HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-2-1, Page 5a
Tbursday, February let, 1964--4
(Continued from page 1)
ghetto; •Itbeeigh members espreeucil
Report en (`blldrsn's Shelter
.•.:3 _�p•^ter H. T.
L''di made
-rt orally, t .
wards made his repo
porting the number of children in the
Shelter in 1933 as above theaverage
aart► efforts to place the
totter homes more difficult. However,
the Shelter was to excellent condittou
and capably managed.
Under the heading of inquiries Reeve
F,rkert complained that Seaforth
people seeking a search warrant had
to apply to Goderleh for it and have
a Goderich officer to exec Heit,
much trouble and expense.
told to have Sts municipality name an
officer and have him
ms sworn
1n tn constable the
regular way.
work on the fee system. Reeve Sala -
den, a justice of the peace, said:
"The cost of the administration of
justice In Huron county is getting out
of all bounds. There are too many
'minable/1 putting In hills now, very
often tor the same case."
three -pound loaf. It waw decided oof
to send a delegate to the (onve•nUou
of horse of refuge ma eager') and to
take no action on an .o peeatlon for
the position of coroborer tnepettor.
144, however, win Inter taken up
is open eounell and the applicant.
Rosa Johnston. K. R. 7.urlch, was
appointed at 80 cents per hour. be to
provide hta own transportation. The
former Inspector, O. Ginn, was paid. 35
cents an hour. The f rocerlea contract
went to Geo. Price & Son.
Considerable reductions In grant►
were recommended by the committee.
but they did not meet with the favor of
council and without exception were
restored to the 1933 level.
County Engineer's Salary
The report recommended a reduction
of from $2800 to $2000 In the salary
of County Engineer Patterson. After
Mr. Patterson had been heard at
length the council voted unanimously
to fix the 1934 clary at $.800, thus
Mptitting the difference.
Stating that it was a very material
matter to him. Engineer Patterson ad-
dressed council at some length. He
aid his salary had been educed three
Erma Everything
• Were steps ever taken to m■ nmea to two years and was now
Iwo convicted auditors pay back the less than when he had takennoffice.
foA former
1 took " asked
from our ills salary was once *.'111(10. Mr. Pat -
former treasured" asked Reeve Gold- terson spoke feelingly of his fifteen
That was the county's rs' association with his bathe
my as engineer. He considered
de to one
ere waa a ck of millionsaotudollars of
ho had spent
county's money without one cent
Ing astray. With the Invention of
bereaving devices he had aved
nty and had
ncht otley d andl felt urn hior tbe re• t that the
'sty roads were without a Per in
he Province. He n iof he had given
hl. Mg to the
e best fifteen yell
rifler of ,the county.
Only three members, 1tBow-
an and McNeil, who were
apposed ray reduction, and Reece Matheson,
ho made a plea for more equity in
matter of saiartes, spoke on the
The usual grams to h•rspitah were
std over until June. Godericb alone
ing in its flnanclel statement, as
A clause in the repot recommend -
g municipalities he a iced to share
e cost of hospitalization of indigents
molly with the county received as-
It woo decided that the sum of *10,
and not -$25 as recommended, will he
on flower beds around the
empty building this year
Reove McNabb was In the eehatr
committee, the report being adopted
amended. , ad -
County Solicitor R. C. flays, j
reseed the council with rw.pect to an
mount for *290.4'.. over and above
h $300 retaining fee. Incurred in 1933
connection with 11 county Investl-
p,tlon into finances and the resulting
etwcotbne. The account was
aerated to. it wait found tbere was no
law eove��eaad. stint red one vras
ming fee at silt a 'esti and
itg ASK Gam. &Meli t
One of the het acts of the council
as. to have read an Itemised statement
Auditor F P. Gabbs' account for
•12!)`4 rel. which had been tinter fire
every day, although it has been paid.
read :
ke the
t horpe.
