HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-03-08, Page 1.wilaweessillsee';
gout in.to the be boniest In the dis-
trict. It is a weekly reminder, Mr.
Merchant, that you are alive and doles
If you need anything In Letterheads,
RI Envelopes, ote., call tele-
phone 35 and it TIIE SIGNAL furn-
ish* neeLgismily.
Low Wages Paid
Shock Committee
Evidence in Investigation a Ot-
tawa -Wage Laws
(By J. A. Hume, Special Corteapon-
dent of The *Signal)
Misses C. A. and S. McKluuon were
In Toronto last week studyleg the
neva millinery styles.
Mrs. E. Melieughlln returned home
IOW week after spending IMMO weeks
with friends at Beranton,
Mr. Win. K. Themson, teneher at
Piattsville, visited at the week -end
ith his Mettler, Mr... Jas. F. Thous -
Mr. (1. Plante was down ton this
week and was warmly greeted by
Complakts Should
of the staff of the Ottawa Normal
Miss M. K. Clifford, Is.Paed.,
hool, was elected president of the
Ottawa Teachers' Institute at the re-
cent annual convention of that body.
raise Clifford was for several ,years
Bays Mayor Lee ia Continued Tilt OD the Staff of Goderich Collegiate In -
with Councillor Huckion etitute, as head of the department of
Go to Hydro Office
moderns and English. befure_ter ap
Hydro Bills Pointment to the .tauf the Ottawa
- Normal School in 1922.
The regular meeting of the town - -
council on Friday night wae marked LETTER FROM "OUTSIDER"
Ottawa, March 5. -Evidence Of "de- many friends who were glad to see another tilt betereu Councillor
A letter signed "Outsider," enquir.
lug regarding school courses' nas re-
plorably low wages" paid In Cenadian biro looking so well after ide 1014 111- Ilucklus and Mayor Lee over the tines- „civet, at this °two this
-Tfio of 11,ffro reties: Tbere is a well -sestet -Hated settle that
Industry, particularly In Toronto and nem
Montreal, shocked the price spread Milos Florence Gricirtel, wto has
intimated that he intended to continue letters to a newspaper should bear held on Monday evening in the village
writer'm name (dot neeessa•Il for
Len attending a week's vacation with 7 -• The council chamber was filled
and mass buyiug committee (Write' M and Mrs Win. Grind- hie probe into the ruatter; His --le
yfield Stirrar-
Over Civic Affairs
What Is Back of the TroUble
in Village Board of
-- -
-4 repetition of the Ili...wort:a which
characterized a lively meeting of the
rfilage. trustees of Hayfield at the
hoard* meeting in January N as not
forthcoming - at--Bie-7'ebruary eemorlort
• Pepshileation) otherebe they are not
we would 'deb* to overflow/lag w t ratepayers, many
• the etek, and no thismatrenAmski nam- :oti, West street. hes retdrned to Wership said that he Wilb through an- puttlished. Further,
-InreriTT3 ilneerir'ne-sifMe' -11"aiaa "Outsider" to eddremrstres intertresier-wg-anhon&-oallmeemits-ofsegurledt.7 And -
leg special iuvestigatore to fallow up %Omni°. •
lite principal of the Collegh.te Insti- -to see the film" but all wan quiet
the information given the eonueittess. Mr. J. T. Fell. Who for Mine months 01(1(1011 any further information he
A few Instances given of low wages :IMF had a position atWIneaor as Slid serene. At the solleitetion of
were air follows: Needle trades In plotographer for The Roeder Cities
P. E. McCoy and Frank •Fox were
seieral citizens Provincial Censtables
Montreal made boyspanta at three I Star. i home this week on account of
re -at e persemeseAnd maid seteitt *11 10 14thejlineemeAf hle wife. Mrs. Fell is iregent sustizined throughout
h- -Hems Alex lutes -
per week to mate them; hi Montreal iin We' -Witip ft; setandittlessift-
t and Mrs. Bailey, the first women*
150 girls were found working in a ' kt.ing her family and friend' much
IllikanWerao-wiaonolatw.....bilioults-and _fag=
plant at $1.50 to $6 per week; boys
were hired at ta per week .to replace
girls who were (veered under the min-
imum wage law; a .1'srouto woman
with a child to support received $0
for a 44 -hour week; eight women in
a Cornwall plant worked 49 hours for
wages from $4.50 to PI; au raper -
leered Montreal worker got $6 for 06
hews' work; hundreds of Toronto
worker', beads of families, getting
from $5 to $10 per week required pet-
ite' relief from the city to eke out a
living; etc., etc.
