HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-1-25, Page 4v
4-Tkareday, January 90th, 1N14
All Overcoats at
Big Reductions
Buy now and
sa ri •tine'
W. C. Pridham
& Son
Phone 57 Goderkh
A writer mentions the ease of a lady
eeetenartan who has never been photo-
graphed. Something seems to tell us
that she was not au actreesa.-Punch ,
Mus -Kee -
MUS-KEE-KEE is an old
Indian name meaning
Romance --Read the history
of MUS-KEE-KEE which ac-
companies each bottle
Campbell's Drug Store
Goderich Outwit)
--Mrs. Wm. McWhinney, who was
visiting her -daughter, Mr,. Turner, at
Exeter, baa returners hours,.
Mho Irene Stoll, of Stratford Nor-
+ruet 1{�et�sat the ee t k end at
her bttmrlsatei--._-�"""--- -- -.
Mr. and $ra. Rost. Turner end
sou. of Exeter, spent Smithy with the
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Me -
Mee Dorothy Robertson Ta--rllllttng
whh -ber cousin, Miss Joseephlne Weir
of Auburn,
The Y.P.*. will hold a progressive
er,.kinole party 111 the township hall
on Friday algal Everybody come and
eu)uy an evening's sport.
"Rave Agrieuiture-Sete eatsri"-
1'nder the auspices of the New Can-
ada Movement, the regular meeting
wit. be heed 1n the township hall on
Ttt,raday, February 1st, at 8 p.m., to
discuss rural economics. The program
will be iutersperaed with musical num-
KING4IBEIDGE, Jan. 24. -The Kin -
tail branch of the Women's Inatl-
tite, celebrated their enrnvt'r cry In
' pleasing manner Iasi Friday night. s
The members and their families as-
sembled in McLean hall, Metall, and
c+•joyed a social evening among 'them -
settee. Progremeive euchre was played
es -e first part of the night and the
prices were woe by Mr. Harold Hib-
ls,ne and Mian Ethel Mciensea,--w.hlle
the consolations were awirded to Mr.
Albin Collinson and Miss A. M. Mc-
lunald. A delicious lame was served,
including a liberal belping of ice
cream, atter whleb_derwiug and songs
wire enjoyed until the late hours of
the early morning, ii -Yen all dispersed
(soling Maimed to *Mania: to enough
to be included in the W..1. party.
Mr. T. J. Drennan lett for Detroit
lase week.
Mr. Leon llrllivan spent a day last
week in LOitden.
Miss Katharine Hogan left tor
Chatham this week to enter the nurses'
training school, and Mimi Reta Dal-
ton Intends going to i.ondon very soon
to study for the same profession. We
dots'' like to have our girta leaving
us, but we wish them good lock In
tette endeavor for a nolle profession.
holland la Canada :e leading fore -tin
mtrket for buckwheat. •
Phone 47
Now Playing --(tette Gerrard, in "Lucky (}Irl " ostia M.,Ilt I4nn n
�yAi'iieel r{ forth. contra along jure when yew' weed 1t i.urs of
1ife.and joy with n ea.t e•alralated to amuse you
Some mystery, use drams and quite a dash -of l6r%
Englatwl'« ranking -fun -Tie fie cellneu htghetteppin,Rle pNti
tore tinct k emll.rl hie best.
(Nimble -Li))nel At will. In a Te•htyrr,for Spread, "Mystery of th,
\1'.,\ liu.eum."
Benmiller Meeting
for "New Canada
Speakers Dwell upon Conditi
Affecting the Farming
NILE 1 Province to Take
» N1LdC, ?Peskin -
an t1•- Yr. John $nett of
Gaderiuh .peat • couple of drys this Over B. W. Highway•
week whh his father, 14r. Jas. Snell.
Mr. Harold isalth of Saskatoon,
OMS bask., lr vlalt1 g with his graadtathe (Ooatinued from page I)
ltenwihler, Jan. 9A. --A meeting in
the Interest! of'the-19m Canada Move-
ment was heldat-lienisIller on Thurs-
day night last. Mr. Hamilton Out-
ten, who acted as chairman, outlined
the objects and methods of the Move-
ment, and the first speaker was Mr
Ceel1 Baxter, who spoke on the •na
jec; "Causes of Low Prices of Farm
Produce," and put forth some Inter-
ntenerring and thoughtful observations.
