HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-12-7, Page 44--Thera4ay. December TM, 1989 11411 Etff t# lE The Men's Store CHRISTMAS GIFTS There is no doubt about it. You, will get the...4 • best iu Men's Wear at PridlianC*ARd at reasonable prices cirmair- Beautiful KEN'S SHIRTS By Arrow and Forsyth rHE SIGNAL PARAMOUNT GODERICE, ONT. I PAItAMIII'X'j', Dec. 6.—Miss Ethel Martlu spent a few days with friends at flue hirer. Mr. and Mrs. l'ete Dahmer and faintly, of Kincardine, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MacCall recently. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnstone and Mr. Kiiiiu.isTieThasTrieured a posltbe. Mrs. Jas. MacNeill and baby, of Am. Kerley, pent a few days last week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jae. Webster. The sympathy of the eonununlW extended to Mrs. John Jamieson the loss of her t•rotber, Mr. Finlay, at Ilanley, Sask. Santa Olaue is coming to the Ohre' i... tm►s tree at Paramen:et on Db. .Ls[ :0 Ant itasse—T--- SWEATERS in he smartest shades and styles HOSIERY NECK SCARFS pritialt and Doinestte (;()01)s BOXER IN ATTRACTIVB BOXES Receives McGaw GODERICH TOWNSHIP GODERIOH TOWNSHIP, Dec. 5.— Mime Marguerite Falconer of Ooderich ment Sunday at the home of her par- .— . mite, Kr. and Mre. Geo. Falconer. Phone 57 The Square, Goderich Mr. Dave Davidson has arrived Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Fuller and femily visited at Nile on Thursday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mr. CHB 11.4411 has been —minted by Mrs. J. R. Orr for rhe winter [Wee Church Netes.—The weettlar meeting ot Y.P.S. will be beld the church on Friday evening, with Arnotti Porter as leader. The main feature will be a debate on the athlete wife is more to be desired than a crow -tempered tidy wife." The affir- mative mill be taken by Everett Mc - Dwain and Lorne Porter, while Or- val Powell and Norval Pocock will up- dially invited to attend.— The annual Christmas tree and concert a the Sunday school of Union church will he held in the church on Friday even - good attendance at the service in Union church' on Sunday in spite a the inclemency of the weather. Rev. F. W. Cralk occupied the pulpit and delivered an interesting addrem on tile subject. "The Croat in Service. Sermon and Song."...The December meeting of the W.M.S. of Union ehnrch will be held Wednesday afternoon, December Vith, at the home of Mrs. (Rev.) Jas. Hamilton, Goderieh. The guest speaker wili be Mrs. (Rev.) Werdlaw Taylor. Fiection of officers -kif-einducted by Rev. F. Craik. All members and friends are cordially invited to attend Oda meet- ing....Copies of the Goepel of St. Luke were presented fo Maurice Mc. Oabri is in imeteltate contact with Dwain. Stanley Mellwain. Maurice three municipoilli,s where drought, Harwood And Mary Harwood at Sun- hail and 01.111114lPI"rs reinhIned day nehool on Sunday for perfect at- ruln the crops; ft rase after ease net tendance during the past quarter. a stnitie WOW ,Is harvested - measures r.• Inmerative. Two ntrioads of :it'd vegetables- WIN sent through the (slaved roluntagy.te- other from Tbew committee was Huron Commerciallcademy GODERICH, ONTARIO A FINISHING SCHOOL THAT IS DIFFERENT We are enrolling students now for our second term which win bees on inedneeday, Januar) 3, 1934. Now is the time to begin training for the position %Inch you bope to secure a year henee, but your training must be thorough and Our individual method of instruction and eupervision enables us to adapt the course to your needs, and then you may advanee as rapidly