HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-1-25, Page 88-Tiwreday, January Tfs(h, 1034
Your Eyes
If yeti irtiriontair
your eyes, have than examined
with the 1slent aMlptptiut , Anda
If you need Glatwes, our price,
White or yellow gold Frames,
fitted with torte lenses $3 .50
White or yellow gold Frames,
with rim or rimless, fitted with
toric lenses, complete...
$6 SO
Fumed Invisible BI-tocala, for
distance and reading wear In
one lens, with white or yellow
gold Frames. Com- .$10.00
plete til VV
These prices Include a thorough
examination of your eyes.
c erre) V ETitI ST
Veal Chops 15s
PEI* Zaps .14s-
26rVeal Loaf "Home Mai. ...
Mealed Cottage RoUi....15.
Roast Beef (shoulder)...100
Boil Beef 80
Shoulder Pork Roast ....160
Front of Pork 12e
Hind of Pork. . 140
Sanitary Meat Market
those 485 -Hamilton Street
\ )teal Ola-t'me
Fiddlers' Contest
iiurs�ay, telt. 73t
We extend a hearty welcome
for both young and old fiddlers.
.lei `` _'�"�,rr
Hockey Stars Still Shining
New Hamburg Lose
New Ham n 2 ("`'
to gal ors 4.afurtlt 2 1
Mitchell 1 1 a
Clinton 1 1 4
.Ifeatintitt Seaforth--,Another
2 -up
Locals Win in Brilliant Hocks
Exhibition with Many -
Playing the sane fast, offensive
hockey that w•as responsible for the
first and only New hamburg reverse
to date, the Sailors literally run the
Mitchell sestet off _their feet when
they rang up a 32win ou Mitchell lee
on Friday night. Reese obvious that
tLe winner would be the team that
could beet withstand the fast pace
that was kept up during the whole
game. The Sailors, who were one
goaldown at the end -0f the second
frame, possessed what It takes to pull
out from such a hole and turned en
the steam In the last pe•rlod_autnclent-
ly to notch two goals over the fast -
tiring Mitchell squad. This Is the
fifth win of ata+na►rti.istf.thc t%all f•
and a place is pee-tleal i assured for
thew In the play-offs.
Twice during the Mitebell game the
locale were one down, lent each time
they came through and In the last pert -
used and play after play clicked, al-
rtulegh a greet deal of team -play was
broken up by the accurate pe-cbeck-
leg of the Mitchell forwards and the
work of the eeteutemen. Wood opened
husterto to tue game eruct'
he Wee
the puck after a few momenta of the
flee period had elapsed and drove
a hard idiot et Crecy, who cleared
orate. Herten and 1, tituueuaau then
hooting at I)ottt, but
be was too good fur tuelr angle ,bots
WWI elearel to the blue line, where
Jlut'ley took the puck. Wesal received
a .,mart bras. but was tripped by
11•i tgttl, also was penalized. Taking
ncsdotage of the short-handed team
the Sailors attacked, but the only
e hauee they had sent astray when
Me Kay Io s A IM•riet I leuss out autl
m:vsed the art by u Irue•Uou of an
Iw h. The Mitchell Porterfield-1Vrlght-
l'uaitou liar n turned the puck After
each Sailor attack and thrlr plays were
completed fregeeutty, but Donk was
needy for them. Wood split the de -
went one better furs:.geaod win utter fence on a. rush but lost the puck and
a beard -fought game. The tying geeTwe, faulted fun tripping Wright, who
at 2-2 was peored by McKay early in broke away with a three-man ruab.
he third period w.heit the Sailor* McKay took the dime, but was slow In
were a man short, Amann Booting Mil st:.rting ural Wilson stole the puck
for five minutes for throwing bin from the end of his stick In a smart
stick. Marney scored the wt
goal shortly atter, and the Sellers,
evietlnutng their etferneve pear, ---bet
frequently resorting to defensive tac-
autics when Mitchell to ane ton danger -
arse held their lead until the final hell.
