HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-09, Page 13• Lucknow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 9, 1981 --Page 11
South Kinloss girls study nursing in Stratford
By Ruth Buchemeler
Bonnie and Laurie Clark
went to . Stratford to attend
college where • they are both
taking the nursing cour
Bonnie is in her first y ar and
Laurie' is in her secon 0. year
Congratulations to r.
and Mrs. Joe Cottrill (form,
erly Cheryl Haldenby) who '
were married Saturday, Aug-
ust 29. Joe and Cheryl will
reside in Kincardine.
Debbie :Allan has returned
to Toronto to attend her
second year at Humber Col-
Norma 'Maclntyre is ' at-
tending University of Toron-
to and starts this week.
Mary Anne Ritchie: is. at-
tending Fanshawe College at
London where she is taking a
legal secretary course.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Keith
of Toronto visited on the
Family and friends say farewell
to Kinlough area fqini,ly
Mrs. Audrey Borthwick re-
turned Tuesday to St. Cath-
arines after a visit here with
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgins
and Mrs. Agnes Hodgins and
other relatives.
Mrs. Dan Mclnnes and
Nancy . of Blyth visited on
Monday with Edna and . May
Boyle. .
Mr. and Mrs. • Leonard
Stanley and family had, a
family dinner on. Tuesday
evening, before Mr. and
Mrs. Douglas Stanley,
Shawn, Trent and Rhonda
leave this community to go to
their new home near Harris -
ton. Present at the dinner
were . Mr. and Mrs. Ezra
Stanley and Arthur of Luck -
now, Mr. and .Mrs. Floyd
Stanley, Dean and Kerry of
Ripley and Mrs. Marretta
Hodgins. Mr: and . Mrs.
Douglas Stanley and family
had to leave earlyin the
evening for ;a farewell party
in their honour given by
neighbours of the 10th con-
cession, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bob Wall and
family. .
Mrs. 'Donald McEwan is a
patient in Victoria Hospital in
London, having undergone
,surgery.. We send get get
well wishes.
Lochaleh`lades "
take 4-Itcourse
By Kae Webster
Mrs. Joyce Elphick.' 'sand
Mrs. Mayme Wilkins were in
Ripley a couple of days last
week . taking 'a leadership
course for the 4-H club
course. Which :came first the
,chicken oyhe egg?
Dick Evens of Sudbury is
visiting with Mrs. Emile
MacLennan for a while.
Janet Wilkins. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wilk-
ins, goes to Sarnia on Mon-
day to take up residence at
Lambton College.
Dean and Paul Rielging,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Max
Riegling, spent a couple of
days with their grandmother,
Mrs. Marcella Courtney. in
James Webster of Water-
loo is home with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs: Wellington
Webster, this weekend.
Danny MacKenzie, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKen-
zie, is home now from Cal=
gary, Alberta. Danny is
returning to London to Fan-
shawe College on . Tuesday,
for his second year:
Edward Williamson of Wy-
oming, Ontario called on his
sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs.' Ewan Mac-
' Frank and.Ottie Corkum of
Pictou County, New Glas-
gow, Nova Scotia, are visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs: Rick
Deschamps for 'few days.
Steven, Deschamps, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Des-
' champs. starts to kindergar-
ten at Brookside School this
The Ripley Horticultural
Society held its executive
meeting Thursday afternoon
?t the home of Mrs. Marg-
aret MacLeod . of the 4th
concession; Mrs. Dorothy
Finlaylson is a director of the
' executive of the Horticultural
Society: '
Oliver McCharles of Kin-
cardine- was judging the
standing crops in the Beaver
Valley area prior to the
Beaver Valley Fair which will
be held on September 12.
Congratulations are sent to
Tommy Kempton 'and Paul-
ine Lowry who will be mar-
ried on Saturday in' Ripley.
Rtpley • •
Cemetery in Petrolia at 4
p.m. Surviving are two sons
Allan, a retired' Toronto
Police Officer and Keith, and
a grandson David - at the
home farm on Highway 21.
