HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-10-07, Page 25I /
pbells celebrate 35th anniversary
• Sunday, Septeinber 27 a
'family gathering was -held at
.the home of Bob and Wilda
Campbell to honour them on .
their 35th wedding annivet.
They we're married Sept -,
„oldie'. 28, i946 at! Olivet'
United Church. They have a
• family .of one son, and three
daughters, Douglas and his
• wife, Carolyn of .Kentwood,
Michigan; Carol of 'Toronto;,
Shark .- Mrs. Brad Pette.
place, Lucknow and Lynda of
• Stratford; also one grandson,
Shane Pettephiee of •Luck -
•• Their fluidly prepared and
• served dinner • to 45 guests.
The fondly presented them
with beautiful gifts and floral
arrangements.. •
Donna Carter of R. 5,
Lucknow: underwent surgery
hist Tuesday at University
Hospital, London.
Kerry 'Hogan of Glencoe
and his sister, Fay of London
visited with their parents,
Con and Mrs. Hogan follow.
mg the funeral of their cousin
on' Thursday.•
George and Olive Colwell
of Lucknow entertained their
daughter, Shirley and sonain-
law, Ray Gilder. of Clinton at
a birthday supper at the
*UM •Inn, Kincardine for
Shirley on the occasion of her
47th birthday. They also
visited with Frank and Ruby
Colwell in Kincardine the
same evening.
Mrs. Wayne Corinsiek and,°
her daughters, Andrea and
Allison of Burlington visited
in Ashfield with their uncle,
John Austin •and attended
•the funeral �f their cousin,
Paul Riegling, Also present
for the funeral • were her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Fred
•Courtney. of Toronto.
•Eric • land Pani Hewison,
• Listowel andKeith and Joyce
Cranston, R. # 2, Lucknow
toured the Huntsville, Brace
bridge area recently. Both
• couples •were celebrating.
their 25th wedding anniver-
• Mis. Tom Mitchell of Luc, -
an and her daughter, Ruth of
• London, visited with Mrs.
Mary Hogan last week.
The directors of the Luck -
now District Horticultural
Society are busy this week
delivering the premiuin
bulbs to 1981 members.
• Dutch iris will be blooming in
members' flower • gardens
next May and June.
• Mrs. Symon de Boer has
returned from spending five
weeks holiday in British Col-
unthia visiting • Pietie and
Mink Krtight. Mrs. de Boer
reports the, weather was
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Stanley
• visited recently with Mr. and
Mrs. R. J. Kaake and Cindy
• of Walkerton.
Mothers discuss learning to nurse
The September• meeting of
Lucknow Nursing Mothm
was held at the home of Patti
Gutscher, Teeswater. 'bor.
• ecu Mali gave the treasurer's
• report. Jo.Anii Kirkland,
• then, listed the five new
books that have been added
• to the library - Additive
• Alert, Nutriscore, Emergen-
cy Childbirth, 4000 Names
• for Your Baby and Confes- but it is something that
sions of a Medical Heritic. • doesn't necessarily come the mothers present had had
The topic for the evening naturally to mother or babyinfants with jaundice and
was Preparing For Delivery It is a process which must berelated their experiences re -
and Learning to Nurse. Many learned and it takes time for • garding such. Neo -natal
important aspects of breast a nursing mother to feel, '•jaundice appears to be more
preparations were discussed confident prominent today than it was
as well as many helpful hints• a few years ago, It would be
were shared about first nurs- Mrs. Kirkland led a discus- •wise for all prospective par-
ing experiences. ' • sion on jaundice - pointing ents to read literature on
out various types, differene- jaundice and familiarize
•Breastfeeding is natural es between them and pos-
themselves with the causes
sible treatments. Many of and treatments available.
• Forget It!.
Do you ever find yourself standing at a street corner
• and wondering Why you're there? Or perhaps you've
dashed up the stairs to your bedroom to get -something,
but by the time you get there you have absolutely no idea
what it' was. Do you put up your hand to answer a question
in school, get asked, and then find your mind has gone
completely blank? re you forgetful' •
Lots. of people have trouble remembering things. The
most common thiggs people forget are names, events,
faces,keys, umbrellas and mittens. Many people forget
where they Pitt things like watches; books and glasses.
And almost everyone feels a bit silly when they do forget.
Why? Because they think it makes them look stupid.
Are you stupid? No, you just forget things, like
everyone else. But you still feel stupid when you can't
remember something, right?
It's net -a lot of -fun-standing-at -11-street coiner wearing
your bedroom slippers, is it? It's not fun, hut it 'sure is
funny. Have you ever thought of laughing at • yourself?
You may as well —1 everyone else is. They're not being
mean, they're just enjoying someone else doing the same
silly things they do.
So the nest time you 1,4081 remember that the soda
” you're Iooklng for are en your feet, laugh, and forget it,
•.(e)1N1 Canada Wide restore Services Limited
• frif Mackay FOAM Tate
Announce marriage
Pritchard -Brno&• Eugene Pritchard of Clare-
mont, was groomsman for
his brother. Miss Gail Prit-
chard of Barrhead, Alberta,
sister of the groom, was
Honoured guests at the
wedding were Mr. Roy But -
lock of Collingwood, grand-
• father of the bride and Mr,
Nelson Winterstein of R. R. 5
Lucknow, grandfather of the
. A reception for family and
close friends followed at the
Legion Hall.
Vickie Bullock and Ted
Pritebard • exchanged wed-
ding vows in the ,Lucknow
Unitedthurch. Rev. Warren
McDougall performed the
double ring ceremony. Par.
wits of the bride are Mr, and
Mrs. VVes Bullock of Kinloss
and parents of the groom as
Mr. and Mrs. John Pritchard
of Lucknow.
Miss Debbie Hayes of
• Kinloss, friend of the bride,
was maid of honour and Mr.
Hold farewell party
About 35 at rmer neigh-
bours and friends of the
fourth concession of Kin ol-vs
gathered at the new keine of
Lloyd and Ann MacDougall
on Monday, September 28 in.
The evening was spent in
visiting and reminiscing with
entertaining music provided
by Blanche Needham on the
piano, Ira Dickie and Fraser
MacKinnon on the violins
land Austin Martin's harmon-
Jack Needham read a
poem he had composed
permining -m Ann and
Lloyd's life and a presenta-
tion of a Scottish trapunta
picture, a dried floral ar-
rangement and lead crystal
relish dish and tray were
Lloyd and Ann both thank-
ed everyode and invited all to
visit again. A bounteous
lunch was served to end an
enjoyable evening.
Illusionist will present •
children's libraryprogram
Paid Freenian, an illusion.
ist with a difference will
Present a .program for child-
ren at. the Lucknow Branch,
Bruce County Library on Fri-
day, October 9, 1981 at 4.00
Freeman is r one of Can-
ada's newest professional
illusionists and his unique
performance centres around
involving the audiencein the
iflusionL He and his live
doves have spent the last six
years travelling throughout
Canada, and in some parts of
the United States, perform-
ing at conventions, magic
show, and in schools and
This free half-hour per-
formance isosponsored by the
library in cooperation with
the Georgian Bay Regional
Library System, as part of
the Ministry of Culture and
Recreation's Outreach Ont-
• ario program.
Come along and be p*rt of
the magic — attendance is
• limited by the capacity of the
Luclmow Sentinel
WeibleidshOetobr It 1901 -Page 24
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