HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1934-1-25, Page 3THE SIGNAL CALENDARS are here. Make sure of one by prying your subseription promptly for 1934. • i ud ® SIGNAL PRINTING 00., MUTED, Publishers J. W. Craigie INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE Dominion, Provincial, and Municipal Bonds F. WOOLLCOMBE Sills fasoraace of Every Kind ASK fOR RATES BEFORE RENEWING OR PLACING NEW INSURANCE Phone 296 'The 0. F. Carey Co. Pk*, Accident alid robs- Car —�-- ,NSURANCE - --0118 Rosdc Tempts, West '11*- aerwt Mamieh- NEI.ON HILL Telephone 790 Manager 4 INSURANCE REAL ESTATE and S TOCL-S W. J. POWELL mei 2!2 P.O. Bei 438 GOTARICII, ONTARIO, THURSDAY; JANUARY 25, 1934 SAYE 50c by paying your subscription to The Signal vi advance. And don't forget to ask for your Calendar. ee Lively Session -in Prospect at Toronto Approach of Election Expected to Inject Spice into the Proceediegs (Special to The Signal) Toronto, Jan. 21 -The fifth and final session of Ontario's eighteenth Legislature, which ell' get ander way when seventeen gun. boom in Queen's Park next Wednesday, promises to be a brief but boisterous one. Cbarges of mal adutinl*trstlou—ptelodes to the general election next summer—will be brought against the Government by Opposltlonlsts and are expected to make things lively. But little con- tentious legislation, that would take up the time of the House, has been forecast. The session will be like fireworks—spectacular and short. One highlight will be the special committee Premier G. S. Henry has promised to sift charges that Daniel McCaughrtn, former Ott police magistrate, was to get $2. from his successor for rethink, that two Cabi- net Ministers connived at the payment, seed that one of the IIInIsters ' con- cerned was a relative of the man who was to be McCaughrin's succe'paor. Liberals claim the committee's findinge will be a "whitewashing' in wof the preponderating number of Conser- vatives that will sit on it. The acts at any rate, should be broughtto light prcTertjona1 W that part of this cod prife-beliirfueld ode. Although great hopes were held out that Premier Henry would return from last week's Dominion -Provincial couference with a scheme ter unem- ployment insurance, it now appears that this question is still unsettled and no legielatk n on it can ►,e ri- led fA1a nesMon. The conference will. however, probably result In min- Nfhiglslatlon on a works program and tlirtet yelicf. Noiltint New on Beer Question Rumors periodically crop ,up that the L.C.A. 1s to be amended to legal- ize sale of beer by the glees, but of- ficialdom refuses to deny or confirm these whisperings. Premier Henry's suggestions', made last summer, favor- ing a "loosening -up," remelns the sole official retuark. It appears that the Government intends to wait as long as possible before crystallizing plane on this question, in order to see which way the Ind is blowing at election time. The Premier bee received some 15,000 postcards protesting against any change in liquor yacee, while Bev- eral delegations have lately urged freer sale. All these indication of what the Province is thinking will no doubt be considered before a policy is formulated. It remains a poesibtity, however, that this session will see a beer -by -the -glass measure imaged. Several Vacant Sesta Nix members present last year will I be missed when the House opens. Five have died : F. J. Skinner (Cont, Leeds), P. J. Henry (Com., Past Kent) , F. W. ElUott (IAb., North Bruce), Hon. E. A. Dunlop (Cons., North Renfrew), and Hon. Dr. J. D. Monteith (Cone., North Perth). L V. Cote (Com., East Ottawa) has be- come a Senator. Only one of these vacancies has been filled by by-election. In East Kent, D. M. Campbell, IAberal-Pro- greasive, woo allowed to take the seat by acclamation although It End pre- viously been held by a Government supporter. Premier Henry has taken over the treasurership, Tacated by Mr. Dunlop's death. Hon. L Macaulay, Minister of Highways, has became Minister of Works as well, and Hon. Dr. J. M. Robb, Minister of Health, is now also Minister of Labor, Use two portfolios having previously been held by the late Dr. Monteith. HydroOpposition Fighting hadit n innings last session, but it U likely they will figure prominenUy again In this es 's debates. Jibes on the payment $126,000 to John filed, jt� fopri ser- vices" _ in buying power