HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-16, Page 24Sentinel, W tit ber 16, 1981 ors C011111110 Werth PITCH1640 imat,i Nam lab am ' • Brt ridgepo. Llo,nrr Club V1.1 :1400$0:00W.1.1400 Club in a elo pitch ball gate, Sunday, :September .20, 3 p.m. X37 RIFLE r LIONS BINGO• Ripley and District • 'Lions" Bingo, 8 port. Huron Town• chip' '.loll, tlpley, Wednea;• day, September 16. one pot of geld; :10 .regular . games,... $15, 4 corner.ackpot on 5 colla, 535; purpie ball,.' 5; 2 novelty , Irpeclale, $25;; one. share the wealth; . ja, kpot, ', $375.00 on 53 calls. Curse. • lotion, 937,50. Door" prises. • 37ar $11,2 ANNIVERSARY Nile United Church anniver. nary:, Sunday,. September 27 at '11 a.,m. , with Dr. 11.. ..:Gordon Hate**, -x.37,35; A dance in 'honour of Donnie' and Dorothy Parrish for their .25th Wedding anniversary on September 19, 1981..at 'thee LucicnCAw Legit* Hall at 9 p.m. raaa.37, GUIDE AND PATER ISOISTIATION On Thursday, Septeinb e:r 17, 7:30.8:30 p.m, at the . Lucknow Town .Hall. Ali girls 9 to 15. wei lcol..e. -37 RECEPTION . , For Mr; and Mrs. Richard -Whitby following their mar- riagee on September 18, .1981. -•36,37 32, Com1110 040 ON iM.a. WWI IMO 1 Owl .II.R;MO PLOWING MAT" Bus trip to plowing -match, Thursday, October 1. Leave Lucknow 6:30. a.m. Contact Montgomery Motorsl. 528. 3007 or 528.3823, for fuurther information. ••37,38,39ar O .EN RE�OH „ For . . Fo loran �y Davis 'and � •Eider. on September 19, 1981 et the :Ripley'Huron Com. plea. •Dancing . from. 9 • 1. .••37x. "fes annual •Strathroy An. tlgee Show and Sale at ,Stritthroy. Arena. ..October 2nd, 2:00 poria, to 10:00 p.m.;. October 3rd, 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. '•37nx Attention ora ►o s • A. For saki' 4400 JOHN DEERE • com• bine, reconditioned,'" 16' . at head with bean bar, asnd 4 row corn •head. Cell after 9 p.m,, 395.5842. ; • .36,37: : NEW HOLLAND Baler #312 • - MOO ! u_ MIN way ■r� w+r B. Cusamposakkomyyyytom ywork�. y aksiam CUSTO' SILO PILLING, two row harvester and three wagons; two tractors. Cali sus after 61.tn. Ask tot Gary. Phone 528.2624, 35.39x CUSTOM COMBINING ev. ,Mable for 'soybeans and corn. Contact RobertSmet- ana, 395.5115..-35,36,37,38 wWrw.irr. art - cost nMm - - chin art C. Want.. , f -Mr.worst--rM!rrl.�rr.Il�ana�liW BUYING NG. CLOVER AND GRASS SEEDS Custom Cleaning Minh* MOTT'S SEED MILL . Andd Lucknoti • Phone 528.3506 WANTED TO RENT . well • drained and good prodttctivis, land for cath cropping, Ca11 395.5842 before 7:30 a.m, or after' 8 p,m: •-33.40 • aaaaaM,•.IaM.. rime ....W`aim ..u�i....r..ri..,..,h.aa D Livestock mar aim Niro. foil .alai Wns rrr ours,- LVCKNOW 1 P . i 1 UN 'ED QO.OPNRATWE: OF ONTAO wTORTOONTCK DEOPT, Ship your livestock • with Bs TAYLOR R. ;R. # 5, LUCKNOW Cin dayr .(4groups o15Tue.or• more' Ott Thursdays Front Luckrhow Stockyards CALL 5284530 ibgro or • 5204119 Yards Tuesday, or Thursday by .8:30a.nt, for rontpt serlvlae ASK BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT cArns t • WANTD CA"rLE, sick or disabled, pay top dollar, Call. Teeswater anytime, 392. 6829. -•38.38 aching 51000.00. Phone af• . �"%'r , -moi, a..aa... a�a.a►.a.�..i a. tar 0 pont., 395•'2.. ••36,37 E. r"IB s1dfVlly i • 1 1030 CASE with cab; motor OORO STABLE overhauled Asking 58 000 EQUIPMENT, Phone after .9 p.rn., 395. 5842. .36,37 Bp LARDS 24 run grain drill, used only one year. Asking $2,000.00, Phone 395.5842 'after 9 pan. H6,37 . r:. Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders, Farrowing Cram ter, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls and Hog Panelling. Contact 11.yd Johnston, R; "L 3, 11 l rued, phone, 395.5390. -30tfar . CASH.OINOO , At St, Jemmies 'Church, Iting*bridge :, 'hors ,day,. September 17, at 8:00 p.m. - NO children under 16, Spon. " scrred by Kingsbridge Arra Seniors, - 36,37 DIABETES ASSOCIATION MSG Wingham . ' and District Branch : of the. Cinadhut Diabetes Astsociation Fall. meeting Thursday, Septem. bar 241 8 in,m,, Wl ngham United Church. Speaker, Mr; Bob *Murray, "Coping With Blindness and Dlabet. es". - 36.37 • TEESWATER LIONS CLUNIVMMAGE SALE On September 23, Doors open at T:00 . p.m. Auction starts 8:00 p,m, at the Teeswateer Cuirass Arena, 37 ' HOWICH LIONS MOO Will be held on Friday, September 18 at 8 p.mr. In Wroxeter Community Hall. Adinis*glosso $1,00; 12 regular games es for 510.00; 2 shore the wealth; one 525.00. special; jackpot, $170.00 on 54 calls; purple bail $150.00; door and co>tnsois tion prizes. 37ar SHOWER ANDMEETING Auailitty to` Wingham and Dirt ict Hospital requests all members to attend the early bird gift cage shower and meeting, to be held ikloa4ay, September 21 at 2 pit, atthe Clinic building, 37 1.L%.C. 550.• 16" plow, new mould boards,trip beam, asking $1,200.00. Call after 9 p.m., 395.5842. -36,37 830 CASE, new rear tires 18,4 x 34, 3 year old Allied quick attach • loader, rifling $5,500.00, Call after 9 p.m., 395.5842. -.36,37 GRAVITY BOX and ter bale elevator. Mose, Sheller, R: 1 Dungannon, -1 % mile '• north of Dungannon. 37,38x 100 ROUND BALM of hay, . reasonabletce: Eugene Frayne, 529.7405, -45,36,37 roti RENT' OR SALE 100' . ACRES, MOSS SS Township. Will art $35;000:000 down and time back a first mortgage for long period around 12% range;. Suitable for young tanner, No agents please. Apply in writing to Box 5, c/o Lucknow Sentinel, P.0✓ Box 400, LUCK. NOW, NOG 2H0. 37,38,39„ 40* Ai& Mit all alltailititidediliettilti B. Custorlt work LYNNL,OWRY FARM SYSTEMS Me Amy • PH019$1195.5216 BUTLER'. Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo •.Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeder', Conveyn-Peed Cattle, ..Feeders, Single Chain . Conveyers, • Baan Cleaners, Oswalt • Enmity mixers., FARMATIC. • Blender Hammer Mills, Blender Roller. Mills, Blender' Mills for Ground H -Moist. ure Corn, Augers, Leg Elevators, ACORN Cable Barn Cleaners,. Hydraulic Man. ure pumps, WESTEEL.ROSCO.Graln bins . 1350 to 250,000 bu. Bulk Feed Tank.. . ACME • •Fan•Jet Venula. tion Systems,. ASTON • Ventilation Sys. terns, • B & L . Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLVRRY'.SL1NOER . Li. quid Manure Spreaders, CLAY . Parts and Service for Clay Equipment, AEEO.PLUSH Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators, WE HANDLE EVERYTHINO.ALMOST litter KINLOSS 100 acres,. 50 workable,: brick houte, barn • 40 x ,55, asking $63,000.0.0, 17 :Iva .ACRES on paved read with 6 yr. old'' angel brick house. Finish. • ed rec, room: in full. base. meet; Electric baseboard heatinrg. Other extra feat. ores • Columbia Cup.. boards • •• quality cup. boards 18 11'24 attached garage, steel barn 20x40; large deck, All offers carefully considered, 100 ACRS GREENOCK, .31. acre' choice workable, balance mixed. bush. Por added acnes its a bargain at 540,000. • . WAWANOSH 8 sere country property near Winghamr. New reduced asking price, Hornefully restyled with new roof, new windows, new siding, full inseyiation, • two full bathe,' a11. comforts of a new home. Barn on prop. arty, Owner .offers excel• lent financing to approved ' buyer. ' DUNGANNON AREA • 6 acres, very attractive three bedroom brick home tastefuily decorate ed, Five year old 20 x 40 workshop, 40 x •60 barn, Owner most anxious to sell, AUBURN . Store and at. tacked dwelling; Store presently a Ceramics shop, Opportunity to Win• vert to a