HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-12-7, Page 5110.1410 01EITKIIIMNERNEVETIttrztelarrrtiVutTACIVII4NDIVIIMIWEIVIIIINCIVE 4 iftlITNEIMITMETregAlltatEWCIIMERNETMERKTMETIVITterttEIVILIVIEVE e THE PL"CE IS AT Only 14 More Shopping Days thtd Christmas t4c 4 - ti 1 ff HAVE -YOU DONE your Christmas Shopping? If not, doit NOW and avoid the list minute rush. Compare our prices with those of Stratford and London and be convinced we can save you money. • BEGINNING FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15 THIS STORE WILL REMAIN OPEN EACH EVENING UNTIL 10.30 P. M. A-11 Vte4ttentliVtarttirelliertviTTNETOCITNETZteRttrile fteltReeff'ttnt! lZttr eCIMIZ etttellillIMIt t'CVlEVICI 'C/ 1CTIMP ETM INTI IETINEVKIIKTIVItM LJN GERJE ate Our Lingerie Department is filled with timely suggestions for Christmas Gifts. Nothing is more appreci- iated than dainty Underwear. Angel-okin flllpe,_lace-trimmedAll CI AA Mien and colors Each T1•V/ Angel -skin Dance Neta. Beautifully- Inre- trimmed. l'olont of peach, pink and s � 11t1 green. Per set 1 .00 (i11k-kit Vert and Blowsier 4em- vett dandy ■ppliqur In cross stitch. Cobra of green. peach, pink. coral and white. Small, mrdilfil 799 and large, at per set ice, Silk Oversize Bloomers, elastic at waist and knee. White. peach, pink and manve79c Vesta to matc'h 79c Silk -knit Vest and Blooms Meta with Is• • trimming. Green, lsflti� and white Per rttet...e,,»«.-:».«_,. (90 Silk bloomers. delMy 37 white -pink. peach. green and ma email 49c Nma11. medium and large' JJJ..777 Y.7 Silk -knit Nightgowns, V-neck and sleeveless. Pitted at'leN with tip belt and appliqued with stn, si CHILDREN'S SILK UNDIES Chllclren'N Vest and Moonier Sets prettily trimmed with app.(Ignet designs. White. phrk. peach and green. Shea 5 to 14 years. 79c Per"�"� t 7t�r' ('ltlldren's plain silk Vests and tiloorn• r - All colors. Siaea 5 to 11 years. F:ach 75c WARM UNDERWEAR �7 Ladies' pure wool sleeveless Vests. Itimnm withelastic at waist and knee and panties CA_ with rim., cuff, at per garment Vel Ladles' cotton RlonmPra. Cream color 25c and standard size. Regular 2.nr. forJ ia(Ilet fine rotten Vests with short Ail, C steeps. Small. medium and large 'TJ L. fine eotton Moonier. with ebtvic at waist and knees Small, medium and •2Q,. large - �ra7�7LL _ White Flannelette Nightgowns. short-iWvM hound In pink and blue. Small, median and large and good length MEN'S SCARPS A Scarf Is always a welcome Christmas (:Ift. Meet )ours from our Mai a Department. Large square Scarfs of good quxlity 79c silk. %1'Itite with celorei border. . White brocaded agtrtre Scarfs. A real /CC bG rga In RIIk-knit Picot Scarfs wl'h fringed ends Colors of pearl grey, white or b n $1 W and white ....» l W Open -Stock Dinnerware -- Our stock is complete ie a new basket shape desists, ivory with • vests band. ('up and Sauter complete 15e Plates Ik lbs lk lbs Dula limp Dish 7 -Its - 13e Fruit Dishes 4 1n. 2 for 15e Oatmeal DM ..lee Platter 9 -in. 25e Baker Tom. the Scallop Web, fin. 