One of the main causes of low prices
Mr. Baxter said, was that the farms
In many cases peddled Ills goods tr
doer to aoor, thus lowering the rete
price and consequently the wholest)
price paid by the local storekeeper.
Mr. Jim Coran followed with some
remarks on the subject, "flow to Nar-
row the Marketing Spread between
Producer and Consumer." One of his
mntn points was that the middleman
was receiving too much for his cer-
vices and the producer not enough.
Yrs. Tait Clark gave some good sug-
matlons as to how the termer might
Improve his marketing conditions. She
cited the flet that the farmers do not
eo operate as they should and will not
stick together as the member* of other
trades and organizations do. By co-
ol. -ration a more uniform price could
tis• obtained for farm products.
An address of enootragement to the
Young farmer was given by Mr. W. L.
Young. In the course of his remar)ts
he gave many treefing Ideas as to
how the agricultural industry might
be benefitted and advocated working
t hYans
gb - the county escort! 1a appeals
to the Government for the changes
On the motion of Mr. Tait park
a vote of thanks was passed for the
action of the township council In al-
lowing free use of the township hall
at Carlow for meetings In the interest
of the Movement. Mrs. Taft Cart
was seized to write the council ex-
pressing appreciation of this kind
Mr. Rose Fisher was ehonen by those
pteeent to be head of the BenaI11er
As there were no -women oa the
pr,grnm e,mmlttee. Mrs. Tait Clark
sed Mra. William Young were placed
nn this committee.
in the near future there is to be ■
Joint meeting with tbe Auburn branch.
Thr program of thin meeting is to be
1n the form of a debate, the "obese('
being: "Resolved, that farming con -
(Mons In Canada are better now than
they were twenty-flve years ago." The
place of meeting and the debaters
here not yet been chosen.
The neretln)f clover! with the singing
of the National Anthem.
PORT ALBERT, Jan. 24. -Mr. and
Mia. W ,of, . 1CgewanJ
are *letting t n�t1hl7h
Wm. Hawkins o2 Sbeppardton, and
other friends.,
Mr.. John Quaid entertained the
Wits f the W.M. Society at her
The ilnnRinnrirt YP.i'
1'uiteel rhureh are presenting a play,
"Chintz Cottage," under the tempter;
of the Port Albert Y.P.R. In the base-
ment of the United church on the
evening of February nth. A small ad-
mleelon fee will he charged. Every -
bony welcome Come and enjoy your.
m. Mr. Win. tdmlth, and other reia- at the tura of 225 rt. radlue. Work
al the terve above might he 'hutted
"Factors which have a bearing on
this item are:
1. The uncertainty that the bridge
when rebuilt will be locatt'd at the
existing mite.
2 The pos.iblilty that the road
will be sustained a. a Provincial high
wt.y in the near future.
"The village of Auburn la eighty
feet above the surface of the river,
and It is not possible to construct a
road in accordance with modern sten-
derde on the eelettne location. There
are two possible routes.
-1. To build on the original reed.
allowance a high bridge in a direct
line with the main street of the vil-
lage. Thin scheme will cost at pree-
ent pries about *123,000.
"2. To utilize the present bridge
site and construct a road directly
rest from the existing bridge along
the back street In the rlllage, and
continuing easterly across the corner
Alae Ethel Tubb gave a talk on the of the farm owned by George Handl-
eat to eonneet with the present fount*
"Our Share in India." An Interest- road. The (oet of this route, inciud-
:ng paper on current events w•na ger- in4, the improvement to the hill west
en by Wilmer Rutledge, and the vie- of the village, will be about *88,000
president, Mr. Edgar Shepperd, took (tucluding a new bridge). Sbopld
charge of the bushes. Mr. Shaw this route be selected, It would be
cloeed tate meeting with the be/ledle. pt'saibte to leave the present bridge
'lom ft,r a thine, and the balance of the
Cergregatlessal meeting, -The an- reed would cost about *211.000.
nual congregational meeting of Nile "Temporary relief could be pro -
church was held on Wednesday after- vided by improving the street through
neon, January 17, Despite the fact the north aide of the village, which
that It was a stormy day a goodly •ir tht route followed when the road
number were 1n attendance. Rev. W=$ originally constructed by the
Q. Shaw, who meted as chairman• runty some seventy years ago.
Enquiry has been made regarding
proposed Dominion and Provincial as.
slstanee toward unemployment relief,
ane it is my belief that the regula-
tions will be amended from time to
time. Attention of provincial author-
ities was drawn tette fact that the
rural municipalities were paying In-.
dheetly their share of alt payments
made by the Dominion and Provin-
cial ' Governments, and that It wonid
he unfair if they were prevented from
participating In the expendituct ,.
