HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-12-14, Page 7• THE SIGNAL ... GODERICH, ONT. ,Alit : :meas s .®' • -„ � .• VITIMI Thursday, December 14th, 111-7 DUNGANNON DUNGANNON, Dec. 18, -Mr. Harry Ryan of Goderleh spent a few days with his mother, Mrs. Jacob Ryan. Don't forget the llbrary concert to be held In the parish hall on Friday evening, December 15th. A splendid program will be given by local tal- ent, Including the public school child- ren. Mr. George Muoce, who has been Queered with Lilted ..111At4tga Leamington, is visiting eta perchts, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Moore. Miss Erma Flanigan, R.N., Is nurs- ing a patient in Goderleh. Mra. Samuel Pentland is under the doctor's care. Nurse Rowel be wait- ing on her. The 1'ulted church the (okling their Sunday school concert on the evening oe-omeember 2Otb; while -fee- itreeiy; tenons are holding thein op the 2.1' 11L - The senior and junior rooms of Dungannon public school are hotdtng • concert In the school on Friday complete surprise, but the recipient Norway, Sweden Babies made a very suitable reply, after Are Loaded With Gifts welch hooch wax served. W. M. S. OtIeers.-The W.M.S. of I.:reden. Preebyt•rfan church held N MANY districts of Norway and their meeting at the home of Mrs. W. Sweden every baby bora on R. Stother* on Thursday last, with wv Christmas day is -the recipient of the president in the chair. 'f'h meet- many gifts and bounties[ from all lug was opened with devotloual exer- quarters. Ile received a bounty from eked. Mrs. 1►avklaon read the Scrip both the eccledastk•al and civil su- ture lesson and Mre. Stotler« effered thornless and In some districts these prayer. The treasurer, ]irq atom. bounties amount to a conakienble gave the financial report fur the Lear =php1Sa�aaeeaaily - ,.._..IR -until me M1ttd le of age. king the annual meeting, the follow- The children that are born to some !ng tethers were appointed her 1834: classes of 11e people in Naples on President, Mre. McWhinney; let vice- i this happy day are visited by "wise president, Mrs. Davidson; 2nd vice- men" -who are selected by some phll- presldent, Mrs. Bennett; secretary- authropic• society -and are presented treasurer, Mrs. Ross; Tiding,/ were- with imitation stones which are vat - tan, lfrs. Irennett ; supply secretary, ued highly by the efaildrea in later Mrs. Roes; welteque and welfare see- {years, even supernatural qualities be- retury, Mre eo4; program tom- lug ascribed t9 -mtttee, Mrs. eraou, Mra. Iitzger- olttrTfrs. icer- -women, -ilea $bothers. The meeting wee brought to a close by repeating the Lord's Prayer In unison, after which lunch bud shriek from one of the girls pro- claimed that fact. "Oh, oh, that's not fair! Your snow- ball went right into mJ face. lucky It was fresh slow or 1'd have finished you!" "1'm sto .ahrry," to said to her amt reeognlzcd her then as that nh'e little Adams kit he lred to teach to balance. uu leer bicycle' and whose w11co1 bag he Doucettlnes .•arried home for her. She fwd ten yenenge•r than he but seg. sport, ready to enter -into' -to eager to try. ' I'm Jack, you remember nee, don't you, Connie?" Constance Adams gasped Just a little. "Why, of co11rxe 1 do!" she ex- eialmetd. "But 1 dWn't expect to find you hitting me with snowfalls. That's! in so many of the older boys' and a fine ketal of greeting!" !girls' games." How beautifully she had changed. "I'd like to include you, to exolu- gualitles simie..imcsluda_swe in ms_sYLde Life." ho me_d, lest the sane, but bee (flanges he salol gently. "Couklu't yule ted were merely additional attributes. me that you- otildBT-lei IlW *fit - this. But he couldn't. Besides, it was Christmas, and at Christmas feel- ings weren't wupp esd to be hidden. (r:e wasn't ashamed of M'llttmeut, one dkln't barricade one's afeetlons. "ConMc, you ntay say 1 don't know, but I do," he hegau. "1 knew at once. 1 think i've always kuo,vn It has Iaeeal there, unruallsed eerhcepe. but you know even as a kkl you wore UR- nenet. You weren't like any of the others ---all tike onuugn--batt you: "1 wlah I'd made a Wt with awn.