HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-12-7, Page 8*-'1'haretay, December Tel, 1983 • Gill Ideas USE OUR STORE FOR YOUR GIFT SELECTIONS BOOKS OF ALL KINDS China Silver Plate Pena and Pencils 2bc and up Dolls and Toys • 25c and up -'Boxed Note Paper .26c up Lads Leather Bags $1.50 and up Beads, etc. lbc and ilp Get your Christmas Cards ail Calendars. Ti.,ueg. Seats. Tags. Cellophane. nnw while our stock is complete. COLE'S Gift Shopper MUNICIPAL ILECTIONS W. I). Handers was elects! Reeve of Exeter on Monday, defeating B. M. Francis, the preeeut Reeve, by a cite of 483 to 407. At Wluglatm also there was a turn- over, John W. Hanna defeated Mayor Willis by a vote of 442 to 49). Coun- cillors elected are G. I. Baker, J. H. Crawford. Ian Geddes, Chas. Mahe .. A ._.AI...1LLstrlp.�t .ii.. Jt..-J�1est.• Let our obJe. t (s. our tv try, our I whole eVb111Ytr)and nothing but our otuntry.-Daniel Webster. Mill iner-. Het. e't re (:O Adju shed at y up Idling sonahly dun.• TRIPE HOSE lets in all the new on or web* weight, $1.00 Pr. McKINNON PHONE In SQUARE rfeCtOCKVCIVOCtelai1VaillratInflaittlzten Town of Goderich--1'933 Taxes December 15th the Iarrt day to pay second Instalment of Of GO,_ 19;5:3 Tuxes without penalty, Pay eatey A and avoid extra Posts, - J. H. ROBERTSON, TAX COLLECTOR TORONTO, Saturday, December 16th l;yLdren-usual ha, LATTRACTIONS fare. Tickets good In (s 2. VO Meadels»oMt j>r it Concert YAH" coaches only. No i'RN oral Hockey Lague baggage checked. from a er "Leafs" vs. "Canadiene." Excursion Tickets good go he Saturday. December 16- g• od to return .ns Batu . ' Snnday' sad Monday. Obtain nfonuatien from DEPOT AGENT. S. D. CROFT, PHONE NM. DOWNTOWN AGENT, J. A. IA ' ('E, PHONE 6. • CANADIAN NATIOt4AL xm. hhrchimas tet pLEABE your family sad = aim Mends all gifts--- Wifi Wer moat by ortrait ait k1I • s�.... ussler A�ODficm, -Maker of Photo oggra yph �s.ttehaatqa live �--- Tittren §/_____pcial--Saturday_ Only BEEF PORK VEAL LAM SHOULDER PORK CHOPS..... 12C SHOULDER VEAL CHOPS........:.$.. ' SHOULDER VEAL ROAST ..- . - .... per Ib. 1 LB. SAUERKRAUT BOTH FOR19C 1 LB. WEINERS 2 LBS. LIVER BOTH FOR �c 1 LB. BACON "Home -Maid" Pure Pork Sausage 2 lbs. for 23c Maple Leaf Minoe Meat, the better grade 2 lbs. for 28c BOILING BEEF 70 lb., or 4 lbs. for 25c CHUCK ROAST lb. 8c ROLLED PRIME RIB ROAST lb. 12c FARMERS -WE PAY TOP MARK B'lt PRICES FOR YOUR PODUTRY SANITARY MEAT MARKET HAMILTON STREET PHONE 454 WE DELIVER THE SIGNAL LONDESBORO LONDE8110100, Dec. 5. -Mr. Gor- don Snell, who was on a hooting trip up In Northern Ontario, returned last week with • tine deer. Mrs. E. Crawford who was visiting her granddaughter, Mrs. 1t. Brindle', Nile, has returned to her home. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sbubbrok hare named- to. elude -rid'. where Mr. Mob - brook has secured a position. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lyon received word last week that their son, Ar- thur, who Is a medical student in Tor- onto, had eontrected blood-polaonlns la his right hand and eryslpelaa in his fate. He is Will confined to the hos- pital, but is improving. The Lcmde•horo Women's InaUWte are meeting this afternoon instead of Thursday. Rev. -A: W. Gardiner will lever as address: -sirs. 1*. Vedden win give a paper on Christmas and there will be Christmas music in charge of Mrs.. Geo. Muou and Mrs. Geo. McVittle. A collection will be taken for the Cbildren's Shelter at Goderlch. Hoateesee-,Miss 8. Barr, .Yee. F. Hall, Mrs. M. Manning. lira. M. Jordan, Mrs. R. Townsend, Mrs. M. Nt•viaer L men! a quality" EAR TIfE NEW Oi)EiL STORE, OR, BETTER Id., S DEMONSTRA'11�ONE IN Y OWN HOME. VV Prices $37.50 to $194.50 BOT & CORNISH ••t'e'BYRRYTHINO ELECTRiCAL"-- 1 MU El RESIDEIiCB 900 Rpee. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP COLBORNE TOWNSHIP, Dec. 11. - The seamen for Christmas e•oot•erta ts drawing on. The United Sunday scbool will hold their entertalnment In the church on Wednesday evening, December 20; 8.8. No. 1 school don- tert will be on Thursday afternoon, December 21, in the school. and that of 'the Presbyterian Sunday school on Friday evening, December 22, in t1N hall. Miss Helen Clark le visiting friend► in Goderleh a few days this week. Miss Dorine Webster spent the week -end at her tame at St. Helens. Mrs. GoodilR underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis In Goderieh hos- pital on Wednesday morofng. We hope for it speedy recovery. Sundae School OAkera.-The annual meeting of the Smith's Hill Sunday school was held at the home of Mr. Wm. Mellwaln on Thursday evening. Rev. W. J. Patton was chairman of We meeting and presided over the election of officers, which resulted as follows: Hon. superintendent, Mr. Ales. Ywtng; wtperlateedent, Mr. Wm. Mellwaln ; assistant superintendent, Mr. W. Walter; secretary -treasurer, Mr. Fordyce Clark ; assistant secre- tary -treasurer, Mr. Jas. Owen; organ- ist, Mia Thelma Feagan ; assistant organist, Mia Amelia Mcllwain ; teachers and assistants, Mr. John Young, Mrs. Henderson, Mr. W. Walter, Mie H. Clark, Mra. W. Wai- ter, Mn. Stoll, Mn. C. Tessin. Miss Irene Stoll. Was Ruby Yount[, Miss Amelia Mcllwain. TIME FLYS- Only three weeks natal Chrlet- mare and everything toile. Why not let Jean Walter,-I1L-11I. do your baking for yea?' SHE MAKES DELICIOUS CHRISTMAS CAKES rams 227 Stoves k NOW I8 THE TIME TO BUY YOUR STOVE BE SURE IT IS A renews Pit H. Blackstone the Bromism, datieri a ea et WEST STREET Headquarters for the QUEBEC STOVE THE GODERICH HEAT FOLKS ORDER A TRUCK -LOAD OF SUMMERTIME FROM THE HEAT FOLKS GODHRICH, ONT. Z:llo1 e.f • Id lbs saunas a singldr " t. 93 Nu haulms a turtena a rt�,sa6 anda the brusy W the lows Tee report " s*md that these prices he pall a hattllag until fur- ther notice, lust + recommendation was street eat. drat ••r, in committee of or whole, lig we. decided to cat tram these priest The public work. committee re- ported that • lease of the skatiall rink to Robert Deal tor the winters Ter 14501 frost! lesa.tBmpMud. anal Arse pa NNW of Irk received, number a eines renal" bad made to Bito propjet. The water. Ugkt and harbor sons mlttee recemmemtied geeeptan•e o1 a proeosltloa from the Goderich Salt Co. for the rental - tf 57 feet of the town freight abed at the harbor for 1934 at a rental of 912 per month. It was r'emermaad.sl that the bund - Ing be put in shape. In'luding the placing of .new supporta under the Goer. The cemetery and parks committer recommended the Mediu of a fire es- cape ladder tie the east end of the Park House at an approximate cost of 920. In diecusaion .of tyle report of the public works committee Reeve OraIgle said it wealth be neve-try to do some- thing about the water tvurptalned of in Mite Baker's cellar. It was stated that the sewer was several fest lower than the cellar and that the town court not undertake to drain the lot. Deputy Reeve Moser mkt that the Own would take care of any weber delivered at the street line. The reports were adopted. Ceaauit, Christens Tree A motion was passed asking the special committee to make arrange - menta for a moronity Christmas tree. The matter et • transfer of pay - meat from the cemetery perpetuity fund for care of cemetery lots to 1953 was referred to tbe finance committee. Bylaw No. 31. reappointing A. Y. Robertson and FL R Long auditors for 1934, and bylaw No. 32, appoint. lag eleetles meets end naming poll- ing places for trio maniclpal elections, were pawed, Sad the council then went into eomaltbe' of the whole. The people who hate winter Are often people who have never had real winter comfort ln.thetr homes. There L no nect•asity for your being un- comfortable this season. Heat your home with OUT D L err W. blue' coal; and learn what it Is to have perpetual spring time WE NOW o1174111Ns , SCOTCH ANRACiTii• ,:4:.W1w 4;-. cc. .