clerk at the blue line. The fast
centre wan went- In on Doak, who
-made a -gond-job of a hard -shot, but
was not fast enough to deal with W.
hite•neman, who flashed through and
batted in the rebound for the Drat
in a tangle with two players at the attire. Wilson was right in again
side of the rink In the last period after the face-off and Doak was given
Wood injured his left hand Shen he a few hectic moments as the puck was
e boarded, bet peed no attention.
to the injury and finished the game. to save, Deck threw the puck behind
It was not until he returned to God- the net right on the stick of a MR-
eMe1u and the member beereme swollen ekell man. Leaving his goal, Doak
and painful that he di.eorered that dived for the puck and smothered the
a Lone was broken. The txjury may shot while it was just a vague idea
keep him from the came for the re- I In the player's mind. E. Robinson
mslnder of the sehe arth.. hut he will broke with the puck, but he was
In all probability 1.e b:u'k on the de- tripped by Tiernan for a penalty. W.
fence for the play -etre. itt„neman followed a few seconds later
The only other injury above the l for tackling W. Robinson. In the con -
average was sustained hr ('. Skene- I certed Sailor attack that followed
Wood bounced a ahot in front of Cas-
ey, who swung and missed. In the
scramble It looked as though the pock
went Into the goal and the umpire
halt -raised his hand but then changed
h1, mind. Stoddart made up for It
hot:ne.e off hint. Stoneman went down wbeu he took the puck from Tiernan
like a log andtfwas nut for a minute to Goderlch territory, skated through
or two, during which time the awe, the Mitchell ranks and burned a hard
tstora clamored for a penalty for ankle -high shot into the net. C. Stone -
Wood. None was given, of course. i man's shot from the aide near the end
btlenien recovered. bre -retired to I of the period went between Doak's
the bench for a lbw minutes. He was I pads, but MacDonald cleared It safely.
IN1en quite an Ovation when later he Early in the second period Stoddart
returned to the ice I took a peen from McKay and his shot
The new Seltor lines were again watt cleared, but McKay banged at
the rebound am Casey went down. The
) puck
lodged flush against the front
Apitimit rr71Q 7ya10fa LIMB *"" a •....:r.-- got �... -..
as men of both teemss gotin one an-
other's way in attempting to dielodge
it. Finally MacDonald got his stick
on the rubber and puahed It over t'ho
line as Wilson threw himself into the
e _3^ae .. aelaiatl+lle. leve . '";:e- ewe ,-•+ `w• -'al, hla,.
The puck- was eertalnly over the line, cleared by Coley. A smart C "f3Tone-
but the umpire did not call the play. man-Tleman effort was broken up by
Witten was penalized for lila part In MacDonald, who took a butt -end in
the play, and Wood followed shortly the mouth from Porterfield. "Skip"
after for tripping W. Stoneman. swung on the lanky winger and was
Murney took the puck from G. Fawm penalized. Wood shot and just missed
and made a neat solo rash, but his tte goal and 1'. Stoneman was penal -
shot was turned by Casey. C. Stoneman Iwo for throwing his stick as the
lost to W. Roelneon, who formed with game ended, Go herich 3 Mitchell 2
bu;ted around the net. Going down
man, who was carrying the puck and
charged straight at Wood on the de-
fence in the second period. Stoneman
apparently expected Wood to renege,
but the Sailor defenotmnn merely ting
In hie skates and let the attacker
In 1934. or get established In a
W. . rit offerioe. new liaw of E4seata.a.l
Boos., and T.rrd..,...r. WOW twins 1-
lereteed. Liberal Co..oi..i-a.. Tee der
sot awl p�irs.ii . ezeortaste. If you
.Mw Oar Goods res. .aa make mossy.
h co.ts sock:r to it.e.teast.,
680 King St. W, Toronto Ont.
Open ng, STL�DELBAUER'S E:aa.pe
le protected from the Cold, winter driving is pt,-$sant. Why not
enjoy the winter? Come In this week, as we have several good used
closed tars that we are anxious to move Immediately. Fair allow-
ance will lse given on your car.