- ended. 1 "I'm rather ghee It wai svlth k snew- tut11," Constant* answered slowly. "It wee like getting leek at owe to the day. *ben I was a child and you were so nice to the and let me he Included Pr'intedZTirutmas raid - Was issued Bach in '43 afternoon, December Vend. cess dei, eel. Mr. I)avld Gowdle, a student of HERE is lore humanity about Knox College, occupied tbe pulpit in Farewell- Pfesentatl••-A seen" 41 the Yictorha and Albert museum evening was slant in the Ire gement of �, than its stiff brick exterior aug- the xf0ernoreodn'yt.rtau esiorhlie .. last Sunday the Presbyterian ehurcft on Tuesday e„„ts. _,-_._..e___._-_.._..__ .__ a ter non. wasThe peswr.i Bg .re :' -ILk's evenint at• -the- i)oae• -et' -the 'me director bas Sent mea Ar(st- M('l)o ,Toronto. peoples meeting, the occasion being wax I'itcture Book, says a writer in ehurcA euchre party was held in the to bki farewell to Mr. and Mra, G. M. the Louden' Star. It reveals tete fact rush hall on Tuesday evening under McKenzie and their re their, Mal- that the first l'hristmae card ever W coin and Janie, Defuse their depart- printed was Isaacs only as vacantly as the n ehuea of tbe Gelid of the An - lie to Hamilton, where Mr. McKen- Rtkan church. ,___. -�," t -. fo , •._. "s'te elle 'he on relief dot in some o Mr. and Mn. G. M. McKenzie anda Tice card, which was printed too 81r family lett on Thursday for Hamilton, the city brsnrbex of the Bank o[ Henry Cole, first director of the South Commerce. A pleasant evening was K. tisiugtom m�aeum, is reproduced where they will make their home. epsent In games. The pastor, Rev. C. art - Mn. Jacob Ryan is tonflueri to bed kions cel many theote* efforts by They 11. Mvltonulll, xpcoke words of. regret kite, k, celebrate uativW. They with an attack of bronchitis. at losing tife McKenzie family from range from a walrus ivory relief from An Evetale" et Cheekers.-A couple church and community life here, but Cologne to a modern woodcut by Eric wished thele well In the eoemmunity Gill. It is strange to see how tbe •r - they are about to lure. Mrs. David- tlxtlt wheel has turned full circle back son read the presentation address, to the medieval austerity. and Mre. Ross presented Mr. and Mrs. Ilut T- ean't help liking the first McKenzie with a beautiful -Bible. Mal- (LrLdmas card, which "features," as et load.' of Dungannon checker play- ers spent last Friday evening at the home of Mr. John Kllpatriek, lith con- cession of Ashfield, where they [pet players from tbe 4th and nth conees- slons. tilde* were thos•n and play continued until a late hour. The cap- tains of the sides were Ernest Segues and Raymond Finnigan. Raymond's ride being suecessful, A very pleas- ant time was spent throughout the whole evening. AM. -nuptial Shower. -The McClure g irls entertained a number of their • friend. last Monday evening In the form of a kitchen slower,--wbk b was held la honor of the bride-to-be, Miss Nora Reid. The first pi rt of to you our appreciation of the many the pa t 1I k lth the evening was spent in pl)tying lig- services you have rendered during caws and progressive bunko. Miss your sojourn of over eleven years here. Margaret Ryan obtained tete highest I Your pleasant manner and kindly die - number of points and was remitted 1positions have won for you a lasting with a prize. While a singsong was and eberlshed plate in our hearts. in progress a basket, -prettily decor- ---in our church, you have shown ated In plok and white and containing .1 yoorsele a ever ready to assist • In over twenty kitchen utenslls, was pre- l very good work -you, Mr. M• -Kenzie, seated to the bride -to -tie. it was a as a member of the (-hole the board ACK had not been botue In seven yea re. Thc1 Woe guk•kly enough 1Jat .the way that now that be was back, it seemed as though they had )teen loner. He had nested so It was not that thinge had changed. Of