Ile was told that the conviction re-
euided erased all responsibility of 0e -
hoed to return the money. rill that
Reeve Ballantyne repo
Auditor Gibbs wanted "around $140
and expenses" to complete the 1938
audit. Council by • vote of 25 to 4
decided to offer Mo . Gibbscomplete$ t0h0s be
Coding expenses•
ay Reeve
ported that dit. On taMr. Otbbs�had Ballantyne
this offer and the sum of *175 gtOY
was authorised by the council.
Tremble over Aerosol
Considerable time was taken
aeco on
Thursday afternoon
of the Underwood Typewriter Co. for
printing supplies was challenged. It
was for $348.52 and dieted back to
April. 1932. Clerk Roberta gild he
had found the acconot in
drawer and that while be had received
a statement of account, he had
no He
voices to cover and the ac -
told to ask for them an the ae-
eomnt wee held up.
Reeve type said he was sure some of the
Items shown as outstanding had been
After considerable disrnsedon it was
voted that the e•onnity pay half the
•cat of telephones in the private resi-
dences of the -elerk, treasurer. house
of refuge Inspector end county en-
gineer. Heretofore,neercept he cnnn e 7 ease
of the county encs
borne the entire expense. A recor-
ded vote resulted be 11 for and 11
sphpist this action.
Oa Friday snorting tis eeuhreil de-
ddsd to pay mileage et reeves from
.atA�t�i__r.t193 wluO
berg had to travel by ra11 via Stoat -
ford and under the ee A thane keret cont
covering mileage
of DM' • proposal to have each mnnlclpall-
'ty conduct Its own sale of lands for
.tort. the of taxes
being considerede'too
Port. fila VP. A pbe. was
▪ ' s' '"':z:ug the
rex arrears be promptly reported ac-
cording to statutorywas fau1reken ne 1th
Friday afternoon
the reports of committees.
Executive Committee Repast
The report of the executive commit-
tee as amended carried grants an fol-
lows: Hensel! seed fair *2•'l. Clinton
awing show *80, each tall fab:
each ploughmen's association tti.
Salvation Army Rescue Home *100,
National inmeltnte for Bland $100 for Raonctlon to
each of years 194E and 111.34. Re•forth amount
tp rinrt stock whew *K0. The printing
of the connty minden was ■warriPel
to The Seaforth News and the balance
of the printing to The OoderIeh
- nett. Tee et want to D.
M. O'Brien at 6% cents a pound for"
boneless Mut and the bread contract
to 11. U. Cleveland at 12 cents for a
On Wednesday of last week the
G.(;.1. boy. and girls' basketball teams
split a double-header exhibition bill
with Mitchell teams at the gym here.
he Ibe first contest of the term wlrh
outside players. Under Coach L. 1.
lath tbg,Boyl.110r1 _. i d PP • snap•
py, fast -breaking and listsbsg tease 4
accurate shooters and their win of
10.6 over the Mitchell 'quad was well
somal. Oreene, Errington, Crawford,
Webb and Page are Mayon with sev-
ere: years' experience behind tbem,
bat they were capably supported by
four comparative newcomers In Wor-
thy, Orey, Williams and MacDonald.
Greene starred in the game, tallying
six of the ten points.
Although basketball seems popular
among the girls at the G.C.1., sumelent
time and energy are not devoted to
the making of a team that wit' work
as a unit, with the result that glue
teams, even In past years, have never
leen much of a threat in Intercolle-
giate leagues. On Wednesday night
the local girls were on the small end
of the rather sorry -looking score of
"""t c
pPr a?r at
Senior asetetant. N8 •da7a 1�Jt
112 per day
intermediate ataatetant. 116% 110
days at *R per easy 600
Junior asdevtant, 82% days 161 2,
at *0 per day days at
Stenographer, 15% 53 42
$3.50 per day —
. • .
