The Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-30, Page 10On Suinday, September 220 II. the order'of church service held in Lucknow Presbyter. ian Church hadbeen edited and produced: by Rev. Glenn Noble of Swift Current, Sas- katchewan and formerly -,of here.' Rev. Wm. Munshaw was in Charge the service with different Sunday School members taking part. Mae Raynard gave the call to' worship- and prayer of invocation with Jackie Wil- son leading in the .prayer of confession and supplication. Wendy Neable read the re- sponsive . Psalm 23.° Dianne Wilson and Michelle John- ston read the scrpture les- . sons and offering was taken by Wayne and Wray Forster,. Danny :Gilchrist. and Jamie Johnston; • The teachers took part in ' the act of commissioning and awards for attendance ' were given out by Mrs. June Gilchrist, Sunday School Superintendent, who ex- plained the system. Receiv- ing .pinsand seals were: Pre-schoolers, Christopher •and Sonia Jones, Alesha and Chad ,. Moffat with. , special mention to Katrina Abbott and - Michael • Johnston , - Teachers Mrs. Jessie . John-. ston Ind Mrs. Jim Wilson. Grade 1 and 2, Jennifer Cranston and Brock Raynard with special mention to Tam- my. Neable. Teachers Mrs. Haroldphick and Mrs. Morley Abbott. Grade 3 to 6, Jamie John- ston, : Michelle Johnston, Jackie Wilson, Wendy Neable, Luke Cranston. Tea chers Mrs. Don McCormick and Mrs, RayCranston. ... , Grades 7 and 8, Wray Forster, Wayne Forster, DannyGilchrist, Mae .Ray- nand and Dianne Wilson with special mention to John Selent. Teachers Mrs. Lorne Forster ; and Mrs. Robert Gilchrist. . ..vsTot. CIDER PESSIN' n for:businies October s Please r I.11 for approlnt'noot CARL SEEDER' •529-7514 Grade 9 and up, Janice McInnes, Reid Murray and Glenn Raynard. Teacher Mrs. Brian Johnston, Two girls' had ,perfect at- tendance and•received spec- ial awards, Dianne Wilkin. and Mae Rayrard. Congrat- ulations! Bibles' were presented to children, namely, Bobbie Thomson, Jackie Wilson,. Jamie` Johnston, Wendy Neable Cathy . and John Selent. Mrs, Bruce Raynard was in charge of the music and Sunday School members• provided an anthem as part of the choir. The theme was 4'A11 'God's People".. 4 Benny's tv SALES & SERVICE 11 \t,'ti()\ ()\ h‘ Philips .Antennas *Rotors Towers 395-5405 l&cironica repair LU C U NH' PRESBYTERIAN 'CHURCH Rev. Wm. Manahan B.A.KDIv. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4 c' 11 am. Combined Services Church and Sunday School Nursery Provided "i Everyone Welcome E IC I N -OW UNITED . CHURCH .'SUNDAT, OCTOBER 4 Sunday. Seboo110100 s.in. • Worship 11:00 a.m. .1 1 Rev. Warren McDougall 1 i t. Nursery Provided Everyone Welcome te B.A. M.Div.. �.. On Sunday, September 27, the congregation6fl.ueknow United Church welcomed into its fellowship; through the Sacrament of Baptism, three Infants: . Erin MacKenzie . Eadbe, daughter of David andConnie • Eadie; Conor John McDonagh, son of Rod and .Joanne McDonagh; and Sara Ann Campbell, daughter of Bernard and Brenda Campbell. We welcome ttiese. Me ones into our Churcbfamy, The Session of I:ucknow United is also pleased to announce the appointment of Mrs. Winifred Graham to the position of Senior Choir Director. She will be working with Mr. Karl Morrison, the organist, and Mrs. Elaine Irwin, Director of the Junior Choir, on the . musical programme of the church. The'Vouth Group has also gotten off to a good start this Fall by meeting with the • Youth Group of the Presbyterian Church. The • two grouper will be louring. forces for the $1-82 season, and look.forward to meeting, 1 peaks to Kinloss-K.airshea Women's Institute was for: tunate to have Mr, and Mrs. Bob MacKenzie at their resolutions meeting on Thursday, September. 