- Siad -.. mr_.eaaar. J. tie MUSTARD COMPANY AMIE LD Atell.FI BLD, Dag. S. -MIS Annie May MacDonald i . Ating friends in Detroit for a fag ....eke. Death se Omran Mac Lamm - With startling Marl, 'nem the death of Duncan lilacifgenan, of the Lake Shore road, AdalN'toccurred oa Friday morning. p..ember L Mr. Maclasaan had set !teen teeing just well for somet hs, bat he wan about doing his, l on the farm as usual aa� previous toa his dTh deals. The ossa Masiaasan was bora 1a oa the old farm BRIEFS The Menesetung Canoe (dub ' has voted 920 for Christmas cheer for the lumataa of the l'bUdren'a Shatter. WHY 8l'Fth Rheumatism, Hacksaw, go.--I1SE 1tt11MA- CAP8.-J. . l . BELL, Druggist The regular meeting of Victoria Hume and School Chub will be held next Thurnlar aftecesseu, lr=..sru'..ser lith, at, 4.13 p.m. This Is to be a business meeting. • • • CHRISTMAS SPECIAIN IN PER- MANENT WAVES at lee, GODEJRICH BEAUTY SHOPPE West Street Orae week only, December 11 to 16! ArtbtktEuealotl Ware, regular 95.00 Natural Ori Waver tet end», re- gular 97.50-94.51. Tulllpboyi and Nestle Le Mur cum- binatl, dell t ends, regular 910.00 'Iltes ase .. are g rent . and as there Is a c y Itmi 1 her we suggest yo make u ppolntinent without de '1 .lerkh Beauty Shoppe w time that equipment scalp treatments ' as ,bene utotleru to the life of 1 For appoint • s e UIW and ask at this latent and beet nent waving and been lustslled. nose add greatly at wave•. on Saturday of the death et his half- brother, Mr. Wm. Sickle of Termite which occurred in the General hospital theta. Master Frank cedy underwent as upention for the removal of his toa- alla oa Monday in the Alexandre Marine hospital, Cioderich. We are WANTED YRA NTICAmDN A no 11 lodtlol�� w Opa4 lag required. Cash PIM a while learning. Var. basmega . r tura mote mtajIc. Write 1110(.$& 4 SYSTEM, 121 Queen It, W. Tomato. pleased to report that he is getting almaokrly. • NOTICE TO CEED1TOKS • 4r. 111xa. sad M•ra Chas. Whitely and son, Ross, of (3oderieb townantp, ytyplOE TO CREDITORS. deiced the lady's aunt, Mins 1. threw,!� lest Friday. Notice la her The three-aet play, -Peggy's Double," hereby given to all par - which was presented la -the pariah sons Erving euy claim Spinae tks hall on Friday evening under the au- sakes of Alberta B. Beckett, late et spice. of the Wonaea's Gdlld of SL tie town of (loderh� In the smutty of Huron, Registered Nurse, who died Paul's Anglican (bunt, by the Drama- on or about the 11th day of October, tic Club of fit. Peter's AngItcan dhurch, 1933, to seri., same to the ugn ndersied attended. wee well attended. Th. or to Dr. A_ C. Hunter. Oodettch, or players performed their parts well. Mr. John (�sme Steeari Plealsett, aesoayrxlei of comber,oodericos or Iifore '23rd day of December, 1993, as Meas Long at the piano. furnished on and after that date the executors music between acts, also fur the done whteia was held atter the play. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 8111lb and daugh- ter, Miss Myrtle, and Mrs. Rory Mc- Donald attended the Sliver wedding of Mr. anal Mrs. Richard Brown. 