HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-10-14, Page 22Paul Joseph'*legging of R. R 3, Luer, died hi Victoria'Ilospital, �' on Monday, September 28, 119111 as the result of an accident at the age of S. He was born in Wingliam Hespitaa on October 25, 1975 to Maz Alan and Helen May (Courtney) Rieglmag. He was a grade 1 student at St. Joseph's Separate School, Kingsbridge and a weber of the Roman Cath- olio Church.'He ,was alio s Member of the KingsinuAge Beavers. He is, survived by .his parents; and three brothers, Dean, Jay and Beau, all at home.l He is also survived by Iris paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Cad Riegling,•As field Tosvnship; his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Marcelia Courtney of Goderich and his paternal great grandfather, Fares Edmondson of Chat- ham. , He was predeceased by ,his • maternal grandfather and his • paternal uncle. 1-1 The body of the late Paul • Itiegling rested at the Mac- Kenzie and McCreath Funer- al Home in Lucknow. Maass of the Angels was cekbrate d at St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Kingsbridge on Thursday, October 1 at 10.30 a.m. The Reverend . Father Ed «, ringer officiated Music was ;supplied by Denise Dalton, organist, and soloists, Geor8e and Lorraine Brophy and Betty Thu Dal- ton, • who also accompanied by guitar. Hymns sung were. Jesus .Loves The Little C'1 ild- ren, KunnBa.Yah, To Jesus Heart All Burning and Edel. w' r Readings were done by Karla Hogan and Margaret Payne, An inspirational ..writing by " Helen Steiner Rice, entitled God Knows 't", was read by Sharon McClenaghan. Offertory giftar'wehte taken by Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose Rdrdmond and Mr.. and Mrs. Mali I ichaid- �res'n. Relatives and friends at - weekend p to burn 'nor An actiOnitadtedweeltend designed to "Raine the Roof Mid Burn the Mortgage" `. been set up' by the Boaa..d of -Directors o1`theBlylh Cabe for the Arts from Friday, .(hober 23 to Sunday, October Si.. 'lice weecendlsr d�to 'provide a good time and to ' titters off the remsaains% of the debt for the addition to. Mlamorial. Hall which was comped Taut year.. The •celebration wall begin Friday night with A.Ca>Wight . and Daance dim Illyth and • District Community Centre'. Whiskey Jack will' provide. • the• music and there will be goutsof chance, A delicios buffet latch will be provided,. Saturday's activities - with anafternoon , . concert 01 3 pm. by the • Myth Festival Singes. s. popular their will -present t music from the modern peeps portion of its re pertaire. Admission is only $3 for adults, $1.50 for children. Am ealwithardiffere e,a "ld'ediev'aal Feast" i 111 be st . ►tbMl aeriai Half onSaturdayatl p.ta A feast fit for a king will be laid out by the membersofthelloard and akingaandqueen will* there <to reign over the festivities Eiitertaiument will also be provided. special contest for the best decorated bib will be held I"lis menus* meal will c at$15pae 'pe a. aims. ofthe weekend be t e Galan Evening on Saturday evening. Jim Swan of • CFPL Televiskiti s . • Morning teak will - be niaaster of cerfor an evening of tsino di en- tertainment by both , well- known etk owti national celebrities and local professions& and an auction of high quality and_hut prim donated area . businesses and IyCvidt : Therewill also be valuable door prizes drawn i "sem for the Gala Evening is $id per person. A packagedeal luding the Medieval Finish and and Gala . Evening .is only $26 per person, The bargain of the weekend is a ek pass need tended the mass from 'White., law, Alberta; Chatham, Michigan, London, Toronto, Burlington, Glencoe and surd rounding area. Pallbearers were OtaniRiegling, Tom. Hogan and Michael and Dom . Court ` ROW beaten were Linds end Joan Courtney9 Gavin Mc Cierraa;ghan, Brian Red- mond, Rhonda Hoganand Dean Ridging.InterueM was in St. Jos- eph's Cemetery, Kingsbrige. Wiliam .1. Patter, WNNilliam 3. Porter., passed sway suddenly at thehome of Mrs. Blanche 'Harmon, R. IL, 5, Lucknow, on .Sept-- Sept- ember 30, 1981. Mr. Potter, born in Iceland in 1889, had made his home with the Hamiltons for ' 23 years. He was a veteran of both world wars and a member of the Lucknow 1,egion- He leaavesr ` to tee, a sister, Mrs Charlotte Arutey of Hamilton, and . • several nieces and nephews. The funeral Service was field at� the Marisa's Fue�eral Home, Hain ton on Friday,. October .2,1981 with burial at. Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mb M. C. Edith (Burt) Collins, Kin- cardine, passed away ' sen*. at her home on October lett, 1981 in. her 69th year. Edith Collins, the Baugh" er of the late Charles . and Laura (Howe) Burt, grew up in the Holyrood area. She married ,the late Allison S. Collins on October 22, 1938 and resided in ' the Kincar- dine area the remainder of her life. Edith was a member of the. Kincardine United Church and a Past Noble Grand of Liberty Rebekah Lodge; .Kin- cardine. She was also active in the Merry Km Club and. Ssoduel, Wednorday, October 14, 1911 Page >22 -ennjoyed bowling and lawn Bob, hcllingtou and Nor bowling. gnan, Cobourg. Edith is, survived by her The funeral was held sit five daughters,rnice Lill, ' Linkiater's , North Vancouver; Irene Kincardine 3, Priest, Innerkip; Joan Holt- 1981 with Rev. old Paul ett, R. R. d 1.Vittoria, Lois officiating., Interment in Kin - McKnight, .It. S. 0 1, Elm- carding C meter.. wood; June B aryadky, Whitby Pallbearers were nephews, and 12 grandchildren.Elliot MacMillan, Robert, She is .r by r ... rt, seven sisters and , and Rill Paul Bert, Helen MacMillan, Mount Flower bearers' were Forest; Anne Norris, Toren- Wag, Nancy Burt, and grad - to; Ann. R... R. 3, Holymo ; : children, Cheeyl ° Haskett, Ted, 'R: R' ,P4,. Kincardine; Allan McKnight and • Susan Bill, , R. R. 1 2, Priest. r .Cotborrin Township's 16th'Atnnaral CHRISTMAS COUNTRY FAIR display and sols nl lecol Orfs., crrftrs and belaarrq at • SALTFORD VALLEY HALL. l%. mils N.ofGad*** E. oil Ifivy. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21: 10 orn-9 pm and SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24:10 om-6 pm TEA s won PRIZES 40/PASSION:: 25``ad 10` SPECIAL Ilaikalial saulpaawerars marble*, rwlheai weaving. )tars migroviao, sto n.d lloss,,qualle etc. _ J which will giiveadmittance' to all Friday and'Saturday e events y, far . only $50 per • coupler The wed emd will wind up, witha concert by Jai Sikes on Sunday afternoon, Oct.y�25 m. p, ,the first of..the Illy* .Centre for the Arta Musk se riesfori9l. Tkketa for the tiniest are not partof the package price but are available for oniIy $6.00 each to hear one . 01 Canada's Foremashyers rs and. ac- tors, Tlidrets foralltheevents of this, busy weekend ire available from any board rimer, or by. ci lotting Myth- Centre for the Arts, Bois 1,Blyth,r commence B�wIhig Ip' -- and rotated work. - r«aoval of barn foundations 10% D of rtlf. C$ ii 1 NV i Vcuum St Worso Bt'.:,; Godnrielr Ptiewes 524-41-1 Directly Access franca co1borrs rikery Sale,4011dee Sep*. - NEW AND INSIBUILT .Ke Nlsturaiwoodirorko. atos aptly rohosnl>at d .and armee«!, ,flostoloot family roalm .doso.lo mala atrial,. on`: corner .of Holyoke* and .Wihsslor' Streak, Lucknow� *FILTER owing *a ... oLL1x '-* *ISIR$Y *ROYAL *REGINA. *LE' YIfT *EUREKA. High tingle Ron Stale High triple - RoeStan ley Games ort: Bold Spin - ley 266, 252, Erie Taylor 235, Fords 0, Mustangs 3, Poodaes 4, Buick* 3. 7 Complete SOWN* Cadre forrMost ilftertown On October 4 Lucknow feated Mount Forest 33 -14. Stores were Peon Staantlley, 1104, Gerry R 1066, Ger- aid Shady.1045, Allan Stan- ley ley 1003, Sob Cranston 9, Bob Love 952 - Birth thea tai Ste Me" .fete lehy reeltsa l• taperirrt ward eiaaa,.sod sill Is semorally • for rpt itiluousie Mainhoaiaisslinswsoria scall.. Alm, sew M ear direct rrrrrt Dittw rme . ' recur �� .� Iewrsrwf- . . Mwwmtrarasg• wdMelrldotiose1i% mamt His • er lattrnaer be fiord +. m Sat ascii air «well 1 BEAT TN PRICE RISE WITH THESE USED CAP BEAUTIES ' 1980 PHOENIX, 4 door, hatchback 1980 HORIZON 1980 CENTURY, RY , 4 door, 6 cylinder , 17/9 CHEV IMPALA, 4 door 1979 AMC CONCORD, 2 door • 1999. FORD LAAO, 4 door, fu i1equipped 1978 tV IMPALA, 2 door hardtop, with s 1978 CHEVROLET, 4 dr. stationmigon, fidly equipped 1978 ST*T1WA1 1911 PONTIAC PARLSIBINP., 4 decor sedan 1977 CHEVELLE, 4 deer. wigs air 1977 DODGE MONACO, 4 doer, with air 1976 OLDS CUTLASS, 4 deter IS 1980 GMC 3 tow, 4 wheel care 19 3 TON, pickup 1979 GMC, tri ton, pickup, 4 speed 1971 FORD 680, cab and chassis, or 16 fit. van 1914 INTMAT/ONAL, 1680 series, cab ind chassis SUTTON - Bora to Mr. and ' les, Gaal' SUOMI !!7J Sept- ember eeraal> r 1/0 1981 in St Joilit- eph's' Hospital, London, a daughter, Jolene Louise Kathleen, A new little sister for Russell and Joey, . Proud grandparents are Mr. and. Misr Lyman Su_ a Mr. and Mme. Ronald Forster. "HuronCounty's Foremost Cone `r SYSTEMS Salsill i kn. Dome 5954405 Phone S$14173 j%Jw:oV 'b"414:.A 3d+ Y51—r'+Y• Nf'JMIV I ''a" ar===tiP; s'Sat3ir•Ycl+:.'tCt� ww1VA,,v =zteZA3...+.+: teralimy St et Nardi End.t 'tW '$1 �,a;vs!kFC;wr