The evident* impressed the commit-
tee with the fact that existing On -
turf° and Quebec minimum wage laws
are •• farce with small 110 and $50
fines for infractions of time law.
Proposes N. R. A. tor Canada
Tom Moore, Ottawa, president of change -4n- the morning train, which
the Trades and Labor Congress of leaves Toronto $.30 a.m, and arrives
Canada, teetifyIng before the . omrnit-
tee on Thureday, suggested industrial
cedes for Canada along the lines of
thc N.R.A. in the United Sestet, with
boar& of rontrol in individual Indus-
tnea, to be conimmed of repreneetative
employers and employees and„thelr en-
actments to be eupervised by the Fed%
Peal Government In the interest -1W
the consumer. The H.N.A. Art Shoal
be amended, Mr. Moore conteuded,
_ centralise authority to metrol W$tSL
and labor in the Federal GOVerument,
Much heavier tines and jail 'entente,
Amited be enacted for infractIonsaor
the existing minimum wnge laws, he
"Labor has come to the conelusirm
that competition is the death. not the On Priday last the Marine Club en-
tire, of trade," Mr. Moore Raid. He iintained 150 guests at • euchre and
predieted the ultimate socialisation of dan(•e party. Twenty-one tahlee of
Industry. toward which. he Reid. we progreselve euchre were played, the
es are moving step hy etep. ;zanies starting at 8 o'clock. Stre. T).
The Rad story of low wage+ was els, MeIlwain won first prize with a per.
en to the eom,mittg,g bi_Jee.„KsAetvers feet wore. in twelve games, and Mr.
Tornnto pulite* weliffenT was high scorer erne
Gustave Prams's. Quehee Minimum -len. Consolation ewer& were pre -
'age Board chairman: and Piot II. isentes1 to Mins C. McKenzie and Mr.
M. Caluiddy of Toronto Univereity, who 'ernes Leonard. Tbe member.; of the
glade an Investigation of the Quebec 1.11th wish to thank the unknown donor
etothIng industry lest yeer. of the prizes. An exce•Ilent lunch was
This week retailers end menufee- imervtel by James Bonny, the club stew -
hirer. will tell the eommIttee some- aid. before dancing to mimic by the
eboulti go to the Ilydro office. • •
Tile Mayor and Other members of
th«.ouncil who attended the recent
Good Roads convention at Toronto
ntiole-estwieMseral repose speaking -pars
willful). of the Intimation given at
th4 convention that the Province was
.oking-over-1 -portion ut-tbo-
All the members of the council were
In their places.
selie-tax- col/octet reported__
t:ans for February amounting to
13,511.51. Lista of those In arrears
....re being prepared and would be pre-
sented at the earllest possible moment. I stop, so the driver. •deeldine that. n
The sexton of Maitland cemetery re- lioadaide snowbank looked more crane
.ortable than his presatioim
rted interments In the month of
the cutter, left the -e11114-%Irti
Frbruary. eying leap twit before the turn te
The Mayor, reporting lite attendance
laitannla road. Ile wee :tune -tsm
at the Gime Road.. convention at Tor-
oon, for the trat•es .ima,m...1 with the
not°. expresaed his pleasure in te
sirain and the cutter tamed over into
Announeement there given that the
the ditch as Dobbin high-taiNd It for
Goverment wag taking over the Blue
Water Illgliwny. It would be a good
!tang for Goderich. he deelared, to
have this road improved as It would be
under .Provincial eontrol. IIP be-
3eve4 that work In draining. widen -
!ng and grading the road would be
commeneed this Kering.
Councillor Humber, who also at-
tended the convention, maid he hefleved
it was gond buslne.. for the hew n to
be represented at ?inch gathering... If
Kincardine end Bruee enonty hind
gemebody on the ground he believed
the highway would have been extended
loto that county.
Rome Metter eommente en the Tor-
onto gathering were made by Reeve
Munninge, the third member of the
own's delega t ion.
lute. at this ()Mee has ao Illtormatton
a. to the matter other than has al-
mady been published.
