HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-23, Page 21' moo ism swims moo ano owe" -woo 3211 Corning .events al" 11M Ill" -elei 000 tglaa NMI tai .or •0ari110l0f • • MINOR HOCKEY • AND • FIGURE SKATING : R. REGISTRATION • AND • • • MINOR SPORTS • EQViPMENT SALE• ✓ . Saturday, October 10, 10 r • a.m. - 12, 1 - 4 p.m. and • • Saturday, October 17, 1 - r u 5 p.m., Lucknow Town 0. 01a11. Haelrey players .I • bring Social Insurance • • Number and OHrp num.' • ber. Figure Skaters bring • • 01111'' number and badge • •. level ,or CFSA level. Sale includes hockey 1. • equipment, figure skating •.. • dresses, skates, ski equip- • d ment or any athletic • • equlpment.•Anyone wish-: • • ing to consign articles sari' • • bring themto the Town • ': Hall Thurlay, October. 8, •. • 10 a.m. to 12 and Friday, • • October 9, 1 - 3 p.m. • • Articlesmust be clean, • • securely priced and Hated. • Unsold .articles will be • • returnedto owner. Sale 0 • sponsored by Lucknow • • Figure Skating Club who • • will retain 15% • of the • • asking price. For further • • information phone . 529- R • 7335 or 528.3617. • -38,39,40 • h 111r11r1`0air•7. HAVING A WEIGHT PROBLEM? Join Tops. Take Off Pounds Sensibly. Meetings held ev- ery Wednesday night at 8;00 p.m. in basement of Lucknow Town Hall, For further infor- mation call 529-7398 or 528- 3541, -38x ANNIVERSARY SERVICE Calvin United Church, . St, Helens anniversary, Sunday, September 27,1981,11 a.m., with Mr. Robert Perry, guest speaker, Special music, Lunch served after service, Everyone welcome. - 38 TOWN AND COUNTY BOWLING The Town and Country Bowling will commence 2 p.m, October 1. Anyone wishing to bowl on this league call 528-3833 .or 528- 3512, New bowlers will be welcome, 38,39 LEGION MEETING Alt members of the-Lucknow Legion; Branch 309. are re- quested to attend the general meeting Tuesday, September 29 at 8;00 p,m. - 38ar KOUNTRY Kf CHEN, BAZAAR Pine. River U,C.W, annual Kountry Kitchen Bazaar, Saturday, October 3, 11 a,m. to 3 p,m, Kountry Kitchen features large bake /table. home made knitted articles, crafts, preserves, Xmas cake and pudding, good variety of quilts, large and small, Lunch available, At Pine River Church, 21 writes north of Amberley on Itwy. 21. 38,39 t Aft ntron homers A. For sale GRAVITY BOX and Icorner bale elevator, Mose Shetler, R. 1 Dungannon, 1 ' mile north of Dungannon. -37,38x HOBBY HOBBY FARM near Mark dale, Talisman and Beaver Valley Ski Lifts. 52 acres, 35 clear, 15 maple bush. House, .. 2 barns, springs, good .terms, Asking ,$44M00: (416) 247- 1395, -38nx FOR RENT 011 SALE 100 . ACRES, KINLOSS. Township. Will accept 535,000,00 down and take back a first mortgage for long period around 12% range, Suitable for young farmer. No agents pfease. Applyin writing td Box 5, c/o. Lucknow Sentinel, P.O. Box 400, LUCK- NOW, NOG 2H0. -37,38,39, 40x B. Custom work CUSTOM PLOUGHING Wm. R. Nelson Phone 528.2949 -after 6 p.m. -37-43. . SWATHING - HAY AND GRAIN;" combining,wagons and trucks available; plowing and trucking; cultivating, Anytime -Anywhere.. Phone, after 5 p.m. 529-7488. - --24tfar CUSTOM COMBINING corn, large machine; wagons and auger included. Friendly service. Call us at 6 p.m. ask for Gary, 528-2624. -35-39x' .j. TaA-Mich.ii terms Inc. CUSTOM COMBINING CONN SOYA BEAN AND TILLAGE PLOWING 2 Combines Available ai r 395---2441 CUSTOM SILO FILLING; two row harvester and three wagons; two tractors, Call us after 6 p.m, Ask for Gary, Phone 528-2624. 35.39x CUSTOM COMBINING av- ailable for soybeans and - corn. Contact Robert Emer- son, 395-5115. -35,36,3-1,38 CUSTOM COMBINING, corn and soyabeans; rotary combine. Can arrange truck- ing, . Phone 395-3516 . even- ings. -38-41 C. Wanted WOW ®.1181. it is a....sr ®+.