HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-12-7, Page 7ty and District
The WInglww Chamber of Cuwaneree
la again apousoelug a aetauawaltyt
('lsristmas tree In that tuwu.
T.he :•Ml ':abort . eteinte•.! Y �11tLBF.
Wm season will open at Zurich on
January lith. There will be Pleases
for boys in agriculture nod for glris
in cktmesue science.
David C'antekni of Winton, one of
the beat -known men In the county, on
November 27th eelebrated his eighty-
sixth birthday. lie Is still doing
business at it dealer lu produce and
Uve stock.
s-. Bobbie Currie, teveysarokl mom of
--- ter- nation Agent l'urrle,--lhthel, wait
thrown trove a honie'i-raC-k lino( his
--lett arm was broken -it -The elbow.
• He was taken to the Sick Children's
hospital at Toronto for treatment.
Mrs. Martha Champion, of Breese's,
war terribly burned one morning last
week when grease from a goose she
wee cooking took fire and her cloth-
ing was set ablaae. Her argue and
neck were severely burned, eausing
the most Wiener pain.
The death of Mrs. inose Yost oc-
curred November 27th at the home of
bet daughter, Mrs. Joseph. Foster,
Babylon Ilse, Hay township De-
ceased was in her tkeveuty-ulnth year.
Nbe was born in Germany and loved in
Michigan the greater part of her life.
Mr. and jars. (trine B.seseula.rry,
Forest, announce the euytagemeut of
Weir daughter, Carrie Loulsesto Ar-
thur Bruce Medd. B.N.A., lwgn
Ont. sun of W. G. Medd, M.P.P.1 said
Mrs. Meed, Exeter; tete wedding to
take place Ste latter tart of this
The [marriage wax solemnized in St
Peter's .March, Drysdale, of Alphot-
dne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Durham's., Blue Water Highway, to
Neholarb. Stansbury, son of Mr. and
aim John Stansbury of Detroit Rev.
Father Marchand officiated. The
young couple will reside in Detroit.
Yrs. Sellars, widow of William Net
Ian, died Wednesday of last work at
the home of her niece, Mrs. Martin
(larnlaa, :Ind ceonevewlon of Morris
township, at the great age of eighty-
nine years. Decetaed was a resident
of Bluevale for many years and after
the death of her husband made her
home with a daughter. Mn.. Wesley
Thornton. at Detroit. until this fall,
when she returned to Canada to visit
An old realdeut of HulleU township.
Mltlst Jane-LLYwr1Y, iharvrel- away No-
vember lith at the age of eigtity-thtce
yearn. Fur some ylgtrs she resided
tea't"rtmrt -9ee:eitietiet - elle-Anne•
been at the home of her nephew,
James Lowrie.
At St. Jame« rectory, Neaforth, on
Monday, November 27th, Rev. Father
Hussey united lu anat. cage Mary Ter -
ear, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrd.
Joseph Matthews of Sealor h, and
William Morrison Hart, sou of Mrs,
Jean Hart and the kite William Hart
of eafurt . , The yeung temple will
nillle In Naalurtb. -
The. death .arourret-wrddenlg- on
Saturday eight et Dabs Jordu, 6t4
concession of MoWI/. the rowtlt of al
attack Of pnewaoaka. Deceased was
la his eiatyelgbtlt year and leaves his
wife, two daughters, Velma, aurae -In -
training at 'lbrouto, and Ikweie, at
home, and tee looms, Clayton, of Tor-
onto, and John, at home.
Willlagu A. !toga, a well-known re-
sident of Stanley township, died on
buuday afternoon, after it short
MUM, at at the age of sixty-two years.
tie is survived by his wife, formerly
Grace Little of IfeRlllop; a daughter,
Grace, who teaches school at Streets-
vllle, and two sons, Wilfred and 11'ai-
laee, at borne. Dr. R. It. Rine of
Soaforth Is a brotlwr.
