HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-23, Page 4•
Lucknow Senthtelt Wednesday, ,Sentelnher 23, 1981 Page 4
By Kathryn Todd •
Congratulations goes out
Mr, and Mrs. .Tony
.McQuail on the birth of their
daughter, Rachel Marianna,
on September 18.
Murray' Lyons of Alberta is. •
home for • several •weeks
visiting with his parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Lyons.: .
Larry MapPherson:
returned home after spend-
ing the summer in. Alberta.
• Mr. and Mrs. John_Siecker
• of Owen Sound visited with
• Mr. arid Mrs, Hugh Todd on
the occasion of Mrs, Sleekers birthday and her niece,
Jenean's birthday.
.• '
• • baby The regular Meeting of
ots winfair contest
Kinloss Township Council
was held. •on September 8
The St. Helens U.C.W.
• met, at -the home of. Miss
Isobel Miller' -on September
15. The thetne of the worship"
service was, Lifestyle, and
was led by Miss Isobel
After the meditation the
meeting opened with .Mrs.
• Helen Todd reading the
scripture,, Miss Isobel Miller'
• read, it's' My Lifestyle. She
closed the worship with
Mrs, Janet McPherson
had the topic concerning
Faith and Justice, written by
Robt, S, Smith,
Mrs. .1 a net McPherson
• was in charge of the busi-
lit oss approves
tiirk itiasion
Winners in the .baby contest at the. Lucknow Fall Fair *ere under four month category and John /an Dlepesibeekl son
from the left, MI6 Vlsser, daughter of, Gerry and Roxanne of Barb and ,Peteitviin Dlepenbeek, R. 7, Lucknow, In the
'ert R. Lueknow, le the 8 -42 Month. category; Jeffery • .; •' four -; 8 month Category. .[Sentliel. Staff Photo]
Havens,' son of Gloria and Rod Havens, :Lucknow, ht the •
By.11(ae Webster
Paul Rleglingi the six year
old son of Mai and Helen
Itiegling, who was hit by a
truck when he was going out
to get on.the achool bus one
week ago, remains in an
unconscious condition in Vic -
tads Hospital in London. But
there are great hopes that he
is camingalong very well and
will be &Might.' May Our
many prayers help Paul and
his . parents in this time of,
need. • ,
The W.M.S. of the Ash-
. field Presbyterian Church
remains unconciaus
held its monthly meeting at
the home of Mrs. Rhoda
MacKenzie in Lucknow,
Wednesday evening.•
Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
George 1Woncrief on the
weekend were Jane, George,
Jennifer, Laura and Rebecca
Ullrich. of London.
Kevin MacKenzie, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKen-
zie, is home.for a feW days
from picking, tobacco.
• A very successful barbe-
cue was held last Saturday
evening at the home of Bob
and Mary Simpson for the
Kintail Hockey team of the
•Industrial League. They had.
a very gnat' turn out -and. 01
had a Wonderful evening.
. 1Wis, Stella Irwin, who was,
staying with her daughter,
Mrs. Charles Wilkins, for a
few days after being released
from the Whighatif Hospital,.
has now returned to her own
home in. kinless.
Mr: and Mrs. Charles Wil-
kins went to Stratford. Satur-
day evening- to attend the
25th wedding anniversary
party for Jack and Tenna
Verhulst, formerly of this
Mrs. Elmer Culbert was in
Molesworth last Friday to at-
tend the funeral of her aunt,
Mrs. John Matheson, who
had been quite° sick and had
been hospitalized for a 'few
• Mr. Doug Matthewman'is
home for a couple of weeks
from Mount Whistler, British
olumbia, visiting his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Art
Mr, and Mrs. Art Matth-
ewman were in Sudbury for a
few days visiting their
daughter, son-in-law and
grandson, Mr. and • Mrs.
Terry Pettis and Jamie.
with Reeve -Barry Johnston
and all councillors present.
• A motion was passed con-
curring in. principal with the
site plan of Stage 4 and Stage
5 Developments of Fisher-
man's Cove Tent and Trailer
Park Ltd., subject to the
• approval of the Health De-
partment for the sewage and
waste disposal system.
• Tenders are to be adver-
tised in the Lueknow Sentinel
for snow blowing on Wash-
ington and George Streets
'east of Lucknow and at the
Township waste site.
General accounts for
S9,097.44 and highways. ac-
counts for $2470355 were
ordered paid. •
Council was attended by
Lorne Robinson, the weed
• inspector, Art Carr and Greg
Lang from the Ministry of
Natural Resources, Hugh
Simpson and George Carter
about drain- problems and
Allan McCarther about de-
. I •
• velopment • of Fisherman's
Cove Tent and Trailer Park.
• On August 17 first and
second reading was given to
,By-law '.184981 authorizing'
the clerk to borrow up to
• $300,00000 to aid in the
construction "of drainage
work under the Tile Drain-
age Act 1971 subject to Ont-
ario Municipal Board apprev-
The application for 4. pit
licence under the Pits and
Quarries Act 1971 was ap-
proved- for lime Colwell
subject to the approval of
rezoning portion of lots 13,
14 and 15, concession 2.
The clerk was instructed to
notify the Ministry of Trans-
portation and Communica-
tions that the Township has
no objections to the applica-
tionof Wayne Bushell for a
garage licence, lot 3, range
1, NDR. '
Approval was given to the
building permit application
of Claude Dore, lot 26,
concession 8, for a car pert.
Lucknow fair...
!boo page 1
On Saturday afternoon following the
parade and official opening, entertainment
• was provided by the McMichael Sisters,
Lang's Junior Square Dancers, Kountry
Kats, the Brussels Pipe Band and the
Lucknow .School Concert Band.
in the evening, magician Dicky Dean and
ventriloquist Earl Litchfield entertained at a
concert along with mister of cerernonies,
musician Doug Giant Kountry Kats provid-
eci music for dancing following the Miss
Midwestern Ontario pageant
The following are the results of the fall fair
entries in the categories, arm wrestling, log
sawing, parade, events, baby contest,
livestock (including cattle, sheep, heavy
horses, ponies, 'poultry), grain, fruits and
vegetables, flowers, baking and canning,
arts and crafts, photography! and sewing.
School results will appear next week,
• Turn to page 12.
y�u this fall..
Any student away at college wants to know the news frern
home. And there's no better way to got it, than with a
regular subscription te the paper. That's why wa offer
special rates to college students for $ months (the school
Special Student •
SUbscription •
Ra ter* M. • • I
In last week's story about the crowning of
Miss Lucknow Fall Pair, it was inadVettently
omitted. that the • Lucknow Agriettliond
• Society gave gifts to each of the contestants
"in the pageant. We apologize for any
• inconvenience this omission have
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tucktiOw, 0141C
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