-Easy Payment Terms May Be Arranged If Desired-
MOORE'S GARAGE, St. Andrew's Street
The Marines, Golerich's euttrlbutlou
to the Junior N.H.L., experienced their
third defeat in three inert* at Sea-
feasth on Thursday last, loslgg to rho
Little Beavers by a 6-3 score. The
game was far from the standard
usually reached by the faateteppint
Juniors and was a listless affair during
the first two-thirds of the game. The
teams perked up a little when the Ma-
rines, through the efforts of neer-
down and Scrimgeour. tied the game
at 3-3 early In the time frame. Sea -
forth stepped out, however, when the
game was in danger and pulled it out
of the fire in short order by notching
three goals before the final het!. E.
Reunle broke the the on a solo and
scored again after riuckat:•n herd
placed his team tw•o hs et-••e-e,n-
Me by the Marines' goal In the dying
momenta of the game, goalie Stod-
dart took it crack from Foster'. -ties.
It may have been aeeidental. nut Si• el
dart was taking no chances and retali-
ated with a bwrty awing. F,teter
e 1 Treem
miiaaleulxt til The dtfeef ion
which the awing came, and thinking
ttheerdowit wets responsible piled into
him. A general riot eitsue.l and whin
the placers, were sorted out Slwmr-
dow•u and Foster were waved to the
penalty box.
Fortunately the local Juniors do not
nteasure hockey in wine and losses but
in the amount of enjoyment derived
from the game. It 1s doubtless an ex-
cel'ent and enviable outlook to have to-
wards the game, but the Marines will
have to learn ie eurti.Utdr pugilistic
tendencies, with which two of th-1:
three gimes to date hate been marred.
The Une-up : - -
Crazy Water Crystals at the new
Pero -Bane price in Canada as in
l ulted butes. CAMPBELL'S DRUG
The Woman'* limeetal Auxlliery
will meet m the public library board
vena on Mea+dsy sfberoope,._j,
2'-. A full attendance 1, requested.
Always In stock -Laura Secoed
fresh homemade candles. CAMP-
% lb. 31)c.
Mr. A. Forater has taken over the
b*1 ery business formerly conducted by
Mr. F. Bennett and In the feture 1t
will be known as the Maple Leaf
Rebekah Lodge will bold a "500,"
euchre and dance In the Oddfellowa'
lire' on Friday, February 2nd. Ile-
freshments. Tony Farr'a orchestra.
Admission 35c (tax included).
Victoria Home and school Club will
eponoor the picture "('ynarte," featur
leg Ronald Coleman and Kay Francis,
on Monday evening, February 5th, at
the Capital Theatre.
Robert Cutt, Studio, Montreal
Street. -Mr. Cott unworn.** tee will
ne t ept a few more pupils to volee and
piano. Pupils prepared for Toronto
Conservatory examination and musi-
cal competitions.
Master Kenneth Grigg, son of Mir
fine. Mrs. 'truce (lrtgg of Colborne
township, has returned to bis home
titter an operation for appendlcitls in
the Clinton hospital. The led is not
yet four years old and be was the
youngest appendicitis caw they bad
eter had at Clinton.
The A.Y.P.A. of St. George'$ eburcb
held a sueceestul social on Tuesday
evening. White some remained at the
pariah halt and participated In a
program of !hely games, others hiked
t.' the harbor and spent a happy time
It skating. When the skaters re-
turned.lunrh. saw served, and after s
short business meeting dancing was
MacKay Hall and
Cemetery Affair's
CCNNlttued rrom ppge es
of the town'+ Insurance buslueer was
mw committee.
