HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-10-07, Page 5liAlcknow Sentinel, Viaginaadsh Offeber 19$1,---,P010 4
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The Walkerton Heritage Fair is again
fortunate to feature the pen and ink sketches
9f John Geerts of Markdale.
Recently John won first prize at a juried
art show in Wiarton with his sketch of
"Fisherman's Wharf, Tobermory". He also
won numerous other awards ' including
honourable mention at juried shows in
Goderich and Owen Sound. His works were
on display at the Durham Art Gallery in
Durham this past summer. His ' drawings
capture the historic beauty of our landmarks
and heritage buildings. Pictured is one of
Ripley's "heritage homes".
Some of Geerts' work will be for sate i, Hut
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full size original, as well as in reproduced
posticard size. There is no doubt that he is
rapidly becoming one of Canada's leading
pen and ink artists.
Ingrid O'Gorman of Cargill will be
presenting her pen and ink drawings of old
country schools in Bruce County and scenes
of Bruce. Her exhibit will also include chalk
and pastel coloured drawings of birds.
The Heritage Pair is proud to have these
two talented artists display their work. The
date of the Fair is October 24th and 25th,
and will be held in the Knights of Columbus
Hall, south of Walkerton.
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An interesting and exciting ;program has Many months of . work and careful
,been planned this year to launch the 1981 planning have gone into, preparing the
Walkerton Heritage Fair. It is a program program which is being called "An
devoted entirely to quilting and has been Adventure in Quilting". It is the -first time
planned to be a learning and sharing for anything like this to be presented in the
experience for both the novice and expert area, • and promises to be an exciting
quilter. afternoon for anyone interested in quilts or
Three quilting experts will be covering quilting. A full house is anticipated.
different presentations of quilting such as: This program, because of the space re.:
how to make a puff quilt, demonstrating quired, will not include the entire. Heritage
Pieced and appliqued techniques and the Fair quilt display. This full display can be
. intricate "Cathedral Window" design. That ' viewed on Saturday and Sunday, October
final and important part of the well made 24th and 25th, along with the many exhibits
quilt will also be explained, - the different and pioneer skills which will again be
methods of finishing quilt edges. included in the Heritage Fair., •
Ontario has sixteen quilting guilds, but "An Adventure in Quilting" will be held
there are no established guilds in this area., in the Knights of Columbus Hall south of
The presdient of the Etobicoke Quilters Walkerton on Friday afternoon, October
Guild will be present to discuss forming a 23rd. The program will commence at 2.00
quilting guild and showing slides of a p.m. sharp, but the doors will be open at
national quilt conference that their guild 1.00 p.m. for book -browsing. There will be
co-sponsoted in May of this year. an admission fee of 81.00. Light refresh -
A book table will include a large assort- ments will be served at the close of the
ment of books for sale on quilts and quilting. program.
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