HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-1-25, Page 6e --Thursday, January 211th. 1984 CHILDRENS C'DS THE SIGNAL Hamilton Wigle: An .Affectionate Tribute Ily A. W, B. t - huim So Hamilton Wigle Ms gone! After fettdag the impeartu-iffif 114 fir. venality and character ou many places ot this Dominion he has been gatbered to his fathers. In one of -his musings-and--hew_mau4--Jnterett Ing one he favored friends and bear- ers with!after remarking about the old chestnut tree on the old farm in Ontario, he went on to say, "Nearby 1s the graveyard, where my beloved parents lie. What a shelter and a de- light they were to me in the bygone days! They are gone, hut around the broken column I am trying to twine x vine of my life, out of the nourish- ing loll of their dear Urea, that their memory may be perpetuated down through We pasaing years" The vine of his 1Hs was successfully twined, perhaps fir better than he knew, to the glory of God and to the honor of his race. In the old churchyard at ltuthven he Is Iakt with his parents. Some of may readers may have !mown him throegtr-nary- yw►ra. Per:. haps some Will recall Ills schooldays at Goderlch High School. My know. ledge of Hamilton 11'igle only extends back about eleven or twelve years. But In that period I cause to admire him in the Dome circle; I was face ciliated with blur in the pulpit. $Is-i-�� wisdom, aaeacity and administrant!. 111in ahi:ity in rerponnible positions were wise not lost on me. The writer . spent terra H -- EMEFTS MASSEY-HARRIS SHOP Kingston Street - Goderick TRY OUR Golden Guernsey MILK mow Tabic Cream and Whippifaj Cream Rafe, because it is all pro- duced from a Government - inspected Herd. Your pats onage molieited Clif. McManus Dairy -PHONE 539 - West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. ---Eirdric Wiring of all kinds given se ( s•6. FRANK McARTHUR 1x9 - truth. or - too, could be winsome, or - u', fascina�ting��ly7� Interesting (you had to be thOCAO gimp ander cif n and oratorical as occasion demanded. se Ile used ail theto serve a deep eras• golical passion. He drew on the realms of nature, travel, biography GODERICH, ONT. Sunday Afternoon By 3glaBBL ISAMII11ON Osderlds. Ont. God Mas the little sparrow fall, It meets His tender view; It God so love• the little birds, slid particularly science to illustrate-" Ttmow He loves me too. themes. emes. And this he did so clev- erly and to the point pit extract : "The la tandings declare that lime deposits ural Iron ore seams are pros -Marla Straub. microscopic plant life. The theory is • • • 1111 associated with the calculation that Ply= 8 this world 1s at least one hundred millions of peers old. What censer- 0 God, In Christ Thou hest changed cation of energy la this! How it mag- and satisfied *very human relation - our conception of the Providence *hip, Thou has brought us into a new of God." He adorned the pulpit as wield! We bless Thee for Thy good - he graced the home. Both were lifted a generous notch by his presence and Influence. There was no man to the Maritimes, in the yearn he spent there, who was more sought after as a "special." Fortunately the fairly long pries Ipalship of the Ladies' College at SackvIlle left him free ou the Hun- illerteta'Rn here end there anti presets Ile Gospel in which his soul delighted.el 1 Ut giving lea'rshlp In large 'butches where organization counted w much, In institutions like the Le - die College and In conferences and centlon9, the made no small show - We are told of his great Ohrla- work at Zion church, Winnipeg, Rt 11 pastor there, of his great in- t in e foreigners there, how Here L •pal- God made the little birds and flower*, Lest scienti fic And all things large and small; He'll not forget His little ones, the 'uctot 1 know He. loves them ail. ueea. Help us to live separated and satisfied lives! In Christ's name. Amen. ( Selected ). • • • 8. 8. LESSON FOR FEB. 4th, 1934 Leweo Tgtle-Putting God's kingdom Fisc Lemma Pasesge-_Matthew 6:19.33. t:eldss Tut. Matthew 6:33. 111* 111 these TOMS Jesus continues Sermon on the Mount. When we speak of wealth we thank of gold and silver, land and houses. When an Oriental sprlc of wealth he Unvarying Quality Fresh from the Gardens twittered or burst into song and were answered by their mates In the sur- rounding trees. High up in the blue kites soared, and doves and mynas parsed in graceful flight. From the hillside came the bleating of the goats. All sounds added to the Joy of the day. The thought of Him whose love we commemorated filled our hearts. In the open He seemed more really near than in the solemn 'diem* of the house of prayer.