Proposes ('°BtPtete Sewer Plea
Clam B. Kidd submitted a proposal
for a complete plan of the sewer
system of the town, as auppktnentary
to the existing system of separate
i.aus for different streets or portions
of street.. He offered to prepare a
es)rupiete plats at a maximum price of
The pt-iaaeltIma was referrred to the
public works committee.
Jars. Jukes Johnson of Toronto sub-
mitted her annual warning that acre
would nut approve of any new pave-
ment in front of bar property on Wel-
lesley street.
Acknowledgment was received from
:hire Ilunter OuuUy of the eoundl's
xpre.adon of sympathy In tbe death
The city clerk of Oshawa asked
support tor :t resolution of the Oeelrtwa
city eoutwit u -king for amendments to
the law regarding hospitalization of
Indecent pate -Fee, In order to remove
eouditlons claimed to be unfair to the
mmthetp attrle-. This was referred to
the apeelal committee.
Committee Reports
The theme' committee recommended
that arrangements be made with the
Rank for a Credit of tu1S,tatO for the
years rrgntrrnteats, and that a bylaw
he passed ac'ordingiy. A list of as
counts from the welfare board. amount -
Ing to gram. was recommended for
ptyement. The Buechler sinking fund
It the Royal prank has been clowd out
and the committee recommended that
a statement of tbe account be referred
tc the auditors and when verified
fosw.axdsd.-teethe Uoderkh Mauufac-
h Ing Co. Limited.
The public works committee re -
petted that two more chemical closets
had been Installed in the skating rink.
The report contained also a recom-
mendation flint the committee be em-
powered to install two permanent
closets In the front end of the rink,
some time during the summer: but on
e'••unclllor Humber's objecting this
was deleted.
Dr. Whitely M. O. H.
The special committee recommended
that $)4 1Ttgle he appointed a mem-
ber of tbe Colh•gtete Institute board 1
for the years 1934 and 193.'S, In place j
of Rev. J. E. Ford, resigned: and that
Dr. J. B. Whitely be appointed medi-
cal officer of health to succeed the late
Dr. Hunter. The committee recom-
mended that application be made to
the Workmen's Compeons tMo Board
to have the part-time relief workers
placed under ac'bedule 2 of tete Board
to corer woe,' -cutting operations.
This report also mentioned the
trending of seven men from town to
tbe Roodeau Park work camp and
staled that word had been received
from them that they were gnite
pleased with the Camp, their work and
the accommodation provided for them.
The reports were all adopted.
The Water Sum
Goderlch-Goal, 11. Stoddart; de- e' o fie
fence, A. Dowker, D. Worthy; centre, j 7
H. Scrimgeour; wings, Arnold Doak.
P. Warnock; alternate:, J. Sheardown, THIS WAS A "REAL" GAME
Arthur Doak, ('T, Ferrerty, W. Weed- flid-time lacrosse players who moan
Seeforth-tJoal, H. Stode; defence,
G. Rennie, E. Rennie: c -entre, (1. Buck-
man; twinge, A. Hildebrand, C. Flan
isary; sett -metes, I. 11'iIIert, H. Foster,
E. Youngblut, Bin -- -
Referee ---J. Wood, 4:Merieb.
raced up and down the• Ice continual-
ly by both forwards and defencemen.
In breaking up a Tlemen-Porterfield
resp Allison threw his stick and was
elven a five-minute penalty. Again
?lemon malted, this time with W.
Stoneman, but Doak was equal to the
occasion and left his goal to cleat
Stoneman's shot to Stoddart. Flanked
by McKay, the fast centre dashed down
the Ice and shot. Casey cleared, bit:
McKay flashed in and scored the re-
bound. It was the score that tied
the game and gave the Sailors the
fighting chance they needed. Stod-
dart and McKay again formed, bat
were stopped by Carney. As the puck
bounced around among the milling
players Murrey f6tged to and with
a mlgbty swing leered a hole -'none,
'"Trp"firit rr j°tcreett -
lega. After the Teets -off 'Nei --
plenty of worries as tbe Mltcnellites
crowded around the neC until E. Rob-
inron cleared with a long shot. Stod-
dert took a pass from McKay and
his brother on a Smart effort that First Period
emitted Casey plenty of worry. Wood Goals -W. Stoneman (Wilson),
took Culllton', rebound, but shot wide Stoddart. Penaltlee-Wright, Tie -
of the net. MacDonald robbed Fawm, man, W. Stoneman, Wood.
