HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-30, Page 221. Cords of ' °thanks GARRETT wish, to thank all who came to be part of my retirement service at St. Peter's Anglican Church last Sunday evening. Your gifts and good wishes to my wife and myself are deeply ap- preciated. George Garratt .-39 • LUCKNOW .. :. AGRICULTURAL �nrrnunss The Lucknow Agricultural Society would like to thank all those who helped to make the 1981 Lucknow Fall Pair° such a success. -39 REID I ° wish to thank my family,. kind neighbours and friends, doctors and nurses on third floor east, Victoria Hospital, 'London, for care, flowwers, treats, visits, cards andgood, wishes. - Bob Reid. -39x ,.. We would like to express our. sincere thanks to friends, neighbours and relatives for expressionsrof sympathy dur- ing our recent bereavement. of a loving husband, father and grandfather. Special thanks to Reverend Paul Mills, MacKenzie and Mc- Creath Funeral Home and the Lucknow .Ladies Auxil- iary. Edith Ross and family —39 32. 'Coming events PLOWING MATCH Bus trip to plowing match, Thursday, October 1. Leave Lucknow 6:30 a.m. Contact Montgomery Motors, 528- 3007 or 528-3823, for further information.-37,38,39ar STORY HOUR Story hour at `;Ripley Public Library. Pre-school children, ages 3 - 6 come each Monday from -.1 - 2 p.m, beginning' October 5, 1981. Limited space; bring cut off carpet or cushion to sit on. Any questions contact library, 395-5919. —38,39 PUBLIC MEETING Lucknow .Minor Hockey pub- lic meeting Thursday, .Octob- er 1st at Lucknow Town Hall (upstairs) at 8:00 p.m. This is a very ' important meeting. Due to rising costs and an increase- in the system; it is # very important that interest- ed nterested parties attend, and voice their opinion. Past attend- ance has been poor. Please try and attend. -38,39 • • CONSIGNMENT STOCKER • SALES at LUCKNOW COMVII111TY SALE 400 head ' Monday, October 19 Monday, November 2 at 1:30 p.m. Phone 395-5230 or 528-9912. 39tfar BLflH CENTRE FOR ARTS Are you ready for the Blyth Centre for the Arts Gala? October 23, 24, 25.—39,40ar HEREFORD ZONE SHOW East Central Ontario Here- ford Zone Show, Sale, Satur- day, October 17, 1981. The Sale breeders recommend. Show .4 p.m., Sale 7 p.m., Peterborough Fairgrounds. Catalogues, Box 35, Carrying Place, Ontario. —39nx 0.1141,11OMMI ism 32. Coming.i've• nt0 LOG SAWING COMPETITION. Western Ontario log sawing championship competition to be held in conjunction with Teeswater Fair,October 10. Total Prize money $425. ' Registration until 1 p..m. -39nx TEESWATER "A" FAiR Teeswater "A" Fair, ,Oct- ober ' 10. Parade, covered show ring, livestock classifi- cations, 4-H shows, harness races, horse shows, exhibits," concessions, : midway, heli- copter rides, 2 dances.. :3 HOWICK LIONS BINGO Will be held on Friday, October 2 at 8 p.m. in Wroxeter Community ..Hall. Admission $1.00; 12 regular games for 510.00; 2 share the wealth; one $25.00.. special; jackpot $180.00 on 55 calls purple ball $160.00; door and consolation prizes: —39ar CASH BINGO At St. Joseph's Church, Kingsbridge, Thursday, Oct- ober 1, at 8:00 p.m. No children under 16. Sponsored by Kingsbridge Area Sen- iors. -39T ,•••••.1••••:•I • MINOR HOCKEY • • • FIGURE SKATING • REGISTRATION • • AND j• • MINOR SPORTS • • EQUIPMENT SALE • • • Saturday, October 10, 10 O a.m. - 12, 1 - 4 p.m. and •. • Saturday, October 17, 1 • • "5 p.m., Ladino* Town • • Hall. Hockey players • • bring Social . Insurance • Number and OHIP num- • ber. Figure Skaters bring • • OHIP number and badge •. • level or CFSA level. • • Sale includes hockey • • equipment, figure skating • • dresses, skates, s'' equip- • ment or any athletic • equipment. Anyone wish- • • ing to consign articles can . • • bring them to the Town • • Hall Thursday, October 8, • • 10 a.m. to 12 and Friday, • October 9, 1 - 3 p.m. • • Articled must be clean, • • securely priced and listed. • • Unsold articles will be • returned to owner. Sale • • • sponsored by Lucknow • • Figure Skating Club who • • will retain 15% of the ;- • king price. For further • • 'phone 529- • ,335 or 528.3617. • +-38,39,40 • •••l•s•l•••is0 KOUNTRY KEN BAZAAR Pine River U.C.W. annual Kountry Kitchen . Bazaar, Saturday, October 3, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Kountry Kitchen features large bake table, home made knitted articles, crafts, preserves, Xmas cake and pudding, good variety of quilts, large and small. Lunch available. At Pine River Church, 2112 miles north of Amberley, on hwy. 21. —38,39 •' err—:`•Mimi•■,—.....IY. 32. Coming ovnt CHILDREN'S `. PROGRAM You're invited to a free library , program, ' "It's Magic" with Paul Freeman, Magician, on Friday, Oc- tober 9, 1981, at 4 p.m., Lucknow Library. Admis j sion free. Everyone welcome. -39,40 TOWN AND COUNTRY BOWLING The Town and Country Bowling , will commence ,2 p.m. October 1; Anyone wishing to bowl on this league call 528-3833 or 528- 3512. New bowlers will be welcome. —38,39 HOW DOES YOUR SENTINEL LABEL READ? ' HEATED, "I GARAGE SALE Due to rain, the, sale at Harvey Culbert's, '4 Hole. south . of Dungannon held over till October'3 at 11 a.m. Nine families. -39 HOTTURKEY' SUPPER. Lucknow United Church, Tuesday, October 20, 4:30. to 8 p.m. Adults $5.00, under 12 years, $2.50.-39,40 L "0"11010 rr .... ...."— — — 32.: Coi'ning,'eVOnto C.N.LB, CANVASS -"Money can't buy sight, but your dollars . help". Canvassers , will be calling in Ashfield and West- Wawanosh area during October. Please help.7-39 ocL ow Sentinel, Wednesday; ORM 0111111 "MO 1.7" el" C. 1Nented September 30, 1981 ---Page 22' WANTED - cattle sick or disabled, pay top dollar, Call Teeswater anytime 392,6829. -39,46 MEMBERSHIP MEETING - October 12 is membership meeting for Junior Farmers " at 8 p.m. at Brookside School.' Ages of 15-30. Junior Farmer History books for sale. $10. Phone 529.7594.-39• • Attention Farmers A. For sale FALL RUMMAGE SALE - Auxiliary to Wingham and District Hospital Rummage Sale will be held, at the Wingham Armouries, Fri- day, October 16, 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. -39 HEREFORD SALE - Thanksgiving . Banner Sale Elzevir Hereford Farms; R.R. No. 1, Flinton, Ontario. October 12, 1981 at 1 p.m. Selling approximately 75 head from free .listed herds. Elzevir Hereford, Golden Oak, Roxwood, Nymdale, Elm Lodge and Hasting Poll- ed Herefords Farms. 39nx. "SONGS FROM . THE ' THEATRE" • a brilliant one `.woman show by Beth Anne Cole: Blyth Memorial Hall` Oct. 7, 19814 Wednesday 8. p.m. Reserved seats . $6.00 Call 523-9300.--39 ST. HELENS SHOOT .PAR- TY at the St. Helens. Hall on October :1, 1981 at 8:30 p.m.. Prizes and lunch: Everyone welcome. -39 TEESWA.TER FALL FAIR -October 10th are spon- soring, a Commercial Pork Class. Hog entries must assemble at Teeswater Hog Producers Assembly Yard between 2:00 and 4:00 p.m. on Monday, October 5th. Ex hibitors may make two en- tries only. Hogs will be judg- ed on carcass basis only. Society reserves the right to limit the number of entries to 30-hogs..-39ar- AUTUMN LEAVES BUS TRW depart Legion Hall 7' a.m., Thursday, October 8, for Parry Sound. 3 hour boat trip around30,000 Islands on heated boat with open decks and washroom facilities. 3 hour stop over at Parry Sound. Bring own lunch. Eating on board. Varied entertainment en route. Reserve immediately. Phone Elmer Umbach 528- 3004.-39 air. • FOR RENT OR SALE. 100 ACRES, KINLOSS Township. Will accept $35,000.00 down and take back a first mortgage for long period around 12% range. Suitable for young farmer. No agents please. Apply in writing to Box S, c/o Lucknow Sentinel, P,O. Box 400, LUCK - NOW, NOG 2H0. -37,38,39, 40x . — din Immo --- coin mow - me. ' B. Custom work CUSTOM PLOUGHING Wm. R. Nelson Phone 528.2949 after 6 p.m. —37-43 . SWATHING - HAY AND GRA combiningrwagons and trucks available; plowing and trucking; ' cultivating. Anytime -Anywhere. Phone after 5 p.m. 529-7488. —24tfar. CUSTOM . COMBININ,G corn, large machine; wagons and auger included. Friendly service. Call us at 6 p.m. ask for Gary, 528-2624. -35-39x YARD SALE -Next to Bank of Montreal parking lot, Lucknow, Saturday, October 3,1981,10 a.m. to 3 p.m. 395- 5411 or 528-2702.