as you are capable of mastering the studies. Begin the New Veer aright and enrol. EVENING CLASSES NOW IN PROGRESS Phone 419 P. 0. Box 3911 Me Marjorie J. Stewart, B.A., Donald MacLeod, --.roetor Commercial Sulnects. Principal. CAPITAL THEATRE Gphoodnene.467 Nos Playing Zane tirey's, "Sunset Pas,,,- with an till -,tar cast LORETTA YOUNG and VICTOR JORY Visinnie Oseerse:lierbert Hunan and C. Mary (iFert Truly an unmoral cost and the sterV is a celerful romance Mint ...round rtie fatuous Foreign Legion. "THE DEVIL'S IN LOVE" Thursda), Friday and Saturda)— Double Feature Program WILL ROGERS, DOROTHY JORDAN, IRENE RICH is. a-ARAI humor yarn oilrolaIRI--40 keep YOU chuckling . GEORGE O'BRIEN stars Z/L,ME "SMOKE LIGHTNING" ST. MARY'S ROTARTIMISTRELS -1- wtti offer ninety minotes of fun and music bete,en pictures. —Matineeo Wednesday and Saturday, at 3 p.m.— Coming - -Once In a Lifetime." vrhich is sometimes often enough: lor eiger con- ' ,a tarps of dlietributkoa come"s"' MIA Herschel was mom eini.AWs sgoeirds the need in daft was steeped al iterarbal. videntaver, tite Mks in and around we eeeneed meet, to brIng the loodr here. la Stragraer we are using our metre. le Hersehel lag MeV* Oiub room at tbe ebarcn, Ms been the chief point of attraction for the east two "It would pp p.m. heart good could you see the chiblreu beam with Ioy as tbey sink Weir teeth into an On- tario mode; og to se the hearty thank- ful smiles as older folks Wit over their Sam ee fruit, vegetables and pickles, tap* dour or turnips, jars of apple begot, slabs a theme, palls of honey, pertteges of dried apples, and 00 many tilitypv—heans, rice, po- tatoes, molt, pumpkins and so at. Hasp hearts ited hones have been "1 rigan redly know how to thauk ail those seed people who fare of their time, West- and goods la pre- paring this carload. When thirty tons of Ood'a blessings go out among the people, nint* gutsl is done. I can only prey that you may be richly blessed for year hoiebearted coneid- erartioa of who are in teal need. I would like you to convey to all those who hese l• -operated with you In this peeelierly great service to people who age In 411411.66 due to crop failures Me Ibliartiest thanks from the Stranraer people. frfall page El to their brothers In tier -why therm, me- ter. was armed at this way: The Hr. Patton am, kas a letter from liter. D. Bruce ed. of Cebri, Sask., tare as es ans see, ie.,' of distribution. "The cominiMser 1,,. writes, "le a thor- ough:10 espablaten,.. one of the first things it retained ,m was that it would im a belie, plan to seek ottt ese&deut to on the principle tbe .ilest mimeo lest served.' Tbe greatest eeed -ometimes slow to shake Itself Itsiewn Fortunately the :machinery woe el,eady ln existence. HINGSBRIDG E KINOABRID(1E, Dec. Q—Mr. and Mrs. A. Kfnahon and fatally, of.Bt. Augustine, visited at M. J. ('Connor's/ /Sunday last.. Mr. Walter Dalton, of Dearborn, Mkt., and his cousin, Joe Sullivan. of Denver, meat the week -end at Mor- 1-44W1 Miibutre, r apendlug a tew days with her friend Miss Dalton R.N., of Kingsbridge. Mrs. M. J. O'Connor returned oa Sunday after a three weeks' visit In Wawanosh, airs. Wm. Mc(artby, who has not Leen in the best of health for some time, is not Improving as well as her many friends would like; but we hope for a change for the better very soon. Mrs. Agnes Austin has returned to London for the winter and her neigh- bor, Mrs. Alice Dalton, bas gone to reside in her old home at Port Iamb - ton for the cold weather; but they did not avoid all of our Kingsbridge win- ter. It came too early