'ate F hgar Beard - 9fi ap 49e Cream Pusher 36 sp.. DINNER SETS Cup and Slower complete 23e Cream Soup Utah and Starr) mp tete 19e Plates 4142 In. 15e 1t-10. tee 7 -In. 25e s ln. 25e Coupe Soupea 25r Sandwich Plate 4 in. 15e Oatmeal Ulah15e Fruit Dish 4•In. ilk Cake Plate 39e iandwieh Tray 69c Bowl Plats._It 9 -in. Me 12 -In. SIA* Baker 7 In. 39e Covered Dinh 7 i. ulnare ....51.00 Palee Boat and Stand 51.55 Seallop i)IA 7 I 391 Covered Sugar Bowl Ray ap. 79c Cry Pitcher :{Il r.p. 45e Specials for Friday antSaturday See for yourself the amazing values offered for such low prices DRESSES l . DRESSES 11_ p]itESSES ! ! 1 Prilit Dresses, hoover style, assorted pat terns' in red, blue, green and brown57c Sizes 16 to 42. Regular $1.00 for .. 500 Print Dresses in assorted styles and colors. Sizes 36 to 44. Regular tbl•.00 73c for ' Several Ladies'' and Children's Dresses its broken linea. All sizes, all colors and 37c many designs. A real bargain at .. MEN'S SILK SCARPS Men's square brocaded Silk Searf Wkite--rsith -colored- border. Regular 29c LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE Ladies' fine Ali -Wool Cashmere Ito„ Full fashioned with ribbed top. Newest £71. Ladies' fashioned Celanese Hose. Dull finish. All sizes and all eolors. Regu- 29c lar :19e for C Children's Cotton Howe. Sizes 454 to 15c 9 Black only. Regular 25e, pair . ALUMINUM SAUCEPANS Round Aluminons Saucepan with handle. l'y. fol household size. A special at 15c You cannot help appreciating these wonderful money -saving items CHILDREN'S PULLOVER SWEATERS A large assort- ment in child- ren's Sweater, in attractive de- signs, in ---thy popular -shades of red, light aid dark blue, sand and green. Reg 69e„ for ..49c BOYS' MiT BIIITS Nes-Botany Wool -Jersey-Sizita _S piece, in enTora of navy, sky blue, red. green, idle green, emerald green, and brown with con- trasting trimmings. Sizes 2 to 6 years. 89c Regular $1,00 for . ..... ... ��..n�n. Girls' Botany Wool Jersey 1)reslos:_, ors of red, green. bli • aid brown with trim- ming of contrasting eolora and appliqued ale signs. Sizes 2 to 6 years. Regular 8qc $1.00 'for IlUGZNIO SANITARY NAPKINS tSoluble and abaorbeut. Made expres.' for People's Se and $1.00 Stores. Box -19c of one dozen. Regular 25c for Tinware Department Our Tinware Depart- ment should be visited' by every Itoneerife. Exceptional offerings. NIuffiti Tims r� in plate lae U iu plalc 15e 12 10 plate 20r I'ie Plate lu Se Cake 1' '1 -ill 1st 111 side. 151 Pam x Rabies -Int. .15, 5-• x 11%x 215 -In. . lbs g34s1e34xit .. 15e• Drip Panty A 5.10-s-3•-., 10 x 1444.$2t,, - a'h71a:.� Wider Set Cookie Cutters e 4 In box 15e Cookie Sheets 17 x 111M x qk-inch HOS/ERY. Our Hosiery Department offers many suggestions for Christmas Gifts suitable for everyone. Do not fail to take advantage of the low prices. LADIES' ilOSE ABF. OBTAINABLE IN AI.I. TiIE NEWF:NT :HADES AND IN bIZF:N FROM S% TO 10 _ Ladies' silk and wool, -S-ply beet and 49e r. Fair Ladles' re wool, retnfonvd with lisle49c Ladder' all -wool aarfate Ileac" 49c Ladies' all -Wool. 2 -ply. double sole. 79c Tull-fnehlohed. Pair ladies' botany wool surface. Pull -dash- frQ. bard. Pair ladies' al -wool. 