HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-09-02, Page 8r.. �i- Luekuow Sentinel, Wednesday, September 2, 19111—Pnge 1 Judy India The summer W.M.S. meeting was held at the ;home of Mrs, Lloyd Collins. Scripture was read by Mrs. Ken MacLennan . and Mrs. Cameron Cook gave the .de- votional on Parable of a Growing Seed, followed by prayer. A Bible Quiz by Mrs. Allan MacDonald was next. The study on "Develop- ment of Christianity in In- dia" ,was capably given by Mrs. Allan MacDonald with . group discussions. Stories .of missionaries and where they " served were read and placed on a map, Mrs. Stu- art MacLennan read the Poem, If Jesus Came To Your House. Business followed.. Attend community picnic Seventy persons were pre- sent at the Purple Grove Community picnic, held at the community centre on Sunday. In spiteof intermit- tent rain drops during the afternoon, the . young and "young at ..heart enjoyed games . and races and some old fashioned visiting. The day , .ended with a pot luck supper on the grounds. Con- venors for the event were. Mrs. Roy Collins and. Mrs. Doug MacDonald. All of Donald Robertson's friends are pleasedto hear that he is out of traction at Wingham. Hospital. Donald is now sporting 'a neck brace Visitors with Mrs. Katherine Collins this week were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bell of Rochester, Michigan and Mrs. Kenneth Bell of Venice, Florida. All were here to at- tend the Bell family family picnic held at Chester Camp- bells at : Amberley. Katherine also attended, the picnic. The daughters Of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Collins, Jennifer and Angela, :entertained overnight guests Stephanie. and Sheena MacDonald on Sunday. Andrew MacDonald is en- thusiastic about his recent stay on .the Cape Croker In- dian Reserve. Andrew ac- companied his ° friend Bradley Stanley and enjoYed sharing in the Vacation Bible School sponsored by the United Church of Canada. The course was staffed by members of area' churches. Bradley's mother, Mrs. Delbert Stanley of Ripley, was once again leading a class at • the reserve. Stephanie, Sheena and An- drew are part of the fly of Mr. and Mrs. Doug .Mac Donald of this coma unity. This past week Bradley and his brother Shawn have been weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Farrell and girls. Tammy Sutton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Sutton, had an unfortunate accident with her bicycle, while riding on the 10th conces- sion. onesion. Losing control of her bike, Tammy flew over the handle bars, landing face down on the hardtop. ter. Bruce, the family dentist, met them tilt Kincardine Hospital where stitches to Tarnmy's lip were required. Fortunately no teeth were broken, but Tammy will: have a rather painful face for a few days. • • • • YOU CAN HEAT SUPER ENERGY- EFFICIENT HOMES FOR $50 TO $200 A YEAR—TODAY! It costs $500 to $1,000 to heat a typical Canadian house. But there are super energy-efficient homes coming on the market that. heat for $50 to $200,a year. They looklike other new'. houses. They have various layouts—bungalows, ranch - style, splits, townhouses... Nothing far out— and no far out prices, either. 0 They don't even use :special m • materials, or exotic technology. What they do,have are innovations in design and construction that have proven themselves through frigid Prairie winters. NEW SUPER ENERGY-EFFICIENT HOMES -TO SHOW YOU HOW It's -time other Canadians shared these secrets. That's why the Government of Canada is supporting the construction of new. super energy-efficient homes as part of the National Energy Program.. Builders will construct some in every province. Even those Canadians who aren't in the market for a new home can use some of these innovations in their present homes. But the super homes are for sale, too. They're meant for living, not just show. THE OPEN SECRETS OFA SUPER ENERGY-EFFICfENT HOME The four major items that make -a home super energy-efficient may add up to $6,000 or. 5 to 10% to the construction cost of a new home. But that's an investment which pays for itself in lower fuel bills, keeps on