-39 RIPLEY LIONS BINGO- Ripley and.District Lions Bingo, 8 p.m. Huron Township Hall, Ripley, W a ° y, September 30. One pot of gold; 10 regular gang, 005; 4 corner jackpot on 5 calls, $40; purple ball, $60; 2 novelty specials, $25; one share the wealth; jackpot, :X75.00 on 54 calls. Consolation, $37.50. Door priles..49ar Farms Inc. CUSTOM COMBINING CORN. SOYA. BEAN AND TILLAGE PLOWING 2 Combines Available dial 395-2447 r T&A-MldNll BUYING CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS Custom Cleaning Cleaning Wheat ELLIOTT'S :SEED :MILL And Trucking Ludlow Phone 5284500 USED LITTER. CARRIER and track in ' good condition, will remove. Call 528-6542 or write Tony McQuail, R. R. 1 Lucknow.. —38,39. amp mow arm sow aim mar urn mom aim ern d.. Livestock row *imp dor LUCKNQW SHIPP R't MOVED C®•® ERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO.. Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR R. R. # St LUCKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lueknow Stockyards CALL 528.3530 Home or 528-3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by. 8:30 a.m: for prompt service ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE sc—..- 4 WANTED CATTLE, sick or disabled, pay top dollar. Call Teeswater anytime, • 392- 6829. -35-38 REGISTERED Polled Here, ford bulls, halter broken; ready for work. Ed Powell, R. # 1, Wingham, phone 335- 3893. -38.39 SUFFOLK SHEEP for sale, 9 unregisteredewe lambs, Ap- ril and May born, ' sired by Voelmle ram, $110.00 each. Phone '529-7861.-39 E. Farm 'services BERG STABLE EQUIPMENT, Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Cra- tes, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. 3, Hoiyrood, phone 395-5390. 30tfar CUSTOM" SILO FILLING; two row harvester and three wagons; two tractors. Call us after 6 p.m. Ask for Gary. Phone 528-2624. —35-39x CUSTOM COMBINING, corn and soyabeans; rotary combine: Can arrange truck- ing. Phone 3954516 even- ings. —38-41 CUSTOM COMBINING CORN 30 inch rows. Phone Jinn Ritchie 529.7568.39,40x CUSTOM CONDONING CORN AND SOY BEANS. Two combines available. CallO5-5842.-39 at sm. C. Wanted LYNN'.LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 395.52.6 BUTLER- Ring Drive Silo; Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, Convey -n -Feed Cattle .Feeders, Single Chain Conveyers, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil- mixers. FARMATIC iI 'Blender Hammer Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground H -Moist ure Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN - Cable Barn Cleaners, Hydraulic : Man- ure pumps. WESTEEL-ROSCO-Grain bins 13250,000 bu. Bulk Feed Tanks. ACME - Fan -Jet Ventila- tion Systems. ASTON : Ventilation Sys tens. B&L- Complete Hog Confinement Systems.. SLURRY -SLINGER . Li- quid Manure Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment. AERO -FLUSH Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators. WE HANDLE EVERYTHING :ALMOST -- 21tfar Hutton WHITECHURCH First time offered; profession- ally restyled 3 bedroom home on a lot 85 x 135. Roof, siding and . carpets are nearly new. Asking in the twendes. Owners moving. WEST WAWANO$H - a good 3 bedroom home on. a one acre lot. Home has new siding and roof in the last 3 , years: Included is washer, dryer, frig and stove, taxes $118 per year, try your offer,•: DUNGANNON AREA 1 5.6 acres very attractive three bedroom brick. home, tastefullydecorat- ed. Five year old. 20 z 40 workshop, 40 .x 60 barn. Owner most anxious to sell. LUCKNOW - 17 level acres on paved road with 6 yr. old angel -brie house. Finished rec. room in full basement.Electric base- board heating. Other ex- tra features - Columbia cupboards, attached gar- age, steel barn 20 z 40. All offers carefully consid- ered. KINLOSS - 100 acres over 50 workable, brick house, barn 40 x 55, asking 563,000. HIGHWAY 86 east of Whitechurch.. Totally re- store'. inside and out, three bedroom house with new ' decks, new double carport, family room, spacious kitchen, full in, sulation, workshop. 55 x 35, lot 2 acres in size. Asking 559,500 with ex- cellent financing. A. place for a family to enjoy. MEL MATHERS Wingham Phone 357-3208 Rep. L. W. Hutton Real Estate Ltd. Broker, Kincardine �.I 0101612111.121dat mem ammo arms mir 011.111210.11.111, mass mom. WANTED TO RENT - well drained and good productive land for cash cropping. Call 395-5842 before 7:30 a.m. or after 8 p.m. --33-40 a�r+�rd Yee>w c.r Y�r+u uwi. a. u•.r r�+