HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-11-25, Page 6IAncltsr .. Sr*HM i, We sewilY, Novellber ., 1[911/..--Poge 6
'Moe Seery Toon" F is NNbe 1873
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MINI 4 ..nopvweaarn
Hae4anc4A and Edur,roal Mite Ictephone 52$2$22
Maialafg Address P,O gm 400, Eafa:icnnaa..''iQ( 2t1O
Secamd ( labs Matti It gfratam Number. 41647
S.r.erl/t ra delle. f14.So,rr year In dedvasee
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Sr. Cid, U.S.A. ow Foreip, amort per teal le daarice
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waste disposal
The announcement lashweek that the proposed site of a
tozw 1igd. id waste disposal Site ,for the province e of Ontario at.
South 'Cayuga had beets turned down by the crown
corporation appointed to rim the facility, was greeted with
jubilation by the citizens of South Cayuga who protested the.
site, ;was :environmentally' unsuitable for snch a facility.
The sante announcer nt however was received with
Considerable *Min ibisarea because a site in. Ashfield
Township had been designated, by the pmvince as more
suitable and therefore atthe top of the list when Sauth
Cayuga was tested dawn.
province's 5425,000 Maclaren' report to designate
in the Fait* suitable' for such a facility, placed.
Ashfield at the top of the list and Made Smith Cayuga the
second choice'. The province chose South Cayuga bayusse k
was located m the proximity' of the metropolitan area where
the Waste is produced and trucking the waste from Toronto
to Ashfield for storage could be avoided.
Huron County planner, Gary Davidson who has contacted
the regionalplanning director for Haldimand-Norfolk Where
the per. South Cayuga site is late, told the Sentinel
on Monday that the crown corporation which Burned down
the South Cayuga site is not .automatially' moving 'on to
gonsider the MacLsrn Report's next choice, namely Afield
Establish criteria
Instead the Ontario Waste Management Corporation is
going to establish their own criteria for choosing a site
because theydo not consider the Maclaren report to be
ct edeb le. The report's findings were based on the most
superfda1 tests i 'amid photographs and. *mend
sorrels. . and the cor'po ration wants to do intense
investigation after scanniss the entire •provinco before
nothing a riectommendstioa. Theirmconunendation will thee
be foiionred UI► lEavir+oncdeat Assessment Hearings ,Mega
twill permit the public to participate is .the process,
acvotaug fo Dr. Donald Chant, charms and president df
the Ontario Waste Mimagernient Cotpotatiron.
While the news that Ashfield is neither at the top of the
lit of proposed sites, nor at the bottom, is a relief now,
- throne 'lot still the &dud puss sty that the Waste
Management C.orporit oa coidd conduct their investigation
and iecto smead that Ashfield Township is a suitable site.
Now is the time for aliens to be alerted to the possthility
and to remain prepared to act Ashfield _Township is a
faith* community which is based on the faniny farm and
its primary industry is agrierdlar+e. A toxic waste d'tsptsal
site is notcoospatdrle and surely in this vast province there
is a store suitable'matioso for such a facility then number
WIC faunlaad in Asrl d Townslhip •
Reject passbility
As the second' vice -p esident of the Hums Fedetation of
Agriculture„ Jiaa McIntosh rued in the federation's
rejection of the putty that Ashfield may be chases for-
or-the site„ in Hamer We proms farm products atoll ere rico Not
ask the cities of the prosii a to &spoon, of oar waste, namely
mrtr*a te, twtry should we be expected to dispose of the cities'
iadaatrial wastes?