-Cath- crine Campbell, Banewara, Iedta, BITS OF INFORMATION In the refrigerator. beef should laced di al on the lee, but thought tint of what would make dls- not be P 7 play ; and Included. as au esseutlul In a dish of any material except iron part, splendid articles of dress. Think- or tin. ing of this Ostia made reference to • Experiments 1n the United States the destruction emitted by the mold pe htl Balt kalnite, particularly when ground to varloua degrees of fineness, la effective is killing poison Ivy. Lamb production In Oanada baa Im- ygnved so steadily within the past few years that at the present time It 1s one of the Dominion's cheapest and best meats. three years of his life in New Bruns- otter the Sunday evening service he and the danger of lose by Wieves. have proved tat the naura, wick. He boa much to thank New could point to a" class of 119 Chinese Then he directed their minds to the Brunswick for, but one of the out- who received special attention and best of all riches and the necessity standing thtnp New Brunswick gave education. Whit made Hamilton to him was the knntvledite--and• frtend-+.Igle so proud of that class was that ship of Dr. Wigle. .1s a visiting min_ when Investigation was made after a gamblers' Joint had been raided in the city, and thirty-seven Chinamen had come under arrest, there we. not one single man of the number arrested among the members of Ills Sunday evening class. His work at Sackville Ladles' Col- lege was not a bed of rosea, I know from what he told me; but no more fatherly, kind, OhrtsUan cotussellor, with patience and tolerance, and an ability to meet problems and untangle difficult skeins of life and conduct, could have been selected to be the administrative bead of soca an institution. He bad both a heed and a heart. The qualities bard and soft he applied to those respective organs in the enqukite Renee. He told a story of two servants that were guil- ty of a serious crime ■t Sackville wLlle be was there. He was per- p:exed at what to do with them. He investigated their home Ilfe and training; ire pointed out to them after Ude was done the character and pun- ishment attached to their wrongdoing. It was made plain that exposure of their wrong would rain their reputa- tion, _ poald not decide at the mo- ment what to do. He would have them before him in his once again next morning. He said that night be inter Dr. mite carne to the wr home. Will the young children of that bonze ever frrget the erentngs ►pent with him' What stories be could tett of East and West of this Dominion be knew so well, and had travelled so much! How be could fas- cinate with little word sketches of scenes and happ ninga that had come under his personal observation as he had passed es a tourist through Europe and Palestine' little poems the would recite, curious conundrums be would spring. comical sayings be would pans over to the merriment of the boys and girls around him, ab- sorbed In what be had to tell them. Then, it will not be forgotten how he, 1n the blindfold game of putting the tail on the donkey picture, pinned to the wall, entered Into it with great zest with the young lads. The same family saw him the dignified. efBclent first president of the Maritime Con- ference of the i'nitetl ('hunch and coaster of assemblies, and so often a "bluing executive officer in some great conventima; but that night Ham - Ilton Wigle was great with a loving greatness. He crowned a glorious evening when be led family prayers after the play was over. Few Oanadiam preachers have satis- fied me better than Hamilton Wigle emuld not slesp, though, he, was very ....v.-14pulpa ObQtQ n ri �..•• ` tet 3-;% +Ya•>s:w.w ::.L :...it It., a pleasing way o declarrng would let him sleep, but the answer he got was, "Over there in the maids' ALDS • So pleasant to the taste and tM tprielly effective that children love In tans iL Equally good for adults. Of elm-pasren merit. D.,.CI1AS 'S Superior Stores GROCERY SPECIALS ROYAL YORK COFFEE PEARL NAPHTHA SOAP 1 lb. This 10 Bars 29c -COWAN'S COCOA 1/2 -lb. Tina 1 1 -Ib. Tins 23c -CROSSE & BLACKWELL'S SDUPS Chicken with Rice, Vegetable, Tomato 3 Tins 25c STANDARD CORN ..Tan l0c HiLLCREST LARD S lbs. 25c MCLAREN'S JELLY 4 Pk°. 