for us all this year. Iet us lope the worst of ea[ winter may be past, No blinder bigot, 1 maintain it OM than one who must have pleasure, come what IOW—William Cowper. CARLOW STORE NEWS assortment of Patent Nledictees Dad's Cookies. P.k0. Soap 3 bars 19e Broken Status 2 lbs. Corn and Totuatoeti ° Tina 19c uggest ions 24*°*°°"*°°*°*1 Your__Christmas Listl Woollen Sport Wear Cardigan Jackets in fine quality.wool, shades $2.95 navy, black, burgundy, sand amd green Sport Jaekets with Cap to match, zipper $4 95 fsstener and very warm. Set Scarfs Fine lean Handkerchief/I with hen.1 made motif designa or colored borders, very dainty lee each Boxed ,Iiitiidkerchiefs. three to the box, - with hand-embroldeted dratens. tare - ;mints, etc. 30e, 45c, 75c box Men's Linew. Fine Irish linen fltiialtall with 1/4 -inch hems .25e. melt erepe Scarfs, donble ascot style, hand blocked desigtik in richly 95c to si .95 blended shades, washable . MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Yon're mfr. if you a shirt, and doubly so tt Ira ari Arrow Shift. -Itivf $1 95 $2511 Beautifully tailored in the newest 1st moo )1. rsidable Oyler. BOYS' BLOUSES AND 111161111...." -- Blames 75c, fildrts 95c sod 51.45 51.50 PAIR zftipteionuratalsirmionsinnItsromrsrmoarsittatt Shop Early ONLY 14 MORE SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL CHRISTMAS RCHIEFS Nines Colored Muller Ibumikerchiebi A fa‘orite for men, tine quality ohne lawn with fast color herders. 3 for 25e and 3 for 4.1e Ileavy quality rayon, smart new Myles and pretty solons. Shies nesli- tun and large Hand Bags 52.49 All st les, envelope, pouch in genuine lentil er, wool fabric and leather reproduetion, moire lined with zi er pocket ^ A inside Gloves ty miffs and fa hacks 52.00 r"R capeskin friny Brighton, Ont.. dos -e, Bask. appointed dor distribution and rnendeseie Rao the , ages ehiklren; of families over a tilde area." -WIN you. pleats. convey to all who eontributed to the package.' Oar hearts thanks and appreciation? It will, I am Imre. meet el* tbeir approval that bid the need a families and not dencan- as 'national affiliation is nr he tbe bads of distribution. Mhst was so in the ase of the above-mentioned cars Both were sent through United Oben% enterprise, but all shared In their con - ' AUBURN Phillips and family were tbe gueets of the former's sister, Mrs. Fox, at Whitechureh. on Sondes last. Mr. and Mrs E. Lawson and Miss Bernice, accompanied by Mrs. J. D. llowatt, were guests of Seafortb friends over tbe week -end. Miss Margaret Weir. who has been the sued of her brother, Dr. B. Weir, for the past two niontbs„ M. Friday last Born—on Saturday, to Mr. and MriL neveral cams of influenza are re. ported in the vivinity at present Miss Dorothy Craig, who has been in Goderich for some time, is spending a few days at home. Mrs. Allison and baby daughter, of Parkhill were tbe truest/ of her sister. Mrs. Gordon Taylor, for a few ,day. last week. The community Christmas tree will be held on Deeember 22nd. There will be a meeting of the Inn rary board at the library at 8.30 pa. Friday. December 15th. Ali who ire interested are cordially invited to he present. The newa.elt the deeth of Mr. (Monte L. Sturdy on Wednesday morning. De- eember 6th. was received with madness, by the community, following the death of his slater, Miss Angle, on Novem- her 111th. Mr. Sturdy spent his whole life iu this vicinity. One by one the older residents are parsalag on. His wlte, formerly Mime Kith Ball, and one son, Harry, are lett to mourn their lues. W. M. S. Meeting.