HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-10-28, Page 4Lac'mow Sentinel, weduesdig, October 28, 1981—Page 4
kidies attend q uilting bee at
Mrs. Katherine Collins and Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs, Marjorie .Thompson Donald McCosh and Mrs.
were among those attending Gladys Arnold for a few days
the "Adventure in Quilting" this week were their cousins,
on Fri., Oct. 23, which was Wallace Thomson and Mrs.
sponsored by the Walkerton Marjorie Curran of Peter
Heritage Fair, and held in borough.
Knights of Columbus Sunday guests at the home
•• of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sutton
. ind Mrs. Earl Elliott were Mrs, Mildred Couch
nt Thursday and Friday and daughter Cindy of
in Detroit visitingrelatiVes. Adan Cindy Proulx of
Congratulations to Rob Cape Croker, Mrs. George,...,
Farrell who graduated from King of Bervie, Willex King, 41110 ittiaries
Walkerton District High Kincardine Township, and
at Kincardine. A largely at-
thnded reception was held in
the evening m Ripley -Huron
Complex at Ripley. The
bride is the former Carole
Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Thompson attended the 40th
wedding anniversary party
for Mr. and Mrs, Ronald
Thacker of Kinloss on Satur-
day night.
Visiting in the community
over the weekend and guests
at the Needham - Lofton
wedding on Saturday were
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Needham of Merton.
School on Friday and is now Mickey Whittington of R.R.
attending Conestoga Col- 4, Marton.
lege. Mr: and Ms. George Spending a few days with
Mier of London and Rob their Aunt and Uncle, Mr.
Farrell of Kitchener were and Mrs, Morley Scott were
weekend visitors with Mr. ' Deon and Tammy Doupe of
and Mrs. Jack Farrell. Onli Marton, • and on Sunday,
Saturday evening, Mr. and Watke, Bruce and Angela,
Mrs. Bev Cliffe of Lurgan -visited witivtlie Scotts.
Beach were guests of the,.Mr. and Mrs. Don Reid
Farrel's. were in Wingham on Friday
M. and Mrs. BillIdacICen• evening, where they attend -
de and family of Gederioh ed the wedding 'of Marilyn's
Vent Friday with Mr. and consul, Stevan MacTavish,
Mrs. Donald Forster._ and Gail Delmage-
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Me- Frank lEinerson of
.• cosh were among the manY Goderich spent Sunday with
'friends who attended the Mrs. George Emerson and
Golden Wedding Miniver- ,.. Bob.
sary of Mr. and Mr. Harvey • Sunday visitors with Mr.
Ackert in Ithicardhie Com- and Mrs. Roy Collins and
plea on Friday night. kl family were Mr. and Mrs.
Mr- and_Mrs- Mac Mein- Sam Green of Arthur, and
nes of...mutiny River visited, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hutchison
relatives and friends in this and children of Kincardkie.
c°nImullitY diring the melL Best Wishes from friends
On Saturday, Mrs. Gladys in this community go out to
_Arnold visited her brother- and Mrs. Jim Needham
in-law, Henry Arnold, who is Mr
who were married on Satur-
a resident at Brucelea
flayen, Walkerton. Y i"1' the An lican `"Har`-"
"Me. for Missions" met
on MOIL, Oct 19, at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Francis
Boyle. Guest speakers were
Bruce and Kathy Aitken who
told about experiences they
had while attending' Asbury
College and • Asbury
"Seminary in Kentucky.
Congratulations to
Heather Boyle who
graduated from Waterloo
Uniirersity as a• Social
Worker. Attending the
graduation were , her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fran-
cis Boyle, and her sister
Olive [Laing] Reld
Olive Reid of Kincardine
died at Kincardine General
Hospital on October 4, 1981
following an illness of several
months. She was 77.
Olive Amelia Laing was
born in Russelldale, Perth
County in 1904, a daughter of
the late Tom and Amelia
She married Lorne B. Reid
of Huron Township on July 9,
1925. After their marriage
Olive and Lorne worked
• together on their Huron
Township farm, building
their Maple Lea holstein
herd to national prominence.
In 1954 they sold their
•farm and moved to Kincar-
dine where they were mem-
• bers of the Kincardine Unit-
-.ed Church, Masonic L9dge
,nd Eastern Star. •
Mrs. Reid is survived by
four daughters, Evelyn, Mrs..
Jim Bradley, Ashfield Town-
• ship; Marion, Ms. J. S.
Robb, Huron Township; Isla,
Mrs Lovell McGuire, Brant-
ford; Gladys, Mrs. David
Nesbit, Kirkton and one
sister, Irene, Mrs. Jack Neeb
of Stratford. Seventeen
grandchildren and 12 great
grandchildren also survive.
She was predeceased by
her husband in August, 1974
along with ,Aandstm, Reid
Liddle in July of the same
year. In 1950 she lost her
• only son, Russell and in
September of this year, her
grandson, Brock McGuire
predeceased her by one
month. -
The funeral service was
• held at the MacKenzie, and
McCreath Funeral. Home in
Ripley. on October 6, 1981
with Rev. Keith Preston of
the Kincardine Penticostal
Church officiating.
Pallbearers were Charles
Liddle, Dale Liddle, David
Thomas, Bruce Scott, Leon -
I roimr,,,‘“moolirftlilrel.•••11.1910,04T04,Amrftwirm,:wrgabasvomworobAti-.1...orgo..tusirob.mr:wwie*Airmammi:ininewpm‘••-1
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• Kitchener, Ontario.
Order Now Through
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AnApthoiizedSubfAgeht for
iird Reid and Andy Baker.
Flower bearers were
granddaughters, Olive Lid-
dle and Madonna Bradley.
Burial followed in Ripley
• William A. Townson
William Townson passed
away. at Laurentian Hospital,
•Sudbury, October 18, .1981 in
his 71st year.
He went 'to Sudbury in
1935 and was employed at
•INCO until his retirement in
• 1973.
• He married Sarah Mac sr-
' er, daughter of the, late Mr.
• and Mrs. L. C. MacIver of
Lucknow, in 1938. -
She survives with their two
'daughters, Mrs. Ron Chap-
elle (Ann) of Whitby and
• Mrs. David Trudsler (Wan-
da) of Rossland, B.C. and
two sons, Calvert Townson of
London and Francis Townson
• of Dartmouth, N.S. •and
seven grandchildren. Also
survived by four sisters and
two brothers, Mrs.. Gladys
Beyea- aid Mrs. Lottie Tul-
• loch of Sudbury, •Mrs. Grace
Peever and Mrs. Wilda Mor -
oz of Timmins, Fred Town-
son of North Bay and Stan
Townson of Ajax.
• Bill enjoyed playing his
guitar and singing and was a
•member of the Musician's
Union and the Country. Music
Travellers who took part in
• the Funeral Service on Wed-
nesday afternoon, October
21, 1981 at the Jackson and
Barnard. Funeral Home in
• Sudbury. Rev. Jack Mid-
daugh officiated. Graveside
• service was at 4 p.m. ..'at
Union Cemetery, Powassan.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Dickie of
Lucknow, Mrs. Grace MacIv-
er of London and 'Walter
Dickie of Toronto were in
Sudbury for the funeral. •
White Pine 1
White Pine
for Barn & Garage Doors
Barn door track
Galvanized track cover \t
kackets Lags &trolleys
We WI replace broken glass in wood or aluminum windows
Now is the time to'replace cracked and broken windows
St. Lawrence Cement.
Portland and Masonry
in Stock
•• •
Business Hours Mori. to Fri. 8 a.m. to 530 p.m.
Sat. 8 a.m. to Noon •