fourr•plex as a profitable investment ProPertY. MEL MATHERS VI/Ingham Phan* i57-3208 Rep. L. We Hutton Real &rete ltd. Broker, Kincardine :They Tovitiship 0: flOM s %of.wres.d A ily.Lse�w to Stop rep ,and 'c pgir>i1wts street e woo ,In the Village of Altoinvlue, Plan 7, Township s urn, and o sell bode to1 Asrhllelel 'County of -H. Hovey Kilpatrick. . pp s s '.VIAS:. uwrrrant t+u the provisions eel the 111sunlcl .. e s • Act, NMS.0.1910, Chapter•2114,.Seetlun 413, the Connell s 1 of the Munlclpal Corporation may pass bylaws for the , S,'• •y w s�topping up and' cloak* .f rtr.ebr " lanes. ANO 'WHEREAS 11.1e deemed expedl int to • dose certain lanes sod streets In the VINIse of Altonville, and to sell .old kinds to...Harvey Ilpssr<trlelr. Pilins T, Towrnshili . � gild Casanty a 'NOW THEREFORE'. the Mriunicipsl. Carrp'orratlon of th Township orf" Arhfl ld hereby emits. as foibles s e • s' 11 • That these streets Aid fins siteste .lying and' s • being• Inth. VlWrgi'':.1' Altenvlile,In tha Tuwership of: s Arhd.ld, 7,. " Cowtty 01 • Huron,: More , p*rrrticuIslurly dellerlbed In Schedule A. attached hereto, bo and the s are hereby stopped up and."s e clos.d :and that it -deed to thee, property hereby be given to Harvey Kilpatrick for the ,rums , of One s .S' Dollar plied expenses necessary. to be paid for. the s s sold sal.. , i s. 21 That the Reeve and Clerk are hereby, authorised to s execute all necessary documents to give effigy to the .s foregoing by.law, s e e READ: A FIRST AND SECOND thne this 1st -day of s September 1981. CU'ST'O1H PLOVGHD G Wm. IL Nelsen Phew 528.2949 cher 6 p.rru. 37.43 " ' oPPonTiliilv RICHT IM THE PRLM OF YOUR MO 111110AL SHOWER Plisse acc,,': t this invitation to an open sihower for (lanice Colin rs Pnday • evening, September 18th, at 8,00 p.m, in the basement of A.hfle ld _ Presbyterian Church, 36,37 SWATHING . HAY . AND GRAIN; ci mbining, vegan and trucks available; plowing and • trucking; cultivating, Asrnytirne-Anywhere. Plume after 5 p.m, 529.94; •24tfar CUSTOM COMBINING coin, large machine; wagons and auger included. Friendly service, Call us at 6 p.m. mit for Gary„ 528-26124, -354% Warren non" s Reeve s "Donald Simpson" Clerk e 1, Donald Simpson, Clerk of 'the'C of the e s Township of Aiddl do, certify that s 1s •a true copy s s of RyLaw No. •211981, read a,dist and second time on s the.1st day of Septssmb r 1901. . e • SCHEDULE "A" "Donald Simpson" ea • s AISID SINGULAR that certain mire' el or tract of land' .and premises, situate, lying and being hi* Village of s Ie Altenvllle, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron, s Flat 7, and boleg a omposed-of Part of Margaret Street , s and Alton street being more particularly described as s s follows* , .-- s N COMMENCING at the Northwest market lot 9, Plan 71 s e s THENCE westerly a distance of sleety -six (661 feet' TEENCE Southerly parallel to the Westerly limit of het s e 9 and 361, Plan T, a 4lrbaace of three herrrdrrard tail thirty s 13301 feet to a point; . s THENCE 1,Fish*parallel to the Southerly limit Lest 33, it dtsrtr ce of slaty ala (661 feerti • s THENCE continuing fly along the Northerly Hmlt s' allots 37 38, 39 end 40, to the Northeast angle of Lot 40, Plan 7; s sth3erly in a airtight lire to theSoutheast angle, Plani s s THENCE westerly slang the Southerly limit of Lots 33, o S ` 34, 3S, end 36, to the Seuthwesterty earner et Lstt' 36, s o Plan. 71 ..G CE Northerly along that Westerly Omit of Lot 36 and 9, a dlattssnrce..1 s two htundred ,*rani tybfe ' •t 1 , feet tar the Northwest onght of tot 9, Pim 7, being the S polo ofcommenetaseat of the Land/ herein thietrthed. as• ,,a.4T. 41, Ar tea.. Aa, .: , ,. .