course, there were changes in the looks of the town. There were few sleighs lend up along the swain street; Instead there were automobiles. Ile had been tbink(tlg-hoW (hl sleigh -belle would Jingle as the hones palled the sleighs over the crisp win- ter slow. But intend of eletgh-le ale there were the sounds of firm rubber tires creaking over tbe fermi, snow- covered streets. Tbere had been au- tomobiles used in that sinter of sev- en years peat but they had not been predominant. The sleighs had chance. Now the sleighs were quite missing. osam with a hy'mulswk, and Jeanne the sums say, a hearty meal. As the The automobiles had ciarge. with a Dox of handkerchiefs. Mr. fat boy would say, "I likes eating He wondered u he stayed away for Mc -Kenzie made a fllting.treidy. The hese- another seven years if be would see address was es follows: ilghta from airplanes and hoar them Mr. and Mex, G. IL., McKenzie and " buzzing over the bunds Yet, even "SOLDIERS OF THE KING" 11 he did, he ala not feel fie trough Family- :,. Dear Friends, -it was w•Ith feelings the place would really chane. li•ekN far as Early showing at There was something clout the of learned regret cal sadness that i Capital Mastro town Chet would never ch:.nge. They we lenrnetl of your Intended departure ( Mr, H. J. Sutherland of the Capital mtjbt build more modest shops. air- -from our midst, and we mold not let -�- - -- - -- -- - - the occasion pass without erpreasing Theatre annonncee an tarty aiming plane landings might tiaP the Pince 1 of 'Soldiers of the Ring;in ' welch or so many garages as rte garages ('hely. Courtneidge, England's won- had taken ae p ccs o_ a at- sm dertul queen of comedy, and Fdward *bops, but the essential qualities of Everett Horton, Hollywood's leading the town would never efmnt;e. exponent of llgbt comedy, are co- Always ('hristrms would ta' (lrrist- °tarred. "8oldlen of the King" 1s mat here with its holly-flit.d windows, being balled both in Canada and In its wreaths over doors, Its trees far Eng -tend -tie -.the Tiii36Teirt-cosiefff-talc rbtra-itiiaa- lining the mein Sreet. league ever produced. The engage- Doubtless that was the way Cellist - went at the Capital Theatre will be mat would always be in ninny places. of mamgellx•nt, congregational uecre- one of the earliest Canadian openings. Itut here It would seem newt. import- ] Followers of Jack Hulbert, the ant. Christmas would be weep In the tart' and as an auditor; and you, Mrs. peerless ween comedian of "Sunshine w'hule heart of the [own winch always McXILLOP BARN BURNED { McKerl:le, ax a volved member of the I elude" a� "Jack's tbe Boy," will be expanded and became so generous and W.Y. t. atsl, for many Scans, the sec- , interested to know that Cicely Court- big and open at this smitten of the B ay Hunting Rat with Match starts teeny -treasurer of the I,•dkeri Aid; nekhge Is Mrs. Jack Hulbert In psi- year. the Blaze I and Malcolm and Jeanne as mensbers tate life. Jack Hulbert wrote rte Probably became ft ens, (7hrtstmaa of the Humbly cahoot and MMslon Dublin, Ont., Dec. 10.--A boy'. de- w•reen story of "Soldiers of the King" did seem different bare from that of Rand. in our community life, your in which his wife, Cicely Courtnetdge, any otber place. termination to drive out • rat from interests have centred around that beneath the fanning -mill of his fath- le achieving such a sensational sue- He remembered the Christmas b e- whlch is highest alai la's[. Year as- er's barn was the Indirect cause of a soda [lone with lis havealw'a xbceoot en"- Mr. and Mrs- Hulbert were co- fore. There had, been gaily decorated are whk,b completely destroyed the y starred in "?al'i't the Boy" recently. etwrp.t, hurried, happy stoppers lighted "Christmas Man," Name Given to Kris Kringle ii§ANTA CLAUS does not RIR the children of Lithuania on Christ- mas eve as lee does the children la this country, but there are all kinds of Christmas celebrations in which they have a part, and many good thlage to