Further, it was claimed that work on
Inas Emily McCratten -spent •tib
week with her sister, Mrs. E. Johu-
sten of Cedar Valley.
11r. J: Smith of Luc•►°ow Ia visit-
ing with his &Jaoa, Mt& Tlylllz Me*
Yrs Herb. Pentland of Cedar Val-
ley visited last Friday with her sis-
ter, Mrq. T. Nixon.
A number of young people enjoyed
themselves skating last Saturday
evening at Mr. Chester McPhee's.
The drat *mien meeting of the
Tenni People's Soctettes of the eir-
eu1• will be held en Friday evening
he Nile church. Leeburu will give the
prbgram, Port Albert will furnish
gewes, and Nile will entertain.
The Y.P.S. held their meeting Sun-
day evening In the church, with Kath-
leen W1klems, the missionary conven-
or, In charge. Helen McPhee read
the Scripture, from Genesis 1:1-13,
after wblrb Mr. Shia gate a splen
did address based on this paeeege.
cried on the secretaries and treasur-
ere of tbe variod's"(tepartments te were
aecounts of tbe year's work. Many
of last year's Akers were left in of-
fice for the ensuing year. Mr. An-
drew Methwain was elected steward;
Mr. Gordon Smith treassrer; Messrs.
Thos. McPhee and Geo. Rutledge and
Mesdames H. Watson and C. Stewart
ae the parsonage buffet: and Mlle Vel-
ma Finnigan and Mr Edgar Sttepperd
euditore. During the business dis-
cussion which foll.mee 1t was de-
cided that the hour .'.tow rhur•h'ser-
aim ba changed 1.s 7 p.m. instead efeereenty roads, 1n particular, was per -
1 30 p.m. after Mat 11 I. A vote -cif hope the mootneeded public Improve -
thanks was teat/Wel to the Y.P.B. ment today; whereas In urban muni -
and Y.L.M. for 1n.talling Hydro 1p chpalltles it was at times necessary
Me church. The m.rting dosed with to carry nut works that might be de -
prayer by the pastor. layer, in order to take advantage 01
the scheme. Not only that, but money
GODERICH TOwNSHIP expended on the municipal roads
n•uuld assist condltlons generally, as
--_ much as those made at any other
GODEIUI('H 7.Yltt'N'lill', Jun. 2S.
- little Lillie Enke returned last
week from London. w hire she had
"Widening and draining operations
on roads require considerable labor
been for treatment. She is improving and many sections of road that re
ycely, I quire improvement exhat on the eoun-
Mr. Herb. Johnston Is nursing a ty roads of Huron. Some of the roads
re ry sore leg- Whet'detlrerlog a load , that are in need of improvement, and
of wood in theierldt. ere of his horses might the undertaken, are to follows:
became frightened at :e washing blow- I. Dashwood east
lug on the line, ane kicked Wm ht Klppen east
the shin. ) fi. Logan-Mellillop boundary.
L7ave Davidson
Austin Fuller
Tuesday in Fred Na s hush. A
tinge pile of wood was the result.
These present from a distance for
the funeral of the late Richard Por
4. McKillop -Grey boundary east of 1
- affi-Jule,•- cant -101
tit Grey and Hewlett, east of Turn -
beery boundary.
I M 1111111111111111111 11111111111131111111111
►1111110NHIIUIHll lI lH11111111111111111Nq
Shore and Miss Shore, Wingham; Mr.
and Mrs. Ireland, Teeswater; lir. uud
Mrs. Lorne Lave, Stratford, and Mrs.
Ward. Listowel.
A pancake social and minstrte show
will t,e Merl on ttie evening of Shreve
y, Fehuuary lath, under the ate
spices of the Drantatk' Society of
rules church, in the Orange Hall, 4th
7. Division line, East and West ,
townllne, north of Dungannon.
9. .hong runcession 2, Turnberry.
lb. Gerrie. south.
11. /lase line, Hullett, etc."