interests for an oversupplied Provin- cial Hydro system will fly across tbe Boor of the House. Tauatsthat two . Ministers held depreciated toads when the Government compen- sated bondholders ata figure close to par will also be beard. Hydro offi- cials' salaries, dwarfing those of Cabinet Ministers, should provide the Opposition with more ammunition. The Government must answer alle- gations that commisalow' were paid by a distillery to a prominent Tory for getting its brand hated by the LI- quor Control Prem- ier Henry will be nakeFinally, toexplain why, as MkafaM8 of Mighways, be wouldn't let Gray Coach lines take ovet the route to Oshawa unless they got it aa a tmonopoiy, and why they eo ow d- . the.Y sa asst. Alt these charges are branded as "innuendo" by Conservative spokes- men. They claim they can exonerate The Arm Real Estate ad Iwrace Agency FOR BAIT Good dwelling house, very cheap, mall down payment accepted. Small farm near Goderiob. Big bar- gain, easy terms for payment. J. W. ARWITROIG REAL ESTATE � Ilex M SUMMER miaow Summer's most alluring charms await your coming refreshing breeses .. . sunkimed beaches . ideal golf. riding. bathing . . CALIFORNIAiog New low round trip fares now is affect (approximately 2016 under pre.ews tares) offer ��lpn of ung. bods ways via �ootsrethboth ways via , return- ingmes- or the other. Choice of lines beyond . Reduced sleep- ing ! Tickets good to return within 12 mouths � tiuraalm Beach Miami. Coe Mi- ent toesections ars made Oar all Florida points vis Detroit at Buffalo. .. LU Particulate from arty agog - n CANADIAN NATIONAL t Kegel' .tseansRtsiy, yr-_. IRO (lain On the other hand, the Government will be able to "point with pride" to a purples. of $47e,000 for the financial Year had budgeted for31 a 62,900,000 de- fcit. Then Opposltionlsts will "view with alarm" an increase of some $20,- 000,000 in the public debt, notwith- standing the surphns. This Is due to the bookkeeping system which classes certain items as "capital expenditure" and ignores them in computing sur- plus or deficit. They can also point out that more than half the Province's gross debt of 6600,000.000 has been incurred since 1923, wbeu the present tsglme began, and contrast Ontario's per capita debt of $145 with Quebec's The Government will probably titres' the argument that revenues ex- ceeding the estimates testify to re- viving prosperity, while lower expen- ditures are evidence of their economy. They will land themselves for the so- cial services—old age pensions, moth- ers' allowances, unemployment relief end the dike—lnatttutel during their tenure of office. Mr. Hepburn Attends Omens LOO>C AT YOUR The Signal'. mailing lista were corrected this week and subscribers are requested to look at the label on the paper. Any errors should be reported at once, so that a Ow. k -up may be made and any errors ad- justed. To those still 1n arrears may we ask your kind attention and an early remittance. Thr amount due from any one sub scriber may not be large, but when there are hundreds on our mailing list 1t soon m)ants to a large sum. Win you do your part? The subscription price is $1.50 to Canadian addresses if peld In advance. To United States ad- dresses $2, and the same to all subscribers 1f not paid In ad- vance. SENT OUT OF TOWN When Arthur Kirkpatrick appeared before Magistrate Reil on Saturday morning he was released on suspended set,tence, on eondltlon that he leave town immediately. Kiratrick, w gave hie address as St.- John, !CB, was arrested on .a spatial -charge vagrancy on January 9th, when hee� was found to be In tm'eselon of a bottle of anti-freese which be ad- mitted having been drinking. At the timed his arrest he wee remanded until Saturday last while pollee lcuked up bis past reword after fin- ger -printing him. Other than several arrests on vagrancy chargee, nothing was found against Kirkpatrick. stooling Only -iv of Education wrote conception of things. A girl nal not be able to win her way ILToagb confuter, lad yet she may • prove to be a wonderful litany -maker. A boy may not be able to grasp tech- nical knowledge and yet may be a first-class practical mechanic. "Let us exalt all honest work and encour- age our young pen* to du their best lu their own pa lar calling." Mr. Macleod advised chose ro-op- _ err.Uun between parents and teachers At'the regular meeting of the Vic -1 Pupils would benefit greatly, he said, if the parents weld talk over their torte Home and &hoot Club on Tisane i referred last t o repo- o � In c committee was read by lire. Gee. John- I to the ueed for both parents and sten. The followiug members take of- 1 teachers of Divine guldaute. "There - are timer wbe.