eat. In Germany and Nor- way old Krts Kringle hides the gifts ttowuDT� = 5ia 410 `"uron..lA MAL eltk2i;t_ way p acre, and Chrtetmas day is ehletly In hunting for them. In Hol- land Saint Nicholas dbpensed Christ- mas cheer, but when the Hollanders came W this eountfy his name was changed to Saute Claus. In Sweden Santa Claus is much as be is 1a Amerlca, but he does not come down the chimney, but In the night he comes into the room where the (2trtstmas r1 -77 - Tie and ieates lifts for all. His I Matae la trot -Santa Claus, however, for hall. galled "The (:n(ristmss Mau " She dreaded with more taste than ante 114? had when a youngster, she was grater- "Well, maybe. I eotdd," she said, int now i.ntead of tom -boyish. . very seriously, "and m.yt.e 1'd mean She yeas like the town. In Its epirlt It, too! Merry (lt►ristrua'•, old dear!" its homeyness would always be the "Only six years odder, young enter - same, no matter with what succeeding ty, but Merry l'brietmas lues the ejahjonsend. customs it kept apace, same!' "Look herr,;' he said ahruptly, . And the old town )net seethed to "would you mind if i left the mall sparkle and twinkle that Christmas home and then eanue aromed for a Eve as It never lad before. nice chat with you?" "I won% he hoose until ever so tateelosb,- la k. -"or only Mr a ntmeme- at any rate. I should be there now to building on the farm of John Burns, the most paleasaot ratur , and, as a, . The question of whether Jack Hul- Christina* trees in the streets, crisp concession 5, McKillop, shortly before slight token of our esteem, we ask beet is as funny as his wife, or vice avow and Christmas greetlmg4. A match, lighted b9 the you to actrpt this Bible and Book of versa,wee be argued by local movie- Rut it hadn't been the game Ohrist- pea today. Praise, and trust that, as you nee sea, Gerald, as be was bunting for the them, and ax 700 amwx este yourselves fir`' but after aeetng "Soldiers of mas seemed to belInI so mutt more rat, utet the mill care and the flames the King" all will agree that the Hul- to his own home. In that other place spread rapidly. with another church ural community. berts are the screen's most talented ta• head felt a little lonely and a little our [hon bis nulc .e,metims's recent His parents were In Seaforth doing . family nna fare horrors as the king their ehrtattsaa shopping at the use,te tttl gage -stn nes and queen of comedy. 1'f 1c^'tw h►!'r/ 1 but the,boy had presence of mind to grown almost to young the dal and Soldiers of the King" Is proving release tete horses and castle in the lwhert• your chnrly gy little dsuRhte'r such n sensational stereos In other ve ! 1ikea astmase4 has sIx'nt the Pnrly tears of her Ilfe nadiau cities that Me Sutherla e: .9:Jk?j�=1,"'��tC1,._:. .,: -. 's _ . -t Tit ` SIE'.' Y• removed with the exception of one and ear y evenings w• ago an ago lit • mow, twelve little pigs and n colt. Thel (Signet 5(11 behalf of the rongrega- the tate crowds lass I4 twelve eetilittle at stout $3,alo. Ono of Erskine I'reshvterhtn church, "Soldiere of the King" will be at When Mr. and Mrs. Burns returned IhmthInnen)-lits, R. Dacld.olt, Cots- the Capital Thursday, Erlday and from Seatorth only the smoking tens''negational Secretary. Saturday, December 21st, 22nd and of the barn remained. I Dungannon, tier. lath, itki3, 23rd. 1t Wan Late When They Get Bads to Hee Hoose Male Christmas Burden, Be Unhappy Rest of Year �y T 18 ors customary uowatlaye to weC,1' hear dlslaragetmrnt of l'hrlxtmas as a etas n of vaulty, seethe' dis- play. greed and covetousnes& that we like to point out the other side. Some of our cynics declare that l'hrlatmaa gifts are Beene/wive. dictated by self- Intereet-that they an• meanly,' of- fered in the hope of a return -what interest --or are an exhibition of van- ity. Ani yet, who would dare to .ay I this of u mother. who. deprives her- (self to give Jeep pineas to her child- ren, or of the girl who w'IIlingly fore- run come' little vanity for the pleas- ure of her Iar•uts? People who make Christmas a burden and a tax 'chow .the same attitede ttrrouglout the year -their ow'n false standards of 11►ing tare -16 blame, end Sof Thug ifdi� -RF I tical.