24 , at 8P.M- at the W.I. Hall. Mrs, Prank MacKenzie in- troduced Bob as the guest speaker for the evening. H spoke on Laws Pertaining to Funerals,' Since Bob hag been ' 40 years , in ' the business, he was well in- formed on the subject. He etplained many things about funerals d,g. what is re - quit' of the family at the time of a death, payment of funerals beforehand, crema- tion etc: He also answered questions ' at the end of his talk. Mrs. Cliff Rouiston thanked Bob for a most in- teresting rn-tere ung and infotive speech. Mrs: Harold Howald, president, . opened the meeting with a "Parable om Gossip". Mls. Bib Gilchrist read the scripture. The secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Donald Maclntyre informed us of a stress management seminar to be held Sstu dasy, working, and worshipping together. The joint Youth Group's next activity will be a pot luck supper on Thanksgiving Sunday, Oct. 11 at the United Church Manse. A. reminder , to United Church' members ' and "adherents of some .. up- coming pcoming events: Thanksgiving. Sunday. on October 11, with the Junior Choir participating in the Worship' Service that day; 119th Anniversary S : ecviees. on '. Sunday, October. 18 at 11:$0` A.M.and 7:30 P.M., and the Annual Turkey Supper on Tuesday, October 20.' We encourageanywho have no church affiliation to participate in our other' regular activities: Sunday School. 'at 10- A.M. and. Worship at 11 A.M. every / Sunday, U.C.W,, ' Bide Study, and C.G.I iT. A THOUGHT' FOR THE DAY: "Advice is bite snow; the softer it falls, the longer it dwells upon the mend, and the damper it sinks ,into the mind" (LT, Coleridge). :AS ,,THE,. FILTER QUEEN OFFICE IN GODERICH HAS CLOSED, WE, WISH •TO ADVISE THAT WE ARE THE ONLY AU1"NORIZED► FILTER QUEEN SAL 1101D.SERVICE DEPOT , IN HURON COUNTY ECK APPLIANCES • Institute November 7, at the •Paisley Community ' Centre.. Mrs., Harold Howald and Mrs. Harvey Houston were nam- ed delegate and alternate to the area convention, to be held in Ayton 7�110 Octobber. Mrs. Evan Keith andMrs. Allan MacDougall were nanne t delegates . to the Bruce County Rally in. Paisleyin 1'u a . Mrss, Clarence Ritchie ie reported that there were seven girls in the 441 course, "Which cane first, the Chicken or the Egg", Mrs. Jack Mali is the assistant leader. Mrs. Frank MacKen- zie reported on the fain fair display". It was decided to have the resolutions commit- tee ommittee writea resolution concer- ning poor lighting at bus highway intersections. It is to be sent to the district by spring.neit Mrs. Gilchrist con- ducted A Giant Sneeze and cionducted a contest on Superstitiottss. She was substituting for the resolu- tions convenor, Mrs. 'Bill Baddenby who was unable to beatthe meeting. "IN Tut MAW OF OOWNVOWN VARNA" VARNA Stocicer Sale 900 Head Hensalf Livestock Sales Ltd.. vrday, October 101h alta. Eonsisting of: Steers, Heifers and Calves Victor Hargreaves 15191 482-1511 Clinton or... Dairy MIDar [5191.235.2/17 Exeter or 229,4205 Niton Doug Caarruthers 15191' 237.3734 Dashwood Greg Hargreaves ' 15191262-21131 Henson 15191262-2619' Auctioneers: Larry Gardiner and Richard Lobb .�... 452-7103 d13 di] ENERGY SAVERS •Pos:our 7 KEY SAFETY LOCK CHEST FREQERS -- POWER WARNING LIGHT -- DUICK FREEZE SWITCH • t-Deruze Model-On$y(- 1*1' p5 trip}) URETHANE FOAM INJSULATION IN THE LID EXTERIOR: POLVESTEPIOOLVURE1r PANE POWDER: PAINT OYER itNC PHOSPHATE COATING AUTOMATIC LID LIGHT 9 c TEXTUPEDFINISHED YOP oDethelrr. $docrersl. • — BALANCED b ADJUSTABLE L1D = YEMPENATUNEACTIVATED PCIiiEN ALADIN' 1004*e M(yorr$. 2W (63 mm) FOAM INSULATION IN THE OARINET 4. ARGE EASY•CLEAN I 'Oaa>i;NE AS .!DISH.PAW LINER SOTTO C 1 1 EPDXY POWDER COATED FOODEINER FIiEESclora COILS fie FOUR SIDES •✓ AND SO/YOM 12 *WALL CONDENSER 5100( 12.3 CIL - 1 "CRAFTED WITH C;ARE.,•