Itruaaela' New Postmaster
Fred A. Hunter, of Cranbrook, has
been appointed postmaster of Brus-
h', succeeding W. 11. Iltrll, who re -
with relatives.
Furnaces Cleaned
Repaired and Pipes
Prompt service and prices
John Pinder
Phone 127 P. 0. Boz 131
The Leading Men's Store
Hand Tailoring and
Special Order to Your
Chas. Black
ansa: r#14
Cornwall's Veteran
Medical Practitioner
(Continued frow page 01
Mutual Lite uf Canada fut (almty-
ntne-rel7v:- and thea (leen phi:deiatt
for i'•e Moms of England Benevolent
Na. ty for forty nine years and the
`tardier -nf.,Ildefahre rl • kr
forty-four years. For forty -ane years
he has bctu ditlekpual burgeon for
the former Grand Trunk Railway and
the present Canadian National Rall -
ways. covering (Ile district from west
of Auttavllle to l'utssu, Qac. The
position of coroner for tbe Eastern
dlrtrkt be has filled for forty-six
In all these positions of trust and
nespouallrility, it has (erg a eesc of
the potation melting the man, not the
eau the position, and how well Dr.
Hamilton Iwo discharged Rite dutiee
In all mimesis is evidenced by the
length of hie service.....
The Hamilton F'aaaib•
lir. Hamilton was twice married.
His first wife was Harriet San Dick -
Inn on, eldest daughter of Dr. J. J.
Dickinson. Of that onion five sons
were born --Charles Regiwald Haan
Dem, C1ti'ren-e i)k•klttwrn Hamilton,
Ernest Patrick Hamilton, George
Carrell Idlaorwon JleetiB.tt, Maurice
Ceyley Mountain Hamilton, all of
whom are deceased but Charles Re-
ginald Hamilton.
Clarence Dickinson Hamilton, after
four years' senate in the Great War,
gate up hls fife for King and coun-
try; Maurice ('ayley Hamilton, after
pnictish►g medicine for seven years,
Reye up 1.1s lite from that dreaded of
pssigaed. Mr. Hasler la a all diseases, tuler-uksds. Both (llar-
former Brussels tneretutnt and a war (nee and Maurice graduated trona Me -
veteran. 6111 University, Montreal. in medicine.
Veen( People's Rally The mother of the five sons pained
Mt -where of the Young l'roi.le's•ite away on June 20th. Pen, on the day
c•Ietles of the United Church to South the diamond Jubilee of the lute Queen
Huron held a rally at Exeter om Fri- Victoria WAS utslerved. -•
day night, with an attendance of over lir. Ilamlltoti t mooned wife was
eighty: A banquet was pr,'vi.krl by Mb's Helen ('titre, daughter Ad the
the T.P.S. of Main street church, Ext.- late Samtwl Cline, a member of one
ter, and was followed by a program (t the moat highly respected famines
of speeches and made. The guest. o[-j;p�wal1.
speaker was Aubrey Oldham of Sar-
nia, president of young people'. so-
cieties for the !Ando') Contemner.
Thrown by Gasoline Engine
William Finlay. Ashfield farmer,
met with it painful *e.-klent meat',
News o e Farm
Notes and.•
Notes On
Agricttjlfimil Ttrplee
Jtsalss ifiassaa
Honore were MH divided among
carkus Casadlaa ye/vine's 111 the
boyo anti saris: aiuf, csinpetitl0ai
at the ltoyel Muter Pair, Torooto.
Quebec won la Hairy cattle, Mani-
toba in beet Attie stud poultry,
Saskatchewan la swine, Nova Scotia
in potatoes and Ontario lu grains.
There were tlfty-eix contestants, re-
presenting over 18,000 members of
about 1,400 clubs They were the
very best (bat mould be developed
through local and elimination cow
teats and the way -in wideb they went
about tbe Judgla( of the various
classes tied anawamd • questions beg r-
ing on the project which Lad com-
manded Muir major attention during
the past season elbowed that the boys'
and girls' club movement is develop-
ing an army tit competent leaders.