Not content to trot along at aafe
gene_ mice, Thos. isiftsrea cot.
ter, took to its 'heels last Thursday
morning anti dashed (Men leingston
street with its driver tugging ineffees
Maly 1t tlm reinisse- itrunding • the
censer at Victoria street, the mettle-
some animal showed oo.ittelintrEert te
A moccasin dance will be 1,eld at
Ibti West_street rtuluon Wetinviday
evening, March H. This Is somethitir
new in winter sport. A ',:ripot dance"
and other novelty dances will be held
to the recorded mpsic of America'sm
leuding dance bands. Dancing tra
S.30 p.m. to 12 midnight. Admission
Some t•hanges are made In the C.P.
It. time -table taking effect March
1111).• The •fternoon train wel leave
(.oderich at 4.25 (Instead of 4.10 mm.)
end will arrive at Toronto at 9 p.m.
(instead of 11.50) and at Hamilton
Q20 (instead of 11.10). There Is no
Sere at 1 -p.m.
- _
of the
h tipauttder the auspices of
' A tI ef Knox ch (00'
'01(0 of the popu r events
Jour hundred or moreper-
igen at the tables in the lee-
ofethe church on Thursday
est and enjoyed • meal which
ng to be desired. This is
as son e.entowhich iseays well
.patronised, and the 'num /served
this year, it 15 understood, wee slight.
ly in excess of lett yeer's company.
thing about the effects of mem; buying.
Rt. Hon. Arthur Meighen. Govern-
ment lender in the Semite. opposed
Hie bill for hospital rweepstakes on
thr ground that "wholegale gr.mbling
'Mould notbe ennonraged by Inw for
any pimpose." Debate on the hill is
prneeeding. Mit. even if It passes the
Semite. It le rertnin 10 met defeat In
'-- the Ovonnons.
• Rank Aft Goes to ConunIttee
Thurnday afternoon the bill revising
the flank Act got neciond reading after
a ehort debate and wins referred to the
Parliamentary banking and commerce
committee. where the rent ettely of the
(Oontinned on page 4)
Dominion Road Maehinery Co. pro -
!Meta continue to go to many distant
Tarte of the world. On Monday two
road graders were shipped to Nevi Zee-
land and a power grader was Alerted
te Banff, Altserta. NI:whines seed re-
psiring as well as the roada ot. which
they work. of (•ouree. and apare parts
La the coneignment of graders sent
to South Africe Ise year were sloe
eent owl from the factory.
Witmer orchestra was begun and en-
loyed tot n merry hour or tiro.
The Masonic Temple .rang with
pounds of revelry on Wednesday
night when a "500," euchre awl dance
was .held by Court Goderich Ne. 32.
C.O.F., for the members and their
Mende. There wee an unusually
large attendant* that added to the
gaiety typical of these Neil -Ion& Twee -
.y five tables of cards were played
lord boxes of grneerlee were presented
to the high scorers among the iodise
fool email bags of dour to the men.
TI.e winners at "500" were Mr. grid
Mrs. G. 11. Moore, with scores of 7500
rild 6290 respectively. Mrs. Percy
Warner, with 95 points, was the
limier of the ladles at enehre, and
.Indrew Murray, with 115 -whits, won
1:1.1- place among the men. Refresh
wrote were served by a committee
composed of Harry Witmer, Ernest
Breckenridge, G. Resat., W. F. II.
Pore, Percy, IVilliam and Albert Bar-
ker and J. Barbour, after whieli danc-
teg wak eseirtil to otrlaime arnmic-fers
D ished by Wiser orchestra.
Goderich Sends Greetings to
Toronto on Its Centenary
On l'needny the town of Otderich.
through Mayor bee, paid Ite respects
to the eity of Toronto on the (wesaton
of the ettyll centennial celebration.
The greetings were peat by telephone
pronlpfly at IR o'eloelt a.m., and the
meseage WW1 one of the firat received
• by the Mayor of the celebration city.
Tbe eonversatihn IR reported as fol
To Mayor Stewart --"Mayor le* of
Goderieh speaking. I wieh to extend
Through you to the citizens of Toron-
to the greeting., of the citizens of
. Goderleh. In 1927 we (elebreted nor
centennial and ads rear St. George's
- Ant/tie/in ehnrch Is eelebrating 111
100(11 nnnivereary. It is just one
Stmelred !peel this 'eolith that the
floyfleld road wan rommeneed between
*Men 11- itYlie1WO4.eri tot* West ‘,Ttrer
rear the ProvInseal onvernment has
'ken it over ex • Provincial hi
hurled here, was inetrnmental in hav-
ing an order -In -council passed he the
Legialature Petting aside a plot of
ground between Farr's and the Gar-
rison am a site for a muneum and bo-
tenleal garden. I ronke mention of
thin as 1 noticed he the, paper, that
loronto la advneating this today.