25c COCOANUT WAFER BISCUITS 2 lbs. 29c ROYAL YORK MATCHES 3 Soxas 25c LIBBY'S SAUER KRAUT Large 21/2 -ib. Ties 1Oc 3. J. McEwen J. Calvin Cutt • Phone 48 Phone 110 or 2I6 D1TrI.IVZSY S=ROIOI--- ward are two girls crying and sating me to soften your heart, and you can- not. hikucleep nattl.yoa to theft -situ o,.ea mem. ne sato he pled to be excused from consider- ing their care Just then, but the voice said, "Settle It now." He settled It and fell asleep. The next morning the maids corroborated his midnight spiritual seance ■s he showed them mercy. No wonder In conventions and con- ferences he rang truly and intensely with profov d convictions on such questions as total abstinence, purity, the elimination of the betting evil, etc., etc. For Hamilton Wigle had a training in a home of the best kind. He bad the faculty of responding nob- ly to fine nurturing and excellent dis- cipline. What about that story he told of taking the wine out of his father's cellar and the issue of that act? The wine jngts, so his story went, were kept 1n the cellar where the milk was carried every night and morning when be was a boy at home on the farm. He would often go to the cellar for a drink of milk. One da3 he discovered the wine and drank of it. Eventually, about a gallon of the sparkling beverage disappeared and at last the father noticed Its dis- appearance. Each one of the family was questioned about the inlaying wine and of coarse the lot fell on Hamil- Ion. Was there a good lecture? No. The next morning, after breakfast, every wine jug was carried out of that cellar and there In the presence of the family and the hired men the tether drove the sledge hammer Into every case and tet the liquid run down the hill. Then the team was brought out, and with seta and chains and epodes tate work wall never stopped until five acren of the finest vineyard In Fi.1ex county arse torn ont by the root.. The lesson was given without a word. All nnderatood it. It was burned into Hamilton for lite. To come people it may have .eemcd foot- le': for a father to make mulch a fuss, but he wan Mang to action as he thought how Inronaiatent he would he to raise wine for other/ to drink when h1. own boy was being endang- ered by it. The bast time 1 sew Dr. Wigle wan at Preston, Ontario, !eat winter when he was staying with his daughter, the town clerk of Preetnn. He was un- well and In Kahle condition, not hav- ing goal ase of hits limbs. Bit how hie apbrit snared above the weakness of the body, and with what r.dlent eharm and twat he conversed *bons past and present things of =Meal In- terest. ills was a ripe marl. He was company for the groat and fam- ous:, frequently they crossed hie path. Sot ttwt- iewlMmt meets etmld approach him, and they coma to find him a I7'lrtisttan f&tbae and rare cot:Meltor, whose personality was 111re a great Medoff. to tbsm it a weary land. of being prepared for eternity. He told them their affections should be directed towards heavenly treasures and this he illustrated by a reformat* to the eye. A man crossing a stream on a log, if be wit' look across at some object steadily, will be in little danger. 1f he looks down on the dashing and rolling waters, be w'Sa become dlay and fall. So Jesus says, In order that the conduct may be right, it L Important to ex the affections on heaven. All that is needful to direct the body 1s that the eye be fixed right No other light is required. 8o all ,!bat 1. needful t0 direct the soul and the conduct L that the eye of faith be fixed on heaven; that the affections be Wen•. Christ further illustrated the neces- sity of laying up treasures In heaven from a well-known fact, that a ser- vant ervant cannot serve two masters at the rause time. His affections and obe- dience would be divided, and he would fail altogether in his duty to one or the other. This is a law of human nature. The supreme affections can be fined on only one object. So, says Jesus, the servant of God cannot at the same time obey him and be avari- cious or seek treasures supremely on earth. One Interferes with the other. From verses 25-34 Jestm is warning His disciples against avarice and un- due anxiety shoat the supply of their "There 1. no trim pr. ,,-rtty with ear a 4Urm* atlasek upon !the 'midis Mtwtten of the netkeaal lrroap."- Norman Thema' menta the duty o spending for the things which we need on the provi- dence of God. His first argument took the form of a questign : "Is not ymyfeepore_thaawste body haps they sprinkle cocoanut over a than raiment?" ! AW. c in while allow the children to make co- counut candy. Except for this the boxes are left undisturbed even when unexpected company arrives and the housewife is at her wits' end as to what she should serve for luncheon or dinner. Those boxes of cocoanut upon your self may be used for many delicious dtshee--in ice cream, for tumble - together desserts -In a fluffy souffle, or in many dainty tea accompaniments Here are three recipes showing what may be to yon an unusual use of thie food from your emergency shelf. Try them and see bow deli- cious