-m need to pray for wlesiow and patience 1f we are to help our boys and gtrk to lied the best way of life and to follow the teaching of Him Who said, 'Iuaswuch as ye have done It unto the lea.t of these little ones, ye have done It nnto Me."'" Also on the program were a mouth- j organ selection by Elden Fisher, a violin solo by Ted Munn, who was ac- c'ompanled at the piano by his father, Mr. Bn ese Mun, a solothe by cosMrs.tumfl ed gius., a Japansongnby rls of Miss Johnston's class, and a cor- net 'polo by Billy Carter. The Club hal decided to have a theatre night on Monday, February 5. The nest meeting, on February 16, will be the eleventh birthday anniver- sary -of the Vidalia Ilene sad-.$sh�el Club. Fl *EN ENTH YEAR, NO. 4 Bev. Donald McLeod Pleads for Broader Conceptions of _ Child Triu.itng problems with the teacher-. h t f the nominating losln4 Ma MacLeod heel Ier red FOLLOWS HUSBAND 1114 DEATH Word was received in Exeter of the death of Mrs. (,Rev.) M. J. Wil- son, which took place at ber home in California on December Surd. Mrs. Wilson greatly mourned the death of her husband, which took place on October 1st last year. Rhe contracted a cold which was followed by com-It. Vincent c;,. V. w . .u_. -' °w'w -ewes ~ries, le,, encouraged, the young ays p _ drat" mhto the world de - For ten days previous to her death guests on 'Thursday at the i -Of people will g0"(Ait" she was ancomcloua. Mr. Wilson was Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor, tat. mending everything from life without pastor of the James street UnitedII Helens. Twitting any contribution towards It church from July, 1919, to 1923. HeJ We are pleased to be able to report --a apirlt which has brought the world f'' .err- Porta Retold 1bet Y ) 4lW. who hes been to its present state of chaos. by many tri eods� ssunity. attendins W1'1nShtili Niel vat teen ate + e....t-: :&—=ud4eNieraa*e The word was received in Exeter by Mr. W. 8 Cole—Exeter Tines— Advo-cate. The late Rev. M. J. and Mrs Wil- son are well remembered at Nile, where they were 'tattooed for a term. WESTFIELD tie° for the year 1934: President, Mrs. J. C. CuU; lint vice-president, lit s. J. Howard; second vice-president. Mrs. R. Bisset; third vice-president, lire 11. Palmer; treasurer, J. E. Smith; secretary. Mrs. J. Hume; cur respoudlug secretary, Mrs. F. It. Mil- ler; il-ler; pianist, Mrs. W. Drew ; aaistant plaulst, Mira E. Hume; welfare com- mittee, lira R. Deer, Mrs. Worth", Mrs. Geo. Johnston, Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. N. Young, Mrs. Palmer; social eemmlttee, Mrs. W. 1e 11. Price, Mrs. R. inset, Mrs R. Doak, Mrs. Howard, Mrs D. 1. Hill, lira. MacTaviab, Miss Meme, Mrs. Robs. Johnston, Mrs. J. 11. Taylor ; ways and means commit- tee. Mrs. Riley, Mrs. Hume, Mrs. Mee R. Wilson, Mrs. Shore, Mrs. Hanley, hiss Wiggins, Mrs. C. . Iroliirtson. The members of the club and the teaching staff ut the school were di- vided into committees made respon- sible for the preparation of programs throughout the year. The convectors for the monthly meet- ings are : March, C. M. Robertson and 11. Stonehouse; April, Mrs. Moss and Miss Wiggins; May, Mrs. R. Mathte- sur and Miss MacDonald; June, Mrs. Hume and Mrs. Reddltt; September, Mrs. C. Thomas and Miss G. Sturdy; October, Mrs. Robt. Johnston and MIss Robinson; November, Mrs. D. L Hill and Mims Hume; December, hes[ nem meeting; January, Mrs. C. Wor- sen and Mies Johnston; February, Mrs. Palmer and Miss Hartwell. An excellent program, prepared by a committee under Miss Hartwell ted Mr. J. E. Smith, was presented at the meeting on Thursday last- The speak- er, Rev. Donald MacLeod, gave an extremely interesting talk on "Educa- tion." He asked the parents to con- sie.er educetioel in the broadest sense of the word, not merely in relation to school. A child's education, he said, begins In Its earliest years, long before be or she goes to scbooL 11 a boy or girl L allowed to get a wroMel''_ attitude towards life in those early days it le unfair to expect the teach- ers to change it. If the habit of eel - WESTFIELD, Jan. 23 --Mrs. A. Amish spent a few days last week with bar mother, Mrs. Phoebe Tay- lor of Blyth. Mr. Geo. Bradford of Goderich L visiting at the home of Mrs. Geo. Snell. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vincent and fam- ily of Belgrave spent Friday at the home of the former's brother, Mr. R. Vincent. Mr. Ben Taylor of plytb is visiting hie brother, Mr. T. H. Taylor, and other friends Mr. and Mn. W. F. Campbell visited with Mrs. J. Tamblyn of I.on- dnsboro on Mendel. Mrs Campbell remaining for a few days. Miss June Buchanan of Wingham via Ited on Friday with her aunt, Mrs. GAGGLES OF GEESE ET CETERA Falling Into disuse are some old terms denoting numbers of animals and birds; a gaggle of greet., a mus- ter of peacocks, a lege of herons, a watch of nightingales, It tribe of goats, a skulk of foxes, a bevy of beeves, roes or quells, a mute of hounds, a pride of lions. a *boat of mackerel, and a .clod of whales. Carl W:aell —FOR— Range Bollen Furnace Coils Taps Traps Iron Pipe and Fittings Plumbing and Tinsmithing PROM1''l' SERVICE PHONE 475 Keays Street COAL Anthracite OcohOntas _anJCoke We are expecting in the near future a car of Western Lump Coal. L. FLICK Hfasis Street Pious 1767 who was taken III with pneumonia a couple of weeks ago, is stole to be home again and is improving in healtb. The farmers In Ibis vicinity are busy cutting and hauling wood. Wood bees are the order of the day. Goderich Old Boy Successful Brockville Business Man Under the beading, "Leeds County Notables," the following appeared In Tie tlenanogae Reporter -et Jansen 11th: If Lawrence A. Nicholson, the man- ager of E. A. Buckman and Son, In- surance agents, Brockville, had carried on the traditions of a long line of prominent ancestors, his Dams today would be inscribed in Canadian mili- tary records and his titles would be dletingutahed. 'The Nicholson family have always been fighters, and If one were to look closely In the records of the United Empire Loyalists, that frame name would be found more times than one. That old adage, "like father, like son." does not, however, bear any In- fluence In title day and age. And Mr. Nlcholeon, instead of becoming a sol- dier and carrying on the old, old record of military achievement won by father and grandparents before him, became a bualness man and won bis metre with equal militancy. it was once said of Lawrence A. Nkholeon that he Is the most modest orno retiring of the men of Brockville, hutthat. despite hie modesty, he needs very little Introduction to the people of Leeda county. And such 1. tbe case, for on top of being one of the county's most suemento' buslness men, hie activities se a church worker have repeatedly brought him before the public. Mr. Nieholeon was born in (ioderich. Ontario, on September 24th, 1901, the eon of the late Captain John Michel- son and his wife Fffle Smith. His edueatlon was obtained In the public etchool* of that city and In the Col- leklate Inetltnte After leaving milord he Joined the staff of the Bonk of Toronto and worked for a number of years both In the Queues (llty and to St. Catharine% The experience gained from Ma huefmw, equipped him with a good understanding of those things Ieeee eery for the proper tranasetioe of tontine's and salesmanship, and Ellin he c1111' ' Brertrine tte.y ihr the staff of A. It. Ilwekteaa 1 Mea. Ha oldest Company of Its tiled be Smithies Ontario, his employers ware eel long to discovering that M was "Ito Matt sae for the right }eh " it hes beet[ said that a esedaasetsl A revived and invigorated .Oppoal- tlon 1s expected. The rift In (he Lib- eral party, due to the alleged failure of W. E. N. Sinclair, former House leader, to co-operate with Mitchell F. ITepNarn, M.P., party leader, has been healed with the election of Dr. O. A. McQuibban In Mr. Sinclair's place. For the first time to the three years he has held the leadership Mr. Hep- burn .handed a canons of members list week. The codclave moved to terare the cooperation of Pr'ogrpewive i1.F.O. and Labor members to present a united trout to the administration. C. A. Robertson (North Huron) was dented whip for the Reston In Dr. McQuiteban'a place. Conservative menllwre are expected to hold a cantos shortly before the motion open*. Plan for withstand- ing the Opposition's tuammults meat tie drawn no Objentfon. to Mr. Henry's k-sdernhip may be raised agate, bat it ie unlikely that any action will be taken, Inc still greater ohjectlona mel be made against any gotwnele norms - sew. Relief Aet May Re Renewed The Mortgagors' end Pnrchmeern' Relief Act Ie expected to he renewed for another year. This moltenre gives Judaea power to snapped pot y meets en mortgages for sur month, and order payment of net Irmo then three -quer - tore of the earrytng chariest Niers afteeost salkient to hay foreeklimre. -Meate effeet1v, ps*Mrtlsa-will -prob- ably be pressed for, end F. R. Oliver (U.F.O.. Moth Grey) may r -tatro- dues his MIL defeated last year, to giveasillikien films.