HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-11-18, Page 7..r0-00111rOirim,;..44000.07$1.po** • • BY Murray Elston, WI.P.P.- Ilfuron-Bince] • • Santee This week saw more, attention focused • on SUNCOR. Opposition Memberi again pressed for informa- tion to substantiate the benefits of the share purchase that will cost almost 53 billion. . the case, when facilities in our riding Robert Welch, the Energy Minister, offer the opportunity to produce held a special meeting for Government hydrogen for fuel purposes. Members only. Six panelists from the Canadian' Admiral • accounting firms who submitted re- ports to the government and members of the Ontario Energy Corporation answered questions of the Conserva- tive backbenchers. This meeting was arranged even. though Mr. Welch has • maintained that the Legislature could not have mote information. In addition; the Opposition led by • Stuart Smith were able to have an Locknow Sentinel, Wednesday, ffpreiriber 18 19814—Page 7 line at a goat eoloParable to the is being SIPeot.to bele the sagging sale conversion to propane (51200 - 51400), of new cars. This program was emits au exhaust of largely steam and instituted even though thebig three nitrogen. No changes have to be made car makers have said that their 1981 to the engine at all. Equipped ,with a inventories would have been sold by tank that gives the Car a range of two the 'end of ,the year without govern - hundred miles, the use of hydrogen merit assistance. The program, how - appears to be a valuable alternative ever, will help the dealers who have fuel for the future. This is especially had great difficulty In financing their ' inventories which .have been slow moving. More layoffs After receiving millions of dollars of grant money froni the Ontario Govern- ment, Abitibi -Prim Inc., Ontario Paper and Boise Cascade Ltd., three pulp and ,paper companies, have an- nounced that nine hundred people are expected: to lose their jobs over the next three years. The closure of Canadian Admiral has cost Ontario residents hundreds of jobs. One of the ,causes of the shut- down, it is charged, was the stripping • of the company's treasury. In 1979, • the "purchasers of the company took 525 million from Canadian Admiral in dividends. Opposition members have • pressed the Minister of Industry to look brio employment problems, and emergency debate on the matter, requested the Minister of Consumer which in itself shows that the mem- and Commercial Relations to study the bers are concerned about the lack of financial transactions which led to information being made available to Admiral's downfall. the Legislature. Being Saks Tax •Alternate Energy A rebate of up to 5700 on the • Energy Minister Minister Wekh test drove a Provincial % sales tax has been car propelled by hydrogen fuel at ammo_ _mod for those people who Queen's Park on November 12th, The Puranne new 1981 cars before car, which was converted fiem gas*. November 29,1981. Up to 520 million Federal Budget • Friday, November 13, 1981 was a bad day for the Provincial Treasurer, who was questioned for almost the entire daily question period concern- ing Ontario's reaction to the federal budget. So far, Ontario has no definite responses to problems that the Treasurer said are not sufficiently addressed in the Budget The Treas- urer has indicated that there may be an Ontairo mini budget in the spring. s All in he BENNY II FIN • et UPPER THAMES ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FRANCIS St -MITCHELL, Friday, Dim. 4.., MS p.m. Sitsordiay. Doc 5 • al 7.30 ME ADMISSION 0/111V0551 %faunae itenamanorie mass MITOMIL Sponsored by JUBILEE CHMSTIAM CENTRE . • . e Surprise party nonours gractuates BY MEI Bo* • Miss Lynne Nicolson of • Ottawa, who is enrolled' in • the honours bachelor of jour - nails' m program at Carlton • University, Ottawa was hon- oured with a surprise gradu- ation dinner at Captain Zack's restaurant in Wing - ham, November 6. Present at • the dinner were Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kuntz, Mary Anne Buehlow, Walkerton, Lee Wideman of Chesley, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Page, •concession 10, and Mrs. Anne Nicolson and Dawn, concession 10. Regretfully absent was her sister, Caryn • who is completing her educa- tion in Scotland. Each lady was presented with a corsage• - of pink .baby roses .and ribbon. Following the dinner • all attended the, F.. E. Madill Commencement where