HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-1-25, Page 5THE SIGNAL -- GODERICH, IjN Thursday, January 25th, 1934-9 TOILETRIES -A FINE SELECTION OF THEM-- 110UBIGANT-- Face Powder, Compacts, Rouges, Bath Salts, etc. BELCANO TOILETRIES DIIBARRY-Face Powders. Astringents, Here Cream. Mantling Cream and many other items. PRINCESS PAT TOILETRIES CAMPBELL'S -DRUG-&TOR, PHONE 90 OODERICH COURRIE'S CORNERS COURRIE'S CORNERS, Jan. 23. - Mlles Vera Little spent a few days tart week visiting at the home of Mr. Isaac Cranston of Mafeking. Mr. Gordon Johnston has returned from Teamster, where he spent the last couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Mackenzie Webb and two children. of St. Helens, visited at Ir. David Little's on Sunday. Mr. Wilfred Farrtah had the mis- fortune to break het leg last Friday night while attending a dance at Dunlop. He was pulling the ear, which had somehow got off the road, and the fender hit his leg. He was taken to Goderleh hospital, where be is progrerdng as well as can be ex- pected. DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Jan. 24. -Mrs. R. A. McKenzie has returned home atter a two weeks'4Till with her sister, Mrs. .1 Pattison. Wingbam. A delghload of young people from herr journeyed to Lucknow Saturday evening and enjoyed an evenings skating there. Mr. and Mtn Wm. Alton ofron- te motored up for the week -end to visit the farmer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jam -AIMIL-11RT<now• and other tritnde. ?bey wIfS accompanied by Mr. Palmer Kilpatrick. who drifted hi. parents. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Kil- patrick. Owing to the unfavorable weather on Tuesday the annual pasting of the Peesbyterian church wUII. Postponed until next week. Agrieulttwal S.elety he aced Rope. --The annual meeting of the Dungan- non Agrlcuttural Society was held to tie parish hall on Tuesday afternoon. The attendance Was not as large as usual owing to the eondltion of the YOU- ARE LOOKING lam-. wtmxa r•l?I Then just step Into Smith's Art $tore uxl select a lovely PICTURE Nothing will give suet 1aatibe pleasure as a good Picture for her home. PICTURE FRAMING IS TIIEIR SPECIALTY SMITH'S ART AND - :-G$FtSTORE W•1111101108a et ,Deed Plete es - PORTER'S HILL PORTER'S HILL, Jan. 23. -Mr. Hurry Powell took into Goderlch one diy last week • heartwood log 12 ft. long, 4 ft_ 8 In. across at the butt end. This wade 1:100 feet of lumber. Not many giants of the forest are found le this district to beat this. Owing to the preparatory service on I•rhtay night, the Y. P. 8. will bold their week-ulgltt meeting Thursday evening. lira Wismar WellMeld, . ffie new president, having charge. Mrs. Howard ('ox returned on Monday from a two weeks' visit at Himllton. The' Men's (Nub will hold a bud - nese meeting next Tuesday evening. (hoe of the important topics to be discussed will be the control of the warble Ify. All farmers should be preseut and join in the campaign against this pest. The Bobby Burns night held on Tuesday evening by the Mena Club was well attended and the program presented was of high order. Those taking part were: Miss Gale, plan solo; Mr. Peter Young. violin solo; Mr. Fred EHIott. address; Mr. Pat- terson. Clinton, address and poems of roads. However, a very enthustaetic Bobby Burns; Rev. R. M. Gale and ':meting wee held. Financial condi- Misr Gate, vocal duet; Mr. mute), and tions are very much better than they sun, Clinton, bagpipe selectlous; Mr. Jia Sorting, &etch solo; Mr. Wm. Stewart, Clinton, Scotch readings; Rev. Messrs. Gale and Bugler, of Bar- field, violin duet. Congregational klieetlag.-On Frl- dal evening the annual meeting of Grace church was held. There was a good attendanee. Rev. R. M. Gale opened the meeting with devotional ex- ercises. Reports of the different branches were read and adopted, each department showing a good standing. Herb C. (:ox and John Torrance, the tau retirlug stewards, were both re- turned to office. Mrs. Fred Pickard was, re -sleeted as organist for the year. Rev. R. M. Gale was Invited to remain as pastor for another year, to which he gave his cordial consent. He spoke of how mach be had enjoyed had hero for some years. 