- relief. It provided ifhet a besfowner fere- clewed shedd resales se Petit, in the business man is invariably an active fraternity man. It is true, at lealt with -]Ir. Nlebolaon. for he is a mem- ber of Salem i.odgb, A.F. & Brockville, and the Brockville Aub. He la also an ardent churchman and as a member of tbe First Presbyterian church, Brockville, bis activities have won for him tbe esteem of the church's large congregation. Especially inter- ested la he In boys' work, not only In the church but throughbnt the entire community, and as a member of the Brockville Boys' Work Board be sel- dom falls to promote the things which he feels are for their betterment Mr. Nicholson this year entered tbe run- ning for aldermantc boners in the latand Oily. He lost, but put up one of the strongest battles ever fought In the east ward of that city. He was, of course, a newcomer In the genre, and perhaps his campaign was not se strong a, was tits opponent' Next year, 1t Is rumored, he will again offer his serviees; local forecasters predict his success Mr. Nicholson takes great pride In being the manager of A. E. Buckman & Son, and rightly so. No other ImsInees In Eastern Ontario of that same nature can point back Oise many years of successful acttvltiew. As the manager of that concern, Mr. Nicholson feels that everywhere con- dition* oo-dition* appear to be on the upward trend. He advocates, however, aa peraceas for emir economic ills, more spending anti mot's advertising. And by advertising be mean. newspaper advertlsing. Among the chinos of BrockvlNe, Oanenogne, and rural Leeds, Lawrence A. Nleholaon le very widely known an.1 by all he Is held to high reepect. ice hasn't much to say, but when he In called for anytl1g be fulfills his obligations silently and cheerfully and Is then content to twain In the hack grand and etpeerigaes Iba joy of a twth4e work well dean When summer creeps around and veeetton days draw 941"„ its Nero wilealik --nano." asst /talc elegy to tiff villbingses the OG lawroece In the tlikk of the Thousand Islands. There, 1a ilia mysteries and beantlsu of the Varies of the Great Itplrlt," ba lives $a geekesion. aer& katal and joyful ee Hes as s boy agate. A mistake often made, continued the speaker, le that of encouraging the bright pupil at the ezpenee of the plodder. Rather one should try to Unci the thing the backward student can do well and encourage him to make the beet of his one talent. in the past the so-called "white-collar" jobs have been exalted far too much, with the result that the everyday oc- cupations that are just as necessary have been classed as something in- ferior. We must get away from this It Is the Giant Package This week in addition to our weekly list of reduced prices, we are featuring GIANT PACKAGE of KRUSCHEN SALTS. Ask us to explain. Kruschen Balt. ....Giant Size 69c chase's Kidney and Liver Pilb ... .........29c Kleenex, p4 22c 22c Woodbury'. Facial Soap. 3 Cans 65c 1T man 1 aim ... `3'itl; r'gD; lie Colgate's Tooth Paste 2 Tubes 39c Gin Pilia..3 Boxes for 81.00 Baby's Own Tablets ..22c Milk of Magnesia, Wam- • 's 25o, 500 Squibb's Cod Liver Oil, mint flavor or plain.SOc, $1.00 Chase's Syrup Linseed and ..._,_Tnrpentiue Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills 440 dT hand cleaned, (immix -isasoT Blades . , '� s , . "- IDOL 5 for 25c Colgate's, Coleo, Lavender, Vapex 60c and $1.00 Lilac Soap.5 Calces for 25c --BUY DRUGS AT THE DRUGSTORE— Dunlop, Campbell, Lauder, Wigle —GODERICH DRUGGISTS— • Pr .t e odern, BANKING SERVICE The Bank of Montreal places at the disposal of Its dients a modern, efficient service in every department of domestic and foreign banking. • BANK OF MONTREAL lmstabliahed 1 a 17 TOTAL. A SSFTS iN EXCESS OP $710,000,OOe Goderich Branch! R. . w►i wreLRY,'tbll