-lturul New -Yorker. Ancients Gave Presents as Most People Do Now �ilE custom of melting presents at l'hrlatmas is derived from very anebent usage. It was a Teutonic inventtein. In Latin eo,,ntries gifts were exchanged at New Year's antes James Weide Fawcett In the Wasb- (ngton iii i' i F.venitig Star, The decoration of churches With • wIstleta• and lolly' 1- likewise a pa- gan survival. Nativityplays and pageants trace back to a pre-Chrlwtian era. The porta of 11e Lords of Misrule 1n lenglaud lire supposed to be an in- heritance from, the Saturnalia ' of heathen Moine. Father ('hristmas or Manta Claus to Wentilled with St. Nicholas or Nico- la.. and' also with Knecht Rupercbt and Robin Goodfellow. Grimm says that In some Inerts of Germany Knecht Nitride. Is merely an attend- ant on the real gift -giver, who L stonetimes the infant ('hrlat and .tnuetitut•s Dame Bertha, hut Who Is -oleo frequently conceived as an ugly dwarf. caller Knampus. Carol elegem by walfs, strolling MI"reet nidwitdnns, is an oft /leftists custom. The first ('hrlstnas cards date luau-ThP batik has returned that from about IS -16. get the Musket with the present. 1 Icheque. The meting up In Latin churches of haven't delivered rang of my gift. yet.' Ilia Wlfe--Isn't that splendid! What a Christmas creche 1s said to have "(bnldn't I come, tee?" can we bay with It this time? been originated by St. Francis. "lnds'sd ryes, you'd be a grist help "lb carrylttg the OasketP. - 1 atway-.r did like school -lags sod baskets carried for me." She looked up at him and Muglled. The w nersl ..nowballdn had stopped. Groups were going off together, all (sent on their (lhrlstnuas Eve active les. '•1'11 M' obliging." l'.mstaut•e Kahl. -You take the mail filen and 1'11 be really' a. Wain as you come. I won't keep you waiting. They do that, don't they, in stone.?" She stopped, a little emlarraseett. "Beside., i want to get through," she added firmly.. "Fre so many piseera where I must go." it sounded in bin ears like a beanie' ful refrain. almost like a melody. "1 won't keep you waiting. I won't keep yet w -aping." lie .1.141 It over and over again to hissiteeetiteher welting. Inc was there in .a-areely any tine' at ell. 111s fatuity hail ineler't,"sl. They had sectntel happy that he lend found e ( (741 a s.t �•7 ` P t•( later T 1 *al 7.1 eve 4 7' CVVI ■elk I "f[ sI "+tf 6•i si "ta �i � ChooseGiftsforMeni1t Surely Was Nortelerfd t. Batdt Again - in the Store for Men!> ' cut of H. But here he had, no feeling era of loneliheerle'ren though he WWI 7114, �- . "� - tack and as yet had [net few of the a people he knew and had vaguely re cognized snore what were Frown up now who lad been children before he left, he did not feel out of k. They might not recognise him, but he waw at home and he was happy and loneliness had been banished from hie heart in a gloriously complete fashion. He had gone home as soon es he had arrived, And. now be had come up to get the mall. if w•aA not tbet he expected any mail. His Chrletmna cards ami Ioxem of cigars and necktka and such would he pent to his baslneea adareex, for It ware not -until the last minute Olathe - hod been sure ho could ' make the In trtl, ane setae home in time for ('hrtetmns Eve. Hla telegram had conte before him. tont els preeenta had already been -•,•n1 otti. 1114 Ota 1 mill wsaeid Ice wnitIne for him at hie nacre. Tie hw ware, he knew rho ¢may would quickly and marvetloualy and little. Rifts to put tit ht. place on the ('hrasrniae gift tnhle. Flet the ening il; Iffor the mall wee 'amp)/ a desire to 'Sy .M what he had ;deny. dote, to mingle crw•Ith the people. to pr' hla own Morns_ folk. sl It strep• w•as wonderful to Is' leek 1x 1 agsln. Wonderful beyond even wise �Ihe had drontri d 11 would be. How 1lugke that the !rein had been nu time i noel Ate had be 11 nide to herE It Lan For those particular people who demand that Gifts be of good quality, Pridham's have assembled a great selection of Men's and Boys' Wear from which to choose the Gift he will be proud to wear. trooyttqciy C NECKWEAR 55c to $1.50 SHIRTS by Forsyth and Arrow $1.95 to $2.50 PYJAMAS, Forsyth's TALLY HO $2.50 SUSPENDER SETS 75c to $1.50 BELTS with initials $1.50 to $2.00 NECK SCARFS $1.00 to $3.95 MEN'S SPATS at. . $2.00 pair BATH ROBES $4.00 to $10.00 MEN'S GLOVES $1.25 to $3.50 UNDERWEAR at Any price you want to pay. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS with initial 35c, 3 for $1.00 MEN'S SWEATERS $2.00 to $3.50 BOYS' JERSEYS $1.85 to $2.50 MEN'S OYERCOA1 AAD SUiTS Clean, Quick, Steady Cook -fires Y Wail; z._v! eev s"irsFm+it" �H , Test the economy, comfort and convenience of Genuine Scotch Anthracite in your cook stove as well as in your furnace. Carefully sized to enable you to get the right size for your stove, forming no clinkers and leaving little ash, this popular British fuel is economical because of its high heating value and, long burning, assures you of the even heat essential to good Tat s?114riett manta.'- 'Order NOW. JOHN R. MUSTARD COAL CO. ' q�t+•IGl% a = �r '• ' s.s1} • �r�r ""� _a:.r � -ar_ : ....�.•.rr• ,..-., ..gym,. +... a..a...�...,.,redip,.m,-imo...r. 100 TELEPHONE No. 98 GODERICH, ONT. feerwtt be would not be.• What a gay thing that -was--taking arousal ('hristtnax present••fn hatlkete, in wishing people ('hriatmas cheer tend holiday gree'tIRAW, to laving do or", opened to one where a wlsif of 1alenm and •abadows of. -firelight sent a glow _ over one'x whsle heart and mind and soul. Itwas latc,,very late, when they got bnck to iter Twiner. -The sttppct;xi - he should wait. Ile suppose' he should keep quiet -for a little longer than GENUINE • SCOTCH ANTHRACITE g 1fv' If--- It Is At All Possible Don't Forget ter; We have many sex Christmas Ch000lates . 'HOLIDAY WRAPPED 50e and $1.00 For the Boy's First Bhai e-- • Gillette Razor ' 750 PERFUDLES III BULK BROWNIE 8 AND - KODAKS .. , . $2.25 up SPECIAL ORDERS OF MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS ordered this week will be delivered before Christmas. C PRIDHAM & SON Violet max 'Feet. (thri•ttn:n.e Iralnm, 11e thought, should celway" Is' on line. Mottsentx st ChAst- ma.,neren mo mneh. He Woe Invitee the poetotticc. 11e had est 9 nnmle'r of people la' knew. heat ouutskle M' lnef a strop of men who road beeeh teraeinated from high maw,' In els cisme. Thee err• pk-k- ireg tip tom. of the now f citing ono* and dowsing •nos levee nt n group erf tasgtnime rNrhsv'ked girl. GIVE (Triit`d 1f Outer OUR - Christmas SPECIAL HOT WATER BOTTLE 98c the Spirit of Christmas pensive items, that well surely serve your pur- pose. Just visit the Drugstore. Vacuum Bottle ttuggeeted Lille for 3Ieet! Playing Card ....50r, 75r, 11.00 i'ardIe 's Shaving Bowl... $1.115 Shaving Slick 'tis' Fountain Pen' $1,50 10 $11.00 Shaving Breeches 54k. to $5.11 Whisk Brooms Vie to 50e Tooth Itntshts 25e, 35e, 51k Slithers $1.50, $:i.00. $5.00. !. A. Campbell ,J. H. 1 ander I I. C. Dunlop E. R. Wigle (:oderich Druggists 69c g CHRISTMAS CIGARS -Holiday Wrapped - CIGARETTES Pkgs. of 50 and 100 YARDLEY'S BATH:BELTS PR 2 Cakes Soap and Lavender Toilet Wates.. .. 90c DO- N'T FORGET BABY! Scap, Sponges, Talcum, Cola Cream CHRISTMAS CARDS 2 for 5, 5c, and 10c ea^ih DOES FATHER SHAVE? Shaving Stick or Cream 35c Hudnut's Violet Toilet Water $1.10 Flashlights 39e up CUTEX SETS 40c to $3.00 Face Powdsri Coty's Our Suggested (sifts for Lader! Yardley's , .. $1.10 Perfume.. ?5e, 50e. 11.00. $2-0I Houbigant's 7 Rath Sake ..75e. $1.10• $1.50 Iatender Seep.. 3 Cakes $1.00 Teller Water 65e, 1100, $1.30 Fare Powder.* 25e, 50e. 75e. $1.011 Dueling Powder $1.00. $1.50 ...moiling Salts 50e. $1.00 1 omeltte 50e, 75e, $1.00, $1.541, $'! dbO (o ado 25r. 50e L velere ,.2k 35e ciestee.oe, owl* Ramo Ames - . Mt. 640e. g1.19 sot AA Lavender Flowers in Sulk ' Yardley '‘ Shaving Set