To these sympathy is ex-
tended at this time of
bereavement • His wife
predeceased ' him last
Sympathy of . Ripley folks
goes to and Dodi
McLelland Bervie and
their family a this time of
Ken and Anne Snaith and
daughter Whitney of Kit-
chener visited •Anne's
parents Margaret and Fran-
•from page 9
the Calico School which in
turn is north of Kintail, died
on Saturday, August 29 in the
Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital in
He was a retired high.
school teacher having taught
for 30 years in the Beal
Secondary School (Beal
Tech), London.
Visitation was at the
MacKenzie McCreath
Funeral Hoine in Ripley on
Monday of last week follow-
ed by the funeral service at 1
p.m. on Tuesday in Pine
River United Church with
Rev. Bob Marian in charge.
Interf tent was in Hillsdale
Jamie Langford returned
tohis home at Woodstock.
after spending his summer
here with his grandparents,
Mr.. and Mrs. Bert Nichol-
Mrs. Marjorie Bennett of
Toronto spent . a few days
with 'her . father, Arthur Hal-
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weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
Evan Keith.
Sandy Maclntyre spent .a
week holidaying with his
aunt and "uncle, Dr. and Mrs.
Alex •. MaaIntyre and girls of
A .neighbourhood gather-
ing was held on Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Don Bell to celebrate
Wayne's ' 21st birthday.
Mary, Margaret; Helen '
and Heather Maclntyre en-
joyed tw.o, weeks holiday to
the. east - coast.
Mrs. Bill Robinson and
girls of St. Augustine visited
Friday ' afternoon with • her
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Mrs: Clarence Ritchie and
Mrs. Jack Mali attended the
leadership course of the 4-H
club, Which comes first the
egg or the chicken, at Ripley
last week. They plan to start
their meetings this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilford
Tilsonof Magentawan spent
few, days with Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Clark.
South :Krol , .M.S..
The Sept . er meeting of
South Kinloss W.M.S. was
hello at the home of Mrs.
Jack Needham., Thepresid-
ent, Mrs." Lloyd`MacDougall,
opened, the meeting with
verses of
The Presbyterial board
meeting will be held in South
Kinloss Church September
14 and the Rally will be in St.
Andrews Presbyterian:
Church, Wingham, Septem-
ber 29.
The scripture was read by
Mrs. Donald Maclntyre and
meditation, Living one day at
a time, • was given by Mrs.
Harry Lavis.
The roll call, a Bible verse
withthe word, Learn, was
followed by a reading, Live
as You Pray, by, Mrs; Evan
Mrs, Harold ' Campbell
played several hymns on the
mouth organ, and Mrs.' Don
Bell favoured with the sing-
ing of twb lovely solos.
Mrs. Jack Needham, 'told,
some very interesting facts •of
the island of St.. Lucia where
she and ' Jack spent two
weeks this past winter," She
also showed some.very inter-
esting slides,
Mrs. Ann Austin gave the
offertory prayer, and court-
esies were made. by Mrs.
Harry Lavis. The closing
prayer was ` given by Mrs.
Bruce Hamilton.
A social half 'hour followed
with lunch served by the
hostess ' and directors, Mrs. .
Jack. Needham, Mrs. Harry
Lavis and Mrs. Anna Austin.
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You and quackgrass have an on-going
fight. And at harvest time you can see
exactly where you're losing the battle.
Those patches of quackgrass are rob-
bing you of your yield. Plus they make
combining very difficult. Worst of all, when
you plow the quackgrass under... it's just
waiting to reappear next spring.
This fall, try something different. Use
Roundup®... and get a long-term control
program for quackgrass.
It's sure and easy. After your crop
comes off, let'quackgrass regrow the
proper stage and spray with Roundup.
Wait five days and then continue normal
fall plowing. (You can treat even after
a gild frost if quackgrass is actively
If harvest is late and you don't get good
regrowth this fall:..don't plow. Leave the
quackgrass alone so you can treatit next
spring before planting..
When used in conjuction with your nor-
mal seedling weed control program, you
can control quackgrass for up to three
So this fall win the war against quack -
grass. For effective control of quackgrass
.., nothing works like Roundup.
Monsanto f ,maria In<
r4 rrmjpecf.. M ont real.
Toronto. F?egcna.
Saskatoon, Caktorr4.
ane other
�c.ry-r z -m
Nothing works like Roundup.
Roundsiottwis.a registered trademark of MonsaiitoCocrpanv: NloosantoCanada f!ic.. registered user. CMonsant'oCompany 1988.