they are: • • • The valve of agricultural and vege- table products (exclusive of animals am! animal products) exported from Canada for the year ended Last Oc- tober was 9196,181,851. • • • Off -flavors sometimes found m strawberry ice cream are the AMC of the acid In the berries and ,Cos - tact of the milt ingredients wits cop per surfaces. • • • Approximately fifty per cent. of the power developed annually on farms in the United States is furnlshed by animals, according to the letast an- thentleated data. THOSE BOXES OF COCOANUT By Betty Barclay Any well*Wcked emergency shelf contains at least oce package of co- coanut Really It should contain two -one box of shredded cocoanut whit% is so popular for pie fillings, custards and puddings, and an air -tight tin of Southern style fresh grated cocoanut whichY_ma'e��sa to sprinkle over cake '•'--"j.''._-a<?•des+ert salads, candies or meringu4*e ml res. Many housewives have this cocoa- nut on hand but do not begin to take advantage of their possibilities. Per - MARRIED 68 YEARS Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tigert Were Wedded January 22, 1868 On Monday last Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Tigert. of Aahfleld, had the ran, privilege of observing the sixty- sixth anniversary of their marriage. On January :2nd, 1868, in 8t. Paul's Anglican church, Dungannon, Joseph Tigert and Elizabeth Jahn Maize were Iotned-hr watriebony by Rev. WIUlaa Daunt, .rector of the church. After' sixty -sl: years of wedded life Mr. and Mrs. Tigert are still residents of Ash- fie.d, having resided continuously In the township In the intervening years. Mr..Tlgert, now eighty-nine yearn of. age, is wonderfully hale ane! hearty; but Mrs. Tigert, although two years his, junior, Is In feeble health and Is confined to bed, being cared for most faithfully by her only daughter. Mrs. William 11. Hawkins o1 Port Albert, with whom Mr. aid Mr'6_ Tigert re- slt:e. On ease tamp Bear Shej id ob-to which Mr. and Mrs. Tigert went as a young couple now reside Mr. and Mrs. Harold 'llgert and family, the children being the fifth generation of the family to have lived there. The bride of sixty-six years ago was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Make, wbo then lived on the Lake Shore road near Sheppard - ton, the family having come a few years previously from Coboarg. James Make and Miss Henrietta Maize, of Dungannon. are brother and slater, end tate late Mrs. James Crawford of 'Port Albert was another slater. ---- Besides the daughter, Mrs. Haw- kins, already mentioned, Mr. and Mrs. Tigert have two sons, John. of Port Alpert, and James, a teacher, of Ham - Ilton. There are five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Because of the weak condition of Mr►. Tigert. there was no celebration of the anniversary this year. has conferred so great a favor as to give us life, also Impart the smaller gift of mean. to support 1t? The second a rgument for confidence in the providence of God is derived from a beautiful reference to thte fowls' of heaven. flow cheerfully and re- gularly are their neceseitles supplied! Shall God feed them In such numbers and suffer you to want? The third argument is taken from the extreme weakness and helpless - newt of the disciples. God, be tells them. has ordered your height Be- yond His appointment your powers arc of no avail, you can do nothing. The utmost anxiety *111 not prolong life one hour beyond the.tlme appointed for death. The fourth consideration 1e taken from the Illlect of the valley. Watch the growing of the lily. Night and day It grown and spreads out its beau- ty -a beauty which the most splendid Eastern monarch never knew. When He thus clothes • lily -a fair flower, soon to perish 'will he le unmindful M his children' It 1s only those. He tells them, who arc destitute of the tree doctrines of religion, nnacgnalilted with proper dependence on Divine . Providence, who make it th.'fr chief anxiety thus to nark hail and raiment. But you, who hare a knowledge of your Father In heaven, who know that Ile will pro- vide for your wants, should not be unduly anxious. The evil, the trouble, the anxiety of each day as it comes, b siiMelent without perplexing the mind with undue and ' reatless cares nlu,nt another day. God will he the same Father t morrow that He 14 to- day. Do your ditty faithfully now. and depend on the merry of God and Hit (Urine help for the troubles which Commnit Salad Delicious 2 cups cabbage, twely shredded 1 cup grated pineapple. drained l cup shredded cocoanut % cup mayonnaise Dash of salt Crisp cabbage by allowing It to stand in Ice water. Drain and dry