HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-16, Page 9' •-"" • C Vr !"....r%7,.7,0173,..r .'”7,Pff-F 1 Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 16, 1981—Page 9 • Holyrood couple is married 35 years • ... • By May Boyle Mr. and Mrs. William MacPhersen, Holyrood, at- tended a 35th anniversary • party in Milverton last week- end and visited with Mrs. Annie Kennedy and. Mrs. • Mary Steven in Listowel. • Mr. Jack Webster of Ed- - mtinton and Orland Richards °of Lucknow called on rela- tives and friends here on Thursday. Mrs. Jean Hodgins of Wingham• •visited Sunday with Edna and May Boyle. We are all pleased that Mrs. Baynard Ackert and Jack Scott have .returned to their homes from London Hospitals. Both were former • concession 10 residents. • A goodly number from the Anglican congregation at- tended the, parish service at Lucknow on Sunday when. Bishop Morse -Robinson was here for his annual visit. He • celebrated the Holy Com- munion service and brought • the message. A lovely noon luncheon and fellowship hour followed. Mrs. Marjorie Bennett and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ben- nett of Toronto spent the weekend here with Arthur Haldenby.• Ladies from the Holyrood Women's Institute were guests of the Lucknow Jr. • Institute on. Tuesday even- ing, and on Wednesday ev- ening they were guests of the' •Whitechurch W.I. .Khi1ouhA.C.W. , Mrs. Agnes Hodgins was hostess for the September meeting of the Anglican • Church Women. This was a quilting and the ladies gath- ered early. • The president, Mrs. Del- bert Hedley, was in charge. Mrs. Midford Wall read the scripture and Miss Edna Boyle gave. the Meditation on Riches, •which was the theme. 'Prayers followed and the correspondence was read ,by the secretary, Mrs. Ron- ald Thacker. The minutes of the June meeting were read and a parish luncheon was arrang- ed, as well as a bazaar for later in the fall. The roll call was answered' with the word, Riches. The program conveners were Mrs. Mary Haldenby and Mrs. Opal Dore, who each gave a reading.. Mrs. Ed Green .gave a • lovdy thought on the theme. • Suitable hymns wee sung throughout the nting. Mrs. •Haldenby gave the courtesy •remarks and the \closing prayer. A delicious lunch was •served by the hostess. Holymod W.I., The Holyrood Women's Institute met on Thursday evening at the hall with the president, Mrs. Lorne Eadie, •presiding. This being the year of the handicapped, guest speakers were Karen Boyce and Peggy. Munro of the Walkerton and District Association for the Mentally Retarded. They ex- plained the purpose of the Extend -a -Family; to further the child's social develop- ment •through new friend- ships and experiences while maintaining his or her sense of security; to provide loving care in a home and home and community environment while giving the parents a needed period of relief; to foster in the community a greater awareness of the needs of the handicapped. Wilkins reunion The children of Mrs. Fran- ces Wilkins held their 12th annual picnic at Brookside school with $3 in attendance. A bountiful lunch was enjoy- ed. Grama Wilkins asked the blessing and Harry Wilkins contratulated her on her 90th birthday, and thanked Marie and Mayme Wilkins for making .her lovely birthday cake. Two new babies have, joined the family, Catherine Dawn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wilkins and Kath- ryn. Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Alton. Elizabeth Wilkins has done a lot of work bn the family history and her work was On display. The business meeting re - stilted in the following offic- ers for next year, president, Herb Wilkins; 1st vice, Mary Irwin; 2nd vice, George Smyth; 3rd 'vice, Bob Wil- kins; secretary, Jessie Alton; treasurer, Marie Wilkins. Contest winners included, lucky chairs, Gladys Carlaw, Donna Arnold; whitest hair, Grama Wilkins; coming the farthest, Mary and Al Irwin( and family; races, pre- school, Bronwen Hughes. Sandra and Heather Alton; six to eleven, Karen Irwin, • Ian Hakker. Vanessa Alton; wheelbarrow race, Elizabeth Wilkins and Sheri Smyth, Ian and 'Stacy Hakker; running jump, Sheri Smyth, Suzanne Alton; hulu hoop race, Karen Irwin, Sheri Smyth. Hand shakes and farewells ended a pleasant day with the wish that everyone may meet again next year. Donnybrook IJCW rneet . • Mrs. Morley Johnston op- • ened the September meeting with a reading at the.horne of • Mrs. H. Jefferson on Tues- day, September 8 with a good attendance. Mrs. Stuart Charnney read the scripture taken from Mark. Mrs. Ray Hanna gave a reading, Bridges• . Mrs. R. Jefferson took over for the business. Cards were distributed among the members and preparation • made for the Presbyterial meeting coming up the first of October at DonnybrOok. .