Instead of the "prom." or party
that is cuatomarlly held by aha presi-
dents. of the G.C.I. Literary Society,
114 their contribution towards the stn -
dents' entertainment during the term,
a ekating party was given by the
p:eeent president, Miss Erne Jeerer,
:it the West street rink on Friday
night. The party was a remarkable
success, nearly one hundred students
attending. Skating continued for two
hours from 7.30 p.m., after which the
students gathered In the assembly
i.al at the school for a light lynch.
Sandwiches, cake and coffee were
reeved by the members of the caeca -
1 le e
xeca•flee and the party was entertained with
The Cree Indian's
Secret of
Better Health
Herbs, Roots, Barks
Campbell's Drug Store
Ooderich Ontario
Cecil's Quick Lunch
(Oanadlan owned and operated)
Flynt door oft the Winans on
Kingston Street
Open from 6.00 a.m. till 2.00 a.m.
Full Course Meals.35e
Sunday Special
Chicken Dinner 4Sc
Parties and -hsavoata.mimed tv
Saedwlekets and iAgtet i eeeb•a
Muslim Street Godarioh
*2775 67
make an Bien
25 (17
*2750 00
Hotel bill. transportation. tele- �4R 50Shone. Etc _t4_
Total.,....... -.4....$3211R 0..
The report- wee ordered bled.
in urging that Mr. Gibbs he ap-
pointed to lintel the 193E audit, ex
tending'from Atgneett 18 to December
31. Reeve Ballantyne said: "i am anx-
ious to have faces books audited and
7 think they should be audited. i am
not going to may any more. for I might
say too mob. Don't think for one
urinate 1 am getting anything out
this." Ant for the oh
Reece Goldthorpe--•
rata aeetlon taethe' of our former ser-
vants thin audit would not have met
half Chet ammmt."
it WAP (beetled to retain file Mon-
teith an assistant iR the treasurer x
()Mee until the 1043 audit it COM -
Wird. it will he undertaken At an
early date.
After ;wowing the various hylawa,
Mud singing the NAtIonal Anthem, the
council Adjourned.
County Read C'maaals.Mn
The marl commission /sported as
f(..owa :
1. Re communication from T. F.
Hemphill, regarding fire road r
by aglow near Wroxeter. y
Ston i. of the opinion Atilt It Is not
advisable at the prteett anis to keep
open such Made whore the snowfall
lo heavy, hot if e Man unonnt of
a-ork will open the rustle pre recom-
mend that It be done. We hellece
tliat more expenditure made In clean -
Ing light snowfalls from the roads
would 1* a good Investment
2. Re motion of Messrs. MAthe•een
and Hseeke that the ProvinriAl (lov
ernment be reoneeted to assume the
Bine Water Highway. we recommend
that this be done. Mit that only a low
resat molar. 1* plaeed on it.
E Re motion of .Meatlrla. Mnnnines
and Turner that m-npoeration of lamb
ten and Bruer eonnttea he ae'nrerl 1n
aaking for the designation of the
obsess menMnned highway. we re emu
mind that the same 4N done.
4. ire motto' /A nmar arid
Nommen that the road ienatmle••lon be
amthorbed to none ap�p11� non for me
Meteor* meter the ff e1 nseaanre, we
reensamtemd that tie mattes he ferried.
The report 1.11111111.1.1 as read.
piano selections M Mire Barbara S.4.LTFORD SUNDAY SCHOOL
Thomson. Securing the permia..ton of The annual business meetlag
a teacher, an hour's danetag wAt- then of Saltford Sunday school womb
enjoyed. As the party woe about to held on Tuesday evening at the
break up, the sedate old walla of the
Collegiate were aatonbbed to hear
three lusty and enthuelastic cheers,
as the students showed their appre-
cl.Uon to Mr. A. M. Robertson, of the
teaching staff, who was 1n charge at
the .ebooT-fbat ir-itht. -
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gorier
Ilfsset, and was in charge of tdr.
Harry fleC'feuth. Officers for 1994
were elected as follows: Honorary
preeldeut. Mrs. R. Baguet; president.