"We hope that your centennial will
I* a great imecem. and 'I know that
the Huron Old Hoye of ynnr city will
.10 all In their pewee to make It Re
great a otterett" la they del for their
oat minty town of thelerich in 1927
"If there 11 anything WP ran iin in
onr email way to render help, we will
Ise pleteed to en -appetite **h our
younger twit larger neighbor"
Mayer iftewart's Reply
In reply Marne fltewort asked that
Mayor Lori convey to the cithisinm of
eieslimesia RM. WIC Zers.....1. av5.4.4.- , - ,T*,..7;Wimple se Idabq
t.utt of the thonghttatairm shown In rer re appointment. as parkffrostrit
was referred to the cemetery and
slaw dilawtHill *
A allemanslailied Itm'At...-.4.,-,,,,
Hydro Ratan
Mayor Lee. referring to Councillor
Ilnekinie request et the previeiis meet -
.ng for further information on the sub-
ject of Hydro rate., produeed the fol-
lowing statement:
When meter is read every three
month.• -
55 kilowatt hours per month at
1st ra -
THROalrerft -per month -7
-165 k w h at 3c $495
Balance over 105 k w h at lest
Service charge 33e per month
for two -wire service 91)
Service (diarge 66e per month for
three -wire service
Minimum bill for three montlis-_
$2.50 gross or $2.25 net, or 75e
per month minimum net bill
When meter is read every two
. Month 9-
Ss5 kilowatt hours per month at
1st rate
2 months at 55 k w h per month
-110 k w at 3e $33�
Valance over 110 k w It at 114-c
Service charge 33e per mon
for two -wire service
1.1. hold it position on the board, were
•Ialluary meeting was between Truss
tees Ross and Mrs. Bailey, both of
loon cloinied, firstly. the chairman-
ships -mid, oetomily, theseeeret
r. Roes was named chairman over
-Mrs. Bliley's, protest _that she lied
funded the* poll at the election and
wee entitled to the position. Mr
"toss moved -hit own nominatien and
-11nee4oirseermnded tht. -matins;
Then Mrs. Bliley after registt ring
protest. moved. that 'she he secretary.
/dr: Ilueston also eecontled Dila mo-
tion, but Mr. Rose Is reported to have
refined to put the motion or concede
.Mrs. Bailey the position. , He pro-
ceeded to keep hTi-own
S. 1). Croft, C.N.It. station agent.
r..ports busineas as distinctly improv.
ing at the station here. February par-
te ularly showed a large hien ase In
freight business. 'rile Increase .is
00.1nis in outward shipments.
Type of Schools
Announcement by Premier Henry
John Dougary, who has been held ! in the Legialature--Provin-
in tall for nevem!' weeks since Ids cial Financeii_.
Grant, proprietor of the Royal hotel. - 1. . ler
arrest on the complaint of l'erey
where Dougary admittedly obtained - Toronto, klarch 6. -The keynote of
lodging to the extent of neany $100. , itihetarr.intettheadLedrgei7atgui
:eellathythe reit: of
_Atkin WO* obtained for, him on a lied Industry, he paid, were rapidly.
was released on Saturday alio a pm last week, War one of optimildn. Trade
ferns He has promised to wipe out
the debt in small monthly payments 'miring and a spirit of confidence per -
end Grant esteemed himself as per- veiled the :Previte*. lie -expatiated at
feet's. satiate! with the arrangement. :O111031 on how Wei Ounirites credit s
- ---.S.
TO -'71*. WINDIA dt, totva_epitmar_Wi_ interest rates -
A rr,lit old-fashionisl stewing circle peel on. recent lease War- tiase--2"----. ----- - - -
meeting mut enjnved by the 1111.11111en former years.
of the Ws.31.S. of Knox Presbyterian Progressive leader, interrupted snarl- --.