The Waste Management Corpora 's intention to set
their ow. criteria mad proceed by saoductting intense
'investigations terrine pale sitter fairowmd by euvirosrnrestal
assessment heath*. is a promising atti"itutor.. It is a positive
pmrgressim from ,the pt+a viaciael gi r risme of's attitude to
place the &spout site on government rament meowed hued ohich was
not even coo uloid hr the report comMissinosed by the
government to suggest proposed ft waft also pride
an • for pair& input throughLI
assessmeat kgs which the government trod not intend
to hold in coasidering the Solidi t6aryciga site.,
Since the W'a'ste Management Corporartiehrrl is erg
itself in a eredilde rammer by torrnlriutg datum the Soartlt
Cayuga site because it is eaefiee irrlrararretttaliy oursritable sod by
proceeding with, the choice rim animate site Ina credible
manner. peal ps it is hopeful that their des sroor *4 also be
credible and er avir rlt meidahty safe. At this stage the
torpmaticra dues the must of Mia .people caritrrerrtcd
about the Ashfietd possihifity more • than the prdrral
one foot in the furrow
by bOb. t c tter
Regular readers of this column are
aware that we live in Waterloo
Region, the heart of Mennonite
country in the province.
The Plain People as they are
sem tiriies called . are Well-known
throughout most Third World coun-
tries for the aid given wherever and
whenever it is needed, The Mennonite
Central Committee administers the
relief and when money is donated, you
can bet your bent barn boots that it all
pstowhereit is needed.
• The committee has organized same
innovative ideas over the 'years, the
most fnanous of which is the Men-
nonite Retie Sale held in New
burg . annually, on the last.
Saturday of May.
This fall, with the help . of many
other her chi organizations, the
Munite astral Committee (MCC)
orgtiinized Corn for the Horn "hereby
a: ship was Filled with donated corn to
flee, d the starving people in south-east
Now, another. iiwovative idea has
been born teethe minds of these hard-
wadamg farmers: Donate a heifer,
organize an aadan sale and give the
proceeds totheMCG,
Here is an opportunity for every
yfarmerin Ontario to help others
Actually, the idea came from
Pennsylvania, another well-known
Mennonite area An annualauction is
held there but hundreds of other items
are offered in the sale. When the
Remisylvania or nize s figured it
out„ they fond fistmany farmer
donated aheifer.
The Committee hi Ontario decided
to:limit the affe ingsc to heifers.' They
are •not going to be fussy about what
they get but they are hoping for some
outstanding animals. The animals, of
course, should be old enough to be
Shipped so they can., withstand the
rigors of tranorlatan and a change
of diet.
One of the best-known anion
eenhes, in , the province, Brubacher
Sales Arena on Higbways6 just a mile
north of Guelph, wnill be the scene of
the sale slated for .April 2: The
Brubacber humly has donated the
fad for the sale,
Knotting the spirit of the people of
Waterloo region, I'm sure the
response will be overwhelmkg. But
many of the best Holstein breeders in
the pravnoe will be contacted to
donatea calf.
I' have neve used this colors to
promote anything over the yea
perhaps, my Own
warped opinion'ss. I believe is one
of the most worthwhile projects ever
devised bythe farming community,
Barns are certainly full these days,
Donations could be Brown Swiss,
or Jersey as well as
The man in charge of die committee
is one of the beatrlmorwn dealers in the
province: Orton Bauman of
Floradale.. Ile has boughtcattle all
acraus Ontario for shipment around
the world. A few years ago, he bought
1,025 head for shipment to Korea. He
onceacconpanied 106 heifers to Great
Britian byaixplane.
So, all satdairy farmers out there;
If you see a roly-poly mull with ,a
hearty laugh driving in your farm
rade any time between now and the
middle of March, be prepared for a
aides pitch to help the needy people
starving aromidthe world.
It will be Orton Bauman of the
Mennonite Central Committee or
perhaps one of his committee
members' arising you to donate .a
heifer. If he doesn't get in 'veil) with
you and you want to help out, ceanta d
- the editor of the Holstein -Friesian
Jamal. He'll put poi in touch with
theright person.
Ain't H a great idea tohelp someone
leas fortunate?
by clon carpbeft
Spanning the Course of centuries.
the settlement of Canada began on the
eastern shores and spread westward.