+r.®+..r11++altar atilt WANTED TO RENT - well drained and good productive land for cash cropping. Call 395-5842 before 7:30 a.m. or after 8 p.m. 33,40 G dome ANO. GRASSSIMS Cuatont Cleaning moms And Itivatktog Lowbrow , P S2d'3 C. Wanted M....... -1 MONO AIM YY masa -AMMO . . USED LITTER CARRIER and track in good condition, will remove. Call 528.6542 or write Tony McQuaii, R. R. 1 Lucknow.. -38,39 Cl. Livestock WANTED CATTLE, sick or disabled, pay top dollar. Call Tceswafer . _anytime, 392- 6829. -35-38 .. REGISTERED Polled Here- ford bulls, halter broken; ready for work: Ed Powell, R, # 1, Wingham,, phone 335- 3893, -38,39 35 3893,--38,39 E. Farm services BERG STABLE - EQUIPMENT . Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing. Cra- tes, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and .Hog • Panelling; Contact Lloyd . Johnston, R. R. 3, Holyrood, phone 395.5390. -30tfar LYNN LOWRY FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 395-5286 BUTLER - Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, . Big Jim Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, Convey -n -Feed 'Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyers, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Efrsil- mixers. FARMATIC Blender Hammer ' Mills, Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for Ground H -Moist- ure Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators. ACORN • Cable Barn Cleaners, Hydraulic Man- ure . pumps;' WESTEEL-IIOSC0-Grain bins -1350 to 250,000 bu, Bulk Peed Tanks, ACME Fan -let Ventila- tion Systems. ASTON - Ventilation Sys- tems. 0 & L - Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER Li- quid Manure Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for Clay Equipment, AERO -FLUSH - Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators. - WE HANDLE EVERYTHING -ALMOST --21 tfar 0 Ship your livestock with BILL TAYLOR IL L # 5, LU"CKNOW On Tuesdays Or groups of5ormore On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 53833530. air 528.3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday by 8:30 alit. for prompt service ASSN SIIMT S REQUIREMENTS OF fACEwotr CA iUOW SHIPPER II UNITEDCO-OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO 1 1 1 1 1 1 60' ett.kitstssit, a Luckno* Sentinel, Wednesday,, September 23, 1981 --Page By.iwN�:.21 1981 OfThe Municipal Corporation of the Township of Ashfleld A By -Law to stop up And close portions of street and lines In the Village of •Aitoriville,. Plan 7, Township of Ashfield County of Huron, and to ad.! said tondo to Harvey Kilpatrick. p ' • 'WHEREAS ptintustat to the provislons of the Municipal Act,, Chapter 284, S ection443,. the Council of the MuniclpaJ Corporration may; pass'lyalaws for the stopping up' and sharing of streets and lanes. AND WHEREAS it is deemed . expedient to' close certain lanes and • streets in the Village .of Altonvi Ie, . Plan 7, Township of Ashfield County of Huron and to . sell sake lands to Harvey Kilpetrlek. NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Corporaton of the Township of Ashfield hereby enacts as: follows: 11 That those streets and lanes situate lying and being:in the .Village of Altonville In the Township of • Ashfield, Plan 7, County . of Huron, more particularly di:Ki led .In Schedule "A" attached hereto, be and the game are hereby stopped up and . closed and that a deed to the property hereby be given to Harvey, Kilpatrick for the sum of One Dollar plus all expenses necessary to be paid forthe said sale; 21. That the Reeve and: Clerk