At"BCIIN, Jan. 24. --County Engineer
Patterson was here on Friday taking
Unke Church Metes. -Rev. F. W. measurements and levels for a pro-
Cralk occupied the pulpit at Union on iseed new road directly up the hill
Snuday, preaching a very fine mermen from the bridge and through A. As -
from the text: "Kut the wisdom that teeth's orchard, in (oder to eliminate
15 from ahore Is first pure. then peace- tee sharp turn nt the evaporator. Mr.
able, gentle, and easy to be entreated, Patterson, we iinderetand, la to pre -
full of mercy and good fruits, with- ecnt the estimate of cost to the coun-
our partiality and without hypoertay" 11 eouneil this week.
thanes 3:17). The aaerament of the • Mrs. Jae. Johnston Is visiting her
Lord's Supper wax dispensed at the-dedghter In Mitchell thin week.
Mr. Lloyd Dlnnin, who has been
eltee of the mercies to a large num-
= her of cmtimunieante....The annual teller of the Bank of Commerce here
r•ottgregatimsal meeting le being held the hast two years, le being trans -
Tit t'nttnr church this (Thursday) (erred to another branch, possibly at
afieruonn.,.Rerylree will be conducted -Hamilton, and hiss already Left for his-
rid mi refire Itehday, with the pee-ereae at Seaforth on vacation before
toe' In charge., Sunday school at tektng -up his new duties. He tit sac=
2 p.m; pre:iekine service at 3 fem. ctedtel here hy Mr. George Pilgrim,
Oileese Ekrte(1.--A plen.ut(t lie -Iii wise wet here some yearn ago, and
evening wee held on Monde who has been )utterly on the staff at
y„ when Hnm4toe.
Mrs. J. Ii. Orr entertained the mom -
berm of the Drnmatic Society and Mr.T. Mame hes started n skating
prong People's Society ,+t their an-
imal meetings. .1 goodly repreeenta-
the. was presto trona each Society.
The Yonne' People's meet/ng was.la
eharge of Herb, .teimetsw and the torte
:area -read by Dare.-•]Darjditon, It waa
derided' to get more Information about
the orttorlenl centric for the llnrnn
Pr etextery. it use when derided (0
divide the members Into four groups.
each group to he r•etsponslble tin pro-
= grams for three menthe. ` Ten dollars
sew. voter) -M be handed to the mis-
During the time otstock-taking we are offering to
eo le of Goderichykinity outstanding
savings in all ready-to-wear and standard mer-
chandise. The bargains are exceptional and now
is the lime for the thrifty buyers to purchase.
Space will not permit our listing the many reduc-
tions we are prepared to offer; so do not miss
this opportunity of visiting our store and seeing
for yourself the great savings you may mgke on
all articles of particular interest to you.
Ladles', Misses'. Men's and Boys' Wear
rink on the Anhnrn playground and
or, Saturday night a goodly number
or skaters enjoyed themeelres.
Mre. IVm. 11111 of Goderich visited
at the home of Mrs. H. 11..H111 over
_Mr. Oliver Anderson 1s attending the
Yonne I'eopie s ('otrteretroe at Stint:'
herd this week.
Mr. and Mr.. R. D. Ifunro and fata-
lly spent the week -end at the home of
bee sister. Mrs. Strangler of Se'bring-
p st0twrx and ' ms'nt[llan+e treasurer. The public• library hoard la holding
= \1r ('calk then eendnetetl the election it curies, rroklntle and dance party
of tflleere for t�tla)l which resultedae o•, Feder erentng.
fellows: Preah +t, Nora /*aweigh; ()wing i' the bud rent., Dr of the
thus-prraklent, M nitro Colwell; erre- terdn ism' v.Sr. Rev., Dc Tay
rets.ry, Marlon Porter; treasurer, ter nal a lir. Sherman `rete un•
rterett Mellwnh,: organist. Marion A'tbie to b ( with their r1 think
m allk .