12th (once/Won of Ashfield, on Monday. People In this vicinity will regret to hear of the defeat of Mayor J. J. Allen In the recent municipal ele.tion at Ottawa. Mr. Allen ha« been May- or of Ottawa the tart three years, labor had two acclamations. At s meeting of the dtrechrra of the Goderleh Rural Telephone Com - Ilan' held on Friday,. I)eember 1st, r. N. F'. Whyard, who has charge of eentrel duple.. was re-engaged for an- other year. Stele rlew•rs' rentals hare been reduced 91 r year. Mr. W. 11. Shephard, manager of the Auburn brand. of the Bank of Contmer•e, with his assistant, Idoyd Dinuen, us teller, took charge of the 1)uugannon branch on Friday last and will continue to give service here on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fridays We are geed to report that Mrs. I)a- vld (;Irvin, who has been eondined to ted. is steadily Improving. Mr. Wm. H. Reed spent the week- end with friends at Detroit. Weasee's Isrtitutee---The regular monthly meeting of the •Womea'aia., stitute was held at the home of Mrs. Rory McDonald on Thursday last. In the absence of the president, the first rice -president, Mn. J. J. Ryan. pre- sided. resided. The. meeting was opened with the singing of the Ode and the repeat- ing of the Lord's Prayer in unison. A contest was conducted by Mn, li..A•, McKenzie, the winner being Mrs. Dae rideoa Mrs. Fred Roes gave a sheet reading. "The Autobiography of a i)lme," and Mrs. W. R. Webber* aide gave a reading. Mn. Roach invited' the Institute for the next meeting. Lan -h was served at tate Biose of the aaeattag, the bestessos being Mrs. R. A. McKenna, Mrs. W. R. Stoners and Mrs. Fred R. W. M. & &oriel Meeting. -The an- nual meeting of the W.Y.S. of Due - gasses United ekereb was held Fri- day. December 1st The president, Mies Cella Pentland, had charge of the meeting, wheel was opened with hindmost exercises, epeeist prayer Whig *Eared for diadem here and is other Malik The roil call was an- swered by heip[W !teas on mtaaioa- eey-4istrtrt1yd" Yui lt1_ _ d and teeth's read ,,,•'."r4:`,4(--14; f.K6i�i�alllrr ire,ii had been sent for relief mimeses. devotional leaflet, "Christ the Babe." wan read by Mei McWhinney. A Christmas story, "The Angels and the Star," was -reed by Mrs. McMillan. "Medical Work la China" was the sub- ject of a paper by Mrs. R. Roach, and Mrs. Lillian Campbell gave • paper, "The Dowager." Reports from dif- ferent committees were read showing good work accomplished. The alloca- tion of 9150 was paid in full. The election of officers for 1934 resulted as follows: President, Mise Celia Pentland; vice-prevideot, Mrs. Arthur Elliott ; secretary, .lira, George Harris; assistant secretary, Mrs. J. J. Ryan; treasurer, dirs. N. F. Whyard; pian- ist, Mrs. .1. McWhinney; press sec- retary, Miss Martha Pentland; aSlat- ant, Mrs. It. Roach; strangers sscrr- Jery, Mrs. G. Irwin; Christian AWL. ardahfp secretary, Mrs. Stewart; tem- prranee secretary, ---yrs;- .McMllban; Missionary Monthly secretary, NW McClure; finance committee, Mra Lil- lian Campbell, Mrs. McWhinney, Mn. Moore, Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. C. G. Tre- leaven, Mrs. Arthur Roach, Mrs. Why- ard. Tea was served at 0 o'clock. for FREE Is your ha falling out? Have you dry, brittle, ekes hair? Dandruff? If you late we will glady give you free advice. Remember, we have recently in- stalled a special machine for scalp treatments end have tbe various ap- plleatlons for different conditions. These applit'atlons enable you to get the very best and quickest results at the lowest price. TWO RECORDS "Hal. B." in Toronto Star says: 1t seems as thougu we were mis- taken wbeu we stated that a new record was established at the Duf- ferin on Monday. When Lady Mc- Gregor paced in 2.44,4 to win the fifth beat of her race it really did look like something new, but now It appears that Geld Litt won a beat last year with the pacing mare Mona Grattan in 2.48, so chalk up another record for the Gretton and Otdd. Back in 1927 Oidd Litt drove Grat- tan Bars, 1.59%, to a Canadian re- cord for half a mile over the London track in 59% sworn*, which still stands, so with the fastest hart mile to his credit, and tie slowest aIle paced In a race. the honor is all his. on tbe lake sheie,.''Strath►ran," new owned- k/ his banker Lumneth