but his pass to Stoddart was taken Second Period
by Tiernan, who bored in and shot, Gewhr-4'ullitou (Wright). t'enalties
taking his own rebound, but Marney -Wilson, Wood.
cleared before any damage wax done, Third Period
Pe.rtesdeld -eettiraed Mornsya-- shot,
but boat to Stoddart, who In turn loot
to Wright. A quick dash to eentre
and a pass to Culllton worked the pair
In on the defence, "Cully" shoot Ins and
*erring front lust Inside the blue line.
The Sailors tried hard to even things
up. hut Casey was always 51 the way
and stopped several tarots in the last
minute or two of the period. Mitchell
2, Goderfch 1.
Doak made a smart nave on a
Wright-C.ibliton attack in tin opening
few momenta of the final stanza and
Cagey duplicated the feat on a Me
Kay -Stoddart play a moment Inter.
The whole final period was a ding.
drag battle in which the puck was
Save Money By Prepaying
Town of Goderich 1934 .Taxes
AMOUNT Any brae is Jan. Feb 1 to Feb 15 Mar. IC
Mar. 15 April 1 to April IS M.,' i to i5
$10 00 $ 9.76 $ 9.80 $ 9.84 $ 9.89 $ 9.93
50.00 .. 48.20 49.00 49.20 ---_4A8 49.65
Prepayment Receipts must be presented along with 1934ar. ithl-41usiltg the
first installment period.
Bank interest is only 21/t per cent. Purchase your Prepayment Receipts early
�glnd have your money earning 51/2 per cent. interest.
__ June Discounts will be.allowed in addition.
J. H. Robertson,
Tax Collector
Goals-M4ay._(Stoddart), Murn
Penalties-Allleon (live minutes),
MacDonald, C. Stoneman.
The line-up:
(ioderlch-Goal, H. Doak ; defence,
H. Murney, J. Wood; centre, R. Stod-
dart; .wing.., D. McKay, W. MacDon-
ald ; alternates, E. Robinson, W. Reb-
In.nn, G. Allison, R. Enamel.
Mitchell -Goal, 0. Casey; defence,
G . Fawm. ('. Stoneman; centre, H.
Wright; winge, R. Porterfield, A.
Culllton;' alternate's, L. Tk'man, Ii.
11'Ileon` W. Stoneman, W. Herbert.
Referee -Borden Norfolk. Stratford.
about the "shay" games played these
days and compare them with the good
oid game when a man had to be hard
as nails and even then was frequently
tut down or nearly sawed In two,
should have been present at the hock-
ey game played between the Marines
and a pick-up team from among the
town's would -bee and has-been's o0
Friday afternoon. Every man on
both teams was a sixty -minute man,
no alternates being used and no time
taken out for periods. 1t was a
rough-and-tumble affair in whtcb no
quarter was asked or given and all
Referee "Rosie" Stoddart was called
neon to do was to face-off after e
score. The Juniors won 4-2, but their
methods were not strictly in accord-
ance with the ideas held by the Hoyle
of bockeydom. On one occasion the
net was slid from behind the unsus-
pni•ting goalie of Jake MacDougall's
team and the Juniors scored in the
yawning goal -month. It was a case
of the survival of the fittest and the
one who struck first had the better
ciance of survivlug. 8o nobody lost
over R, with the result that
that required eight stitches to close,
Jim Elbeardown sported a piece of
court plaster for several days over a
cut eye, and "Jumbo" Nivins got a
knot n hL head the Ale of a pigeon's
Left them tender and almost raw for
a few days. The remaining members
M the teams also received their share
of hard knocks and slams, but man -
eyed to pull through without shedding
blood. The boJe were only In a play.
ful mood, however, and no hard foal-
ing* were held after the game.