P,,rter, Captnlns of the fever.i ofgrof suers do do think alike;
pm are mr,uy Of our citizens not look with
1':verr1rt-efeeleiestn. (revel Powell, Mar-
morrlto Falconer need Dare Davidson. al+t�.vsl 7n t1u. r (W(. new, road.
fife meeting was eloa(d with prover IlogR #7. -: pee rat. Best soon be
The meet) Nr Fg rmer ; we shall again be
tit; of the rehmur tlr Pportey surging -The Man behindttlP Plough "
Gun followed, The treaenrrr reported
Flt -tele on hand. 11 was rated to hand
123 to the rhnrrh freeanrer for the
general fund. The election of ofitr•rrs
New ('anadiaat to (lehatw-On Wed-
nesday evening last the Auburn unit
of the New ('monde Movement met In
Hen emitted;1rtrlrtor, Mr.. i. 11. VetMee Foresters' Hall. Mr. Wm. L.
'Orr; a(Mistant director, Mrs. Gordon the
('end allehlp mddrewith
(he; eeerlf*ry, Mrs, Gorden llerwood: the great
mod was tlglt. M to with
tremor*. Mrs. A. Tk'hh erne : Mud- m great deal of Interest. seismic -OM 1'. A.
nevi committee, )! tt. speak,
as n we waspresent,
Mrs. fleorR(! Kr/1 t,. Rp'ak, scam nnabMe to be ttrl'mPnt,
wits». lin I♦ PtiuhIpt, Miss Nora It was derided to stage a delete with
was* J•esla.,, Tjann,,,,,,,,2310 Lite Smith's rTA1JJ..-11A1Lth
tweet Int rinsed Ella• t sI *r, .A weeks` -time. The
splendid Inners was carved and a 11eis ' a'ak3a�af.-wi'tpr" rC;
was spent nodally. Into r•ondltiOns are better foliar than
ate will he: ' Resolved, that farm
they were twenty are :emirs ago"
WP hare ROMP saga almanacs. Ton This ahonld prose rere Intercepting.
err wNrnme to ma, cA$P111Cit'S Look for farther nnnonneement nowt
IIAYFIELI), Jtt1a, la, ---Mrs. George
Little is visiting In Goderich fur a
fee days.
Mrs. A. Erwin returned last week
from London, where she vtalted friends.
On Friday evering Of Last week the
• library board held a auceeeaful pro -
14 i,tte tow»
hull, when all had a Moet enjoyable
time. The tnllbwtng won prizes:
Ken's first, Wm. Stirling; consolation,
Mh.ton Pollak; ladies' fiat, Mrs. I.
Mc Ewan ; ren•.d(Nler, Mims Anuls Me.
Leos). Waneiwh•bra)4 cake and coffee
were served, toilet/0 by dancing. The
James i.lnd•ny esehalatra very kindly
furnished the music gratis on this
Orange Sodtd.-.A social was held
in the Orange Hail on Wednesday of
hitt week for members of the lodge
and their families and friends. The
fire: part of the erentng was spent in
progressive euchre. Mrs. F. Gemeln-
hardt won the ladles' prise and Miss
Maude Castle was awarded the conso-
Intton. Charlie Parker won the
gents' prise, while the consolation
went to J. W. Tippet. After refresh -
meets were served a program conslat-
lug of violin selections by Jas. Lind -
any and George Weston, three num-
1•ers by the juvenile orchestra, the
Highland fling by Maude Parker, a
song by Charlie Parker, and "Faith-
ful Sailor IBoy." sung by John Parker,
wes much enjoyed.
Bayfield Agricultural Seekty,-Tse
annual meeting of the Rayfield Agri-
caitural Society was held at the town
Lall on N-ednee ty afternoon, January
17th. The rhairmaa of the meeting
was William Sparks. The president,
'John McClure. Bare a very good ad-
dress regarding lest year's fair, The
secretary's report showed that a total
of 1716 entries were made; offered
for prfiei, *72.85; aasonnt awarded
in prizes, 4610.110. There are several
Who ake ui o- . number of entries
and win a considerable amount and
the system of making a charge for
entries over a e•ertaln number (as has
been the -custom in several societies)
vete! likely he adopted here -It-
decided not to send a delegate -Wille
fair board eemvention at Toronto.
Officers and directors for 1934 were
al'Polnted at follows: President, John
McClure; lit rlre-president. Robert
lush rlcrpre,itlent. John
ltethw•ell ; directors, Wm. J. Stinson,
Fra! 3Uddlrtutl..Samuel Iintston, Wm.
PFarki, Thomas Snowden, T. M.
it'oode. F,. Foster, Frank Keegan, Wm.