1t was de- cided to had the next fair on the 4th Mud 5th of °Mutter. The following directors have been added to the board: Mr. Reber Eedy, Mrs. J. J. Ryan, Mrs. Mel. Culbert. The presi- dent to Mr. Jas. Lyon vice-president, .1r. Arthur Culbert : secretary, Mr. (71:ae. Alton. Wasea's Institute Attrtlyer'sary. 71m Women's institute concert held ht the parish hall on Monday night was a very euceesaful affair, notwith- atanding the bad 0ondtt ion of the roads and the wet night. There was s Wily good attendance and the pro- gram, which was oil local. was very entertaining, eooal tiug of a chorus lo.1.1.1e Institute, vos nl duets by Messrs. horue-rentland and Frank Mcllwain. Fall Fair Board Re-elected for 1934 September 18 and 19 Set for This Year's Exhibition -Finan- ces Approved- _ ....___- fete -hie new_-dottea as whip, for the - - Liberal party when the aesslon begins LOYAL CHURCH NOTES LOYAL, Jan. 21. -Mr. and Mrs. W. 1.. Young were at home to a number u, their frhuds on Tuesday night Of Is.' meek and all enjoyed a friendly game of cards. Mr, • l'. A. Robertson, M.l'.l'.. left r •r Toronto on Tuesday to prepare At a well attended meeting of the (lotlerith Agncnixure the town ball on hiir'dte afternoon January 18, the operations of the pant Tear were revWasl, and officers elected to carry on tie bulenees of another year. President Qrean. who presided, ID hie address spoke et tem stxve,ae of the. 1838 ezheMtio% se far as the stand- ard of eibfbttl and the program /n.;..vented were concerned: thanked the fo-tune to fall a1d hurt her leg. We directors for the splendid co -opera. hots• stie may soon be well agetm tion they had Oren, nod praised W. M. S. Meeting. -The first meet - Ing of the W.M.S. for 11134 was held a' the parsonage at Nenmllter on _ Thursday. January 11th, with fifteen be encouraged to go on in the work, tereeut. The president. Mies Clerk, he said. ile referred with egret to pre,rtded and Mrs. T. •Wilson acted as the lode the Society had sneered in p.aniet. It was agreed to have the the death of George .�u,irews, who for roll call and "Christ" Ns the sweet - many years had been a. moat active and usefuloFlasusriel 8ts eemtt rd. The financial rtatlwent for the pact ,ear is wtwmarte d as follows: - RtECSI r'r s al Queen's lark next week. The Salvation Army cottage pray- er meeting will be bell in the home ut Mr. Manion held, ltroek 'dt reet, on Tuesday, January 1)0, at 8 p.m. The Men's Club meeting in North forst United cbureb next Sunday muruing. at 10 o'clock, will be in dwrge of the lookolrt eu t Rev. Gro. T. Warta will euuduct i.. services next ltunday in North street i Felted church. The aerwon subjects autos and those O.C.I. pupils who , Jesud;' 7 p.m., "Martin Luther." dr;re in cash dray have quite a struggle ,;afar school at 8 pm. se they posh and dig themselves along.' Services lu - Vittoria street United Sleighing is good and Dobbin 1s again ,.I,ureb next Sunday will be t'oudueted X Ida chance do the bighwaye. ; I.y the pastor, Rey. 1' . h`.--yroa- Ser. Miss Hazel Young is spending a mon subjects: 11 p.m., "The Medita- few day- to (loderlch, with her aunt. tion of My Heart,' 7 p.m., "Stead - h at atxl Sure." Sunday 801001 at V p.m. The services at the It.'ptl..t ehureh next Sunday will be ...mintiest by Rev. W. T. Bunt_ The ,ermon sub- Mr. W. J. Symonds of Sanford has jeers will Dibesciple 11 a w„ "Luke the leen seriously Ill the past week, the Beloved {)lrttple;" 7 pqt.. "'l he ('a- elhangtng God." Biel, school at rosult of a stroke of paralysis, Iwo is loam releeritsl somewhat better today. Secretary -treasurer J. Robertson for hie good work. With the finances better shape, those in cluirge would Balance from 1932 Province of 'Ontario Town of Godertch 100 00 Comity ot Huron 20 00 Toornship of Colborne Wet weather insurattes...,e,. .124_23 Douallosas leash $:13. goods Membership fees 113 00 Gate receipt* Iteatal_at_atatio, concessions, ete. lite Grend stand receipt* (met) - 87 WS Receipt* from euebteas-b-ccs. 21 SO 35 30 with Miss Dorm It y Robert:ion as in.. his work at Grace church, and also Refund:water and light coin - Ads. in prize Ira robpunie , tw.ai d„eta by lira. Den. read a letter of appreciation of the mieggion 8 00 many erne of kindness shown to hiw- Entry fete NJ 00to;e•neti .with a hymn. Scripture remit with Mrs. Cecil Treleaven as &moue. 