HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-12-02, Page 24
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?abashed ki laitilmowl &Sado, Wei best*, Deemsber 2, 19/l1
benefits youngster
Sykes/se fludiasas
Seventeen inotstlis ago Jacqueline Pent.
laud, daughter of Jim and 441111110 Pentland
of Liicknotv, was born with a deformity o( the
Today She is a bright, active and happy
• little girlwho:* learning* wait with brutes
OS her kgs tom the waist down; She Seems
to be adjusting and developing well despite
her p*sical problems and much of the credit
for this adjustment and development an go
" -tea social lion* visit* program handed by
the MinistrY of Community and Sada,
• geViet§ and administered by CND Regional
Development Services Centre in London.
Rosemarie Evans of Goderich, previously
a poblic health untie for 13. years, is the
• home visitor for the CORI program in Moron
County and Jacqueline is only cone of several
infants She i4sits.•
Project Determilied. Need
In VOL a researchpreiject Was dove 'in
this county to determine theneed of early
*twenties in families with infants wfo
• ntay be 'at eisk" for development As a reioh
• of this project, the htinte visiting prograts
was started for infants from birth to two
• years of age.
A child's development can lie `at risk' .for
4 :lumber . of reagOriff• mental retardation,'"
preinatitrity, low bfrth weight:, complications
• at birth, physical defientitios, brain damage
.'and inadequate caretaking or lack of ditto,
tional bonding related to' sodoeconomic
disadVantages, low maternal exlitcation Or
• poor maternal mental health..
Mid 14 Referred
An infant may be eeferred to the program
'on the iasis of any of these risk factors• even
if he or she is too yeting to fie showing dear
develop/A/rental delays, Mrs, Evans` refer-
rals most often come from pediatricians,
fleshly nurses and various social agencies
such as Family awl Children's Services.
Anyone can make a referral, 11nfertonate1y,
,says Mrs, Evans, got many people know that
•- the program exists..
' The aims oldie program are preventive, ft
has been proven in research studies that
early intervention reduces the severity or
• incidence of developmental problems of the
Mfg* n. later years,
"Earls/ recognition and identification of
• the problem before the child gets to school
the key„, explains Mrs, Evans.
• As Seta . possible after a referral, a
Tam to ,migt
Sevesteesisoods4td hieryttelfite Ann land of lateluvow I* sae of several lataits who la
bettefitlag finis it epeeist' florin slatting program for hifitotais Him* Comity, gaff with a.
*sal deform* Istrittelltre ham to walk wklitiratea, hot wads* is only owe aspect at
her development, Looldwg at *totes mid talikng &et* to ma isfairt me sore littneirtamt
Moeda iflerinsisg sad here Isitmiellselo mother Jimmie Coddles her sidle they read a story
ISsothoil StairPhotO1
County be notified "early' if chosen for &tulip\
• Huron County plamter Gary Davidson
reassured county.courteil there would be no
inlilder s Asliftdd Township "tomor
• The recent announcement by Ministry of
Environment officials tuft; South Cayuga
had been turne.d down as s possible landfill
site,• has encouraged rumors of possible
sites, Ashfield Township has "wen mention-
ed is one,
At county council's November meeting,
Mr, Davidson said his department had not
received any information from the ministry
and he hopes the government will involve
the county in any plartning,
"Well just keep up with it—. and if there
is. anything significant we'll report it to
county. council,' said Mr.
Reeve Warren. Zing of Ashfidd Township
said he knew of MY WA being done in the
township, but added it is a concern in hs
how oppositionto dump s
%iron and &um dradititt, sfrouid in�w
"early" if they're ort the list as flqnid waste
facility sire>, - Eat moil Miitster
Keith Norton isn't saying how early that
'71liey will knOw early if their consounity i.
anYwhere near a site„" Norton said in a
interview late fast week, but he weuldn't be
more specific,.•
• EM.t Week, die Ontario , Waste Manage-
ment Cdrp. abandoned gen* Cayuga as, tfte
proposetfsite of a liquid waste treatment and
area that a landfill site ntav be established
there, He asked for the support of Huron
County and of &we County which borders,
the township, •
'Tin very much opposed (to a landfill
site)," said Reeve timi.