]Ire. I. Hetherington; superintendetx.
J. B. Hartwell; asetemeent steperinten
dent, 41. McCreath: secretary, Fret
Bleed; tn./newer, Mrs. Randerw,n:
Atter Many Years r r_ Walter; senior .bays. Mrs, O.
Celebrate Ge fists' Wedding V Tenet* 'juniors, Mrs. W. Bisset: 1st
',emery, Wi:em McCreath; 2nd prlm-
kI. and bra. L ft—dldatyre. of err.'Huf1t Y7aldwett. —..-
Toronto, late of Mincardlne, on New The secretary's report revealed that
Tear'. Day celebrated the fiftieth an- the whoa met on forty-four Sundays
nlversar,' of their wedding. Owing last year, with an average attendance
to Mrs. Mclntyre's indifferent health, oe forty-five, there wag seventy.slz 00
0o reception waa held, but a number the roll. There were sixty etsitore
of frlenda dropped in during the day during the year. A balance of 120.75
to offer their congratulations. In was shown by the treasurer's report,
the e.esting a family dlnner.lcefl . held with receipts totalling *140.13 and ex -
et the home of tbelr youngest daugh-
ter. Mrs. Nicol McNicol, In Forest
Hut Village. -
Mrs. McIntyre, who was Barbara
Ann Bayne was born In Garatraxa
penditures amounting to $119.38. The
sum of *20 was sent to a leper mis-
•ton. -
Regular Sunday school attendance
during the year 1933 warrants the pre -
township, near Fergus, and at an eentatlon of * diploma or seal W each
esrly age moved with ber parents to of -*be -following: Barbara Cent. Jim
Basset, W. McCreath. Mm. Frltsley,
fires Bisset, firs. Sanderson, Mrs.
WValter, Mrs. J. Blaset, Claire Bisset,
Sandy Blood, Danny Walter, Fred
Meek, S. Walter, Wm. Itheet, Helen
'Bleak. Mary Menet, Betty Bitaet.
Mrs. W. Bisset favored the gathering
with a solo after the buriness was
transacted, and refreahmenta were
served by the bootees before the meet
ung was brought to a close. A sin-
cere rote of appreciation of the use
oe tbelr home for the meeting -we*
tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Blyef..
A.•hfleld. Mr. McIntyre, who was
torn at Lochalsh, began bis business
life as • clerk 1n Wilkie't store at Am-
berley, later moving to Kincardine.
The eoeple were married at the hams
et the bride's parents to Ashfield
t•.wnehlp on January 1st, 1144. by the
Fite Re*. John MacFarlane of Pine
River.' Mr. McIntyre was for years
t prominent resident of Kincardine,
:Atterly acting .. magistrate and Di-
vielon. Court clerk. Last summer -he
end Mrs. McIntyre moved to Toronto
to be near their family. They have
tour daughters and one son. an renid-
lug 1n Toronto: Mrs. H. C. Durno.
Dr. Horace McIntyre. Mrs. W. J.
Mackenzie, Mia Agnes McIntyre and
Mrs. Nicol McNlcoL
"Eliza." said a friend of the faintly
to the of a colored waahwoman, -haus
you seen Miss Edith's' fiancee
*-No, ma'am. It ain't been in the
wash yet."
For Those Who Weel1 Ears
In 1934, or get established in a
Clean Profitable Business
W. .r. offering ...w tmr.f gd..
Rook.. ..d T.M. ... maw Mrs al-
1114C1141. lik...1 Carna..►
iYou 4.
.o. M
..•...ae. • ye.
avow o.. Geed. raw ..a m.h. r...r.
11 c..e. ..aka.'s. im•.MW.
680 King St. W., Toronto Ont.
will hold their annual
in the Parish Hall, este
Tuesday, Feb. 13th
UMW -W.4 Tables
TICKETS — 41he
Some people hunt a warm climate
for the winter.