's ply, donblr ttctlrti 79 Full-fashioned. Pair• -Little-se. -Superfine Mercerized 1lot.ar Palr 25c Vt ii(ri "'xi 131410CRICIVICTTNEVIC TOCZNIIINEVNITIVATIMMIMIC� ft Bridge Lamps Here is a suggestion that will he welcomed for Christmas pre. tints. New, gilt-nnI'lavl. bridge lamp stand for the low ork-e of 51.98 Parchment shades 7n smart patterns and any desired red or 15e, 25c and 49, Silk covered wire. 2 ft. for 5e Colored ekctrie Tight 1/111115. Red. peach, white and many other enters, each 15c GREEN GLASSWARE Two-piece sugar bowls and butter dishes, round or square designs. An Ideal Christmas suggestion. Per set complete tee Towels c:o.Ni quail!. hath towels suitable for ('hrIMmaa giving. Plain color' of pink. blue and green or white witty colored borders of pink. yellow, mauve or screen lie and 39e Wash Cloth. in plain shades or white with ,olorod borders tk each and 3 for 25e JEWELLERY A new shipment In costume jewellery ham just arrived. Neekleees and sarrinRt in novelty design ha crystal, pearl. and the newest costume colors. Bracelets In aft tine popular shades and ase.rted styles. Per artlds 15e Notepaper Colored Idnen Notepaper. ie' lophane wrapped. per hunch 10e Colored Linen Envelopes. eel - lophane wrapped. per bunch Ik Watcher- Patlw-ai.iwww: Vetoes or Birt flotsh ter ural 15e Envelopes to match 25 for 10e Attractively boxed Notepaper In white. iattuve, pink or blue 15e and 25e ('hrlstmaa table Napkins.... 10 for Be LADIES' SCARi'S Silk crepe stern. n 111 fringed end In modernistic and mottled designs. All colors. Ereellent for Christmas gifts 51.00 Kash- er or Fndt Press with Iysry. green or blur• Min.lh• ....25e ALUMINUMWARE 1Ntughnut Cutter 15e assorted Cookie ('ut- ters ' for 15e .tssortel .ell) Moulds Se Egg Slicers ....15e Measuring ('ups .ISe Cake i etoraton, 29e Manicure Sets ( hi1.Imas Gift that will be appreciated ss r • eelvel many new awl delightful Manicure Set N. F:ncatwect In at- tractive boxm pret- tily IInPd with vel- vet. Is ■ large mteror and the man! - euro set to color. of Nue, red and tortoise shell. 9 -pier` seta at 7k and SIAM 12-pleee seta at 51.49 sole. Pair ladies w'ml-serviro. Imre thread -silk. 69c Fell-raahloned ladles Picot -top cfilRttn, fun-fnshiooel 1's 39 wr-lrhf. Pati-ia t.ndb s' plain sink Hone, with 9ACmimed top. _ Pair L.7 Pine cotton t'nierhose, Pair 29c -MENS HORS 1P4 $1ZE14 le to 1144 - All -n.1,01. 2-ply, 1t44- .t,ll-n.1,01.2-ply, ribbed Work Nos. with real. forced heel and toe. Urrry, biwwn or heath- _ cr. i'alr.... J7� Heavy an 1 -wont Work Sox. Grey only1 air ScJ1: ' II-wes4 World' Roe. Orey with stoups tvhih•'trent and tae. Pair 2JCc Light weIRht nil-wotil Nat. in fancy de- 39c awns. Pair 4 )tar ()milt). Hrne. .tIl-wesrl. >Mikityde.lgns to choose from. Pair... C ('HHiLD►RE\'S STO('KIiNG - Mose.' rayon turd wool Sta•klugs. 24a1u1. light gonmetal and spice brown. _11lseea R_ to 01,_. 1 Gtr::.. ...r..