'elf and Mrs. (Isle. The matter of • • caw 4r2 lee and prayer. A. the (litre. Miss Clerk wits elegem, Mr.. A. Stoll eas eta Fowler and Mr Arthur Culbert, panist:- aecordion 'elections by Me. imitalling Hydro in the church and E xpeeN pre ttmete-.... ..i spkointed for tht• meet Ins. Tile 1,1, (Ito. Hodge with Mns. Donald Fowler /bed was (Hemmed from all angles tor Rev. W. J. Palton. Klee the re, at the piano, and a short debate on the subject : "Ressilved. die {donee' Wl man has done more for her country then the modem woman." The affir- mative was upheld by Mimes Jean Johneton and Anna Reed, and the ne- gstiee by -Mimes Laurette McClure and Mary Million. The judges were Geo. and Gordon Kidd, and they de- cided in favor of tbe affirmative. 1 Speeches were made by Masers. Spot - ton and Robertson. The secretary of the Institute read a letter front Ilre. Aidlrew Kirk. of Seaforth. who was the firet president of the Itunitute here lenees complete, only $6.. . n /Olen 0 was organized twenty years bifocals with choice of frame corn - ego. Mrs. Robt. Davideon gave a few Otte, only 512.00. These prices in- terned(/' on the origin of the Women's chicle a thorough examination,ef.your Institute. Mrs. ('has. Alton, presi- eyee by our well-known Mid rellabTe dent of the Womeies Institute was imeelallet, Mr. Hughson, over 20 years ill* concert • donee was heId amble CO work to be obtained and we save 193 00 225 00 Cecil's Quick Lunch (Canadian owned and operated, First dour off the Square on Kingston Street Open troth 1100 e.u1. 011 200 a.m. lc en inner -45c Parties and banquets catered to. Sandwiches and Lielbit Luasibee Delleereg WALPOLE & MASON Kingston Street Goderich ,711 Judge Costello last week end found lit Southern Ithodeala, South AM- erd fOr next meeting; alio .11tet Mrs.. !he water opaniel pup for which he 4111. the 1110,11111t1011 of 185,388 cattle W. Walter and Mrs. Ilendermon glse had been advertising( It 1114,1 been has resulted. II le 'elatmed, In the aynopsis of the Meomenger. The away neerly two week,. hut %%as .4111 eomplete elimination of the toot and study hook, "Living lomes in Chine.- within the town limit, month diaease from the colony. will be taken at next ineetine. An IttlitatIon from the Nile euxiliery to selth mein In the Wertree lely of Prayer wet. read and the eisereterv lestrueted to write an areeptitnee. Two tellers. one on work and opportunity In China. and the other on the expen kneel of a defteonees Alberta. were read. The. allocation is quilts and elothiteg. The meeting (domed •with 'tinging mei prayer by Rev. Wm. J. l'atton. The hostese. Mew (Rev.) Patton. assisted by Miss Young and Mrs. Morris eerved a dainty lunch, and a asocial hour was enjoyed. Congregational Illeetlag.-Tbe -ails-1- =1d congregational meeting of Smith', 11111 Unittel (turret wait heel on! Wel nesday, January 17th. with a good attelltdenee of members. The meeting Super -Special DRESSES and SUITS Ma ster-t leaned 59c MARVO SYSTEM OF DRY CLEANING ALTZRING REPAIRING J. A. NIVINS Agent and the vote tram carried. the Melee ['die tuoney paid, inelud ng Club muking a very generous contri- $54.70 outrnandiag from 19= $630 94 button towards the Installation of , Prizes awarded la geode 12 on lights. The general opinion is that Expellees dteegates to (Innen- Hydro la much lege trouble and much I 4-10n, including Ageorladon • safer than the present lighting symtem.I feee - - --- 12 65 On Sundae a splendid congregation i Judges 8 DO attended botls church and Sunday Special attreetious. leveed school. Mr. Fred Elliott favored the events, band. entertainment Pith] on loan-princips1 5100. PROTECT YOUR EYES interest $24.56 . .124 55 tedion to Rev. Mr. Patton to rentain • most up-to-date glasses. Your choice !W°rk,ing Secretary -treasurer's etDary• . /1.5 00 poetage, tion by Mr. J. A. Youitg., see led by With our high-grade, etylist and another year watt extended in m mo - in shell, white or pink gold-filled, with P"'iee l'ervicea' mee 21 W. W. Walter. elders, who titmice of