Hon. II. C. Nixon (Brant county),
chureli on Wednesday, when the ladins 17 when the erehder ultde velliggri''
toys fl"lor Nrfolorsr TWSiee-olitlittrile".ii 'toottalimae bakinrgk ton* with loterest rate* on bond* is -
14 lied by ti -rt -7T- 4.E.--AdinriTritiraTiiii-biz
With her to India -in the fall. st the Leven Bilis ands1913, when Me. Nixon .
dogs, elite, (lustre chlekens and 4:10111A
brightened the_ room ashen the final
article wax erompleted. Handbags and
-sulkies-a clothing Ware bY
the.* 'moment. few of tits. members
devieed their time to the making of "I'm giving this speech," the Prem.
intenders' foe the ilfeoneinhership fund, replied.
contributione. -A box lunek, was en- "I oult aek you to be fair -for a
joyed during an intermiesion in the enange," said Mr. Nixon.
work in the evening, afem-sslals41--the --"Don't be so touchy. You knew the
work continued until the fast article
• was rompleted.
"Why tlOn )0.! give eater paid by
other l'roviu,:es at that dater the Pro-
ressii e leader' demanded. "That will
show_Lhe generul.tate-ot_interest_
people are trying to forget the U.E.O.
iStIntinistration. They will remember -
Brix one fOr a long Gine."
THROWN FROM ELEVATOR BELT "lies," said air. Nixon, eildently
Win. (Smiley, Cambridge stPeet, Is unplying that he agreed that the pree-
mies rapidly recovering !I home from en!. aillUinktra(1011 W011Iti be long re.
els home out the Hayfield road. for It* faults- rather
There was a tussle between Mr. Ross -tie effeets of a peorttar avadeut
JOHN HUSSEY RETIRES °Pattered while he was working at the i than _for Its virtues. 'Reid the let -
On Wednesdey last, after se‘enteen and Mr*. Bailey for poiseession of the Itlevator last week. "le order to sweep rue from the honorable memeer for
ears of service with the Canadian =note book and In the scuffle lire omen 01r...walls, Mr. Gauley was stand- Satilt.": he added. referring to• a
National RallwaSs. John Hussey, Halley lost a set of heads, the string ' lug on the belt that Is 'used to carry letter -written by J. Lyons (Cons..
Laitiand road, who is in Ids sixty.. 4bout her neck breaking and&the bends grain from the bins. -when a work- Ift-Me)--repselintingslds al -
lath year, retired on superannuation. spilling over -the floor of the council man, disregarding the custom of giv-iieeintice- to the Conservative party.
Mr. Hussey commeneed his sertiesi
e iamber. The lady did not bother to I ing the controlling ewiteh a Prelimite The people Cit Ontario," Mr. Henry
with the railway in 1917 as bagitnge-' retrain possession of the fragments of 1.„ry light toileh to warn anyone on or kt•ndllilled, "are proud of the statement.
man when the late G. II. Lauder Was her neeklace- Mr- Rosa sasetired pus- near the belt, threw the ,swit.11 right 1 am giving today -are' will be pre...I.
station agent here. He worked Is_ -*mien of the Minute book. in. Mr. Gauley was _knocked. down . when they go_ta.. the -pelts this sum
'Oat capacity and handled freight until At Monday nIght•s Meeting bothle- the sudden lurch Of the telt and -met, to snow Dist What trey think of
a year and a -half ago, when he n
was 1 rstees Ross and Mrs. nano, kept vas carried a short distance before 11."
moved to New Hamburg, aa assistant ' minutes. 'Mrs. Bailey producing her he was able to throw himself ftom the "They W111," • member of the Oppo-
,o the station agent. Four months Is ok after she had made a formal de. belt, which was rapidly picking up 11111011 shouted sarcastically, suggest-
kier he was transferred to Sliteliell ream' on Mr. Roo', for the reguLar,
IItbeifersie -cairatity.. _The- prattle* runt. He refused.
..1 Mitchell le now !libel br'freits's • one tifm, nI wow" londatt...,....
Semboor.lettmleyStri„,atfacisrdn n; -r -d - the ippointment of -*M
ent „firdener
stable, the tender oT George Lit& ist
- um
ahd now IR looking forward to the I:64 a yeir tieing accepted. That of
time when the weather will permit john l'e8Pe, former eo
lanstable, dfs-
lam to begin the ying out and plant- ,011..,Ked Hi. J„nuiry ri„.e.tinic for
mg of hts garden. alleged refunal to remove an obitre-
lierousi ratepaye: from the hall. wee
SUNDAY MORNING ItOLLISION for Mrs Mr. Little. the new village
While driving to church on Sunday 'cop," Is a ton.orial artist when not
morning from -their home in Colborne orhis beat. Mr. Pease retains his
14 wnsidp, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. eommieeion of comity constable, how-
bolmswere involved In a motor reel- lever.
an automobile driven byrClayton
nalte. Goderich township youth. %viten.