D. Mac- Lennan. He one Ake eldest moa dt non *01 was mixt years of age He was a asmbe and also an el6er of AahAsid Prealgteriaa .march. Quiet and ttaasurnJneg is his ways, he wars a kind sad eIaetieaate boahand and lather tai a Was revered by aH who knew Ela mai ked many of the dominating ebert'*dstics of the Highland race fro. eshk•h he sprang. He it, survived b; kis widow, Eine Roes, and two soon. Malcolm, teacher at Barrie, sad AndMrw, •t home; also by five brothers. ' Kenneth D., of "Strethvrea ;" Joll a of Toronto; and Alex., Roddia, and James of Cblcago. Two slaters predeceased him some Years ago. The ftharai was on Mon- day to Lochalsh lsaetery. After a abort service in die home the body was takes to As/Mad Presbyterian church, where an `readve funeral service was eradoelel by the pastor, Rev. J. R. Yac(1111113s7. The church waa fined to cape Many from out- side points being t to pay their last respects 99 o loved eo well. Duncan Meetay "Where the Roses Never Fad - eoae of those frog a distance his brothers, Ates., from Obi and John also Mrs. John Mac from Toronto; Mrs. MacDonald, _ ce and Louise, from Toronto. T Mestere were Nen G. Macleod ries Stewart, Hector McLean, Boyd, D. A. McLean and into a McIntyre. To Mrs, MacLennan m and An- drew and other Hees we esteed our sineere eyn11ut in their very sore berea vemen i HOCKEY G Gederieb In Group 13 whit Five Other T Goderich hes i.. - placed to Inter- mediate group 12 the O11.A., along with New Ilan -dm Mitchell. See - forth, C?Mton and r. A meet- ing of repronentet from the six clubs M to he 1.-1 at Seaforth thin evening to draw t a arhalule, H. r. Dawson of el i n Is Serevent for the group Fer a Tewn league it was pointed t ea Wednesday night, when a e . of hockey play- er% eligible for a ham gathered to dlseaS the alt r , that the pea Miller of formlrud }hilar h•age° with nearby town* trek very remote. The Mea wen fo the 'molesters a president of the wend that herr each captains* by Weyer. Thee t agein■t mss ane[ for a futons Ince be developed under espertitne d Mayor ante the idee before erew peaporins for field -or All boys el team are regseetee ter et the Kitte as span ere 4 dropped by Eaterten it litter. elesteutive. stele Siang he termed, be played thee meterial team would esening et an order as fin - Mr. Mister hentait In t future in the *frier heck,' Mr. Mix - Millard parlor RAI)MINTON AND BRIDGE The tont Badminton Club Med an informal afternoon tea in the new elub rooms in the Saunders apart- ments. tee Wein tenet on Saturday. The AMMON -11Menering more than Sixty MERE OE afternoon, were abown ever the club rooms and ploy - hos court. The (starters, altbough est as smacker am those used Last year, are more comfortably situated and appointed. Several of thew Wife et- ernal LW avenerer entail aatiorelhe bridge, according to tbeir taste. Is order to cet tbe club away to an early start this year Ind gst the members enrolled aa soon as possible, a "round robin" tournament has been aneounced for tide Saturday after- noon. A apace ou the bulletin board hes been reserved for those who wish to make tbeir entries. Tbe following exendive has been appointed for this season : President, lis/rut; treasurer, C. L. Walker ; Woes committee, 31re. W. W. Martin, Miss Grate Watson and C. L. Walker; me cial committee, Mrs. E. C. Beaeom, Miss Claire Reynolds. Miss Ann Wur- tele and MIAs Margaret Wateou. Tbe Bridge Club has joined with the Badminton Club this year and tbe same roomer are being treed be The first *kite game on Monday West, eight taigas occupied. The winners were• North and South -let, R Patter - eon and Jas. Robertson, 21; 2nd, Mr. and Sins P. F. Carey, 16; 3rd. Mrs. H. T. Edwards and dirs. J. R. Wheeler, 10. East and Weet-lat, Mr. and Mrs. awely and Mrs. W. F. Saunders, 11; A second game