Balance ou hand , 51793 62! relief and bale, of clothing I:or South- Contsiderable dieseurnion followed on ern Seekateltess MI. 11r. Patton tend- variouo points In Connection with the wed his sincere eppreciation to the fair and a number of pomp -idiom' stipporte .5 of le• dire eet ere p'ee• were offerel. Dens end hoped that 1934 would be 'boa d. Kith 40 God's kingdom, and doseil the memoir vvith the beguill14110,. pert of Gut me..lon and wpm-et/tittle/to- from the managing board, truptem. Sunday eehool, missionary and main - reports of these I.:alone organizetione, Sues all were t•onaidered setiefletory. Members' of the maneging board who e eepting Mr. W. Raymond. who de - 11:111141. Hr. Will Clark Was 110. 'teed in his stead. A cor(11 invl- being furnished he Stuart Plunkett, with Mr. Yeanablut aecompaniet. The proeeeds amounted to 513. THE GODERICH HEAT -FOLKS AtiatriSPECIALE The Sunshine Special, our "Crack" train, leaves these yard.s every day for points south. And the Heat Folks who run the train, take all the responsibility for a pleas- ant journey. All you have to worry about is getting on board. An order for coal_ from the Heat Folks' gird Pales all your expenses and puts you on the train. Let's go! WE NOW CARRY GENUINE SCOTCH ANTHRACITE 4 - von money. Thursttay snd Friday, the maneu us hot yr February Rth and 9th. Come ear y. SMITH'S ART STORE, Goderich. aars-71 are here- and of course they are beauties. Every- body who has seen them says so, anyway Every paid -in -advance Subscriber -for -1934 is entitled to one ot these Calendars -- while the Best renew vow sohscripti1,11 at onrc arid get one SUBSCRIPTION RATES The subscription rate to addresses in Canada is $1.50 if paid in advance, $2.00 it not paid in advance. To UNITED STATES addresses, $2. IN ADVANCE the addition of It T. Edwards and- IL Long se direetors. Wirers and Directors First 1 iee-presirlairt -E. R. Wiggle. Second viet•-1,r0Sident•Fordyee (*lark. teelkeld, W. T. Mulvey. 1 Direetore-Mie M. E. Salkeld. Mrs. Good. NIng. N. 'loupe. Mayor C. C. Lee, Reece A. J. Goldthorpe, Walter Me- g Menu.. ism. W. 11agelelcar, Reeve B. eZ- Groves, Thee. Bowler, L L. Knox, Young. Thoo. Chindry, 0. F. Edward. _Huge 11111, Raver W. Heacke. Geo. P. Irnteta for 1934 Fair Tuesday and Welneeday, Septem- ber 18 and 19. were Orogen as the dates for this year's+ exhibition. The tseeretary. J. if. Roberteon, Was enpointed as delegitte to the conven- tion of the Onrtnrio AturoelatIon _of Feint and Exhibitions. to he heist at Toronto February s and 9, with ['read- , (lent Green as ale -rade. J. 11. Roberto, tounty cleric, and A. II. Enskine. minty treasurer, were eppoltited mentors. At a meeting of the dlrectorm after the general nteeting J. !I.' Robertson WR, Appointed sceretary and tress - 'Der. The bourgl deckled to meet the -first. Tneelny afternoon of February and March, and Noble Young, C. E. Groves, W. 11. Roberteno, the peed - /hut and the secretary were named as a committee lo strike tho gctagadIssog eommIttees for the Year. 1 1 TO COMMENCE SHORTLY The Signal will commence publication' in an early issue of a splendid serial story which alone will be worth the price Of a year's subscription Address J. B. MUSTARD COAL CO. PHONE 98 GODERICH, ONTARIO 16. MEWL BENMILLER = 711e V.P.S. will entertain Auburn see nemeses] Io bring lunch. 1 THE SIGNAL 1 11.100.11111111111... REV. DR, WIGLE Many rearIcru of The Signal will this week rest! with inter- est mid pleamure eel fine tribute to the late Rev Dr. Hamilton Widle penned ita Rev. A. W. tidied on page of this 110111111. High Refund in preparation for his later trmliting for the men - girl. a tIntighter of the late Genre., Coe 01111 file career. now terminated by hie death. bas_been observed throughout We thank 'sgsportiliy tine coatelbation thin chair Pure 11.4 FIERE THEYARE! Lard'ib. ioc Gas Edge read Flour 59c SYRUP Far AU Household Washing PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES Ms World's Largest &ailing Soap mar SOAP CATSUP TOMATO PIMPLE S Alytitser-rersan Label MARMALADE ChriAtie's-Sinre 185.1 "B" SODAS ijilUSAGE No. 2 Tint 10 Bars 111 sm. BOI 15* 25* 29* 13* e2 os. Jar 27* iieef Bologna,_,lbs ioc HADDIE