Loithwalte applied his brakes on ap-
proaching the bend of the hill, bin car
:lidded and crashed into the front of
Ceisbelm's car. Although Mr. Cblii-
1o10t and a passenger In the back seat
were only slightly injured, Mrs Chis-
holm received severe laceration,. about
the face and head ea she pruner('
HiSough the windshield when the an
%truck. She Was taken to her parente'
home on Nelson street, where medical
via was administered. Although
Chisholm'e car was badly mashed.
te one driven l.y Laithwalte escaped
nJelasit slight damage.
Only four members of the ptiblie
siebool trusetre leoard-Clialrman Schae
ter. Mrs. G. Johnston and Megan" J.
I'. Carrie and 11-.11._Johnston_
Service charge titie per month for
. three -wire service 1 32
Minimum bill for two months -
$1.66 groaa or $1.50 net, or 75c
per month minimum net bill present at the monthly meeting on
Some discuitsimi followed and filially Monday evening. Routine busifiess
His IVorshlp stated that he would not 1 Nits transacted. On the request of'
take up any further time with this 'he caretaker of Victoria school, it
was decided to pnrchaae three dozen
instter; any complaints as to Ilydro
hills should be taken to the Hydro canna bulb8 for the school garden.
Aire. The action of the supply committee
Councillor Fluekine insisted that in- !II purchasing a fifty -ton car of Red
formation regarding Ruch Matter,' Jacket slack (sell for Victoria school
was .
should come to the vonnell thro4h the approvedTide WAX an emer-
pricy order,. the cold weather baying
Mayor, who was a member of the pub' pricy
an unexpected demand on the
!L, commission; but I.e was
assured that if he went to the Hydr0 r1*1 "9917. -
office Superintendent Kelly wt mkt -gime - The PrIn_cir..! 01_ Co4nal seheol i'
(3m in -
1 im all possible information.
' ported for tentliof
• Number of pupil' on roll, 282; aver-
. Fire Drill at Hospital iige attendant*, 215, or 92.6 per cent.
The secretary of the hospital board Penny Hank deposits. 841.153.
wrote stating that at a recent meeting The principal of Vietorla school re
of the board thequestion of Melee. -peeled: , Number on roll, 370; avertertion and fire drill wan dlseussed. age attendance, 3441 or 93.53 pe reent.
The board felt that it would he Penny Bank depoalta, $115.30.
nble to have the fire chief or some .
members of the brigade vinit the hos-
pital with a vlew femllierizing
themselves with conditIone there. It
watt also felt that some engeestiona
from the department as to the proper
drill in case of fire would be wet -
opined by the board.
This was referred to the ire com-
A eommunication from the 'mere-
'ary of the public library board ;dated
:bat, owing to a change of janitor rat
the public Ilhrery. there wiin a pont
tflify flint the npstalrn rooms In the
Minding niight casette and inquired
If the eounell wethed to have these
Tomlin wird for a mumeem and for the
eleirage of old resew& of the town.
Tbe arterial eommltte. was naked to
meet the library hoard and report an
thlii matter
"There are more ways than one of
skinning a eat." Likewiiie, thought
lert Lerwick, are there mole ways
than one of raining a hag of grnin
from the hold of a grain host. The
erne way employed laet Frldsly wee by -
the nee of a rope mei n ',nand
Mit monotonowa proeedure.
thought things out nnd (leveled thnt •
“eounterbalance".iden would mare Mile.
'1 ;(at is, if man got on the rem, him
,welght would re IRP the bag and at
'the end nf the Joerney the bag would
be up and the man down ready to af-
fix the next load to the rope. Not
atnpping to tin a little meets' arith•
met10 with regard to the respective
weight." of man and hag of grain, Itert
30(1 a fellow worker wised the rope
end swung ont Into apaceno hag
wax! • rz...* 29 rIgke, test metth a eerrees
that wee not bargained for. LTD
Wise. of MOM, did the 111IeR go down.
ait irsioy.....00betak."i
11 so t poier-iiat Ant
ls perhaps Illegal and eertninly
to SppOltlt a contitalde by ten-
('er. There is no known preeedent,
hut it seems Itnyfield has' its .ten way
of doing awl things. The 'mem* of
inedneee traneneted was routine.
speed. In the three-foot fall to the
rment floor, he injured his side, but
!aid no_attentlon 10 wlint he thought
Inwrerer, wen o .
eovered two broken Thi. acct -
dent Irak a hair-raising experience for
the victim and he is glad of the rent
it week or two, at the end of which
time both nerves and ribs will. It IS
hoped, be as good as eyer.
