The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-02, Page 71!sHoop4ar 2.,I 1 The LLOCKIMCMIN iENTI Tau" Essiialasil) SHOO 1. tom = otnst 444Th tt' N. 4mos 'Cosi , 40;401 04 .04 • Oil *MOW !A r t ww $osi rn F ONice.14•0010 .01.01t0 sa t.ta ' tree4ealEt MAta tr t;M t ai Viisiefeis, sled t au t Oflk telepMtme 328.2822 Mailing ilddres..PA) Hos 1O, Lr+sktaow, ?400 2N( Segind Clafsr Man NeWastraatwm Number 041 Saing0011 a t/, SI4.lL woo In*Mimi. k .ionNM.s1Z.0f of yak lei s/vrace 14,A, gird tri, SAW pot yam tr whale* St, eft, ttf•LA, ilnl t'entgul 1121.0 'or $EM to 11141111.14 lA Emphasis should be jobs The Liberals in Ottawa should listen-•to:tbeir own people have found cause to criticize the federal ,budget handed, a by finance minister Allan :MacEnchen. A top aide of krime,hfinister Pllerre T tideau has openly crit sized the federal ,Liberals tor: breaking theirpro> ise to fight unemploymetft. The' minister's former prune right -hind rnatr°Jon Coutts said in a speech at a weekend policy 'Convention in Teton*, the Liberals must place . their emphasis on, jobs. He complained that finances r. htsicEaeben has;" "kept fiscal policy in the deep Amex; through tee much emphasis on cutting the government; deficit." Jobs ..mustbecome the "economic priority;" for the Liberals, said Cooke, as he pointed out that Csaadi's federal deficit is significantlylower them either Germany or 'Coutts slum called fort+o1 01 economy, mora *Oasts,. .00sjob creation and mote F dor miCanadians. - tts was de ed'.* a by-election is Toa o otos. llp diva riding asst Aug dot only served as Trodeon's principal secretary for sin year is also Oinisidered one 0. the kei auk + of ibe gore s alisoaal est* He said he:Liberals' goal should be 50 petcreit Cs a ownership• to key sectors ischedlitgasisersla,Wood products►; meow, fates machinery cad teleconummicafions, by 1990. The Csnadianin i oo policy should not be nod *Soot c antagosize , ourseighbortrs, but rather to enqthitsize err piss i pra.Caaadiar attitude, warned Vaults. Coutts suggested putting :indostry back to wait With pubtsc investaseit where secessaty, Jars on be created it the preductioe of ,automobiles, tanto parts and farm machsaety, *be said.' , He also urged the liberal party to sit its figlItt vaunt°poverty, saying the federal goverrauent should more at owe to iscrease the glasosteedistotnie supplesteit for the paorest by a moitb. He also west as fap'ss .to suggest a special program to assist welder belwe a SSaa'd65, who haveltees citedas the vacate( the poor its this county`* cases where special sltoastionshawe left theem.. with neither iascome lot hope of income The federal Liberals have batt sight of their goals as Liberals, The saggjestioas made by Castes ate solhing less than what Liberals ba ve stood for as a party - most emphasis oft job creation, gsieater control of the Caaadiaa «oaomy and More help for: the poor. . We couldn't agree with Cooks more. { Had these suggestions been implemented in a =chilly planned budget„ which established programs to develop a stagsated " economy and presented some hope of retie from high interest rates, Canadians world . have bees larch batter seared by their federal gewerssmeot. It is encoutagnig to see that at lead bone Liberal has set lost sight of the problems m this armory sad has even talar the time to Wider plassible solutions., ill's too bad, Cozens lost is his bid dor a seat is Ht would have nude a good r+eptaeesiest for Altar kfacEacherf.bs the meanness, heat's harpies Ttmleau and Macpaadiea have head Cossets' plea. i1 I Appreciate canvassers To the Editor.: The Artarrarytothe Wiseman and District Hospital to farce this oppartstrity *ogress a posit tai ease ea aad conemsnities for sopporemg their October Costawsity C, ' • The Aix cry collected 15,400.04 tai be aid to pirelmse tam for the indent, Yasuo" doh of stinsey sod gree , were gready appreciated- • Strad Am** to the fry Boss& Taller, Noma Ca'LJessie J Dill tee, . tsrdbw ROO FesJss* leve„ tour " dale Taylor? - almost, Any issimis, ilticy 1 ham liber, Asn' Assim4 Lama tee"Caylry, letto )01 , Ankle/ lifacDorrahl, Oats b , SI Aosta,. • Grum tiaa, Martha Sheppard and lame .L ilk, ild.. tom. Cametfisogitg Secretary, 411 411 lief refot`w lions *Ins CMirhaw aims Pooh umbo, left and Ads Almmstes;, geld- mid *Imo fir dila yeseseis emntatnf.l'ir de id" pima tatror errM a*, Mean lsk and Jam Illamom. ebbe, A °A limy C if ifs luriiy a/trrrrma at its. • . draw *II bs clods for aOttlstims C * Seem dating ladmow Arima listkidits at 1 pint. b loupe ng srfi the tis •arrnndval ss that amain, bitty ami. saw *I0 mke Sobs INNS *e iillmw rwi 'pumeat aide mail Moose . isms se* dike asaims. fliontisalStadrrlestsil redis Alm one hundred and forty yet► ago, communication between' the villages and towns Upper Canada was a slow process, was carried by stage coach on the main h1gf ways of the young a silty,..but is most plate it was derwerred by one or more horsestes who, whets the distaste was g ss cb aged their mousts at tees* .sized livery stab, • The pule who &revrred the Royal Mail *ere as proud of tercoal in Canada ns thsy wereMthe 46141 coststry"w With*0 a:>rtralsic'tiwl that "The mail most to llsorltOr is spite of that comfitioss doe toads and the &v rsea ii state, *ey performed a vital cad satNtti Ike CONIVIANIS daty. lit ,tools two days fair a letter wailed is fricharond kill to mach r+ w kook'rally, is this era ofrapid tlranspot= tallow and sophisticated eleetrosic eqsiparenf the has detetimated Maurer las improve& Ose sketiarg int the 4 18422, t�somas he soo v a as hawse - am l, seise aurid genera tease is to *0 taerstal establisharest of woes estehasms amt C het moral 'Ask ti the AIM Once,Th was only owe letter and it was safe*, Jed - sed to Doctorlansesiortr is fiockt s 'The memage oms foss `Itty dearlames,Inr lid peva those3chr' e oat estate it*** �,f of Skye sow &skilledfans Torotsto,t t1aastrdatinga wag. meefingis theinterests of the Soelitty, Iit its slay V044111 slut or , Jitally fT , as maw of t9 alio Are ahlie to make the**tont itosscesierkeoaxdliscomfort„ shaft assemble on the farm of one William Make ath molfttiHISforatllaree-fad purpose: To comer praise and thanks to time Lord for the protteeition of ober per, Secoodlytob eM joy soul Ode,. the soar of Neil anti flora Maw, who shall be called James, Thiralr, t/9 &sows the powsito- fro 4 oar people Wigone dot*, . mashy, and tai * optile f d owed is lots as darools gams is that Ogee M e o1r lam notes w ..4 TorotMto ins the prozissity asf'the WO lam, 1 seed sty tin to yes awl yew esteem. Cd t; agate, Moto Btalosese a* frost titikfinds yob ag it leases me, its tate .btu of health and spirits, Your Mends, minas ilfacfeoad," As soots as be was able, Pallor Cameros Keyed the message to those people **his easy reach, He a&6 visited the Gb` , +Fast arl st' o I the hesisete Mishoftu arld Grasterintage Worts mid Slaoksmitty, ems C Citi load twoArmited10 ibfiVerted4006101, attil reftlited td. fib native Scotland.. David' i Coast had not fared too i lyw At ,kat tie iii testaiedl the paaiitt wl he mail now rem mea i0 d.>n'rA±fiudivi e galffal&ad hem herp Aim ettatsCith his e " c11 `e§4 om ate swat* se i ria nam *eft fir some &she- Eves if fixture in Toronto more profor *ice away from *0 thross of eke stiff,, amid! a re a Aegay ac acs e the veto coostryi have e hews the dimwits of tfse other eta peolgle its revert to tlwtaaaiaag s new by don c arnp rr 69min-unity, David Corast wfmtrd give his wholehearted support to the keveretsd Marl esd°g proposition, ,. With re sewed vigtor and calm • iasm„ the bladsmith took dp6111 Iii self'the respossibOy of grams the • transpottaatkcm., Me roads were good csJtlly. Hard p a d by*0heatbf t a'e VIACOM, saw, the jsmovey10Iter mond tffill woad be a pTeasaast °and welcome break firm the ftp of Toronto fife, 'Os Sabin*, My 164„ three Mt* ages ads *A two tones made eir wady sti rdoward .. ProfniblyfOr the lira time ginete ataatrfsvisg iso Canadat., Stye travelled ir.stsylet, It *Ng, slow, easy jar,ea sea dg,, the gemmas 4 horses hods? flit fro,ra the lam° ia� seat . WWI the 'rivet of the mutt " the fly reek of the "a Ranine" paspascert rt aPva' the file 4 A MacKay, •Thy were dressed its their very his ars itstas,Tiestew wca ricg 11114ffirog suits ed for the ores. siOto„ *kasha algid fiat ham with stove pipe be wows at *lam*, air0 atm t warmed by ate ooesit01 t r The *Woos of tie earsin were o 10 ahold tine fresh air to pesetrste the interior, where atm clotted away the attune fro as atwoospitere epi follnes6 and cheap perfume, me, was nodsotot of how Ofoutlive ligfrt llittles000d MA, owily a warm &Mktg of > t� of a imp gewgaw and peefaix, titei c3> t1 ``it``*awe alit iia auk was t 10 • 160