11 was natural. of coarse, shat those
planes moble by suer lake or river.
should be ' established fast. These
communities grew quickly and some
now form the great metropolitan
metres, but the =drains task 4 pion-
eering the brushwas a slow prose
Upper ,/C+anada was, by time and.
geographic location. more, 'or les in
the centre of this activity- Some corn -
=milks ireve developed because of
the: influence of Military fortifications.
Kingston, Fart York and toll rat were
some of the garrisons which provided
bath protection and commerce -
In otic part of Ontario, a man made
passage into the ,oildenvess was
respo sib k for an early seettkwteat
which would not otherwise have beers
possaarle„ Running north and south in -
almost a straight Finer it was gelled
Yonge Street, This was the main
arts' from which the vents of
immigration spread trlicn urg`n Upper
Canada, cairsirirg the bland of massy
rations to fosse together with time, into
drat agog adventurous body called
Except for the later the first
pee* to penetrate to virgin buser,
'were beset by Many hardships_
Contrary to the vivid imagination of
rimy ewe rtor t oratory writers. the
tri 'of rite people *wee a help
outlier this a Mme is the white
mire's determiromirm to warp their
lig .. Iii innocence and
friendliness they taught tate newcom-
ers the rudiments of surival.
The Indians lived from the forest in
bountiful simpbicityr protected from
the extreme climate by their inerent
understanding mf. rand and wood-
craft expertise which had prevailed
across the hitherto undistrubed cent-
uries- In .return they were introduced
to to the white ms's ' "progress".. the
s9r Bi6w hicihr are still in dsmist to
this day!!
The fast white men to challenge the
poser of the forest were as &nesse in
profession , as trete racial origin,
An> angst those were men wlio canoe to
Maze the traits with little rtmre than a
compass and an ager to runt the
places where green fields are ill ev-
entually replace the natural vegeta-
In the summer of 1842. *rest of
Yonge Street, a strange white . ran
made his way thrift* the forest foto
one small settlement to the nett. He
Chad little or no interest in yr aithr and
int was only by sheer de teirmieratiaryr
Hiatt he had learned - to survive in a
which hut flew montthss . ago was,
foreign to his nature.. was now ar
r...zessavy accomplishment He s -gad
t?tis meagre belongings ire sale pacts
and there was a keg musket stung on
the side of the tsetse.
The scattered tam of fry were
bemused at his appeartance., ant the
Beak wfrithl, whentecoold room read to
people, he read aimed toh
Those who could art spm the white
titrate/4, &ewe trite to cemmorcieme
with him in sign language, He was
known as "The servant 4 the 'Great
Spirit' or "the little spirit who carafe
the horse"„ but his real name was the
Reverend Duncan MacLeod_
On that summer's day MacLeod ftad
made his way in the general e&tre -li n ;
04 Richmond Hill- He had been away
for souse time and expected that wtte
he reached Makey's Folly. Flora Mac-
Criminalswould ., have already been
delivered of her child. He sem*
hoped the Friends of Skye would ail
gather utter for the baptism, T •
minister wished to reveal to them 'tom
droughts which had been turning mord r
in his mind
There was land available to the west
of nohow . Town. and art grants
were being allotted to those who r CM .bs
gratify.- in his dreams, MaeLert
ea nsismcd a Highland co rr n y t-
d fling in the hills to the north owes• t c
was a tennis 'rentivoiscent 4 t
Highland tanker where tiers awn
peope nailed live and he can rd
estabfish himself once more into ar
le t. thatch-
m h -
All theme were pirreL serfish
thoughts. tghts. not worthy of a true
Cart- lit the guise of fre47ingi
ire„ Mad toad wished to Czerp•
himseff. The Lord armlet
indeed a move would be for the
bentfit of* rr and.. it was terse icl"s
amain, then MacLeod woad Vead his
exiled people to that pts where thew
roots might forever remain- tit was an
mmtp��roesir Wogs
Bet tooy the sight cif
God, d, alld are gr i[sre, and the
Lord most sorely proof":