salt December 12th ftrim 1 - 3 p.m. First , hist served. Only 200 tickets sold. 515.00 per • thwack included. Dairying by Appoint- ment. —48,49 llt,ll: ROOK FAIR December .71 toms 9 ai.,nai_ - 5 p.m. gigantic sale of new books art Ludlow Pablo School. Library Club wel- comes all. —48 ANQUET8r DANCE Plan to amend the Ripley Junior Fanners animal ban - vet and dnaice, Friolay, Dec- ember r 11, at 7 Oft Brace Twp. Cay Ceram Underwood. Dancing to "Harvest'. t'., Tickets. mail- able. Phone 3ai9. —48,492 VARIEN " Han to attend the Ripley Junior Fanners Variety Coir- een Friday., Deceaimber 4. 8:30' pan. Ripley Township MEL —48it ONTA1RIO% largest tk' rrotchavery corsigmtent saw. Nal:wick Ontaxio, Friday. December 11. I9t81., 10 a.m.. Maks conducted sword Fri- day each mouth). Appterirs- a 150 - 175 ora air's plias aril types alum eq Capatent. Coiriwtiiioats. Weft int 1i s caU 19) 424= our (519) 424-9093. Proprirettows.K.. S. •ski &. Sons.--4itar MINIATURE DAE'IISS1IIJND swum & acid big Piled, 8 - 9 $L a4 !Nativity, excellent limit pets„ vroneed„ tattooed and moist- med. Sesame Ifo _s; Myth 1-5231652. -,48x EW aHsdt Prot ss - man required as aj.siodring sapervisatTop Images sad job security plus usual com- pany bars.. Aka web puns app toe with 2 to 3 years e Rearmed. by established newspaper company in smith wrest ern Ontario. All replies c des- IiaL Apply is writing to OCNA He *ADI. --48.* PHER wanted for mealy newspaper. Some sales. Op- portunity to ' 'cart up tar editorship- Salary range 51,200 to S1,600 par month. Moret Keith, Star .O 'a'i`de, Walloon* ht. (403) 842-44&6_ Attention Farmers C. WwIed WANTED ED TO BUY six ton of mired gra*, phone - 57. —48x WANTED TO BUY top ¢pail" dy first and seemed eat . Oar*i Rohrer, phone 3571- 2868. No swi day calls,. -48.49„ Wasted Cattle, sank or ikis- abled, )ay top o Call -6829 tae.---47tf WANTED TO RENT - C'rew. bad, - actes. noire 357-2096. —471418 M.50W . U. Livestock BRED YORK CITIMIS idra e gats, doe ntid fiber and December. Bred to Damp - shire or Dime toms.. *Niirail ern of tested Ramp - shim Yeaatshiw+e and '''cross- beard boats,. mar Vlibr. Finns Latd, Boob Robinson,, RAI * Waken. 34 4317 k� r r1 opine •Ritoriwe E finitionikog BUGSTA1kE isgssintsr Cleaners, Bain Footers,, 58 Unlordeas,, Fanwirring. Gat.. Ow Water .Bards„ Cow Sita' . and, Hog Faneffiag. Cost* Ilb!O , Jaime S , 'G: L - 3, Rolymiad, phew 3954310. AP r r w isPaumnor FAIIIMISTSSIMISILTD. Avallithey BUIZ= -. Ring .)tlisn a Sao Ifig Jars -Sib Y Belt Feeders, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feedeers, Single Chase . 'Co neyers, Barn Mars, Ossradt Easd- FAR11/ATIC Meader Roller Milk. Blender Milds for Giumal H--Maesine r Cars„ Avows, Leg Beam - els. el. ACORN - Cable Ban R s& Stam - me wore pumps.WESTEE'L�-H� Grain bias - 1350 10 250.000 be. Bak Feed Tanis. Acme - Fan -Jett Ventili E tion Systems. ASTON - Ventilation Sy - terms.. b B & L - Complete Coafi> ementtS�ysterms:. SICRRT-SL1 GER Marmite Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for Cozy EgoiQwiie nt, AERO -FLESH Li9sidMame Pings. Aerators. rs WEHANDLE EVER7f THD1iG-ALMOST w w ,.. . w w w Phone 528-2822 Ori