•Mrs. Morley Johnston ask- ed for articles for the bale to be in by. the end of the month; Mrs. Wilson closed with Prayer. • Everyone enjoyed a social hour at the end of the meeting with Mrs. T. Arm- strong and Mrs. Stuart• Chamney assisting the host- ess. person and his or her right to share in the • life of that community. The children's handicaps may include men- tal or physical handicaps or severe learning disabilities. Extend -a -Family needs in- terested people.. Willing to become hot • families for these children to strengthen the ties that bind a child to his or her community; for parties, Outings and sleep overs which normal children take for granted. The success of this program is the dev- elopment of a trusting rela- tionship between the natural and host families. They held a question and answer period and also brought a number of beautiful articles which were made by the pupils who attend the school. • The roll call, An exper- ience you have had with a handicapped person, was an- swered. The secretrary- treasurer, Mrs. • William MacPherson read the July minutes, reported on the bus trip to Blyth and read the financial statement and thank you notes. An invita- tion from the.' Whitechurch Institute was read and - ac- cepted. • Three members took their day at the Log Houle at • Southampton and others joined with the . kairshea Institute,on a bus trig to the Sarnia area. •• • Mrs. O. Gingrich spoke on the 4-11,training school. Jud- ges for the best hand written copy of "0- Canada were Mrs. Don Bushell, Mrs. Hugh Lane And Mrs. •Ed Thompson and the prizes went to Mrs. John Scott and Miss Edna Boyle. Mrs. Char- • les Murray gave the• standing committee report. • Mrs. Frank Maulden was program convener, Edna and May Boyle led a sing song and gave the motto on the • handicapped. Becky Ackert delighted everyone with her • ••.....s.m.....4••••.-.i.......4e416.4moutm....a..o..4....6.-4.m....4:11 Norflex 1 • "One Writing" Accounting e•Systems • • -• Receivables • Payables 1 •• Pa roll Supplies For Any • One Write System • • . • Stock Forms & Carbons • To Fit McBee, Etc. Journals, Ledger Cards, Statements, Cheques, -- LARRY COWAN Lucknow, [5191 528-2730 ......11.4....6.••••••.••••...er.0.••••%.41%-.44-dr.b..; Business Forms Dates Available Lucknow & District Community Centre FRIDAY & SATURDAY September 18 and 19 Lucknow Fail Fair. FRIDAY, SEPr.-25 Ronald and Koiddeen Forster ' SATURDAY, SEPT. 26 Ron Johnson and Sharon Cook OPEN DATES AVAILABLE OCTOBER Friday 2 Friday 9 , • Frldayl6 • Friday 23 Friday 30 NOVEMBER Friday 8 Friday13 Friday 20 Friday 21 • DECEMBER Friday 4 Friday 11 Friday 18 Saturday 19 Now Booking For 1982 FOR FURTHER INFORMATION A D MW WEEK BOOKING CALL 528-3532 11 • dancing. Those giving read- • ings were Mrs. Lorne Eadie, Mrs. Charles Murray, and Mrs. Alex Percy. -Mrs. Frank Maulden conducted a con- • test. •, • Mrs. Alex Percy introduc- ed the guess. and Mrs. William'MacPherson expres- sed thanks to them. Lunch • was served by Mrs. Charles , Murray and Mrs. Alex_Percy and the director's were Mrs. - Alex Percy and Mrs. Frank --denny's tv — SALES &SERVICE R.C.A. NO OX b. Philips 'Antennas "Rotors 'Towers 395-5405 electronics repair • TRADE-IN allowance for your •old mattress when you buy a new box and mattress. Th Open. Daily 10-9 • Saturday till 6 Highway 7 East of McDOnalds. Stratford - 273-3060 WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 3574630 FOR 2411001 MOVIE INFORMATION El II 1111 El III III El III El IF' GRAND OPENING g FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 181h to • ri THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 24 PLAYING SHOWTIMES FRIDAY AND SATURDAY IJAT 7:00 and 9:00 p.m. SUNDAY TO THURSDAY AT 8:00 p.m. ONLY .STARTS FRIDAY III SEPTEMBER 2Sth El IIPLEASE NOTE THAT Beth Stripes and History of the Wowid Part 1 are Adult Accompaniment, This means that anyone ander the age of 14 will not be admitted to the , theatre unfree accompaal. ed by person 18 years of age or OVel. 1. ninellINI4VOEIS1 • BILL MURRAY:, • STRIPES 11:sog.,..,„.111 * HAROLD RAMIS* WARREN OATES * PJ SOLES*. JOHN CANDY* 11 • • • ELMER BERNS-14EN - • i• tt EN BLUM & AN 'GOLDBERG HARCLL"' RAM :S - IVAN um-m.1,N L.- AN ..-;01. L'BE .R \C;i2 :VAN RET7MAN E:1 1111 111 E3 II El 1111 El 171. 1 LAST NIGHT THURS., SEPT. 17TH FRI., SAT., SUN. SEPT. 18-19- 20 _ If** o Sox Office, Opens 7:30 ShowIlmDusk r. ea 0 Starts FRIDAY! HOWTOM 8: FA. £ Sa TO 24TH . 1 P,M., Sum-Thurs. P.M. MEET MR WORLDS RICHEST ORPHAN! Hes Oman COMO to live In &locker! Smart enough to pick the winners. And big enough to beat the system, .9( 111 g tOTS EDO 111T • Matra/It 0 Fouta ice r BONUS FEATURE FRI. & SAT ropin ONLY Sams towels may frighten. , ALISTAIR Mac LE AN'S THE MA COUNTDOWN PARK GOW T*4E. _)tt.itit 5;4 :*fil A7P « )N011 ICYNED .1,60111 WY, I tOCENICR AT CONCESSION AO. 4 Dilt 524-93111 PatOGOAM Sti,11.11CY! TO CHANGE WITHOUT 04011Ct DRIVEIN ITEATRE 1.•