Mr, Janie-. W. MacVlear is in Alex-
anlira hospital as the remelt of a most
, neks alive . Leav-
ing the houseio take out IIIP ear, Witte,
the filteution of driving down town,
he had gone but a few steps w nen, hr
slipped. on some lee and falling ant-
fpred a fracture of the left leg just
Jag that the eleetere cstrillet as to
• what they think of It" will he the
lever* of what the Premier expect
- Continuing. the Prenitersanswends-
g 'Ih taxation by
11ellalg. (Turf Me Province waw -a "eel.
ler of serviresi" rather than a taxing
body. Nearly sixty per cent. of Pro-
vincial reverie...he dell red, waa PHD-
!diluted by the *man "who drives a
ear and take. it little drink on the.
Nide." Anyinw .whir does not avail
himself of services the Province of-
fers in ille way of highway' Rod 11 -
gen; stores need pay nothhig towards
theaLhe em thasIzed, The Premier
tad' ifer r the fact
that relief .1assed as a elm-
fal expend it Lire
- Financial Forecast
Salient points In the forecast for the
current financial year are: Estimated
'Wary eevefIne 5l .070,145). whleh-
;14 9;93,1112 less their the actual re- -
7ennee for the last financial year.
tse(Continned on page 21
What' a bark of ell 11)I4? (..inram, chore the Enee. The fractured leg
,,f prominent Hayfield cltizena brings bl•the "De thdt Waa 'dread' la'n'ed as
the reply that the question' of Siltic lav ' the result of shrapnel wounds re.
ohserve-nee is one big reason, also al- . ,
volved In serviee overeeasin the Greet
li get'. unauthorized expenditure of War. Being unable to move Mr. Mae.
I Mar because of tbe Witting! -pain
money by last year's hoard.
Trustee Murdoch Hews Is reported cabloned by any movement, neighbor.,
to favor (strict enforcement of the law who attempted to assist were foteed
and prohibition of Seedily bathing al to let him Ile on the mitlewalk until
the be„e, me, ee smithy ese•tee_ Ile the a alilltifilICP arrived with a stretch-
( -field enforce the neek-to-knee_hath,
ing snit -bylaw and banish "mantles"
from the streets of the village.
Mrs. Halley, Who is said to have the
tutpport Of V1114011P orgenicsatione And
'eading citizens (Pile headed the poll
--the recent elections). _standsJor
what la termed a rierin end iniwiew-tu
terpretation of the 111%V. She thinks
Mr. .Roes'.4 views utterly foolish nnd
ridiculous in view of the trend of the
times. Mrs. Bailey conduit -to the Ritz
iiotel In Hayfield and has a host of
!fiends among the nodal pet. '
The -advent of Hydro la Mayfield
elito at:trued aometititts. A Mile we.)
pincer1 op or Sneer Mr. Roves proper.
ty. Last yenr. while he was n mem•
her of the board. im Im tudd to burr
had the* ohjeetienable pole removed
....IOU -corners" _as•rois the etreet, on
or inljniping another property. it
c:almed by the Bailey forms that thts
jot waa neenimilished iitid Paid for
Without formal authorization. The
pole WI1P P111110 moved.
The altuatIonshae, many posIthitittel.
No eheelles !mem yet Mien hewed or
1031, signing ,.0),•,7. not yet belna
*greed upon . Should the warring
frietions both decide to lime eherines.
(be hank may tw ealled upon to re-
IInth Tenetee. RO:ii end !Salley, with'
their friends, are etleking to , their
Rung, with Trustee Iluotton derkitAII
kits for Mrs. Bulley'ol beide. they
*Ye nal pert 'Veen replaced TM Mir
:ady for raportretite easing she I. witit•
;tog for her po.litieel adversary to "do
the gentlemen!, think',"
The icy roadway on the Squire was
resporteilde for a collision hetq.een oa
tottomobile driven hy HOP/1 P-frimmer
11,01 a horse and buggy driven by Dave
er. He was then taken to Alexandra linchanan Sttoiltly night. The ear
Tiospital, where the frneturede-tiewel-mst out -et
nes set. n shell of has, and ern"heill IWO the
Mr. Maevicar is the local testier of bum, smashing a wheel. The form
motor cur Ileennes, and -arrangement,' of the rtnpnct wile net great and no
lave been made fee sthe carrying mr-4-1tarm 'trot done the °tempera* .of
of thbs hadnegc at the usual place- ' (4ther veld. le. Sergeant Ross levee -
IP _Geo-liar:Nicer:a_ shoe atorc,-dur Waled. Thr cras1p ens unavoidable
mg his unfortunate enforced abeedee. 1 add purely accidental
Josh Juniper and Susie Are
Waitinfr. for Goderich's ilia Time
Juniper sldink.