Lynnereceived her Second- • ary School honour graduation • certificate and Lois Hanna received her Secondary school graduation certificate • and her Big "M". CCM- gratulations from altof us to Lynne and Lois. Mrs. Alex Percy and Mrs. William MacPherson attend- ed the handicapped work • school at Walkerton last Wednesday. • Mrs. Audrey Borthwick returned to St Catharines after spending a few days here. Mrs. Lenore Sutherland of Toronto visited with relatives here over the weekend. Mrs. Louise Schrieller, formerly of here, has been at St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon- don with her aged mother, Mrs. Riedc, who underwent major surgery during the •week. We send get well wishes to this dear lady. Mrs. • Marretta Hodgins was home for two weeks and returned Monday to Niagara toher aparttnent where she will be for the festive se.ason before going to Florida. • The annual Remembrance Day *mice was held in the Holymod hall on Wednesday sponsored by the Holyrood W0111011'S lnstitute. The president of the Insti- tute, Mrs. Lorne Eadie, was in the chair and welcomed everyone rifter which the two minutes silence was observ- ed. Mrs. Ronald Thacker plac- ed the wreath and 0 Canada was sung. Mrs. Agnes Hod- gins gave a Remembrance Day reading and all joined -in' singing "0 God of Love". • Mrs.. John Scott introduc- ed the guest speaker, Mr. Reuben Burneft, w!io gave a, - very appropriate message. Mr. Frank MacKenzie fav- oured with a solo accompan- ied by Mrs. Wilma Clark. Mrs. William MacPherson gave a reading, Why We Wear a Poppy. Four ladies from Whitechurch sang two lovely songs with Mrs. Ag- nes Farrier accompaning.,, Mrs. James McEwan favour- ed with accordian music. The Kinloss Township reeve, Barry Johnston, brought greetings and recal- led several of the Remem- brance Day services held in Holyrood. Faith of Our Fath- ers was sung and the presid- ent thanked everyone. God Save the Queen, with Miss Edna Boyle at the piano, closed the service. • Khania* A.C.W. • On Thursday afternoon the - Anglican Church Women held their "Friendship" meth* at the church with a number of visitor's present. Mrs, Delbert Hedley was in charge. Mrs. Ronald Thacker read die scripture and prayer followed. Miss May Boyle gave the meditation on "Friendship". The minutes of the previous • meeting were read, also the correspondence and the busi- ness closed with a poem by • Mrs. Delbert Hedley. • Taking part in the program were Mrs. Midford: Wall, • Mrs. Agnes Hodgins, Mrs. Ed Green, Mrs. David Hal- denby, Mrs. Roy Collins and Mrs, Eric Thacker. Miss May Boyle led in singing the books or the New Testament and Thank You Lord for this Day, Mrs. Roy Collins gave • the Friends Prayer. At this time all were invited to the bazaar table where articles were for sale. Lunch was served and a social time was enjoyed by everyone. • Ladies were 'Present from Ripley, •Purple Grove and Kinloss alongWitl" friends in the area and the members of Kinlough A.C.W. ....., one........• Me *Mee. ...7 ale ...... an. pep eel p.m; sea eon ere ....Mo IINe OMR elm OII eV NOM -See-.e M. MI 0,e, ee ..... ear 110 VW -me eV/ eV OM Aele owe Me Mt mew Ile Me mars XXI Me We AMR es WOO PIMP A* *I es sae MI AMM NMI Mee eel ol me dre WM eff. KOMOI Mee WAN ore ea. irep OW i MS Off MEW AM WI IMO Me PM MI Me Me IMMO Me Mr or efr lele..... MOW WM mil we e po ea poem.... pow pop .... ood. JP rm Noe peefe.- 111711 MI .-- Se I Mee 111010 0.10 ..- OM OM MeV Me - MI im Me Pe- en, Off MeV MIII.PM P...' Wee MOW mop r• rich Vactitin Centre SE Mist St,i0otiorlds:. • Phae.eis 52404112 O1....*Acrtreionevilirrs liskory •SaleilUiViCe NEW ANDIRE-IBUILT, *FilLTER QUEEN *ELECTItOLUX *HOOVER *KIRBY • *ROYAL *IIECNNA *ILEW17 *EUREKA *ELECTRO.ISYCHENE Complete Service Centre For !Most Ow yaw festal, IV NOTICE TOMIIISHIPOF ItINLOSS limes Ike November Mk, 1911'1 Payable at Bank of Monfreal Paral Bank • „. Ladino* Ontario or Tainighip Office, italyined it F. liewthato IrOit ishiter NOTICE TOWIE•1111P OF WESTWAViAlK611 2nd (final) Instenent Taxes Doe November 30, 1981 i INTEREST ON TAx ARREARS IS 2% PER MONTH AS OF • SEPTEMBER 10 1981 _ . i •1 kali Anistrasg, /. I i I Clati-Tresserer ( the Best Ded On Wheels Hem Buy them now while the price is right! Famous name brands. AU sizes... super selection! , Forestal, Midler* • • And All Poplar Mae% 1/47717,12if Steck Of Bottelles in - Sults Anti Toadies Compoterized Tire ikateneing illits Tire Service lacknow Phone 5284103