paying dividends for years to come and adds to the resale value of the home. MOST WINDOWS FACE SOUTH AND ARE ENERGY -CONSERVING The house is oriented to the sun with quality double -glazed windows facing south to: soak up free solar energy. Fewer windows face north and these may be triple -glazed to minimize heat loss. NOW, WHO NEEDSA• BIG HEATING SYSTEM? To completethe energgy-conserving. features of these houses, they are equipped with automatic set -back thermostats and the most efficientof appliances and heating e9uipment. The heating system is miniature both in size and consumption, matching the space heating demands of the house. The water heater and hot , water pipes are well insulated, and water temperatures are readily controlled. The major appliances all have low Energuide consumption ratings, and in some cases waste heat is captured and recirculated where it is needed. Efficient fluorescent lights are used wherever possible rather than • . incandescent bulbs. 0 THICK WALLS—VP TOi AFOOT (30 cm) THICK -AND FULL. OF INSULATION Insulation; And more insulation. That's one of the big secrets. The super energy-efficient house has two to three times more insulation than the average new home, • - WHAT YOU'LL GET Super Energy- Most Other Efficient Home -New Homes ii81 _OD. R51 _(R) Ceilings 8.S -\I0.5 (50-60) 3.5 -5.3 (20.30) Walls 5.3-` 7.0 (30-40) 2.I -3.5 (12-20) Easement Walls 3.5- 5.3 (20.30) 0.184.1 ( 1-12) (A higher •R51' factor means lower heat Toss.) The walls of a super energy-efficient home ' are sometimes 30 cm thick to take the • abundant,insulation. The attic is piled high with the stuff, and there's even insulation in the doors, making them RSI/"1.1 or better, - instead of the normal RSI/.35. You, can't see super -insulation, but it's there, silently saving you money. IT'S AIRTIGHT BUT. HEALTHY— WITH FRESH AIR • .J The entire house is wrapped (on the inside) with an airtight vapour barrier to reduce excessive rates of air change, to keep out ° drafts, and to keep household moisture from entering the walls. -The vapour barrier is carefully overlapped and caulked at all joints. -- even behind electrical boxes. Every joint and crack is completely sealed. Doors and windows are weather-stripped and super- tight, Air -lock vestibules reduce drafts • when doors are open, in fact, the house is so airtight that \ mechanical ventilationMay have to be provided. But even here, a unique air-to-air heat exchanger developed just for this purpose, or a smaii heat pump, saves energy by transferring heat from the outgoing air to the incoming fresh air. Ventilation is efficient and controlled — not wasteful and haphazard. BUY A SUPER ENERGY-EFFICIENT HOME—OR JUST LEARN FROM ONE 1f you're in the market for anew home, here's what to do: • - Some super energy-efficient homes may be built in your community within the next year or so. Buy one, .if you can. They'll be bargains. When looking at any new house ask for the. features that make a home super- energy- efficient. Even if you're not in the market for a new house you can still save energy and money in your resent home. Here's where the .' Ener$ave Advisory Service— a free Government of Canada energy consulting service for all Canadians --can help. Mail the coupon below. We'll send you our Ener$ave "Energy Analysis" questionnaire. It will help you plan and complete your home energy program. 1+ Energy Mines and ehergre. Mines et' Resources Canada Ressources Canada rettore# arms ammo mom roar ammo Mail to: Government of Canada Energy. Mines and Resources Canada' PO Box 4510. Station I Ottawa. Ontario .XIS 51(3 1 want to start my Borne Energy Conservattofn Plan Please send an EnerSavc"Energy Analysis" tiiiestionnarc to: Please aomp,ere Chit, Atorrrrarton rest s1=4ease or,nlr ( sur. amp) Nome I i i 1 r F,#. i NOV) 1 1 1 1 1 1' 1 1 1 1 11' J. J I 1 vrovinC. FT- ! 1t _ ti_ • r 1 terepflane: -_L L 1 ._ .1 POttite ten in your pso>ttal code rf rn naoeasitry far a raps return of . rntortnat-flit! reguSted. Pogfilltoda,: 171_1J ET Ili 1' taolitti epfeterfed 1 Engraft 0 POOtfi W08 00 , ea. Ala" ######## cash& edam. ale*, tier* #finiato 4 1 Canada