During their week In Toronto, the
boys and girls were royally enter-
tained. Progpects for the future of
this junlor farmer movement are very
• • •
Beet Cattle
The progressive steps in growing
a beef steer are first to develop by
continuous growth a large frame well
covered with muscle and never entire-
ty denuded of fat; then to deposit on
Mist body of frame and muerte the fat
necessary to give the animal Ute de-
sired finish. To achieve ttte first step
regutrea a 'Idiom :Id, in bone and
muscle building feed+ according to
local conditions; to accomplish the
second step a eosaew-hat abmilar ra-
tion la needled at Reit, but gradually
clanged to one containing a larger
proportion of fat producing iarbona-
eeoue foody, such es rote, barley and
Dictators Mould be gradual. The
Condition of the steers should 1.
watched and the grain feed fitted) to
the rate of progress, so as to keep the
Thursday, December 7th, 1031---7
" 'ei` ttatehe ancon `' ' "r"`9 t e WORK IS EASIER NOW
Item. ltn
the bacon grade or 11Mo lit the
select. grade, that this Is as useful a
welgl.t fur export ur ckmaeatic pur-
1 ,,•o. as ens weight up to 230 lbs.
-Such it nut the rise. The low
%%eights ase tI4 minimum and the
'high weight., are the aaxlmuw that I was oro stout about 11 months
can be acinptelt. Itut it la very un- a wunwn writes, -than I le-
dyinpypble fjeet. the Issue _21 the . how a burden to myself. 1Yeu
ahold be either lu the low or the muscular rlk•uma(Ixm east Into any
high weight.. The bulk of the hose Johns, and I had to CO on sticks for
.,.lacca +wasr^,lkwr. --•-lines -t
farm when out tau full of feel. Ktuatleu Salts, and 1 am overjoyed
Present PraeNse steers gaining steadily to have them
-l7». Huwliton was located in CAMStit to sell by the date at which it Is
in the east and wort stiles of the planned to market them.
tine stone reskience directly oppodte
the Standard block, Second street
West, which he owned until four
while running a gasoline engine. TLS. •years ago. wheu he dispooed of the
sleeve of his sweater caught in rhe block to Inert Yates, and In the form -
machinery and he was thrown down er John McIntyre residence, which he
v tl. each force as to distant.• his p rebased a good zany years ago
right shoulder. He also wax cut and and disposed of to the McColl Fron-
bruit ed on his arm and heed. The tenac 011 Co.. but conttmted to occupy
engine was a small one and his weight the residence and office until April 1,
stopped it, or the remit might have UM, when he moved to No. 11 Fowrtb
been more perilous, As It Is, Mr. Fin- Street. East. to the home he purchased
lay will Ise unable to work for a few from Thcmlas Williams, and where he
weeks Is now comfortably settled. with his
Kmltb-Fbmerrd Ue - private utile adjoining Ilia residence.
M floe manse of D.R's United I)r. Hamilton spent from 1554 to
church. McKillop, on !Saturday after- April. 10M. In the two buildings op -
lane Grade Elizabeth. daughter of posite the Standard block, a span of
Mr. anti Mrs. W. It. Somerville, was
netted is marriage to Gilbert Archi-
bald Smell. /uwtger son .of Mr..and
Mrs. J. S. Smith, loth of McKillop.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
G. E. Morrow. Dinner was served at
the home of the bride's parents, after
which Mr. and Mrs. tjmlth'left on a
forty-flvc years. It le en interesting
eoincidenee that the stone block and
the former McIntyre house disposed er[
by Dr. Hamilton were once owned by
Ude grandfathers' of the present Mrs.
llama ton.
• • •
World's Champion Cow
A unique tribute was paid reeently.
to 11. H. Bull & Son, of Brampton;
owner's of "ltaalles ' ole wonderful
cow which won the a orkl's champion-
ship In a production contewt extend -
Ing over a whole year, when leading
agriultural ometals gathered to pay
honor to the cow and its owners at a
ltataluet arranged by the Peel Dist
Jersey Breeders' Association. Un-
stinted prrise was offered by Hon. R.
Weir and Hon. T. 1. Kennedy. Fed-
eral and Provincial Ministers of Agri -
vulture. and Dr. G. 1. ('hri tie, head of
the Ontario Agricultural College, aid'
by many leading owners of dairy
herds. 7111,. remarkal'le cow, whleh 1s
live yearn of age and weighs 9N-
ponnda, ,produced je.012 pounds =
milk and 1,312.5 pdatt%w of butterfat
in 305 days. Rlnh tie aehlerenlent 1st
of widespread Interest and teetiMes to
"Itogs are new cowing In queu-
tiUes at from ISO to 200 lbs. At
these low weighta manly are un6n-
Land awl even u part of tete heavier
weights lack finish. This is disas-
trous tit good prices for baton beth In
export and domestic market and. of
courre,' equugdisastnutta to good
prlt•es Yue bcgw
'Thetlit�calt3 of weave feed suQ•
eller Iq •oete .btC''1lellesi _16►tii- recog-
nised. But it will pay to finish tbe
hogt that are on Naval un the farm
rather than Mood the market with poor
bogs. At from 150 Co 230 lbs. hogs
Min rapklly anal make very ettoml-
eai use ut fusel. Hogs that are fiu-
isllesi K1,-11v...Iu, notklioiKt. tea r.. •elect
grade bring from fifty cents to a dol-
lar per Mtndred more- than unflnisled
hogs. This will pay for purchased
fete(. At the sante fluke the Market
w•Ul be strengthened instead of tieing
110'me-week, ago on 8e» -pont 0
extra supply of baton being permitted
to be albipp l to the Itritish nierket by
I)esnluark, the prix slumped. Shane
.hut time further rectrictkons of im-
ports have been impaled by Britain on
foreign touutries anti currency ex-
change bus Improved. The market..
have atenngthearl in cottweyuente. For
the weeks of le -Miter 'slid.. November
_1u1 ale. November 912: the prttee Of
bacon nage at Toronto IMS been $5.110.
E.,.7;, and MAO. showing a ,beady ad-
auer. ,
"11 is believed that If farmers fully
understand the Meld for carrying
their bogs until from .'MI to :311 lbs.
and having Diem properly finished.
.bey will ell -operate fur the -Refuel Of
Pitlt'I' AI,IWW , 7)w•. 40 -'kite steel►
Ilea all disappeared and Christmas Is
just around the corner.
1Inestriest Baird has t trot rnw4--- e -
her Iwne of Brumfield 'after spending
e feel mciotltTl
WWW -her deter, 3Tra,
Angus (lorduu. add other friends.
We tire corny to her of the illness
of Miss Bella green. At present she
is id Goderleh hospital. We hope to
hear Sam of her improvement. -
Mac Ui narT 1. 11E --et inerilwser
Her many (ricotta* hope for her int -
proremettt soon,
Mr. WM. Sage visited for a tow
Jaya with trends 1. Brumfield.
Miss Marjorie McWhinney of Dun-
gaunon event Nnuday with her tripod.
Irene Graham.
Mrs, Jas. McMillan le staying with
her utter. YJ,_I'etrie, for a _few
a end• the misfortune
to fall down cellar and. break her
wrist and n-eelve otter injuries. She
is recovering nicely..
Plsilantbrvttfa• 11. wisdom In iwieettou and care in .Ree and Mra. W. 6, Shaw of Nile
1)rHamilton, in his own quiet and feeding and te4*ng p tlte,port of WI visited with members of their eon-
end W.00latoi li 'tri eM"TetOrM
,. ��9elit'°stN t' yv *part•„/.
hand was stet in film pocket to aid ' "MOP' Is Hottest
wUl reside on the hrkJegroomi t• were in Ctinteu ini'Iitet.d:ty..,
rID those in need and no appeal for funds .l reduction ow sup
f tow arrtvMg
Ian McKillop.or medical attendance, whether linen- In the British markets tram enured a
T EEBUftN forthcoming''.' remuneration was forthcoming or witghtty firmer tuteleacy to the pr' ^-
no, was sought lu rain, as many poor received for (h0tario apple. selling
-- remitted in Curnwali and district tan there. 1tntario No. 1 Itnldwi,n have
1 FFltl it ike u- Nr and line testify. Ills record in dila respect risen Grum alxteen to eighteen irsfll-
Ilene Ferman, three suns and two will serer be known to the full, but Ings s barrel. Tine future treat of
daughters, of 11'ninOtet. near Niagara true it 1s duet many pages of his day -
Falls. are vl-ithrg relatives here. We book have leen obliterated and their
are-elways glad to ere old friends donor. is sattrredl to the foie winds,
back again.
Mr. and Mrs. %Voshey More, from
Lhstowei, visited the hatter's parents
here on sunder.
Mho, Ella Horton, who was working
In Goderlch for over a year at Mr.
W. Murney's, Is noW here at hone. We
welcome her Intek.
Several In our burg attended a
party given by Mr. Jones at his home
at that many Who received profession-
al atterwlanee have never been called
upon to play.
Dr. Hamilton comes from u Family,,
of physician.. His granafether anti
his father were (h'•tors. Hl. mother
snleentently married a doctor; he
had a halt -brother a doctor; two
brothers-lu-low- Sete d.s•tors; two
of his sons were d.o•tors; and lie him -
tsar Nile on Thursday evening. remarkableseelt. Truly a remarkable "tree" from
211 OODEBIQH - ac, medical slendpoiut_
Mr. Smith ia,lald up with e s
III waist.Ian roaver.alkm %et(ll-The--es-of
Hydro Store
Electric Stove
Quick - Clean - Economical
and cool to cook with
Y .. '
A ('hHstaatit eiincert will he given
Down the latae, 1)r. Hamilton sntd
at N.N. No. -5 s•hopl-house on the even- lie could not speak too highly in ex -
Ing of 1)etemis'r 21st by the pnpila
and older often of 11e section. A play
entitled. "4) Didn't 1t Rain?" will be
given along with other items on the'
program. The pnptla of S,N, No. 9
also are having n ('hrlettvtaa concert
anti free.
The One weather Iasi week enabled
the farmers to get mane nitre plowing
pressing 'his gratitude to the citizen,'
of Cornwall and district, ieke mei
present, for the wlnwas he has achieved
In the town of his adoption in the
practhr of .his twof(sslon. He ons
*lits 1.r,, aWerrIP' I every- lemon• within
the gift of the pride, from the humb-
teat up to that of menrlser of the Ito-
miniot Puriianeut, n11 of which to
deeply appreciates. While le 1ma en-
___ herd the seventy-ninth year of his
iNCLCDE ALL age and attained his golden jubilee
Street (orator --We must get rid of Its n nt'licnl practitioner In Cornwell,
('aplintlet, Radicalism, Socialism, Bol he Is m111l, as the snail Ivy would
-hiwism, Communism and Anarehlmw. say, ''firing among.
V0Tec-- -Ani while we're alslnt it First DomInion Day
gnv'n or, why not throw In rheum• M'loen t'nnnd,,'s Breit IMminlon i►ay
them7 was 'Swerved on Jtuty I. Doff, (`Marlex
J. Hamllta,, then it 110y of twelve
Kind- neighbor bought a new oat- year*, In hen native town of (puderic h,
tress for n Ntrl,lgan farmer couple Ont., heard the portion. battery fire
who were tali teller and hurtle' the the neat feline at hath noon alt Mnw
nod one in their nbsene. And weren't the soldlera heat the Inion Jack with
floe* poor folk delighted when they the t'ata*ilan ensign to the top of the
got home? Well, no. They had hid- IOWA'S 6agpole. Two Bribed gttnlsMtt',
den e2/t410 in the old tick. the l'rinCe Alfred and the (!hernb,
AnietilMt Aknaa then in Getlerlch hatiror, aeknow.
le,lgetl tete statute by firing twenty-oue
That tuberculous Infection dose glens In return. Troops nntltletlng
3,so11 were In (:alerich at the time,
soothe Fenian Itald wan then In pro -
Sr!, _.
a record of uver_seywls -eight
years In age, fifty -tour of which he
he» spent In Cornwall In humanitar-
ian work lural service to the ;slope,
ilr. Ha,nllton surely qualifies for an
honored lance In the ik,wn M.i- lane
niche of The Standanl-Freeholder. in
. ontt))on with a bRMn of Meals
wherever he Ie known. IMwn the i.ane
congratulates Cornwell on baring had
inch an outstanding enliven as an
adopted son for areal a long period
.,f time. The town and .otrwnnnity
,A• p...UI•y a)}4.ulR- Li ea 1 tp Il>ua .1w•m. -11pa, baits for -- Lis.-. ext sL1g
Tor on ro, an cur
•stere.t ut,- lrepl ,j alai were Inrmanly
d: reCMeer.
we w-onld w•Iah for t'ornwail end 1?.
people that ir. Hamilton souk, append
another fifty -Hour yearn as a atntsnr
Ing angel among nit
not, as a rule, take place In adult
lite, but that the disease, breaking
out In later yearn 1» n outcome of
child tntecttaa-the dormant term
0011 awp�lItln` some run-down con•
freak 11110 acttvfty, authorities now
a gree.
Children are especially mecept-
Ible to Infection: there In scarcely
a chance of escape if they are al-
lowed to remain In the home■ of
the tuberculous. We have, there-
fore. in this dl • vital child
problem. Guard them from contact
wtth consumptives. Keep them In
the fresh air day and night. cleanse
and nourish their bodies so that
they may grow up strong, healthe
men and women, and the fight
against consumption will be won.
For children already Infect .4
there la the Queen Mary Hospital
Al t Is asp tat 1'a' nae tR?tls!•.'
largely by voluntary contributions
-p ail send your glut to George
A. Ides Treasurer, Queen Mary
Fe tat for ConsumytIv Children.
511 comas Street. Toronto a.
* Misr Ittlett'e.
..rices depends 2.rgely .0 wisrther
there is any resumption of abnormal-
ly heavy „hipnoent• or not.
Andrew Fulton. Disowns treat re- -
prew'ntaUve. re -ports that. while
(teen d 'stir grade* have shown no
improvement- Mer, le a feeling that
gook 1b11''wins gist Greasing. may
make twenty shillings a barrel before
Christmas. if supgrtiels continue mod -
Cooking oking *LPi generally ere
still difficult to melt. any demend there
is being mainly for well- oloreal des -
scot apple.. •
F:ren in a detv•aled market. Mr.
FultonAndo mans opsoofs that
trel packing and the marketing of
Ontario apples tinder a specialized
brand are materially helping Ontdrk,
apple shippers. Consignments of the
"Itlg O" brastl, for example. were
pnitically the first to he aohl in the
lending markets lately, while miseel-
nnirma andpments were disposrl of
with great dltnculty.
.toter Rtutlying ailtettotaa and prices
at Glasgow, iAverpsto', Nbuthampton,
liristot and ImtMun. Mr. Fulton finds
that the -lila O" breed appl(w here
sold at an arerllgc Or two shlllinge
a barrel higher than ordinary marks.
Several buyers have told hem recently
Dud they fled that the "ItIg O" peck
le bo,wat. in this and other war*;
ole Ontario Fruit (IrOwer>.
tion hs building Ire a gaxd r•pltettion
far citltrnlits-pnik,-'l Ontario apples.
• . •
Expert Ilarem Trade -
Mr. S E. 'Wahl »erretary of the
Iuwluntrinl and Devdopwnent Council,
Outten in Mesut Po kers, who a -ns re-
cently In England fareetignting con-
ditions In the bwon trade. in en open
letter to farmer• and all Interested
in deretojrinie ('an:okra •cpxttt iiiueon
trade makes anew IntefsewHngt comment.
•H• sante* tial the greatest complaint
he h•nrl w•Itit m'.ls•.t. to ('nnadletl
bacon wan lack of Montt and light
weights, and he a(kp: "It would Aa-
ysor that farnw•rs do not naleer-tand
the west's e•e. of tits condition. At
present It i• ImisowlN• to get en(ngh
pprgaerly-Onlehai hop of the right
w•Ighte to make the required gtmn-
title« of export locos and of boat la -
stns for home use A pat 0( ti uw-
anlalud ant light welgbt Mots may Ise
4,w to lack of fed, fast probably a
greet demi of It 1- dm to the feet
!het pm -Aurora (lo est gate tindker-
ataml the inestrtlll o Of'w'smy,. weight
and enI'5»
"Tie Milk of mall buena •oleeea
Yhs-' 'Weft • , treat hale tb ' it
Iprlga. There tea same or w•Igatbt la
thaw two firMfiest of from 1511 b 2110
au at the farm (t 1s probShty se-
tntah Mr farmers to amettnr that when
The school chlldrelt are preparing
fur a eern,rrt to les 1w111 Eu .111e ,school
IJtr-.'ndanr •'•ha.L
Horst on December c r nth. to Mr.
null Mrs. Victor Macklin, a baby boy.
with the results I have derived from
thew. Honestly. 1 had no Idea one
could feel so different in such a abort
thee. Stiwe taking Kruschen, 1 have
bait nearly 21i 12.. of ..uperlluoua fut.
1 call now run about as well as when
I WAS 20, cook, work, and attend to
seven growing children - (Mrs,) O.
11. _
Unlike certain drastic drop, Kies -
ohm dorm not aim_ to reduce by rail-
ing fool through the body; Its action
Is nut confined to * single part of the
system. It has a tonic Iui♦tren(•e upon
every organ of elimination, every
gland, every nerve, every vein. Gent-
ly. but surely, 1t Oda the system of all
tat -forming refuse, of all teatime and
ha rand midi width -true rIeele??hers=
madam, digestive disorder«, and nanny
other 111s.
Idleness 1s an appendix to nobility.
Brophey Bros.
Ambulance service at all beam
day or night
J. R. Wheeler
Funeral Director and Embalmer
Ali calls promptly attended to
day or night
-Ambulance Service -
Store 336 Residence Stew
Hamilton Street, Goderlca
Kingdom Street - Geilerich
Anthracite, Bituminous Coal and Coke
We carry a full line of Coal and can make prompt de -
The Alberta Coal We hive is proving very popular and
we/regetting a number of repeat orders for same. When
you burn Alberta Coal you are furnishing work for Cana-
For Plumbing, Heating, Tinsnlithing, Eavestroughing
and Roofing, we give prompt service and all work fully
We have some good values in second-hand Cook Stoves.
Phones -Stereo !It Heusi 1n The Hardware Stere at the Harlon
igi Dependable Rubber Footwear
NT. AI'GI'NTINE, Iter. 5, -Mrs. C.
Tucker. Meas Thema,, Mr. and Mrs.
C. Miners of l;nndnn were week -end
rbtitors with Mr, and Mrs... C. Itob- I
insn. Mrs. Robinson ne,'ougmnitrl 1
them taut to Loudon and will spend
,the week there. ,
Mics Mary Murray. Ut1, ron;easlow
West Wawanosh, visited- with friends
hem ung Tuesday of lust week.
Mr. Gus Redmond look In the Royat
Winter Fair last week.
Slfss heckle Th mpsnl 1 rlaltttlg
Mrs. Mark Aro...temp
Ilth concession West lV,ii,:lnosh.
Miss 517'rtie I •Ishtuu u, 2nd dome. -
ale West Wnalulush. was 111e guest
other gout. Mrs, J. It. Thompson. last
llrs. .1. Mc.s•r anti dnitghter Mai-
poet, of Bluevale, ere visiting at the
home of Sir. D. McAllister this week.
Messrs. Jam. nod Wallace -Wilson,
Mrs. Wm. 1Vllsn, Mr. Miusit MI•Al-
liter ami KM Robert nod Miss J. I.
McAllister visitett with blr, and Mrs,
Jae. Wilson of ('llutuu on Monday of
this week.
Mrs, Inert J0n•s, .4111 11 111ev0.alnn
1''.".t Wnw,intnh, WAS the gtere of Miss
J 1. McAllister nn Tue wlny.
Mr: Ikxlald Th.nesson and 21*
leather, Mrs. 1'. S. Ttomtowau: nett'mltd
the Martin reuulun'at 11e spume of
IMr. It Martin on Th,tf'i1tiy rvptA,it
Quality t7 INFORMATION .rise-
Everywhere under all conditions there is an inaiatet,t
demand for sound quality in Footwear. -
The Rubber Boots, Heavy Rubbers, Goloshes and Light
Rubbers sold by us are of first quality. lip -to -date' in et}le oT:
3S and have strength to place them in a clasa by thetnselvoa �-'
5 that cannot be surpassed.
They have style and reliability that eomes from long ._
experience and the most careful methods in selecting Foot-
_, wear that we know to be the very best.
In Life -Buoy Rubbers there Mac question about quality,
style or Meets that can We proadeea in a factory making 01 >f
Rubber Footwear exclusively.
They are without exception the hest pressure cured
Rubbers on the market.
tor In nmking a meadow,
• • • -
There are npprnxlmatefv 110 !trivial
growing nr emitter softly five ;twiner!
Mack, 11,094141tg free. trees, lu ('nnadle. t
• . •.
itenver w•ns mnde1Ju' 4'mtgtlian Claire
repcS, _2. tow! .eft n1,.flLli t-entltry et
Hobbs Plate Glans
We will do your Glazing
Sash called for and delivered
Let us quote you prices
on Stormsash
We carry a complete line of
Geo. Westbrook, Manager. F. C. Kalbfleisch, Prop.
Eke-tlfR�=i1l�►�lS►_nx n ufts'w'w'v
16,IMM1 to 211.000 Vette. cvl•rJ:.../eir to __♦ A DOLLAR'S WORTH ---_--.
• • •
int. ('a0,obt there are !nu.- 1311 Atse-
(•lee• (r d14tnct TArfetWer ,•f ltww:
(mly thirty flirts.• of erase are. tonl-
fees, ronunonly knout els-offwonth,
bat they compels• righty per tent- or
standing tlnrlier.
• • •
The etnptoylnent of fill- e ur •peer
variety name. for aRJ,'•ittnrnl or
Rnrih'It-T iertehirs .earl 1. f,rl,hhk•n 1.y
(11 fee (*.fair- prin.11o11 rnmmtiidf
ties ...retorted from ('a,atele, nine are
agrlcnkmrol products ketals, noel
and fist supply the (there.
Clip this coupon and mail 11 with Si for a all week: trial w`stelpdlsa to
Published by Tar u.w elrerre11 15Brrrr
Baton,, a Maal.arhe,aetla. V 1
.e. A-
to ft ,gut •111 and th•nti daub d t mw. M the world even ill Ina ,•poral writers
fl will as ,-.lI mint. , •iii to wmmrat ►n1 rhii, ..ben's m . t,ia. swore•, ism**
r finance. n ot.*, radio. rte. rot will he 111.4 to west,. Int. rend kms.• ea
fearing. an •drnrate M Wan and prohibition. And don't ratio anuaa DM.
and the aundlal and the other features
• 1114001,11111111ertall iewwer Mnwrrne. Bark Tay Ra9on. tawo•ten. Ma-•.
ISM aro a tits weeks' too bwrigatee . --•-.. ea* h^.v`