Warden Pred Haberer of Ziolch said he
had written a letter to environment minister
Keith Norton. asking to be let in on anything
Tam to page le
in. Ashfield
disposal facility and launefied the search for
a new site„
A study emidacted last year* rated Ashfield
Township in Huron County as the ftest site in
Ontario, with a site east of Port Pigin 'close
• behind and a site in Centralia far down the
list The corporation will reVieW the etiteris
on which that study was based.
Norton woofs not speculate on when The
statft of the IZsites identified fast year and
any possible new sites• would be known.
However,. he urged anyone living in an area
identified by the .view • search to take a
reasonable apprfteh
Roth MPP %funny Elston (1...ffurort,
Itruce). and MPP jack Riddell (I.-Huron-
Middleset) have reported concern from their
residents who are prepared to form citizens'
organizations to fight any 'possible location
of a facility itt their ares.
• -We'll be ready.- f..ddell said in an
interview. Fie felt that the current search
would establish ne criteria for a liquid
Tam to page 2'
. .
• La...ILI -.M., A •
Win premier
xhibitor at Royal.
cartil$ ' of St, Helens have Well,
'Wittier Rieder and Premier Exhibitor of
the sheep division for the third time at the
Royal Agricultural 'Winter Pair held in
Toronto test month, Hugh and. Wayne Todd
Won the honour in 107 and 1918
The award is won* accumulating points
achieved b whining the championship.
• the various dames entered, •
The Todds won Grand Champion Pen of fti
• market Iambs again this year which has
•. became a tradition; since Todd Farms has
• won this classiwery year they have exhibited
• in the class, • •
Pictures of the Todds and their Grand
Champion Southdown Ram and Grand
• Champion Southdowit Ewe appear on page
2,. •I •
'5000 for hospital
At its November 23rd meeting g, the
Auxiliary to the Winghiun District
Hospital decided on several ° fitment
• purchases to be made with the money raised
during their October Community Canvass,
A "Pegg.o.Stit"; u for taking sorays of
children, costing S899, *111 1* purchased as
Wen tit a "flot Put" system far 011ie.
therapy at a cost of $1,100 tad an "Infusion .
Pump" costing $1,800 *filch is tised to
administer meditation intravenously, •
The remaining 16 y is earmarked tor the
• purchase of equipment specifically . for
• children, to be spent when the hospital
presents a request
Fire destroys barn
A fire started by lightning 'completely
destroyed a barn. on the farm of Bernard
• O'Neil, concession 10, Ashfield Township on
Thursday. 14 -member 26,
• Lucknow District Firemen answered the
call about 11.36 p.mduring a violent
thunderstorm, but the barn was ahttos-t
completely down by the time firemen
arrived, according to fire chief George
Whithy• „"
Firemen remained on the scene until 5
Lin. to prevent the fire moving into the silo
and destroying the feed stored there, This
year's crop of hay and several calves were
lost in the blaze.
This is tfte secorid time die bast on the
• O'Neil farm has been destroyed by fire. The
barn bunted in 1966 when the farm was •
owned by Mr. O'Neills father.
Insurance company
moves to new location
*est Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance
Company of Dungannon has moved their
head officeto a new building which the
company has built in Dungannon. The office
was moved from its ranter loCation on the
weekend and the staff began working in the
new building on Monday.
Policy holders attending the companys
annual meeting itt February. OW told their
board of directors they wanted the new head
office 16 remain itt the village of Dtmgatition
and the building was erested on land owned
by. the company at the corner of Huron
County Road 1 and the fourth concession of
Ashfield Township.
Win, merchants draw
Winners in the first Lucknow Merchants
Draw held November 15, 1981 were first.
Grace Ropf. Lucknow: second. Irene Hod-
gins. Lucknow: third. Joan Courtney. R: „
Three more draws wilt ti'e held December
5. 12 and 16.
. '