HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-2-1, Page 3THE SIGNAL CALENDARS are here. Make sure of one by paying your subscription promptly for 1934. eztt Jw tom SAYE 50c - by paying your subscription to The Signal in advance. And don't forget to ask for your Calendar. s t - cher-este,. US i3IONAL PRINTING ON -LIMITED, Publishers J. W. Craigie INSURANCE AND SEAL ESTATE Dominion, Provincial, and Municipal Bonds F. WOOLLCOMBE Sells laaraace of Every Kind ASK FOR RATER BEFORE SWI G INSURANCE Phone 296 The 0. F Carey Co. Fire, /waded and Motor Car iNSU RANCE 000e :-Masodc Temple, West Street, Goderiacbh. NIIAON HILL Telephone 230 Manager INSURANCE REAL ESTATE and STOCKS W. J. POWELL Puss 282 P.U. Box 438 Geo. Williams & Son DEALERS IN DOMINION, PROVINCIAL. MUNICIPAL AND COW MATSON RONDO psi Aeddlim . Antsumello ar fasasoosa-AgoOpit Guice, nest to Bask or lief mores Pl ego 5111 Gotlsrlall ttrisiO, 1 11 u tl3DAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1934 « sreest RAR, Na 6 Treasurer Issues First Statement Deficit in General Account In- creased $10,000 During Year 1933 The bank indebtedness of the coun- :y of Huron on general account is 340,000, an increase of 310,000 dur- Ing the past year, Treasurer A. H. Erskine informed the county council in presenting his financial statement for 1933. It developed during the tlimusldon that the cost of indigent hospital patients had increased from F13,O00 to 421,000 during the year and various reeves complained 'that they bad not been consulted in the commitment of indigents from their respective municipalities. Treasurer Erskine said be would refrain from comment or recommen- dations until such time as he had tbcroughly familiarized himself with for Amadei fabric of the county. HS *eked the reeves to report 111 111- 1 - rears promptly and requested Miss Monteith be retained as oma 1. 4atanl until such time as the 1933 audit was completed. He asked that accounts be properly certified to by c'halrmen of committees. While the general account shows a deficit, the county highways ac- count is balnnced and Provincial highways account shoves a small fav- orable balance. Following 1s a statement of re. eelpts and expenditures January 1st to December 31st, 1933: DONNYBROOK DONNYBROOK, Jan. 30. -T44 -•u r gular Meting of the Y.P.S. was held on Friday evening In the basement of tho church, with President J. A. Thompeon 'residing. Gordon Naylor lead the Scripture lesson, after which Dr. Mortimore showed lantern slides of scenes in India, and the meeting was closed with the Mlzpeh benedic- tion. The next meeting will be in charge of 'Miss Elaine Bamford. (swing to the storm there was no ,•lurch or Sunday school service here en Sunday. Mr. Willie Craig of Winghem High School spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Craig. General Aeon" RECEIPTS s)ounty rates 4300.08500 Land tax Licenses Schools Registry office Oki. -age pensions Administration of justice Magistrates' time !tank loans Division Court fund Miscellaneous Provincial Government, re cornborer Provincial Government, wolf bounty Interest on Dominion of Canada bends Canada Surety Oo., re Gor- don Young Tire loss adjnemaalib. City of Toronto,'statutes- emit of toy is Shelter -- 8,429 96 562 03 28,108 06 520 96 8,140 00 4,244 21 342 19 148,000 00 71 27 22 93 106 40 10 00 50 00 7,750 00 22 80 21 00 ST. HELENS lfT. HELENK'7311. 29. -Mr. Robin- son Woods and Lorne were at London ou Friday on a bustnew trip. Miss Leta Humphrey is a visitor with her sister, Mrs. Walker, East Wewanosh. Mr. Wilson Woods, of the O.A.C., Guelph, was home for a few days pant week. His mother, Mrs. R. J. Woods, returned with him to visit with her daughter, Mrs. Arnold Barbour, Fer- gus, for a few weeks. Air. Ben Taylor of Guelph was a rialtos 'with beg alsfaiisr4aWe gni- t_r Taylor, recently. Harris Mieslon Band will meet Saturday.,February 3rd, at the manse. All the children of the community are invited. The 1'.F.O. Club had a very suc- cessful meettng In the- hail on Wed- nesday afternoon, when Mr. I. Mc- Leod, the county agricultural repre- sentative, addressed them. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell Thompson, Lucknow, spent the week -end the guests of their parents, Mr. sod Mrs. Ed. Thom. Relatives who attended the funer- al of Mr. Oliver Anderson on Thurs- day at Belgrave were Mr. Will Ruth- erford, Mrs. Hugh Rutherford, Messrs. James Durnin, sr., Earl and Charlie Durnln, Wilbert, Robert and Harry Durnin, Hugh Rutherford, Thomas Phillips and Mr. and Mrs. Durnin Phillips. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Will Rutherford on the birth of a son oc Tuesday, January 23rd. ♦ BUSINESS POINTER I In our mall on Monday came the fohowtng letter from a well-known firm that uses the columns of The Sig- nal to Its consistent advertising policy: Toronto, January 27th, 1934. fbe Goderieb bursal, Goderleb, Ont. Dear Furs, -We believe you will be Interested to leant that. owing in a large 'measure to our advertising in the nesesespera, "Salads" Tea sales in Geder'leh last year showed a consid- erable Increase over 1932. We believe this is a spieodid tribute to the ex - rearms of our product and to lbs value Of your newspaper les an adv'er` tiaing medium. We ars hems trek. SALADA TRA COMPANY OF - CAN- ADA, LIIiIITE. -- e .any comment should be uuneceseary to point the moral for other buain men. Advertising did not do it all. of course. A good product be necessary M_lAs bells wtreasful advertising; but a WI ,I uelPLNIFReady vet Using is a powerful eombluatfon. So well satisfied are the Satada Tea people with the result of their 1933 advertising In The Signal that they have increased their estate in this paper for 1934, and we have no doubt they will reap the reward of their enterprise. ILLICIT LIQUOR in order to obtain the liquor cm - tent of an alleged drinkable beverage, found in the home of Otto Stephan, a1 Hensall, and said to is made of corn, yeast and water and In color reeemb- :Ing a sample of water from Lake Hu- ron .:. -. it ` `IO after'"(AeAtoem_ EXPENDITURES Yt Mothers' allowance $ 10,537 50 Children's Shelter 3,568 15 Administration Of - -Alt a 15,408 27 s '?4,928 71 .,.._...r.-_1._ -r- BRI Big acci eot: Mai' r ihiddd - rd Mt a lady to the safety sone. The Armstrong Real Estate and Insurance Agency FOR BALE Good dwelling house. very moan down payment accepted. gaNll farm near Goderlch. Big bar- gain, easy terms for payment. J. W. ARM TRONG REAL 1ffiTATE Rex M Gerierteh cheap. TRY OUR Golden Guernsey MILK MEOW Table Cream and Whipping Cream Safe, beesooe it b all pro- duced from a Government - inspected Herd. Your patronage solicited' Clif. McManus Dairy -PHONE 539 - 480 8S- inial sou seen -lo 'I' Yo Ivied. Analysis revealed that the li- quor content was 11 per cent., which fret labels the beverage as corn whis- key. Stephan is wondering now whether the a rlment was worth , , ps e miens ,.u.uo ltleili/AX $t14d'e he was tl Mon a PTwa3 t^ - 2t3Msty! 85 81%1 i d emits. of .41liiP ii 1 r "%1 Reid, on Saturday last, for having 11 - Registry Mie 1,421 59 3. 28 quer not acquired on a permit. Gaol There must be an epidemic, for two Printing, advertising, poet more liquor cases are on the docket age 1'284 76 for Friday morning's court. Elmer Interest 5'204 78 Weide). of Crediton, will appear to an - County property 2747 01 ewer a charge of keeping liquor for lnplione e, heat, light, tele- 1,682save, and Jgtun Bowman. of Stephen phone townwlidp, the second accused, is Miscellaneous 111 99 eherged with having Ilquor unlawful - Hospitals and reform schools 21,052 5050ly In a place other than a private House of Refuge 2,439 tis rer-ittence. Grants Transfer to County Home Bank Account 9.500 00 Patriotic bond paid 19.500 00 Bank loans repaid --1'4.7.1 G. Young. unauthorized 450 00 Bowlers Dine at Annual Meeting Successful Beason Reviewed and Executive Elected for Another Year • West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF FJoctrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc_ Electric Wiring of all kinds Lstaa give. ea smdicatiss FRAM McARTHUR Telephone 82 - Oodsrieh cheques Legal audit Tax refund Refund to McKillop town - aha - Paid to townships fur t*Ses 5,83380 collected --- 3370,717 97 Carry-over of bank loan at January 1, 1938 ... 3 50,000 00 Wok 1 1 1933 148000 00 1.1 3,298 5b HURON ?AR3[ERS SC/ORE P$estslts of Bacon Litter Competition of 1933 Announced The results of the spring series 1933 l8 91 bacon litter competition have recent- ly been announced and Huron county 101 10 farmers have again demonstrated their ekill in finishing high quality market hope et about six months of age. In (oe.ducting this contest the Province wee divided into three districts. in dtetrkt No. 3 Huron county received twelve out of fifteen prises, the other thine prizes going to farmers to s vans n Perth county. The winner in this district was Mr. R. T. Bolton of Dublin, who has made a real name for himself In previous competitions. He had the only ut- ter entered In the Province which graded 100 per cent. selects. The lit - tet having the most tonnage was mar- keted hy Mr. W. 41. E. Brows if Dnn- gaunon. in this litter there were fif- teen pigs marketed at 205 days, and c-ei:hing 2,980 the. The second young- est litter to be marketed in the Pro- vince wee rained by Mr. John Arm- wtrong of Zurich, who secured second place in this 'distrier. in thin litter there were twelve pigs marketed at 100 days and weighing 2,500 piss. The following lint outlines the stand- ing. name and address and the score obtained hy the contestants in Huron county: 1-R. T. Bolton, Dublin, R. No. 1 - !WIN. 2 -John Armstrong, Zurich, R. R8. 1 - 132.51. 3-F. C. Johnston, Dnhlin-180.62. 5-R. T. Bolton, Dublin, R. No. 1- 17-.1. f E. B. Goudle, fteeforth-1011.55. 7-C. H. Cartwright, Loodenhoro- 1413.3. 9-R. 1.. Bolton, Dublin, R. No. 1- 161.29. 10`-43eo. Pryee. S.aforth. R. No 1- 158.09. 12--A, (}, TernMdl, Brnassla R. No num 1a ei t - i las se ' t1►--- .-lla. ft9cttaei flptiwtnue ti sae. 1-143.42. 14-W. G. E. Brown, Dnneannen-- 140.7a u fa my Mad, bet vaunt manly do 15G -R. C. Johnston, Myth. R. No COLBORNE TELEPHONES Annual Meeting of Subscribers at Carlow Last Week Combining business with pleasure, the annual meeting of the (loderich I-I.wu Bowling Club was held after a banquet In the Bedford hotel on Fri- th) evening last. About sixty of the sixty-eight members of the club were prism[. At the bead table with the president, J. W. MeeVkar, were the members of the 1933 executive and the committee chairmen. The excellent ."ner was Interepereed with commun- ity singing led by C. K. Saunders, and 'cello solos by Mr. F. R. Miller and vocal sinus by Mr. S. Walter were also esjoyed before the business of the Meeting was begun. Afterdinoer speakers were Rev. D. J. lane and 8. D. ,Croft. president In a short address, the pr the members and executive for their support -during the past year, asked that the same support be given the new executive, and ex- ited his eineere wishes for the con- tent .ueeeai= t the club. The treas- urer, A. Porter, stated that 41,008.60 Ivan the club'a Income for the year 193. and reported a balance of 42.68. Rt-bt. Johnston, in giving the report of the open tournament committee, slated that ten tournaments were held during the year, from which $718 was derived. Local tournaments, accord- ing to O. Ginn, chairman of that com- Itlee realized $312.74 last year. W. PROTECT YOUR EYES With our high-grade, stylish and most upto-date glasses. Your choice In shell, white or pink gold-filled, with levees complete, only $8.50. Invisible bifocals with choice of frame com- plete, only 312.00. These prices in- clude a thorough examination of your eyee by our well-known and reliable specialist, Mr. Hngbson, over 20 years r ming to Godericb. The best opti- cal work to be obtained and we sare you money. Thursday and Friday, February 8th and 9th. Come early. SMITH'S ART *STORE, Goderich. m J. Baker, chairman of the membership committee, reported a total number of sixty-eight paid members, and Fred Heid Hunt, chairman of the grounds com- mittee, to giving hie report. advised 'chat a new lawn mower be purchased. The annual meeting of the subacrib- I Odeera Elected THE EVENING AUXILIARY On Tuesday, January 23, the even- ing auxiliary of North street United cl•urch met at the home of the presl- deat, Mrs. Douglas Mooney. At this meeting Mrs. W. Moes recounted In a very interesting way some of her ex- perleuces in the Peace Itiier diAriet. Annual reports were read showing an average attendamr during the year of thirty and the total amount rallied to be 3877.50, of a bleb $300 has been forwarded to the Presbyterial treas- urer. A bale valued sent to Matheson. Ones Isabel Moffitt Is stationed. 'lbe year's activities included a rally of the young women of Huron Presby- terial at which Mrs. Childs of Lon doe was the guest speaker, and tak- ing charge of the tea room at the an- nual church bazaar. .The officers elected for tine year ars:- Honorary president, Mrs. Naftel ; president, Mra. D. Mooney : first vice-president, Mrs. Thorneloe; second thee -president, Mrs. J. H. Robertson; recording secre- tary, Muni G. McDowell; n orreepond- 1ng secretary. MGM M. Campbell; treasurer, Miss E. Hume; supply eee- retary, Mra. L. C. Chapman; literary and Missionary Monthly ecretary, Mrs. E. C. Robertson ; Christian stew- ardship and flnanee secretary, Mrs, Kershaw ; convenor of flower commit- tee, Miss E. Buchanan; visiting com- mittee, Mra A. L. ('tile, Mies McClinton, Mira J. Saunders, Miss G. Rotwrtson ; pianists, Mie. E. McDonald, Mrs. J. Snyder; preen secretary, Mrs. F. White err of the Colborne Muulclpal Tele- phone System was held In the town - 'hip hall, Carlow, on Thursday, Jan- uary 25th, with Mr. Alex. Clutton in the chair. Mr. Wm. Mash, chairman of the coniuit stoners, gave a report of the ctudltlous and activities of the Sys- tem during 1933. Quite a stretch of new wire war put up in place of some that was done. It has been the pol- ity of the officials to replace some of the oldest wire each year, so _that there will never be a great deal to replace at any ealb time. Mr. T. H. Wilson and Mr. W. Hume C:utton, the other commissioners, also Bank loans repaid 3198.000 00 147.000 00 Carry-over . at Jan. 1, 1934 $ 51,000 00 8000 00 Jlrtaary 8, note repaid .• . 4 , t•0 43,000 00 Comity Carry-over aJan. 1, 1938 1 130.000 00 Bank loans for 1933 90,000 00 3179,000 00 Notes repaid to hank .... 125 000 00 Carryover at Jan. 1, 1934 54,000 00 Estimated subsidy 1934 .. 45,000 00 Ralanee 3 9,000 00 Jcn 2, 1034, repaid to bank $ 9,000 00 Thin Nannette County Ilighway ac- count. w PrlarW ecHighways Cash reived on rates to 'rememberlseceer 31st 4 41,604 53 Jaunary 2, 1934, Cash from 00 Ashdield township 2.53 66 $ 44,271 19 Debentures paid '. $12,950 46 Department of Highways. 1942 13,951 83 rep Notes aid 1B bank 17,236 74 a 4,4.11N Officers for the following year were elected as follows: honorary preel- dents, Wan. Lane, Stewart Henry, H. McDermott. A. Porter; president, Howard McNee; vice-president. E. J. Prl4bam ; treasurer. A. Porter; secre- tary, F. G. Weir; executive commit- tee, Dr. H. R. Hall, J. Brophey, F. Toole; open tournament committee, J. W. MacVicar, Geo. Matldeson. Wes. hitt; local tournament committee, louse Young, Thos. Pritchard, J. John- ston. 0. Olin. R. Bisset; membership committee, R. Johnston. F. Toole, A. Taylor, J. Bisset, D. J. Lane, F. Don- n/"Hy, L. L. Knox, F. Crafgte; grounds committee . F. Hunt, I'. Bisset, H. Mc- .c -o Mr t:iflltn8 etolntln out that jtermot. ,k• y orpee for It was decided that the fees h mnain the sante as pail year. Tourna- ment dates were left in the hands of the tournament committees:. Owing suc to the cess of the combined ban - a fyt i>letw meeting. tt was de' 1C should lie held next year. n A w'o-ms-stw.e.e .... ... L Knox, -. 'fr bee telephone should let Central know at ouce so that 1t might be placed in good working condition at once. A notion was passed which makes it possible for anyone who Is a pro - Ta "ltectime a subscriber i' itay oro- a" -he tt b7v1 ' ways: 1, by paying 315 icash ; 2, by paying 44 each year In addition to the regular maintenance charge for live years; 3, by signing a contract to pay the regular maintenance rate as charged to the other subscribers for ten years. The last-mentioned tidemethod Is new to te System, and rises anyone thinking of becoming a subscriber an opportunity to do so at very small expense. The auditors' report was given by Mr. J. R. Long. The surpins at the cusp of 19033 was 31,131.88. This good chewing will probably allow the same !ow rates as charged for the last year weto be maintained for some time. The following were elected commis- sioners: Arthur Fisher, Wm. 'Marsh and W. Hume Clutton. Mr. Clutton is the chairman for 1934. A vote of thanks was passed to the Central operator for the splendid ser- vice given during the year. A vote of thanks was also passed to Mr. Thos. H. Wilson for the effi- cient serv.ces given the System dur- ing his term as commissioner. Messrs. Horace Horton and J. R. Lung were appointed auditors for this year. Professor: "Dertne epees lenum" Stockist: "Well. so -so --els. 1 have into it" 1-11MA • ARA! He. -'I've leen trying to think of • word for two week." Elie. -"slow about fortnight." FREE TRIAL OFFER '=t • 1,t OF KRUSCH _" x i 1f you have never teed Kruachen-tryns it now at our expee. We haw distributed • great many "GIANT " packages which m e It easy for you to prove our claims for yourself. Ask your druggist for the new " GIANF " 75e. package. This coa.ist. of our regular 7 ac. bonus tu€sUar with a separate trial house--sualrknt 1« about one week. Open the trial bottle first, put It lo Ute Leet, sod then, 11 not entirely mvut luded that ah ruaren does everything we claim It to do, the regular bottle is still as good as new. Take a bark. Your druggist is auUsori.ad to return ho your 7Se. Immediately and witut question. You have tried krurtlen fm. at our expense- .. What could Iso• fairer t Manula.-tured by g. Griffiths Hughes IAA., kranrnester, Era: (*stab. 1756). Importers. YrUnllvray Brno., LW., Tarunt°. EXTRA SPECIALS FOR Tills WEEK Boys' Knee Pants 49c e. With hard wearing tweed» cut !n regular style. Button and belt loops, 5 to 8 years 49e Boys' Corduroy itiliaes $1.19 Boys olive brown and dark bule lined corduroy breeches, lace fastenings with double seat and leather knees. Sines 24 to 32 41.19 M. Robins Agent for Tip Top Tailors Phone 384 Goderioh INCIDENTS OF THE HUNT About thirty -flue hunters scoured the country east of Kingsbridge on Sat- urday afternoon on the weekly jack- rabbit drive. Although the shoots AO far this yens have not yet yielded a bag on a par with those of last year, each drive has resulted in a large number of the hoppere biting the dust. or the scow. The nimrods have so far mt naged to average well over one jack per man. Declaring that the weather was not cold enough to warrant the use of warming ettmulants, thus spiking the thtory of an optical illusion or mir- ege, four of the hunters report hiv- ing wren two fine deer during the course of the hunt. Leelle Neftel, El- mer Sheardown, Walter Pinder and Norman Wark tt@f the men who res. porthaving seen a large truck and a" eine crne'Ing the fields in "about three jumps" and clearing fencew In their elle. The deer had disappeared from eight while the hunters. 'food ant! gazed, hut close examination of the track' hire out the te'timony of their eyes. On the preceding Satin. - clay hunters on a rabbit drive near B'syfield reported sighting a fox. TESTED and PROVEN Put us to the testi Give us a chance toprove that we sell our merchandise for leve. Price reductions for this week. Ceeepbernted Oil, Bottle, !lis, 25e :Ilyi)ltsoabptus, Bottle, 1k. 26e rte jprWl t jfa Pine Tar. Regular sae, for ZSr .. -Meislafta, skis, insal( e Mids. NM Box Buckley's Bronchitis Mixture 4ee, 75e Wratabs, Box 31.25 Sloan's Liniment.35e she for 29e Jad Salts, condensed 59e Palmolive Skiving Cream aid Lotion, bee value 39e 'Anterior Tooth Paste !Se Carter's Little P1IL 22c Kleenex 22e Zan Bolt ,irgL"'w.d ,r I leterine " Me, Cod Liver 011, Tested. 16 ox', for 69e Wampole's Cod liver Ext..31.00 Russian OII, 16 vita. 58r -(NO TAX) 100 SACCHARIN TABLETS it -grain 35e %-grain .- 40e 1 -grain 45e -BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE - He was a coward to the Wong; he Will. a tyrant to the weak. -Shelley. Chautauqua Folds Its Tents Those for whom memory treat:wee with a SUM of 511 lecturer,' and' pictures of ensetering midsummer (1I a 30.000.000 "etnderkw' crowding IU spent 1n absorbing the rudiments of culture while :seated on s rough bench within a stifling tent, will regret the fading from the Americen seers of their migratory alma meter, otherwise known ape the Chsntenqua. ienon.ln- ated by Theodore Roosevelt "the moat American thteig in America," this gree! Institution, which for more than heir a century waw, for Kann add email - town dwellers& almost the only acme' (-notate with the world, ha* route upon lean shire and seems now IIbsrnf 10 'fold It' tetras like the Arabs arid as 'inertly eteal sway" Into the limbo of outmoded things. I':'fin tsllwhPd .m the whores of Lite Ohantaugna. In New Yore Shite. In 1374. ea a esimaa r school for Rundey reboot tem -here It dev.Inped into a rapidly vowing "tree of knowledge' 4tsat, fifty years later, had apresd Its nod trewwebee ager the. Milted bisalt.. earl (`coeds 7Pn years ago. so or(11ng to Maturatew made et the time hwrn(y one evsmpentea were op - PIM that ninety-thsvr CMtits norm cir- cuits. a gigantic "portable untverdty" c-anvas elaer(.onrw hi 5.041 commnni- tiee. ice faculty roster. simnel from the hsegirinfng, had teemed with noted namem: Willlam Jennings Breen dean of all the lecturers; Lyman Ahbntt, T. DeWitt Talmage, Booker T. W neh- ingtnn ; nnd, from the crena of netion- sl affairs', mach pereormlitlee es Dol - liver, Cummings. Cannon, 1.a Follette, Champ (Mark and flim. The White llou.e was r preecnted by ILeyee. Me- Klrrler. Theodore Roosevelt, Taft and Hnrding. Letters, natural science, mipeks art, and the dome had their places upon the platform. The Chantanru fionriehed teeause it filled a great need In a circumscribed age. Before the Clay of mntorear and motion piMnre, IG programa, two a 'ley for a week or ten days. enlarged mental horizons anti afforded feint for thought and dier-iretinn fnr the rent of the velar prrexnt.lriv America might pradt vastly If saki /461 and radio. ier*Iv reeprmdhle In eteneing the (T•utsngtra, wonM Ise as diligent In purveying programa that would enrich tete mentality of their audiences. - Christian Retests Monitor. • T H E THAT WHICH ENDURES' Over many years ands through many changes, The Royal Seek,,, hos become firmly based upon the solid rock of eapo- rience and proven strength. Its poallkin os one of the great banking institutit[ilis of the world has long been recognised OYA4- BANK Ooeeo. NUN01 - "e 1. 9 M91MWh Mwuw► i 7.y ' ,1 •itY"may, n Olt