HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-02, Page 5d /14'111/x► Develop specia programs LatialutV Ste, w'aF! !'rilhogsgmlimr2, 1- P 1e 4 !rtIw•.• exceptional student The serene opens with Ed slowly awaking from his stmt spent in the back seat of hiai carr. Stiffly Ed sit up and looks around. It -takes him a minute to f Agitate outsthere outhe is. It dam on him and tib heremembers he is to Meet with Sheila Clarke,Co-ordinator of *Went . Service for 'the Huron County Board of Edman. ED - (lumping up) gee wirers, I better get gig. leo time for 'any laps today,, Ed geta his golagn,. *hilt tithes more limn one try, and 'tom his velticle in .the drirectiogt of Clinton, He stops at .Dardifrs itammnt, freshens up in the washroom and then quickly runs to. the . Beard of Educatien office. ED,- (Walking into the Student Services o1 ) Hells►, is Vic, Cage *butt? There isnoon* inthe osier area, but Mrs. Chute hags Ed flops her off. ED motnittg, Ma'am ,I have a lot of questimes for you tom, We bredshout that the special a withdrawal that, di 't hint Tell . ate More, hall 1StC .ARFE -' good erg, Ed, : of Exceptional l couttse we can talk more about the with- drawal ply/gram. Ther is partial *itlidra+.e'-. al, whichcan be for two r+atraasoaas. One is remedial. ED - What's remedial? MRS. CLARKE - Remand is *here the student gives a quick. update. This is for cases when a student lugs been absent fioni school for one reason car another. r. ED - Like, they've been home sick or something? l��l S..CLAIIKE Yes. Then there is the ., special.per : kw exceptional students which can y obe on a to mporaiy basis air for as ertt he year. ED- Tellmemoreaboutthat MRS. CLARKE - Be pittitmt.Ed, there is a lot to explain.. The logogram I ,lit at ed takes the hitt requiting mom support above the regular classroom level oat of the classroom for spetiodsto ..u'ide, assistance. ED Abcwehah,dothey gotoa classroomsstlostalits• • Ii S. CLARKE - (Startled) Ho, oh so. I: ret • that as emeplimul snidest* needs nmese /hel�pi■�ywith his or`her "�sstud�iies. else ED- Gotc:ba � continue. What else is there? MRS, CLARKE - Well. 1. have mentioned that in Hint County there' are 15 special learning needs 'lasses These classes are self-contained within regular school build- ings. . . ED - &1f -contained, self-contained, now what does that moot? M1YS. CLARKE The special learning needs class have their own. separate classier. 1'd lice to point out that the use some of the sante ftp as dei the 'regular classes. EI - Such ass? MRS. C.LARKE- The special le ag needs classiis, use the library, the gymnasium. m. schoolsome .yam and also some students tate prism its mita classes ss surd' ear -carie. elatar v E - (Stroliag his los& Whitemoustache) What does that extra word mean? MKS. CLARKE - Eittra-curricular. Well that means s.activities that take price after molar school .hou s. Ed decides it is time for a coffee break. I',ii. e%✓-ii.it✓✓.r/�%.%.i%,%.i,/.i'Mi!'.%✓%%.i.iI,%Ri'✓e%.�Mt/%+//..IJ.%✓✓.!.i.isie�+wiyi'ri'e^✓iii'r%+hir��i.%v".:"wM././'lar.%oi'� Property Owners and Tenants PRE -CHRISTMAS Mailing ofAssessment .Hot . Algal Asgessrment1 `t forlge2 pry/ taxes wit email on or lire Msec tsttmec+ pr a ner and tenant in SUS 1410 SAVE E ALL LADIES' NATVRALIZERS Al MU Iey d Bruce Counties. Acr frifOrniationt sera"mailed with yourAssessment Uofice exptains the appealpr a e and provides the finitettbreforgoEf it your area Open Hou; ronin Answer Questions . O House sessions have planned at convenient time and lbcations in your municipality, to afford your the opportt inity, to review yOur aSges6Menttwiai) staff of the e0onat+Assessment Office. Assessment staff Wilt be pleased to explain the basis of your property. asseS8rrientt and are authorized fizzed to amend alts data; (school; support„asks , , entw eft ori;your Uotice, situ are encouragedate adVaritageofis service. New SC h 001 Support Pr- urs • Iltetlinninqthisye yt urschoot II support cre i+gnationiwilttappearon yourAssess j e:nt Nbti e.Tl is designation, indicates whether the edijcaon, pyo °flourpr Mine' of Revenue Ontario taxes wilt be directed to support public orseparatescihool's, . Ityou wish to, review yoursch'ooli support ttesig nafon contaptlyoUr F eiioriatAssesstmentOgeeor attend an, Open House in your area. Roils Available For Review WESTERNBOOTS u�% Off y SAVE ieux, nWICE ALL LNb�' DRES�r HEELS octAInc The Assessment Atilt will be available for review at your local, Municipal; Office daring regular business hours nning ,bacember22,,15811.' If you wish to Appeal lfyoubetteveyou have beeniml op- etly assessed inanyway; you may file a format complaint; with the Assessment FteviewCourt The final; datefcit'filit gyart appealis January*, 1 Information ort appeal' is provided on the back of yotir Asa6ssment lrlo ce and inforrnatitin, Ind ISO � SAYE °I1 OM MCI toIEE SIM WINTER BOOTS *COUGAR 011011t11.10111$ EMAPLE (E 'itt4G► 6 J.. IL cosiguo nal IALASSESSMENT 346 lir IoN , P.O. X .”. US T OWEN SOUND ONTARIO N4K SH4 TELEPHONE; NM 141121 642201 SAVErim Feta OFA 141Lstrk. 0% ofr 'ROSS SHOE SHOP G IOt