„-, 1111Mnes' Gil N'es. natnekinge. Rlne4t; trr`y 49c and POPP brown. SIren a to 934. I'alr ('hilarnn'r pare wool. relnfon•od withIlsoe. Slum :8 to 055. Nand only.... and 9c Children's.. nitre_ wool. reinforced wits Sand and_whhe. Nhaea 41,4i to 5%. Pair 21[1c ('hllrlron's cotton Stockings. Nam) 1 JC only. Sizes 7 to 9. 1',dr Children's all -wool rlhhel Stmkingn. 3 Meek acid stand. Nixes 7 to Q. Pair JJ✓✓ Chlldr, ii's sill -wool tibias! Stockings. Ittaek, send and red Stye 55 to 834. Pair t Si ` lE 1J "ii si "aG si "iG VIEW /i "e(1114EVIETi "fC Ti '7k si "+~ M7!'ea IEVNE "t;t EIZtg 14141 MC tC 011 9-i "wC 1'4(71 "nlC eR "i Qi INV IE'ii NE l W- ti'S M III ristmas Candies Select your Christmas Candy from our large assortment. Freshness is assured by the frequent shipments we are receiving. The following is a partial list: Chocolate -coated Marshmallow.... 54 -Ib. Pic English Flag Toffee 11 wis. Ik Ra.plserr) Drops 34 -Ib. ilk Scotch Mints l4-11). 10e Rum and Butter Klass' -a...._- la -Ib. 10c:. Jell) Beans 54-1h. lee Peanut Clusters (1 say. 110 lemon Irapa ,...• 34-Ih. 104 Rehire Mixtures 5 not. lot- Jelly osJell) String* 4 -Ib. ler Cetnanut Itelighl gots. Ilk Chordate -tooted Caramel 34 lb. ilk Emu Senekcrs . 5e a bum it Assorted Chee.late Rare and (:urs t for 151 BOXED CHOCOLATES 4.0".•_-A1L44•rt 5,.l • IkIni is Msl� el''fee Christina 25e Crelhan'u Cumin tib vie integre!, Chace . Attreeel,eer (1sM/... .... .1 -Ib. 251 OYLA N D Santa Claus has made c it store his headquarters in Godefich. Yoa ll be o4rjoyed with our large as- sortment many things that please the kiddies COsersI. BURK T1ruo11s DGTID i Globe Assorted Autos Telephones Canon/ Whippet Tanks Horses grocery Store Seta Slate with Easel Drawing slats (*kVA'', MidK1•4; Ffus Pa.rebesi, Up and Dowse. Croquet, Dominos Assorted deli% Cane Carriages Push Carts Dishes, Ts$ Sets --tin crockery rTristmu �ddnp Rattles Mars* Arfi1 t'a:��•.. Smokins 11110 rylsphon Trumpets 1: and Saxophones, Clarinda Mouthorgans Musical Boxes Tool Sets, Stoves Musical Tops, Banks Weighing Scales Furniture Sets Cut -gut Books Puzzles, Story Books 25c Christmas Decorations ict{toltvc Po not fail to visit our display of Christmas Novel Deettrtttiot''. 1'oI'II be delighted ! ! . For tree, tablt' ur room. deeornitiois Lerr'nre a few suggestions--- - -..Paint Books, Paint Bo ,,,s„4 ,I,iQj.I.t3--Cel ltsioid, Dolls, Bahr troth Spare Ribs, Gingham Dogs WREATHS, all sizes TINSEL CORD. red and green GLASS TREE all sizes TINSELS CRACKERS ICICLES ORNAMENTS, Red and Green Ribbon And -to wrap that Christmas Gift see our assortment of red • and white Wrapping Paper STARS Flectric Light Tree Seta Electric Novelty Bulbs Reflectors for Tree Lights Ornamental Crepe Paper Novelty Santa Boot Novelty Decorative Houses wkaropf, rad 1i11a -great TAGS ize 4 '! a -44 4444414144,' gME E E E IE E WEInfirEi 'AGE EAtE tar EAilltg0E BeE� E E it(Vt E8 +iE 8ICRI4 d'1 vests_•i..e�'-.�.�ea:..aw�nz..wwm. .da...v,.,e ��. _ .•.s,.°®-sWet+e tatsgh-arAa.A. ..wti:Yes.s+r•+siltr.;-"i"..g aim wrOAIRAc!re-redo +r',+awewrrw+a a • , v (':. -- ; --3fl Aleal %. .- • F: