HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-2-1, Page 2$-1aredap, Februyar lat, ltd
Koraaaunso lis
GQD111Rllui : CANADA
el Casmases Weakly N•w•rseent
published every Thursday morulag.
liabacriptlon price 3E00 per Year. in
Telepttom 36 : Goderich, Out.
W. 11. RosturraoN, Editor and Massager
Thursday, February 1st, 1934
Webb the resolution et tits 'etesaty
fgUaett _Wt weak taking the Provia-
ebl Government to take over the Blue
Water Highway does not settle the
matter, It will go a long way In de-
termining the action of the Depart-
ment of Highways. So long as tbe
county council was opposed to the tak-
ing over of the road, the Government
could hardly be expected to take the
course which now, with that opposi-
tion removed, 1t may be prepared to
take without much further persuasion.
We may !herefore expect shortly an
announcement from the Department
of highways that the road has be-
come a PMi*dal highway and will
te improved to Provincial highway
ata .
The previous attitude of the county
council was taken on grounds of soon
om7.-Aa_was penned out 1st the 41/ -
cession last week, the twenty per cent.
which the county pays on l'rorincta
highways within its bounds may in
vNve a larger payment by the county
than the fifty per cent. which It pays
on county roads, for the reaaon that
Provincial roads are usually paved
In this ase, however, though event
aelly a concrete pavement may be laid,
• very satisfactory surface of a lees
expensive kind may be used on the
Blue Water Highway for years t
come. If the highway all through had
a surface as good as the stretch be
tweets Ooderlch and Dunlop nothing
better would be needed. While there
was talk, however, of Its being made
a Provincial highway, the county road
commtsslon hesitated to spend the
money required to put the road 1n
uniformly good condition throughout
and any saving to the county treasury
was offset by the fact that the road
was avoided by motorists to a consid-
erable extent, to the direct loss of a
large section of the county.
In spite of dust and other draw-
backs, the Blue Wat - t er-
rled a large trams, a end
u a Prevtncial road-
Sush�any o
fbs Sommer -ti
the great artery for no .and
B luth between Detroit and the coun-
e.au ,o ' qb.f!..�� of ear'fede- -
e of thousandsa
le already well known by reason of the
intense advertising that has been car-
ried on for aereral years by the Blue
Water Highway AA/sedation, and when
rid of the handicap of the Inferior
condition In which it has hitherto
imen it will, It M reasonable to believe,
become one of the hest -travelled roads
In this part of the Province.
The county council la to ire congra-
tulated upon Its action, and cred t
mart be given to those members from
ether sections of the county having no
direct Interest in the Improvement of
the road w1% supported the resolution
In the belief that the claims of the
Loke Shore section of the Bounty were
founded In Justice and that an Im-
proved (flue Water highway woul I
be an asw't to the county an a whole.
• otsaalirillWamlAs4' .Itlloi a
evil day as long as possible. It re-
malus to be seen if the rule will work
with the Henry Government when It
quits shivering on the brink and
plunges tn.
• • •
Why do the dally papers dies bO°t-
lege space, or any 'mare
ter. to the doings of this Aimee Semple
McPherson? From the headings, which
is about all we read of her doings,
she a ppearre Ole a towers ' Rut of
indlvtdual who sight well be left in
the cheap obscurity she deserves. We
cannot imagine why anybody, outside
of the woman herself and her publi-
city agent, should want to see her
name paraded in big type about every
second day.
• • •
Now that there is ltkeltbOOd fit the
improvement of tbe Blue Water High -
was as a Provincial road, Owen Souud
is looking this why again and would
like t0 resume its former connection
with the Blue Water Highway Asso-
ciation. One of tltl) advantages of the
Improved highway{ will be the closer
binding together d the municipalities
along the route. ad mereWee-
the coodiet st semid) ret for
the building up oft the Lake Shore
• a •
---wit:-Etna lost m time, after the
opening of Parliament, In assailing
the Prime Minister for his action in
re-toring titles foe Canadians. In
the face of repeated and deliberate az-
pret•afons et tis woe.' repelteefa-
tives, Mr. Bennett's course, said the
Opposition leader, was an affront to
Parliament and te the representative
of royalty through whom the Prime
Minister's recomesendatlons were
made. Will the House of Consmous
,"sallow itself and *odors* the Prime
Minister In undoing what It did so
emphatically a few years ago?
.• • •
The Ottawa Government has printed
ant tabled in Parliament a complete
Het of Canada's war pensioners. If
there L anything la the stories going
about of huge pendens paid to men
who's "pull" was of greater Import-
ance than their mlHrry records, the
publication of this list should be the
feet step In having needed adjust-
ments made. Something like justice
may also be brought to the war vac.
tlm who has had to get along some-
tew without an adequate pension. The
tabling of the list Mtuld 410 no Injury
to those men-tbe vast majorlty-
whroee pensions are jbelr country's re-
cognition of services to which full tri-
bute can never he paid.
• • " •
Along with the hewer nt of the
dlrtrfct have welaetbing tike Brltpeh
(:olumbla's ogopogo, or the mysterious
monster of Loeb Ness, to aid publicity
end attract sightseers? A few years
February 1st.
• • •
Well, the w Inter must be half over,
"ting prism advance" 1s almost a
daily report. Is Grumphy to lead
procession back to prosperity?
• • •
The Improvement of the Blue Ws
Highway will he rr worthwhile invest-
ment which will bring g'r'id dividends
It the 'nemesia of totirtat traffic.
• • •
Warden Elliott in peculiarly fitted
to keep county council proceedings
from legging. ile 1s an auctioneer. and
with the gavel In his hand he can go
through the motion' of "Going, going
---gone!" (with n bong) ahejegr
msncll awe a tendency to
• •
Premier Henry confided to s party
rri('ea alma -t -
()compiled from Fries of The
Montreal Gazette
by F. J. N.
'Honey u .veru M"a•tcrutoe"
January 28
1tt32.-A charter was greatest to the
Baptist Missionary Society of Upper
Canada. This church wag founded tn
Ontario by adherents trom Nova
Scot la.
1e70. -The steamer City of Boston
sailed from Halifax for Liverpool and
WAS uever since heard of. She had a
fell list of passengers and It L sup-
posed she struck an Iceberg.
1578. -The Windsor hotel •t Mon-
treal was opened. It has the distinc-
tion of being the first hotel In Can-
ada to be eetablhrhed on modern lux-
urious Masan.
Pt9tt.-The eighth Legislature of On-
tario w'aa dissolved. The elections
which took place soon atter were very
obese: : Haws -ale 49 Ocwsservatives Qp-
Patrone of Industry 1.
January LS
1847. -The Earl of Elgin, Governor-
General -of the Province of Canada,
arrived at Montreal. He went Into
resldence at Monklaude, at that time
"lu the country," which 1s now the
convent of Villa Maria.
1883. -There was unveiled at Ot-
tawa a statue to the great French-
Canadian statesman. and one of the
Fathers of Confederation, Sir George
it. Cartier, who had died in England
May 20, 1873.
1$89. -Canada obtained a complete
tele�frwph service from ocean to ocean,
independent of the United States, by
the completion of the Canadian Pacific
teh.'grapb line on this date.
January 1N
1843. -The Hon. Robert Baldwln-
1'pper Canada Reform loader--who
been defeated In Hastings county,
1 Aper Canada, was returned by ao
c.amatlon In Rlmouski, Lower Can-
ada. to the Legislative Assembly of
the Province of Canada. He made a
triumphal tour from Quebec to Rim -
(rusk', with bags and banners waving
and the electors shouting "Vlve Bald.
11 111...
11749. --The Nova Scotia statesman,
}ton. Joseph Howe, wan sworn u
President of the Council. He had
twee a strong opponent of Confedera-
tion, but after it wars accomplished,
:nal better terms given to hie native
Province, he loyally accepted IL He
clad on June 1st, 1873, as Lieutenant -
Governor of Nova Scotia.
19Te-The Metropolitan, earth,
Toronto, was destroyed by 7i11 -It
w:ts soon rebuilt.
January 31
1539. --The Earl of Durham issued
labs report on political conditions and
:liaised the union of Upper and Low-
er Canada. HL, suggestions were car-
ried out In 1841.
1883. -Sir John Beverley Robinson,
Chief Justice of Upper Canada, died.
Its hie early days he was a member of
thy+ �Fuatlf Coespaet-,^
mat New Westminster, B.C., when two
Former Clerk
x ' Explains Action
Bays He Took Nothing from
Clerk's OiBoe He Had
Not Right to Tt;''r�'=
Atter having been addressed by R.
('. Hays, jr., county anllclielL ou
Thursday morning, the (runty toua-
el! promptly decided to take uo fur-
ther action on a motion adopted the
previous day asking the sulh'itor to
take steps to secure "looks, papers,
, tc.," allegedly removed by George W.
Holutan, former clerk, from the coon- -
ty buildings when he vacated -adios.
Mr. Hays said that Mr. Hoban* .had
telephoned him to say that the :.-.rye.
: ords having to do with old age pew-
sionrs and mothers' allowances would
be returued when his successor or suc-
eesaors were duly appointed. The
bolIeltor felt the consult was treading
on dangerous ground in taking any
drastic action.
Reeve !dunning, reported 10 coun-
cil that Mr. Holman would have the
cid age pension records back in the
comity building by 6 o'clock that e_veo-
Ing. Clerk Roberto reported the min-
ute book already had been returned.
The new clerk has been appduted sec-
retary of the county old age pension
committee, replacing Mr. Holman, butn
the latter retains his potations
chairman and secretary of the county
mothers allowances board. this being
a Government appointment. Council
recommended the appointment of Mr.
Roberts to these positions "at the earl -
!est convenience," a reeoleth,n to
effect being forwarded in Toronto: tide,
Orr. Holman explained his position
In a letter read to open council o0
Thursday afternoon. The letter, witch
was ordered filed, was as follows:
Mr. Henna's Letter
"Warden and Council,- I am very
sorry to have to address you on ma -
ters complained of re the removal of
documents and papers from my offiee
on retiring from the clerkship. which,
according to sensational items in the
preen, would lead the public. to be-
lieve there were stolen.
"I wlah to say empharbatIy fleet no
papers, books or documents were re -
mored by me that I had not the right
Ito use before my successor or suc-
cessors were appointed. I refer to
wipers, applications, blanks. and
b oke re old age 'emitter' and
mothers' -allowances matters and the
Statutes. All these things are en-
trusted to my keeping w hurt as i
orcupy the ofilee of secretary or
chairman of these committee* or
boards. So far as the Statutes ars
eoncerned the following from Attorney-
eueral Price will elvish, that fully.
"Copies of statutes supplied to a
insure of the peace do not become
the property of the county nor do they
heeome the property of the Justice of
the peace, hut they min the pro-
per of the Prortaaiu be need by
he iatltIces -la r 1 r.1�9j
to the warden when removing the
"1 could not leave in any office to
n hteh I had not access papers or
io'•ma required, because application
sere !wing made which only Inoue -
Mate access to the required papers
could outlay.
"I repeat, I took rothlug out of the
Awe 1 bad not the right to take and
' estored and which I alone had the.
right to use or have in my possession.
"Mr. Roberts knew I was doing
4140 work at home, for 1 bald him i
would clear up last year's work be-
fore handing the looks over to him.
Material for the reorganization meet -
Ing will 1w there as Mr. Munnings
keows, and there has been much ado
about nothing, except sena - -
reading for the public.
(Slimed) "G. W. HOLMAN."
nH1T C H
stitute Hall was crowded to capacity
ou Friday evening for the Scotch pro -
grew, which was in the form of a con-
test. the single ladles va the married
belies. Each side put on eight num-
beis, with their encores. The Judges,
Mrs. C. Gillespie. Mr. Henderson and
Mr. Milan Moore, decided in favor of
the married ladies. Dancing followedchasethe program and at the chase .all
Joined hands and sang "Auld Lang
• Our country is held in the grip of
is storm this week and with low tetu-
tecatures everyone is staying indoors.
Mr. Malcolm Rant, Jr., is unloading
a car of corn screenings on Monday.
Mr- --Auld Farrier has been suf-
fering from pleurisy these days.
The Who' of the Institute are hold-
ing their "at-home" on this Friday
evening. The program will be made
t;p of a number contributed from each
I ^use, and is in charge of the men.
The ladles will serve lunch. Each
member may invite a friend.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Malec. of Wing -
Lam, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mr&
Ewart McPherson of St. Helens.
W. C. T. U. Meeting. -TIN' regular
nu•ut icy meeting of the W.C.T.I'. was
:acid on Thursday last at the home of
Salsa O. Terrill, with the president,
Mrs. R. J. Ross, in the chair. Mrs.
Rohr. Rosa read the Scripture lesson,
snit Mrs. F. Henry led in prayer. The
temperance slips were studied, Lind
Mrs. Henry gave a reading from the
Missionary Monthly telling that the
county •oi-Huron had not had a cries -
lied case In its courts for the past nix
years, and there was only one reason
ter this, that there is none liquor
store in this county. Sirs. E. Sc•holta
and Mrs. Gibson Gillespie sang a tem-
perance song, Mies O. Terrif gave a
leading end the meeting was closed
with the hymn "Dare to Be a Daniel."
Lies Three Days with Broken Leg.-
'rile community was shocked on Fri-
day morning to hear that Miss Cath-
arine Ross, of the 2nd concession of
-Kinloss, had broken her leg on Tues -
thy last and had lain until Friday
rimming on the barn floor. She had
climbed a ladder, and thrown down a
timidity of hay, and when coming
loo a the Ion, ladder slipped and
McLean brother' and one Hare paid ,•i tried to get the Statutes for the
the death penalty for banditry In the county, but sees Informed they world
i.e supplied at a price per volume.
Cariboo country.When I was appointed a Justice of the
peace they were sent me for my use
"rte •:•211: "" . ilglataiu� ".mfrs :-#iefors»vypar,
Speaker of the Sflattoba-7.eglelature.
Two of his sour were prominent In
Canadian politics: A. L. Sifton be -
seem' everybody seeltn3 to have forgotten
about them, by the way -but what
seem' to he called for Is something came (thief Justice of Alberta, Prem -
that will excite curiosity without ere ler of Alberta and Secretary of State
sting actual alarm --Jost sort of raise ford ('anadn. Another sort (girl Cllt•
ford Sifton, became Attorney-:eneral
R gcsrsctleoti. Homebody with t'h, right of Manitoba and Minister of the In -
combination of Imagination and In- tenor In the Laurier Cabinet.
senility, and not too much to do, 1S90. -The death took place at Tor -
fright get to work on this problem 1 1 ntu of John G. Howard. He was
:end poet s trent-page attraction
city engin e.r for a number of years,
g left the y
for the (flue Water district. tluandt at largehis tract
death ofhe -and to known citu
• • • High Park.
Parodies are not always 111f good 11`94• -Peter Redpath dial at ldon-
taste, int here Is mre, contributed by treat J1e 1' best known as the sugar
i?c mond J. Kiefer to The Ituffalo (rinse. but ty tare liberallyArt ao Mc-
(:ilt University and to the Art Gallery.
('cnrier-Express, which as "President DOM. -The ('.P.41. and
Rllled lnter-
it(osevelt's 'lnvIctuis' " w111 tickle ad este opened the great Smelter at
mlrers of the fighting frerideat every Troll, 11.11,
w.tere: 1928,--A, the result of a piehttelte,
the Manitoba Legislature passed a bill
Out of the night that folloll►e ane, authorizing beer taverns and also 03
fending to epee!! my self-.eoAtrol, male of beer by the slays.
I thank my stars quite frequMNly Frbnlaty 2
For my urxonquefsble soul.
1Fb7.-• it1rhop J'lcesta of Quebec
fn the fell clutch of Wall 8trletct !Penlight to the attentkd of the Lien -
spleen, i(rraat4loternor the bad feels of
1 have not winced nor ^rled alon4 the sale of liquor by hatedkeepvrs and
Meier the knocks of critics mean, Others on Mondays. To tis Mgt/41t
My head is ensiling and unbowed_ that 11 he Mopped he w -a• prowl/led
Beyond this streets, with XII Its [ears ielealatlon to enforce Sundt," oboe?.
via*. This le the first enaeteient of
tends forth -4w light -of progress the blind under the British role.
made; iliEE-P4r:..luta( Toting was 600011e(i Fo Tie tempest -ilia aDDMrs as file aMowb elovernorelenerel of Ate
Finds and Mali dad ale unafraid. f)omin(on: He wan fhortly ■fterwardir
▪ Who thought there was (o fir an ele•-
tier. last fall and used no their am-
•unitlon. Mr. Henry shouldn't be ao
"are; that hoy il'epburn ran find
*woes for his sling almost snvwhere
and any time.
gathering at Toronto the other night
That he had outgcnerailed the Grits,
Attention le to the fart
Mitt likinegt `varlably la this enintry
Oertnanimaab that bans ell to Otos to
aha kW pip are defeated *ben they
• ala *II poopint it is sat M omen
rate ea is rwaMS. by
t, ak+�t om that fir *sowwVt ' A facet weeder la batter than a
. W pc' 441 sis fsnit finder.
-`.4 A. pct
'Or how theae what -prole posy shout,
politicians fate:
M' friends, 1'snow wlwt IM shout,
I'm captain of the ship of Mate.
1 Vaneourer Stint - • -
It 1s proposed by George G. Tdang,
general manajter of the Los Angeles
Examiner. to invent a new- eharaeter
1' "t" with a tail on it to replace
the written word "the" M the Eng-
!i/:n langoege.
• 'hong .Rayl:that "the" 'scenes
3SAT0(9 tines 1n fire million words
nue a great deal of time, .pare and
el Inter's Ink could he saved by redue-
Ing 1t to "t."
In Ileal, Ihr snggeotion Is probably
A good (ne, lint to Carry the spirit
of it to a 1og1e111 conr•luslen would he
fatal to good writing.
Intensive and eonttneed alobrevia-
lien of the language would not only
n iIn inate style end esti/els), a drab
n iiformity of expression, but would in
tins aboltteh language eitegether, sub-
,-tltuling, Instead, a system of eigt
**ow.. ettl}tt, winds and taste res, eked
eat with a few elementary Rounde.
In short. Mr Young's prgs,.el lentos
itself admirably to a reductio ad ab-
r.u'dum that would leave ss in the
'animate statue of our cave fnreb•ara
(fleeted halloo Low.. Ile was rwre-
('f•t'(:ctl In itt1`9 by the Fare of Duffertn
flicks: I'm eurprieed that Flower,'
should nwirry that homely old heiress(
offer Noting that marryIne for ninety
would he the last thing heel do"'
Wleka "Well, Ise hatin't dew
thine sinter
with It. Those were cold days. with
high winds, but she was well wrapped
up, and pulled the hay over her, and
waited. On Friday, the mailman went
holo Mr. Malcolm Ross' and told them
for three days. and Frank set out to
irrestigate. When le found her, he
vent to Itots'rt Hess' and the two then
curried her to the house, neighbors
gah•kly gathered and D. COlborne.
look her In the ambulance to Wing -
'saw huapltal. elicre she has been tot-_
11nt. along nicely. The leg, which was
badly broken at the knee, was set on
Saturday afternoon, and so far she
!rut suffered no ill effects from her
lobe exposure.
Tommy cama.m
e Ie looking rather
dlnheveiled and indeed. "1 thought
i told you only to play with good
boy's." 'said hie mother. "Good little
boys never fight,"
"Well," answered Tommy, "I thought
Charlie Johnson we,' & good little boy
till I hit him."
A Letter from India
The following letter fruit Inas R.
Moore, Mister of the late C. L Moore,
manager of the Dominion ROM Ma-
chinery Go., is published by courierty
of Mrs. Moore. The writer has bee*
In 'India for twenty-five years:
Pathankot, Punjab, India,
December 2e, 1933.
Dear Ovse Folistee-While it it fresh
in mind I *sat to tell you about our
Chrimtmas Week. On Sabbath, the
24tb, our pastor rem -died on the COM -
Inn of Jesus Chriet 10 earth in human
form and of the blesaing of salvation
which came to tie thrOligh Ilim.
Christmas morning lie Were 'trout*/
by the putting off of large nrierack-
etes and then a number of the Ceristian
boys sang Christmas carols and Played
00 native mutdcal instrurnentre Aber
they heti sung and played for some
flue Henrietta went into the house
lwe steeple the veranda and brought
out °rangiest and walnuts and gave
them. Theri they told tut we were to
come to tea id the bawd. t'hat the
portion of the cif,' Where the.' jive. at
our little breakfast we bad illP sier-
t-ante and their families id for morn -
prayers, and after that we Film*
osich M1P preeente and fruit and Mits.
et' 11 o'clock there sue al 1Witstinse
sit:Vice In the church. After 11 littiatt
of die people efITOP tO egg. We weal'
for tee with the Christiana and after
It we had s little thee to' reed, then
wrnt over for Christina dinner with
the ladles at the Reboot. Mb* Floyd
POMP to Vkit them. %Ilea Hammy
n** for the holideys, oo there ere
.111,4 . Nor Graham anti Mew Petermoss
WP had party of AtA They hed
toast goo.e. We chattel nate quite
bite. then lut4 prayers, mad se die -
him missionaries came hew, 'trete-
in-J at mar bungalown at midnight.
l'iast wits most too long day for Ili
MI111 we thieve whitely orered yet.
ne (melt Arty *As railed foe some outlay
of etrength inn Tnevaday we were In
%bed 40 fee as' the home of flee clerk
el. the *rhos( They had the floor
covered, this?' wale* cloths apread
tho cetere of the roam end fleetest'
placed on that In ems Punjabi style
We, tits guestasovers aested on the
flnor amend the table Fo, h OOP was
Oren n plate, cup and AROISAT, 01011
thoy 911/1•1011 MO teapot /I 114 the milk
and auger. They neroo 4akee and
MMIIP Indian food. 'Odell ..if either
than 'sweet. matte Nom ',softie and
meted in elirlasel hatter sem, were
*hoot the glee of a pea nil other•
were like thin etre*. in Abe lint
'4410'2E'17 ViEsTIAK*
octild. The people believe in finishing
%Atli something' rZther than sweet,
as it leores a better taste the mouth.
Toey also {rimed oranges and 7alnuts.
After all had finished tea we ."ana
wimp and then one of the minieter;
!est in prayer. There were twenty-
ffie present and others were Incited
whet could not attend. That evening
we had the three bullet from the school
and Mr. Stewart for dinner. Hen-
rietta had planned a very nice dinner
tool our cook had done a good Job of
the cooking. We didn't talk AO late
or we did the night before.
Yesterday Mr. Stewart took the
tsioe who works in the (Iberia, and
me out td 0
pastor of the church here, the min•
from here, 1: the7
village about fifteen miles
were hnving their
go. We left here
lig meal. Hen."letta felt too tired to
et 12 so A to give
seine time for work. The men went
into the village and p•-ettched and I
first tcrok the children 1:
nil taught
Main, then when the worn...13 were
reatiji to eft down I tallied %SO..' them
of Jenne eirth and read the acc.‘11114
Pow Matilww 1:18-23. The barbs.‘
was in elinege of the eon -king and had
his large Iroft kettle in which he
reek& They het rice raked with
meat and sipicest and rabeins. After
ths melt can* fro* the village we
rat hered the Christian' together nnd
heti a -short seethe alth them. The
;Nestor of the 'herd, here spoke, then
Mr. Stewart gave oranges, nine anti
retests to all. the eollection which
o!tia biken IA to go to the home mission
of our church fo the Nude)).
,trior the serviee they APTVP11 MI With
plia-0, the Hee dish and tee, then
they won ad have theirs, but no lind
for home es It was o'clock find
h4li the mint
dinner in Pathat
siers were due at n big
tot. When I reached
who work
104,14, fmno strietta and Mrs.
f,: IlibIe woman here,
" ed with 'llenriet-
ter to Abbottabad. at di 'nner 'ten-
ter and eomee to her daughti foes
Huila Invited her to come
n• she hos her vacation in .
f.shore /the rime yesterday after?,
,:snit and sto snits well for the work
nrolther village are pleening to have
1 special dinner mi January 2nd. J
NOM. tfiettreele be NA& berries. filet,
MI I do not like to eat mirth Hee.
for it tined in ea** nansesttaa. 11 I
like to Piln tellh the po,rple their
rood time*. ter they "jos he' In& MI
AM: I' feel It helps them to keep reit
Gangs which ore *roe, ahem they
know we will he present Annie places
they think whiskey let
croehrite Christmas,
Furnaces Cleaned
Rooked and Pipes
Prompt sorties and prices
Agate ter afeChiry Furnaces
John Pinder
Phone 127 P. 0. Box Hi
"If the motion picture Industry
should ever start a clean-up, tbere
wculd be plenty to clean up." -Eddie
"Cent -A -Mile" Round Trip Bargain Fares
Saturday, February 10 -From GODERICH to
TORONTO. euelph, Stratford, Kitchener, Palmerston. Owen Sound,
Sarnia, Kincardine. Lietowel, Southampton, mom wiar-
ton. Durham. London, Kingeton. Oshawa, Port Hope, Cobourg.
Trenton, Belleville. Napanee, Brockville, Cornwall, Elamellen.
!elegant Fails.
Also Friday, February 16, "Cent -A -Mile" Excursioa to Ottawa
Fares, tratoit limits. train service, Information, tickets from
all Agent's
Astoriaeond Richmond Shoes for Nat
Oxfords is sure of getting a full measure of each of the qualities
that go to make up a good Shoe.
Full measure of style because each pair of Oxfords is made on
en.npdo-date modish last
seleeFutedilleamesithesirire ef comfort because Astoria and Richmond Shoes
are tr.gde in natural shapes and on wise principles.
Geo. MacVicar
North Side of Square Goderich
No Rise in Price! io
F 0 C 0 I
Alberti's Hard Sootless Coal
1413.50 per ton
$1.00 per ton off for cash
For Furnace, Heater or Range
= There are four distinct dosses of Alberta Domestk Coal
loot I understend the Christians, In ...
firewan,- 4 ?inkling, Hest* here at the Harbor
Si Tia
Foothill. Cool is tha Lender in the "Class Owe" field as listed
Buy Canadian Coal
-Give employment to Canadian mimeos and railway emu -
-Order Today Canada's Clinkerless Coal -
*weft try to t
'NI*, Pocahontas, Coke, Steam Coal lawny.
in stock
Rosideisee 112