Sponged by Lions Club--Fire-team
Schedule Drawn I'p
in addition to their welfare and
crippled ehlldren's work, tete members
of the Lions Club are also keenly In-
%eistesreeted Ju tlaeeemerting activities of
the younger.. generation. It was re-
cently deeWed that the club should
sponsor a junior town hockey league
to encourage youngsters from twelve
1•• fifteen years of age to take an ac-
tive Interest In the sport. A iint of
forty-five names of boys in the public
scl:oota, or fifteen years of age and
under, who wished to take part in a
junior hockey schedule was secured
and five of the youngsters, Beverley
34111*, James Garrick, Terry Cogtelto,
Donald Mason and Raymond Murray,
were chosen as captatne. The cap -
thine met with the thine Club hockey
eemattttee of Dr. J. A. Graham, 1. D.
Frat.man and Frank Donnelly on Tues-
day night and the following teams
were chosen from the list of mamas:
Beverley Mtelw--Wm. Hill, J, Frith,
W. Westbrook, J. tariff, H. Holman,
1t. WIgIe, R. Stoddart, 11. Blackstone.
J*rues Oarrlck-JL Turner, 14. Wil-
son, .1. ltrimlley, B. Bloomfield, W.
Carter, It. Worsell, G. 1.Nh'b, K.
Terry Costello -L. Sehoenhals, S.
Duckworth,, -M. tillearilown, M. Rloorn.
field, D. Wiggins, B. Whiteley, H.
Young, (l. I)owker.
IMneld Mason -ll. Fritzley, F:. At-
kinson, F'. Vine*, W. I)oak, G. Hall,
R. Duckworth, R. Atkinson, W. Bar-
itnymenid Murray --W. Sheardnwn,
it Mundy, W. Bradley, A. Graham,
('. Powell, W. Greenwood, E. Johnston,
['line. Wilton.
All game* will be played under the
ea,,errlaton M the Lions Club and a
hoard of referees competed of 1. D.
Eastman, 11. Stonehmnse, J. E. SmIth
ane: 1). 1 11111 was Appointed to sup-
er' lee else game*. The teeing - will
play for the Ooderleh Lion, Clnh
hockey trophy and suitable prises
eel he *warded to the winning team
it the eonetnalon of the schedule,
weenie Las hews arranged as follows:
Jan. 5S -M *tello ve. %array.
elan 80 -Neese vs. Caret*.
F'eh. 2 --Mills so. Castello.
Feb. t1 -Mur n
ay vs. Meso.
Feb. b ---Carrick va Mills.
Fltb. 111-fiaRello ft. Mason.
Feb. 16 --Merrily re. notelet.
Feb, In -Mason vs.. M111a.
Teb. /a - Gerrit* t'k re. Ooatello.
FM. SCI -31111. ea. Murray.
The regular meeting of the Women's
Inetltute will he held in MacKay Hall
on Thursday afternoon, February 1.
The. 4istrict _president, Kra_ Gordon
BIeeseh will give the address and .the
ro'i call Is to Ise answered with old-
time recipe'. Mrs. J. Jerry will give
eurre'nt stent'--ij54 -5 4entenetrattou
nn knitting will he given by Mrs. J.
C, Stewart. The hostesses Inc the
dry will Isa Mesdames W. (lralgie, C.
Cult, M. McDonald, J. Stewart, I)..,
Melbty lu and 11' Lawrence.
An Intermediate O.H.A. gatne last
night between (Tinton and Goderieb,
or, local ice, reeelted 0-0.