—Tl* regular moutbIy meeting 6t (tie W.M.S. of 'ma ri.sc a i ._ _ auburn. was spit all BS mese in and see their loyety thristmas Gifts at pried" to suit the trem lb up CUPS and SAC at 13e. 2se up Ileentiful Framed PICT ES NMI Can't tell and • up la 16c ail pop In for you Smith's Art and _Gift Store woctecte.womarterecomemeti Skating 'and Hockey Outfits FOR ISSN, WOMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS AT REDUCED PRICES Women's sizes, up to rise 8 __t f Boys' and Girls', up to sise 5 $3.25 —BUY NOW WHEN SIZES ARE COMPLETE ----.-- M. ROBINS AGENT FOR TIP TOP TAILORS. . SUIT OR- OVERCOAT, $21 00 sr letter to Auburn Committee Mr. George Italthby, Auburn. has received the following letter from the aecretary-treasurer of the munici- pality a Mountaia View. Mink.. dated Henschel, Norember 22nd. Dear Mr. Raiffilley,—We notice on, some of the boxes received in the com- munity car of vegetables fruits, We., your name appeaerid as chairman of the interdenomieetIonal committee, 2,11 writing you. nest, to thank you I 1:47 moat nIncerely foentbe donation which J4 we hsve received. ..-necomily, to advise you that eame was' received In good order with the pet -Option of the apples. It would appear that too much heat had hews turned on in the ear and tbe apples, were in vet -y tad shape, but the net of tbe contents emse O.K. In order that yrm may better appre- ciate the spirit imewhich thin ear of eatables wan re,r1114111. Want to ntate that financial mealtime bb this din trIct are very bed. Due to the cou- nted depreseden, steepled with com- er, are in a hod way and serious/4 depremed. The reosipt of Your cabled donation wan jun what they needed to vitt them up, something to make them‘deel that they are not eutirely I oleo want to "Mkt mention of Rev. W. .1. Tate lied Mr. K. Woods, mutton of the United rhumb at Her. Rebel WW1 fitranraer respeetively, who 'Rare on volusble assistance in the Mo- tt -Motion of them poets Finally, we want to extend our sin- rerc thanks to everyone oonnected with thin floontlot* those respnnsible for the dletrileit to you, Mr. tee We want you know Gnat the council of the ru mrinleivelity of Mountain View, No, MP, and the rate-' payer. of the in144111111111clOalb5 ors ever so gratehil yalli tor year efforta As we are not is gbeesmidon of the name,. sind addremille et all those re- esponeible for them ask yen to convey sneer* awake Yap Our Store Is- Literally Ovedlowing ift Suggestions- • ,V,LLEST INSPECTION Christmas Greeting Cards -- 2 for 5c, 5c and 10c Pearltone and Onyx Toilet Ware 41r' tirtan Ladies'. *Wee, Men't and Boy' Weer *MCI iff)f Of OQUASS ions, we stein afttbfutly C.inpbeirva Beautiful SeM at the mort reasonable prioes ever offered Laura Secord Candies SPECIAL CHRISTMAS BOX _ -$1.50 • Let de have your special orders. Bee sample at Store. REGULAR' BOX 50c LB. Gift] Toilet From the famous Perfum- eries of Paris, London and New York. Toiletries, Gift Sets for Men and Women Dnbarry Face Powder DOM* Dusting Powder Dnbarry Creams Houbigant's Face Powder ries ,,,t1 Waterman's and Fountain Pens, Pen- cils and Desk Sets NEW DESIGNS— Each with a nib 10 suit tlio user's writing. Houbigant's Toilet Seta Rubinstein's Toiletries Princess Pat Toiletries. Popularly Priced Victor _ TABLE MODELS $46 50 CONSOLE MODELS $69.60 up. STATIONERY FANCY 1302 25c up KODAK ALBUMS EODAX13 and BROWNIES IN COLORS Wised PIO irrIvia from Or. tiro lawny, emelbenterv retire stew Saul- e 4,..j re'...,-....... ,.44119 rprwher 2flth by thuunorn roennwis g Phone 90 _ftwegg-144,v,r0,. .144), .-, On behalf et lisnaseAltan would Mare Goderich