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le wed in lawn ceremon
On Friday evening, Sept-
etriber 18, 1981,' at six o'clock
Shirley Mae Ina Cornish and
Richard Sydney Whitby were
united in marriage in a lawn
wedding at the home of the
bride's parents:
An archway decorated in
pink and white surrounded
by fall flowers, with a back-
ground of pine trees provid-
• ed the setting for the wed
Tho bride is the daughter
of Gladys and Jim Cornish of
Huron. Township and the
groom is the ion of Rhea
Whitby and the late Sydney
Whitby ,of Lucknow. Rev,
Hugh Nugent performed the
ft. • Given in marriage by her
• parents and escorted down
• the aisle by her father, the
• , bride was radiant in a floor
length snow white polyester
gown styled with a high vic-
avian neckline, and inserted
trice bodice offset with a fine
• lace. Fully tapered bishop
g sleeves were ruffled at the
-wrist The flowing three lay-
ered skirt ended in a cathed-
ral train. Her finger tip veil
• was held in place by a close
fitting Julien cap. Pinned
within the left sleeve of her
gown was a dainty lace
handkerchief, a heirloom gundy stitching. Their white
from her great grandmother. flower baskets were similar
She carried a white bible to those of the bridesmaids.
bearing •a bouquet of red Best man was Dave Hub -
roses and green fern from.. er, and Chris Harternink and
which fell dainty white lace • Donald Whitby were ushers.
ribbons and ' tiny red rose- The groom wore a sandstone
buds. tuxedo trimmed with brown
Matron of honour was ph:4ng and a red rose in his
Sherry Bruder of . Owen lapel. The male attendants
Sound, a dose friend of the wore sandstone ackets trim-
bride. Bridesmaids were Del, med with brown and brown
ores Kerr, sister of the slacks. White . carnations
were pinned in their lapels.
and Wendy Keogh, .
friend of the bride. They The bride's mother wore a
were gowned alike in fitted full length horizon blue poly -
full length burgundy gowns ester dress with sheer bat
topped with sheer matching wing sleeves. The fitted skirt
jackets with lace bedice and fell in soft folds, from a
long full silecies cuffed at the triangle of silver sequins at
mitt. They carried white the base of her v-shaPed
• baskets Of dainty pink roies neckline. Her corsage was.. •
and baby's breath adorned- white orchids tined in
with green fent and white mauve cal a background
ribbons. . gold` Abbe') and green fern.
The groom's mother wore
Angela Jardine and Kara a street length burgundy
Kerr, nieces of the groom gown of polyester with long
were flower girls, preceeding sleeves, loused at the
the bride 'and her father wrists. Her corsage was a
down the aisle. Angela and ', cluster of wild roses trimmed
Kara were gowned in floor with green sleeves ,and dec-
length white polyester gowns orated with a gold ribbon.
with high necklines, full Guests of honour were the
skirts and long full' sleeves. bride's grandparents, Mr.
The bodices of ,the gowns and Mrs. Norman 'llagedorn
were adorned with burgundy of Paisley. Her grandmother
belted dress in black and
white and a corsage of white
orchids tinged with mauve
and a background of silver
ribbon and green fern. Her
grandfather and father both
wore white carnations iden-
tical to that. of' the male
At the receptien the three -
tiered pink, and white wed-
ding cake, topped by two
doves among lacy pink roses
and ribbons, were flanked by
tall pink tapers in heirloom
candelabra which were ',res.'
ented to the bride's parents
by family friends at their
wedding many years ago,
Following the" wedding,
the many friends and rela-
tives enjoyed a social hour at
the bride's home, after which
they proceeded to the Legion
Hall in Lucknow, for an open
reception. A buffet luncheon
completed the evening's act-
ivities and a very enjoyable
time was had by all.
• Prior to their wedding,
Shirley was guest of honour
at a friends and community
shower where she received
• many beautiful and useful
gifts which she .-very •much
appreciated. The bride and,
groom are now residing in
ribbon, White lace and bur- wore a street length self- Lucknow.