The management 0f the Royal hotel,
Hamilton street. anwennce an old-
time fiddlers' ronte*t for Thnrselny
1.1454, February- 1st, to be held at the
hetet. timid prise* are being offered,
ant, the public is Invited to attend
idol enjoy the eie•ning's program.
F. A. Crich, proprietor of Crleh'a
Confectionery, wishe to announce that
In enterer to nntneent % requeata he
has arranged for a lora) daily dellr
te7 of Crleet's Quality Bread, "Rwett
as late ate elbow.,•' Tbis woffithnsieh
hated; both white alit whole-wheat,
harked by forty-fl►e years of baking
experience. la made at W, A (lrteh's
httrry, Seafnrth. and la brought to
(looserieb from ,pally. It la made al.
nin'tt ezeluelvNy tram flare obtained
from the Ooderieh 'Western Canada
mar m116► Teter patroeagr 1e re-
sprr•tfdily solicits.
acme Intbrma
at pply. One question was how often
the sedimentation basin was cleaned
ou t.
Mayor Lee explained matters and
Application/ for the position of
Treasurer of the Township of West
Wawanoah *111 be received by the
ut.derdgned up to and including Feb-
ruary 3rd, 1934. The sueceaatul appll-
eanN-(otwt-ae-aeys ^:-
bond of $2000.00 T salary has
been fixed at $100,00 per annum AY
applications must be marked "Appli-
cation for Tr)asereg,"
Clerk of Weet Wawanoeh Township,
Lucknow, Ont., R.R. L
I (mils, Durham. JAMES CHIS-
RiIlHOLM, R.R. 3, Goderteh.
I Two-year-old Jersey and one Grade.
JAS. A. WHITE, Oxford street
Brock street: 'Goderlch-$250 (Cage
iidhul). W. A. WIIITELY, 8218 Oak
St., New Orleans, Ls.
freahrn shortly. One Guernsey but/
and two 400 -egg intubators, -Forty
Oxford aheep to let on shares. JOHN
FARRi8H, Lucknow R.A. 7. Mono
Dungannon 82-13.
la the matter of the estate at Mar.
Ion H. Carey, late of the T.e* e[
Gvderreh, in the County of BOOR
widow, deceased.
Notice Is hereby given pursuant M
the Trustees Act, R.B.O. 1927, Chap.
150. that all ereditore and others
haling claims against the estate of
the said Marlon H. Carey, who died
on or about the 28th day of Septem-
ber. A.D. 1933, at the Town of God-
erlch, are required on or before the
2011. day of February, A.D. 1934, to
send by post, prepaid, or deliver to
the executors of the estate of the said
deceased, the full particulars, in wrlt-
iug, of their claims, a statement of
U-eir accounts, and the nature of the
security, it any, held by them, verified
by declaration.
And take notice- - atter such
Ian mentioned date the said execu-
tors will proceed to distribute tbe as-
sets of the said deceased among the
parties entitled hereto, having retard
only to fife claims of which they shill
then have notice.
HAMILTON, Executors, by Dudley
E. Holmes, Solicitor for the said
fated at Goderlch this lath day of
January, A.D. 1034.
Lata Bones Surgeon New Tort
Ophthalmic and Aural Hoepkal, an-
-•--.-a,-.aa..sto.�•0e.o t-rw•e,- r.."141,,.j ..r_-Z.aa1113
and Golden %tiara trh feat Hospital,
London, Fes.
53 Waterloo Street IL, Stratford,
Telephone 267.
At Hotel Bedford, Ooderich, from
nutty of each month, `lsirema'
areata ri'QsIn a son UT lea rd'bat'--
mere frequently. An extra amount Of
chlorine was put in the water when
the river broke up. The lowering of
the lake level had naturally lowered
the water 1n the well, but this was
being remedied, and it was hoped soon
to start work on the lamer main up
town from the pumphouse.
Councillor Huc•kine asked 1f the
public utilities rommfsrdon rould go
a}cad with a large expenditure of
mcney without consulting the council,
but got no definite- reply.