ago that mounded like ii was goln
match 75, 103,4,-.i to h_nv hnotlier matherin of_ the old
toy. tin mil4 the mime onts. that went •
dere Mr editoss-when rendie tire
Ie. elite* about 50 year( ago an sum of
P1' tpert, wattI ulltrintny isobett_ botnrtnelteiaisitrt
4-t4e""k"i' . Stoll. the feller that wrot that letter
us mere -Ere we-7Totif like 10 NO It tett -
to pay use Hie and I *earl to the Mlrm•
•1(.111311 to want to get ha( k to Ooder-
*". 1430(1e 1 "75. 1 get "11 h" 10 50 prety bad to tee the touto 'gen I
'own In sire soil( fer 2 Bucks to send I gr s he melt like the pinee an I dont
n me roherteon hekuri If n debt totem . Mame laim as I think -se to.but sum -
•ell stop our _paper Aft thine.irat Wit i Lmee wen n find a feler me teriblenn-
yits‘I. - " to get Intthe 'mldie of a Mg
diden 110 that editor, crowd like wild be In the olo town ad
xiotte o
tad to pay bile I- thut they got every- with -there pokets ful of money mebbe
Ilan fer nolhIn for Sello About it In It tol be about as wet to holy the chief
the Paper an wen they got more of police watch to 'see wilts itolo 011,
money than the? end Age 111117 Ns anyway% mr editor besides him that
keis It OikPretetiffeff.thel nesflod more. I Wrote that long letter sad them that.
my. 1"i h•i*.0 Iii. Annan- and arta thersothero-n .as pot me ea
itettli it th the. letter -end -itot -yrngte rowyrinr--vrir -tirpr-frn we
Ti. temperatures reeorded In (1(51 -
rrich for the pnet week, nod for the
eorrospondIng week of !net year, were
1934 1933
Max: 1(10 Max. Min
fPrILMareti 2 fig 4'44^
Rat March 5 ....AA Ali 57 WI
Man , Mareh 4 .. an 114 52 27
Mon., legrett . . 41 WI *1 21
Tama, Mereh ..41 AR An 211
liCed Wendt 7 ....81 IS 48 51
pd I Off tresktio tht. h..071 like wit 1 turetaloeUtrt rite away sayin mi. Least -
sem did on the way drIvin np to (Ind - ways Rorie is for the net big hfrw-dys
4-.1elt that time an I says alright 1 sito moll her our fieet Sunday eines
tont (Inn that mince the fellers khigl. all hrtirthed up an re(ly just ilke wnt
heck and told nn me en nnywnya how
end 1 wen 31 Int give me no. mnney
Well nir editor here's the niiiney 3433
p,ense (lent "top the onper or well her (1111 gee It in the pnper witch I think la
to get eloWn to readln them city pa- the best one there Is bekus Rnsle slays
;era witch dont hay nothin much In it wont on ekonnt the epelin twit
ti.em hia things like grorge henry's !Ike .he fhtokm If of to he but Rho Oat
Rorptere-wIrh 0 ran pot In 1114. root sure and *aye ahe !tient thine to 555
POC4,4 and Us.n wen ti go to t over It, hein wapiti day hnt between'
'ilea-. it If IT IMF flaitieftWittotou- tue YTtlittliAllik, amp hilinervi
rutir's *tortes *rot were* a up ta tho an she dent no herself only dent sisIP
,,it. ecein pink etefunto an fear.* Ilona
allfirstorn cots ready te 'wader a.
Ray air editor wile 1 hay sty pea Is
hand saw somothiag In the Mimi a
we wore wen we lef town to I...k ter
one fortune!! and we're etill lookin 341
width! nnd hopin.
I hope you'll print (hie letter PA 1
1 sod mehhe I will writ a ages
.ure time ant will kiwi* .ow fipple
*s1 and the fishing geed