Stevenson. W. W. Wise, Carl Diehl,
R&4.ert lli-Murray, Mrs. Freed Middle-
ton. Mrs. T. Snowden, Mrs. Seeds,
Mrs. N. W. Woods, Mrs. Fred Me -
Ewan; auditors, John R. Cameron,
James H. Iteid; (secretary, A. E. Er-
win; treasurer, F. A. Edwards. Tho
annual fancy dress carniral le to 1*
held Wed esl.ay of Faster week. It
wits suggested that a piny or convert
he giren in FrSruary or Match and s ,
ecmmlttee was appointed to make nr- '
Vestry :MeeNrgm,-The annual 17,,1 r% 1
H. Blackstone
en We BroadwayYaf1A'jr
Headquarters for the
Quebec Stove
meeting of Trinity church, Baydeid, --
was held on Tuesday, January 18th,
at 8 p.m., in the chnrcb. It was well
attended in spite of stormy weather.
Mr. W. J Elliott was appointed rec-
tor's warden and Mr. W. J. &otc'hmer
people's warden. Mr. W. J. Elliott
WAS elected lay delegate to the Syn-
od. with Yr. R. Heard as substitute.
The following were elected member!
0' tht select vestry : Messrs. F. A.
Ii"wards, L Elliott, R. Heard, Wm.
Parker, D. McNaughton, Wm. Stin-
son. J. Tippett, C. Ward, D. Gatbraltb
and S. Wideotnlee. The following
dciesmPn were appointed: Mesas. R.
Heard, W. Parker, e. Widcombe, L.
El.lott, Wm. Heard, N. Heard, J.
Parker, John Wayne, Alf. Reotchner,
jr., and H Stinson. Sneerer -tory re-
perte were received and plans made
for furture ilnanring to bring pay-
ments within the calendar year,
The budget was paid Ia tdL
Tic• vestry passed .a hearty wow e7
thanks to Mrs. W. J. Elliott for the
gift of a beautiful chancel screen to
be-ereeted neat week. Also to Mrs.
Hinde for her faithfulness In supply.
lug beautiful flowers emit Sunday
during the summer. The vestry also
'authorized the installation of electric
ices in the church building. The
enthuslastle meethre was brought to
a Glome hy the rector, Rev. W. G. Bug-
ler, who acted as chairman through-
out....7Te annual vestry meeting of
St. John's r•hurch, Vara hof Bayfield
parietal. was held on Monday, Jan.
eery 15th, at 14 p.m., In the eharch„
.X meeting was welt attended.
T. R'erkw wee appointed reet
warden and Mr. D. A. Galbraith was
elee•ted people'e warden. Mr. Wm.
i.•,gtn was elected lay delegate to the
Synod and lir. Ed. chutes,. substitute
It} delegate. The following were
elected to the select vestry: Mews.
Geo. N. Beatty, ('. Diehl. W. new, (leo.
ftentty. Wm. Logan and C. Stamp, .r.
The folloa trig eldeeglmpn were ap-
pointed . %lessen. 1'. Elliott, A. Elliott,
TI.os. chutes-. fleeted Elliott and C.
14 amp, Jr. Satisfactory reports were
'resented showing all accounts paid
us' a small bolanee on hand. The__
.o.•get wee
paid in full.
jMoriaand Richmond Shoes for lea
"ery-purehaa!" y- a•,,
Isalr of Astoria or RI
Owfords 1s sure of getting a full measure o,f each of
go to make up a flood Shoe.
Fullmea•ore of style because each pair of 112 ford. 1. matte on
Full men•nrr of eerrlrP brageelitPj"e�P made from the flnP+t -Y
selected lemttwr,
Full mea•+tre of comfort !wenn,* Astoria and Richmond Shoes
are n•ade in natural ehapa and on wise principles.
ROLE AGENTS FOR (;e)D}:ft1('ll
Geo. MacVicar
North Side of Squire--
you rush madly to the station .. .
and you kilo -links the last train
• • a and they're expecting
you home ton-fiht . r' .
C..' ,.-) a teleph.7ne ■ ■ .
Long D tpncs call will . -~
avoid trouble r9d worry.
0 Fvc, if you never miss a train, you'll find
the telephone a ready messenger. For any
kind of new. Talking on Long Distance
i• c csy and so inexpensive. Look in the
front of your directory for the list of rates
-hill voiles or so for as lift:e as 30 cents,