Bylaw No. 7, at,thorizing the bor-
rowing of money to- r•nrrenl expenwec,
was put through, acid the council ad-
Eleven -year-old .1:o.k Mciver, eon of
Mr. and Mrs. N. Mod'hail, has the hap-
py knack of literally ratline Into
trouble and mien, ulnrtaly escaping
eerlo us. Injuries. stn i►etpmhh,r 28 rte
fe', from it coal ear and cracked his
head on a railway track, walked
home, and was Immediately taken to
t?•e hospital, only recently being re-
tested. On Wednesday night of this
week he attended the Clinton-(3oder•
Ich hockey game and between periods
was playing with other children when
he fell from the balcony to the ice, a
dtop of nearly tan feet. He was car-
ried into the drtea.ing room, where a
has ly bruised but fortunately not brok-
en knee was bandaged by the club
physician, Dr. .1. 1i. Graham, and a
rapidly towelling bump on Ma fore -
Lead new wax treated. The plucky
youngster Insisted on staying until the
end of the game, when he was driven
home by genial ' Iter" Playa.
rent farm with building'. Fifteen
years eepertenee. Apply to iBOX 20,
Tteephoee No, 110
Sales attended to anywhere end every
effort a in giro aaHafeetp
Farmers' sale notes db rytunted.
The 'rent Mil a quastIb et Tend
boty minimum ,diriv.t lase w wow
hush for sato at /700 per atngie cord
of one -font wood, delivered.
Also a limited Qnantlty'enf;ood body
hardwood at $8.00 per fah cord of
four -foot wood.
Orders lett at the 'lbws Hail will
bre attended t4
L L. KNOX, Town Olierk.
Goderleh, Pbone 341
Equipped with electromagnetic
baths. Electronic eieetrtc treatments
and chiropractic. (Arronlc, organic
and nervous diseases. lady in at-
tendance. Office liven 2 to 5 and T
to 8 p.m. on Tuesday, Tilde/ and Sat-
urday, and on Wednesday 10 to 11e
a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., or coosultatiou
may be had by appointment.
hesidanue and ofikeseeCerner of
South street and Britannia road.
13avetater, Etc.
Office -Court House, Goderich,
Telephone 56.
Barrister and Solicitor
t)fi fie-Iiamllton Street, Goderket.
Telephone 512.
■■ Successor to 3. L. Killoran
Office -The Square, Ooderich.
Telephone 97.
Barrister, Solicitor, Itlee.
Ofike-Haesilton Strait, Ooderit*,
To;eptone 282.
Barristers and Solicitors
R. C. Hay*, K.C., and R. C. Hays, B.A.
OMMe-Hamilton Street, Ooderici
Telephone 88.
Barrister and Solicitor
Run bird Building, Adelaide and Vic -
torte Streets, Toronto 2.
Telephone Elgin 5801.
ANON CO, -Farm and lsnlated
Man property Insured.
Otikwn -Alex. Rrasdfoot, Prerddent,
Seeforth ; Janne Onnnolly, Vice -Pres..
Ge.derich P.O.; Merton A. Reid, Sea -
forth, Ser. -Tinea, RCA forth P.O.
Dlreetors--A. Broadened, R.R. No. 8,
8htfa-th ; Jana* Flholdke, Walton ;
Wm. Knot, iswMetoro; Robert Fer-
ris, Ihrrer ek ; fief iMi4sardt, Bred-
tesgen PAW. Jibe Pepper, Itns•edeld.
Agents-- W. J. Ten, R R. No. R, CRn-
ton . James Watt, Rlyth : E filar h
ley. lieefonth; John Knrray, asafortlt.
INsitep4aMdrea eon netke all payments
arra get their ra•rds rwrwlpted at (be
keret Bank. Clinton; feeds Oe1*'s
(ieorary, Kingston trata4, (k 4.,leh. rw
J. 11. RMM'a Gemoral Sante, Rayedd.