the -roughly. Toes lightly together with remaining Ingredients. Serve on crisp lettuce. Garnish with strips of plmento and chopped chives. Serves six. Cocoanut Brambles NOT THEMSELVES Bite. -"I dist care for men. In fact I've said 'No' to several of them." lie -"What were they selling'" DONT INTERFERE A tourist stay''d at a remote village which did not boast a cinema or even a library. Life there teemed very dull, systrtatio.afeteleedtaJzi to one of aha - - 1lirsn'a""'Whstrevet tfo yder'tin en It minor "Oh," was the r.irly, "we just let It rain." The Leading MEN S STORE •Everything 1 hat's New - In Men's Wear Chas. Black gait Street and Square Ooderich i AMBITION ":Ga -are lou really satisfied with walking shout the country begging?' asked the housewife. "No, ma'am." replied the tramp. "I11 soon have enough money eared up to buy • second-hand car." Special Prices on All Odd Lines Sema of which are aa fellows: One 80 -inch Buffet, birch walnut. Regular 832.00. for 924 00 One China Cabinet in oak. okt English finish, 934.00, for $24.00 OneChina Uabost, birch walnut, 88E00. for 923 00 One dos. Fool/Wis. Regular value 91.95, for $1 ed Special Price en Ceemeimen Rees We have a second-hand three-piece Doveno Suite in tapestry. at a bargain. Ceesae..04 leek them over J. R. Wheeler Funeral Director and Plerniture Dealer . . PHONES: Store 385; Res. 856w 2 cups sifted cake flour 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup sugar 1 cup cream 2 tablespoons milk 2 teaspoons combination baking . powder 4 egg whites 1 teaspoon vanilla '4 teaspoon almond extract 1 cup blackberry Jelly (foist, sweetened cocoanut Sift flour once, measure, add salt and half -cap sugar, and -sift again. are yet to come --From Barnes' glom- Add cream, milk and baking powder men twry. to egg whites, and beat with rotary • • • egg hater anal mixture thickens; WORLD MISSIONS then add flavoring and remaining Centra) Indy sugar. Fold In flour gently. Bake In At R a.m. one Lord'. Day, the Sher- two graced Den/ A x A z 2 trachea, to anethan eongr.•getion gathered to re moderate oven (826' F.) twenty-five the sacrifice, death and opminute., or until done. Cool. Put Ing again of the Lord Jeans. After layers together with biaekderry jelly, Out Into two Inch squares or diamond- ahsped Owlet, cover with frosting sad sprinkle with cocoanut. Makes twen- ty five. Comm* Apple Betty 4 tart apples, pared, cored, and sliced 1 cnp soft broad crumbs 1 cup shredded cocoanut 1 cap brown sugar 1 tee.pons ninnamoe 4 tablespoons better Arran(* layer of opted In groaned baking 4leth. Orme with bread crumb.' and cocoanut Sprinkle with .agar and cinnamon. Dot with bat- her. Repeat until all fagredients are anted. topping with cocoanut Saks, covered. In moderato even (*%0' F.) thirty minutes. iTtaeaver and hake tate misuses wow, or until apples are soft. derma al*. n searching, brat hope -Inspiring dis- course the table was uncovered and the bread and wine distributed in (cline *Ilene, unbroken errept by the return of the cops to the trays. It was ■ gladly miens oesa.ion. The Master of the feast was present. After 1 hnrrted broaktaat we mo- tored to Sairapare for a second com- munion nervl-s here in the dem* shade of a banyan tree. the congre- gation est on the ground, twelve men on that aide, twNve woman au tisk. The elderm dieribetsd_tbe bread from I -a tittle aiamimra bort. mad the wine wan received in dainty little cop• made from loaves. in Aaltewara tM servlea bed beau solemn, dignified mad larpreasive 1a the goietsevis of 11a eaurea bolldtag. to Ralrsp•n It was Selena, glad and tree. The birds la 11* baryon tree Clip daA DOLLAR'S WORTH is coupon and mail it with t1 for a six weeks' tried atabserIptlom to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR _.......-- Published by T.t CW.nne. Screws hnars.nm Sworn, Boston, MaM*ehua■uaj Q. S. A. 4 4 t• aim stn and the dell, food news ar the world from t1 SOS 0,110,1 writers. Y aIM an depertmenta donned to .omen's and children's 0,15,1mi .8. emits, merle. edu .tlnn. new. etc T .n1 M glad 1 .elsome b1 rm. h.m• r so advocate of peace and peohIMttoo. •.d don't sans fleas. Q5, Def. other Sundial and the feature.. _...1.-- e Tag Os.rsrtms !CMOS Marna.. sack Bs etatke, Boston, Yaw. Muss send me s au maks' trial fu3 SEAM fee anew (alt. 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Home Companion 9250 Clubbing Rates with other Periodicals may be had on application We have a rate for practically every well- known periodical on the continent $6.00 $&00 97.00 96.26 96.00 9&00 96.00 Star 92.50 92.!1[1 92.30 9285 $5.00 93.40 $1t.75 93.43 S3.Z:r afln The Signal PHONE 35 GODERICH 1