Lucknow Seidlnel, Wedilnainyi October 21, 1981, -Page 12
ola adorn sanctuary for September vows
." •
(Photo by Stryder Studio]
Pfeiffer -Murray
Basket's • of gladiola\ and
chrysanthemums adorned
the sanctuary of St. Joseph's
Roman Catholic Church,
Kingsbridge for the marriage
of Dwayne Ward.' Pfeiffer of
ambridge and Teresa El-
aine Murray of R. 3, Holy -
rood. Father Edward J. Den-
• linger officiated at the
double ring ceremony on
September 12, 1981 at 3 p.m.
• The bride is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Leo Murray
of R. 3, Holyrood and tife
groom's parents are Mr. and
Mrs. John Pfeiffer of Cam-
The Wide, given in mar-
riage by her father, chose a
gown of white chiffon with a
detachable hood and partial
overskirt. The hood and the
lily -point cuffs of the doable
chiffon full sleeve were trim-
med with general lace. The
attached bolero and mandar-
in collar were of alencon lace
to match the trim on the
cathedral train, She carried a
bouquet ofwhite carnations,
yellow blossoms awl steph
off Ow motor folio of o word
clossiffoil ad.
She was attended by her
friend, Carol Buchineier of
R. 3, Holyrood, as maid of
honour, •who wore -a floor
length gown of pale yellow
fine double knit with partial
overskirt of chiffon and 'a
flowerseed chiffon cape. She
•carried a lace fan adorned
with pale yellow buttercups
and lilac forget -me -knots. A
• pale yellow wide brimmed
straw hat trimmed with
buttercups and 'forget -me -
knots completed her en-
Bridesmaids were the
bride's sister, Marilyn Mur-
• ray of Lucknow, the bride's
cousin, .Cynthia McCarter of
• Wallaceburg, andthe
groom's sister, • Kimberley
• Pfeiffer, of Cambridge. The
bride's niece, Sherry Murray
efR, 3 Hotyrood, was junior
The bridesmaids wore
dresses similar to the maid of
honour with pale yellow
capes. They wore strawhats
• and carried fans similar to
the maid of honour, ,
The groomsman was David
• Scott of Cambridge, friend of
the groom 'and the guests
were ushered by Peter. Mc-
Carter, Wallaceburg, friend
• of the grooni, Kevin Murray,
R. 1, Holyrood, brother of
the bride and Michael Mur-
ray, R. 3 Holyrood and
Jeffrey Murray,,' R. 3, Holy -
rood, brothers of the bride.
The groom wore a beige
• tuxedo and the groomsman
and ushers wore brown tux-
Music for the Ceremony
was provided by Marianne
• Hogan, who sang, Uwe' One
Another, Ave Maria . and
. There Is Love.
• The reception followed at
the Teeswater-Culross Com-
munity Centre' where the
bride's 'table was decorated
with brass eandlesticks with
ivory tapers surrounded by
large hurricane chimneys.
The guest tables were decor
ated with ivory ball candles
surrounded by garden flow-
ers, Large pots of garden
. flowers sat at the front of the '
The bride's mother receiv-
ed guests wearing 'a floor
length dress of peach poly-
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• ester. She wore a corsage of
white and peach roses. She.
was assisted by the groom's
mother who wore a floor
• length dress of lilac polyester
with a matching orchid cor-
• The bride changed to a
plaid skirt in brown tones
• with a complimentary brown
corduory blazer and match• -
ing accessories. She wore a
corsage of miniature mums
and feathers in fall shades.
The couple travelled to
Tobermory on their honey-'
•'moon' add are living in Cam-.
bridge where the groom is
• employed with J. P. Cable
Prior to her marriage the
bride was feted at several
showers including a com-
• munity shower ..at Kairshea
Rath a giri 'friend shower
hosted by Carol Buchmeier;
a relative shower given by
her sister-in-law, 'Agnes ,
Murray; a recipe and ingred-
ients shower hosted by Betty
Smith and two miscellaneous
showers given by relatives
and friends of the groom's
family in \Cambridge.
'1•••••4m. t 'I