HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-10-28, Page 2Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, October 28, 1981 --Page 2
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Lay water inaixt .•
Town employees DM* Iliddeaby and Gary Austin laid, s
new witeir Amin at the base of Root *met hill on Monday
afternoon With the aniktinceof a backhoe operated: by Olen
Pieter of Porter rSepde Tanta; The water nu& is tO.,byPloss
Elie culvert below the *0. Skeet hill riplacing a midiwideli
passed,beiseath the (Advert. The preview main was Prone to
freezing becalm: it was not hold deep enough. Lucknow
Village Council decided to replace the main before Bruce
County does the work on the culvert probably next spring.
Overseeing the work .11e Imeknow Cementer Eldon Mann of
the water works department. [Sentinel Staff Photo]
• •
Huron Township Council per hour for anything over 50
held their, October 5, 1981 h.p.
meeting at 10 a.m. in the The Road Superintendent
council chambers, with all was instructed to put in a
members present base for a sand shed. Tend -
In council business, coun- ers will be 'called for snow-
ed decided to increasethe plowing and winter sand for
fire insurance on the Town- the 198182 winter season.
ship Hall to $30,000. Huron Councillor McConville
and Kinloss Municipal Tele- presented the Town of Kin -
phone ,System was given ap- ' cardine's Recreation Master
provel for temporary borrow- Plan to council for com-
ing of $500,000 at the Royal ments. Building Permits in
Bank until the third series of an mount of $68,600.00 were
telephone debentures are issued in September.
issuedRoad Accounts of
Council accepted a drain $17,172.48, General Ac -
petition for lots 16 to 23, on counts of $120,205..02, final
conc. 7 and appointed Mait- county levy for 1981,
land Engineering Ltd. as $73,497.97 and 3rd School
Engineer. Severances of Al- Board payment of
lan Hackett and Ronald and S147,950.50 were paid.
Winnifted Asties were ap-
proved by council. lTop sa es at
Court of Revision was held
on the Culbert -Weller Muni-
cipal Dram. There were no
appals and the tender of stocker s
Scott Bros. Construction was
accepted to do the work. Top sales at the Stocker
' The John Fair Drain Re- Sale held Monday, October
pair and Improvement by- 19 at the Lucknow Sales
law was given third reading Barn, when 460 head of
and will now be let for tender cattle were sold included: 15
as Council has now received Hereford steers averaging
the decision of the Ontario 700 lbs., sold by Don Pollard,
Drainage Tribunal Ripley to Gordon Foran at
A zoning by-law for part of S76.00; 13 Hereford calves,
lot 44, conc. A was apProved. averaging 405 lbs., sold by
Cameron Cook was hired to R. Breckenridge, Bluevale to
level banks on municipal H. Yeo, Clinton at $74.85; 9
drains. John C. Wood was heifers averaging 725 16s.,
hired to do survey work on sold by Art Collins, Ripley to
pt lot,19 to 31 on conc. A. John Black, Dungannon at
It was decided that snow- $69.00; 9 heifers averaging
blowers' would be paid at a 490 lbs., sold by1J. Finleon to
rate of $20.00 per hour up to Clare Grant TeeSWater, at
so b.p. oractors and $28.00 $69.00.
Truck.' •Cash
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