are herebyauthorized to execute all necessary documents to give effect to the foregoing by-law, READ .A FIRST AND SECOND time this 1st day of September 1981. u, >' Donald Sharma, Clerk of the Corporation of the Township of Ashfieldde certify that this is a true espy' of By -Law No. 211981, read a first and second time on the lst day of September 1981. "Warren Zinn" Reeve "Donald Simpson" Clerk "Donald Simpson" SCHEDULE "A" ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situate, lying andWbelag L, the Village of Altonville, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron, Plan 7, and being composed of Part of Margaret Street and Alton street bring more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest angle of lot 9, Plsn 7; !HENCE westerly a distance of sixty-six 1661 feet; THENCE Southerly parallel to the Westerly limit of lot 9 and 36, Plan 1, a distance of three hundred and thirty 13301 feet to a point; TThENCE Easterly parallel to the Southerly limit of Lot 33, ,a distance of sixty-six 1661 feet'; THENCE conthrtahrg.Easterlyalorng,the Northerly limit of Lots 37, 38, 39 acrd 40, to the Northeast angle of Lot(. 40, Plan 1; • THENCE Northerly in a Airtight line to the Southeast angle of Let 33, Plan 7; THENCE westerly along the Southerly limit of Lots 33, 34, 35, and 36, to the �w`rtrtrrllr ,eosmrr of Lot 36, Pis 7; r Ti PCE Northerly along the Weataerly Bolt of Lost 36 aatd 9, a &tame .f two handred and slxtyfsar 12641 feet to the Northwest angle of Lott 9, Plan 7, being the point .fcommencement si the had* herein desCl ed. -,�.�r sar.sc.Y ►rites «rEar.c A hunmy chicken choppers By Elizabeth Wilkins 21 The second meeting of the 'Clover Valley Chummy, Chicken Choppers was held atthe home of Mrs, Charles Wilkins on September 15 'at 7.00 p.m. Nine membersanswered the roll call, Name a chicken. bone. Charlene Elphick read the minutes of . the last meeting and they were ad- opted as read. A. name for this club was decided upon; we shall be called the Chummy Chicken, Choppers. The members are to search for a picture for the nextmeeting. Te leaders proceeded to discuss making chicken stock and what to put into it; freezing stock; . the principles of cooking chicken; render- ing ` chicken fat and how to calculate quantities. The members then 'assist-' ed the leaders in making Nice 'n' Spicy Chicken, which was tasted and critic- ized. Hutton WHITECHURCH First time offered, profession- ally restyled 3 bedroom homeon a lot 85 x 135. Roof, siding and carpets. are nearly new. Asking in the twenties. Owners moving, . WEST WAWANOSIc1 - s good 3 bedroom home on a one acre lot, .Hoare has new siding and roof in the last 3 years. Included . is washer, ' dryer, frig and stove, taxes $118 per year, try your offer, DUNGANNON AREA - 5.6 acres very attractive three bedroom brick home, tastefully decorat- ed. Five year old 20 x 40 workshop, 40 x 60 barn. Owner most anxious to sell. LUCKNOW - 17 level acres on paved road with 6 yr, old anger-t)rrc house, Finished rec. room in full basement. Electric base- board heating. Other ex- tra features - Columbia cupboards, attached gar- age, steel barn ' 20 x 40, M1 offers carefully consid- erect: KINLOSS - 100 acres over 50 workable, brick house, barn 40 x 55,: asking $63,0041. HIGHWAY 86 east of Whitechurch. Totally re- stored inside and Aft, three bedroom house with new decks, new double carport, family room, spagionns kitchen. full in- sulatiorn, workshop 5S z 35, lot 2 acres in size. Asking S59,500 with ex- cellent financing,' A place for a family to enjoy, Ml� 11AA."hRS Whigham Phone J514321 Rep. L, W, Hutton Real Estsue i,td Broker, i tih -addle