Others buy coal from us and stay
The latter are the healthiest; for
winter weather la an esoellent
tonic, when it la taken properly.
To go out from a warm house Leto
brisk exercise In the cold, then
back again tato a warm house,
this brings healthy color and
boundless energy.
Make one d having your house
warm by ordering now a load of
our P.L.. & W. •blue coal.'
CALL THE pu+M r"vtt
FACTS ABOUT HYDRO—No. 1 of a series of official announcements by the Ontario Municipal Electric Association (O.M.E.A.),
reproteating the Municipalities who own the Hydro -Electric System of Ontario.
ho Owns...H
The great public service enterprise known as the Hydro-Ractrie Wpm, oe
simply as "Hydro", while operated and administered by the Hydro -Electric
Power Commission of Ontario acting in the capacity of trustee, with the Govern-
ment of Ontario acting as banker, is the property of the people of the associated
Hydro municipalities.
�Qucy Hydro mllnlcl
Y'•�t�eptpd�� .wi cost elet–trie service.
The Ontario Municipal Electric Association (O.M.E.A. ) is an organization con-
stituted to represent its member municipalities—the owners of Hydro—and to
make representations . to the Hydro -Electric Power Commission.
At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the O;M.E.A., held in the City of Toronto
on October 31, 1933, $ Publicity Committee was appointed "to collect and disseminate
infoeimation in rasp= to Hydro facts". At a subsequent meeting, held on November 30,
1933, the Executive Committee individually endorsed and unanimously pasted the following
Resolution regarding Publicity.
WHEREAS, from time to time, state- VED: — THAT
aunts have been made and published with respect The Executive Committee of the Ontario Municipal
to the Hydro System of Ontario that are not in Electric Association endorses the report of the
accordance with the facts, and which, if allowed Publicity Committee;
to go unanswered, tend to create doubts in the minds
of the public, and more particularly that section of
the public which is not sufficiently interested, or
will not take the time, to look into matters carefully
toosgh to secure the information for themselves;
AND WHEREAS the Municipalities of Ontario THAT a campaign of publicity be carried on
are the owners of the Hydro System, in which they so that the people of Ontario, who have been respon-
6ave an investment of some three bosrdred eallloes able for the outstanding success of this great Public
of dollen; and anything which would create distrust Utility during its twenty-five years of existence,
in the minds of the people as to the proper and shall be given from time to time all necessary infor-
dcimt conduct of this great Public Utility would motion as to the administration and operation of
tend to impair the value of the investment of the the Hydro System and its braneha In all parte of
Municipalities in the Hydro System: Ontario
In pursuance of this Resolution, the Publicity Committee of the O.M.E.A. will publish
informative statenients which will set forth, clearly and simply, what Hydro ownership
has done for the people of this Province. The facts about Hydro speak for themselves.
THAT we believe, with them, that the time is
now opportune to tarry out the repeated requests
and suggestions which have been made from time to
time by our Association;
PreslJeml, C A. MAnuma Toronto
Vice-Pmainstn, T. W. MCPARLAten
GUELPH—J. W. Oakes
MIDLAND—David Harris
PETEkBORO—G«don Matthews
WALLERVII.i.F.—W. R. Wooilatt
Stcretary-Tressarer, T. J. HANNIGAN Guelph
London, Jos. Gnomes, Jamas Snarsoa Toronto, F. Blares Chatham
CHESLEY--C. J. Halliday GALT—H. O. Hawke
OSHAWA—Prank L. Mason OTTAWA—J. J. Allen
ST. CATHARINES—Dr. W. J. Chapman ST. THOMAS --E. E. Seger
WATERLOO --W. Henderson WINGHAM—w. It Gurney
Cbairesaw, Controller James Simper" Toroaeo Prank L. Mason, Q4aws
T. .' McParlintE i.oaedtn _ 1_
* keep this informative statement and watcb tins newspaper for further statensents by the Mikity Committee.