will be held in the club rooms next Monday evening. DUNGANNON 'DUNGANNON, Dee. 6. -Mr. and kire. Robert Wiggins of Brantford spent the week -end with friends here and at Itlyth. McKenzie attended the Presbytery Megan': lAoyd Finnigan and Geo. end et their respective homes. Mr. end Mro. Cullen , Pentland of Grimsby spent a few days laet week with the formefo mother, Mee David GiMrvri.nOordon Kidd scent the week- end at his home in Southampton. Mr.. Bert Bradford and children Betty and Norrim wine the week -end with friend* in Goderleb. The regular monthly meeting of the WILII held in the neeretary's Wen on T'needny of thee week. Mr. Arthur Ind? of leemIngton spent the week -end tbe guest of hle eerie and aunt, Mr and Mee. Fred RtmiltDoset forget the library eoneert to be heed la tbe periab hell on nide, evening, Deteleber 15th. A splendid leverytegsellese and help a good ililiftiditoMAirtivin and Mins M. M. onto, whore lire. Girvin mead the winter...with her daughter, Mye, met- .% Reed and Mime Penland expecte to visit her sister, alre. Emit Jahn - stow of Gmbeeee. Mr Alex. Peanded reallted weird DIED ARMSTRONG --At Brantford, on Sun- day, December 3rd, Cbsrles Neilson Armstrong, formerly of Goderich, in his 560 year. IN MEMORL1M Chas. A. I who away -three yea her Pelt, 1980. Re who lo% ly miss you As it daw r year; in our lone rs thinking. Thoughts f you are ever pear. -Sadly axed by Wire AND DAUG herein will proceed to make distribu- tkni of the assets a the mid estate. having regard only for the claims MS Dated at tluderkh thbi 5th day et December, A -D. 193a. IlAYS HAYS, Goderich, Ontario) Solicitors tor the Executors berets. PUBLIC NOTICE THE ALE GEN The 110811111 tion will Godericl 1933, at RA IRE AND- TAL the Armada - MacKay Hall, Deeember 11, Wrier YOU SALE. The Towu has a quantity of good body hardwood direet from tbe twee berth for sale at 98.00 per adagio cord of one -foot weed, delivered. Also a limited quantity a good body hardwood at $8.00 per full cord et tour -foot wood. Order* lett at tbe Town Hall will be attended to. PIANO TUNING wben you hone man tor Piene AUCTIONIZEING LIVE STOCK AND GENERAL AUCTIONEER Teiephene No. 119 Sales attained to twined* and evegi• ed'ort made to give sathebtethim Farmers' sale notes discanated. MEDICAL if NOBS, THROAT. Late Home Serene Now Tea Ophthalmic sad Antal Hospital. Y. and (Wide* Square Threat' Beepitsd. 58 Waterloo Street IL, StrelOsetl. es staked.essaing°414.det :41.hi-r4ltriur4111kse-46111"- 7:11 day elf mien Meth till tbe Mewing 7 CHIROPRACTOR ANVBROLINIIII Gederich, Phew 341 intim Eleetreeic electric treatment* and dairepractie Chronic. ergesie end nervous Menem Lady in et- urday, and On Wednesday 10 te a.m. and 7 to 8 p.m, or consult:alba nmay be had by appolatesset. Reside/raw and edlee-Corner Meath street ant Beleasala read LEGAL DOUGLAS R. NAIRN. Barrister and Solicitor Telephone 512. V. R. DARROW, BARRISTRR, EPO. II Successor to J. L. Killen's. Office -The Square, Goderich. Telephone W. FRANK DONNELLY, &A. es - Barrister, 9olleiter, IOW Othee--Hamilten Street, Godwin'. Telephone 781 DAYS & HAYS, Hamilton Street, Goderich. TPlephon* 88. Barrfeter and Solicitor Sun Life Building, Adelaide and Vie. toria Streets, Toronto 2. Telephone Elgin 5801 1NSI ANT) I 'TEAR OF Mk. t oprorermity of ex - their re appreciation a k tendered In their the Wee of wend elan n thew wbo Waned ear' for the fnnegal. INSURANCE, LOANS. WV. NeICILLOP MUTUAL 111t11 1241101111. AMOR co. -ran• sad isolate, town property Mound. R. 3, Seaford.: Jame Glassily. The - Pres, Gottertee P.O.; Mortal A. Ed& Direetore-A. Breadhast R.R. Se. forth t James illooldiea WOW' Wm Knox, Lendesbere; Robert Pen. ' hare, P.O; Ube 1Pepper. RrouslitML Potter -believe ems Mira eV and gee esdr elf& /Wel !task Meese: CIO I Omer,. Risotto genvit: