The Signal, 1933-12-7, Page 3WE SAYE YOU MONEY through our (lobbing Wit. Why waste time and money ordering your daily paper or mapdms when we an do it for you at lase coat/ THE SIGNAL TSA SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publish*" 11 J. W. Craigie INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ' Dominion, Provincial, and Municipal Bonds Rev. Dr. Geo. E. Ross at Fredericton Tormer-Minister of Knox abut . Goderich, Goes to New Brunswick Capital F. WOOLLCOMBE Sells Insurance of -Every Kind ASK FOR RATES BEFORE RENEWING OR PLACING NEW INSURANCE Fire, Accideat ud Motor Car INSURANCE Deice :—Masedc Temple. West Street, Goderich. NELSON BILL Telephone ]aO Manager Itev. Dr. Geo. E. Stew, former min- ister of Knox thumb, Goderich, and laUerly of Ottawa, was recently called to tlie'paetorate of St. Andrew's Pres- byterian church, Fredericton, N.R.. and The Dally Gleaner of that city gives the following account of the reception given to 1)r. Itoeb du behalf of tote congregation of tit. Andrew's and of the city of Fredericton: ..-_...--• -.. Seldom H ever has more upon- taneous welcome been given a new minister in Fredericton thou that ac- tortkd hey. Dr. George E. Rests and Mrs. Rose at St Andrew's Hall last tight, the city, the educatlouel both tutloms and the different denomina- 1(0ue being represented and each In turn extending a most gretkMis and hearty welcome to the new minister at St. Andrew's. The guests were received by I)r. A. l'lene C rocket and Mew. (%rocket, lire. W. M. Clark. Dr. and Mea. (toss and Mies Anderson, each branch of the church being represented In the receiving line. The Countess of Adhburuham was hostess in and about the hall, width had been turned into a veritable reception room, tall paints being most attractively p)Itced, while the floor was covered with beautiful rugs and tapestries decor - Med the walls. The charminely a` - ranged tea table with Its lace cc.ver- ittg and glass bowie of chrysanthe- mums centred the bail, while tbe stage bad two beautiful tapestries, whk•h were loaned by the (bunteem. 1)r. A. Pierre Croeket acted as chair- man and 'sprained pleasure at 1)r. Roes' coming to tbe church. He re- ferred to the sacrlhee flim had made in leaving Ottawa and-iwuresl I)r. Rtes that .strikes would be trade here In future as in the past in the work of the charrb. He welcomed Dr. Rom as a Meritlmer cooling Lame and expressed appreciation of tbe re presentative gathering to welcome Dr. and Mine. ]los. Waieased by Mayer Clark ._.._ INSURANCE REAL ESTATE and STOCKS rroai W. J. POWELL Plume 2!2 , f.0. Sex 438 4 Few men are big enough to thunk you for tie unpleasant truth about themselves and profit by it 1 Geo. Williams & Son DRALIMIS131 DOMINION. PROVINCIAL, MUNICIPAL AND 00R- POiATE0N BONDS � foal l�'Iw A Oakes. next to Bank of Oen- mores ntmores Phoma 6g G.d.rleb � 1 The Arast oag Real Estate and Insurance Agency FOR SAW Good dwelling house, very cheap, imga11 down payment accepted. — Email farm near Goderich. Big bar - ate. easy terms for payment. J. W. ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE Bea RI - aedalsk- West Street ELECTRIC SHOP WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF Electrical Appliances, Fixtures, etc. Electric Wiring of all kinds Estimates gives soM .p ii at1 FRANK WARMWARM Telephone 82 — Goderich COAL ICU Worship Major bait of the ems, was very gelid le come lir. and Mrs. Nur to Frederic- ton and said they would find it a good place to come to. It gran no sacrifice Lur anyone to come to Fredericton able. rM+w +••i-tIPJd. v letei nre.artivat R meet .Ml Jaw.. MHeeMr wad. - tae. .,gra adv.= lealhm + zen 1r}+.'`t 3 ag11C1*y;.ireielY tBsforgot/ • a 7w�ii Ilii/lfjtras llk011gaig,BaVt5> sstC'e:t Lowing to curtailed train M•r•vkr, the car of relief goods sent froom Mt(aw statim at the end of ti,•tober and ',mistimed t0 Stranrrer, Beek., was somewhat (inlayed, w1Uh the remit that live laurels of apple, were spoiled by the hent. Rev. W. J. Patton of lien wilier, who sulwrinteersld the ship - went, has rtelvel word to tlw effect .t hut with the exception of thew live barrels of apples the toatet,t» of the — s- cur were. received .1n. good. co.alltLon. This was the Mrsatd car pent from Mt'liaw this sermon. and iorth crammed to the (up with liurnt fruit and vege- tables. Mr. Patton remarked that utter the workers had got through with the lacking of the last car a band could hardly have found room 111 It. The clewt.tear also was -double the atundard welght for carloads. Letter from Mtratraer The following letter is from Mr. K. -M. Wood at Ktrenreer, Sask., dated November 16: ' "Deer Mr. Patton,—Yesterday morn- ing' i arrived In Herw•hel, seven and a -half miles was,( of litrant.er, to nee a Western village aglow with expect - Gut aeU*lty. A pbone call cite yea This *ism oma taken tea or left to rights lair IJtaiae) 31.were Ioi 11... iu their rotthful vlou» day had avask)md pep trip to ve years ago, the oecmiIon—beim*1'anrtv0. the tate tbaraiid-T.-- (l__r'-e:� Islay. as student. -at the okl Goderich Herschel. 'The ear has arrived, ' a to town by Dr. C. J. Hasdltiw l)r. iCamilton. and Hr. flakIla iifl 1 (:ruuumr Meh,M t. uud from those days �voice maid over the wire. The car of Cornwall. Ont. The lour are (from It. G. Reynolds. This netible guar- developed u lifelong friendship. ,tupplha we had waited for had cs)tne, e refrigerator car crammed to over - G. twee visit of GODERICU, n;? tq> n 4 DAY. DECEMBER A NOTABLE! ire UARTETTE HerschelReceives ' Car from McGaw Youngsters Enjoy Huron Apples 11e115ages of Appreciation Oat ta Donors oho IBI I,• Cornuutll's Veteran Medical Practitioner Is a Well-known Goderich Old Boy Dr 0. J. Ha■ 414 los Practised fa the Eastern Ontario Town for Fifty-four Years Tree Cornwall Atandardh'reeholder 1n its department "Down the lane" gives the following akett which will be recd with great interest and apo 1a Ata!lmltk+>E: I. Charles J. I•iiamiltou, ex-M.P. for Stormont, will hare an anniver- sary next Monthly, November 27, and It will not be a birthday affair, either, for Ice will not have one of those wall gnaw hum a "IawPpmt" settle- ment 10 Jia :preeeet status as a near city, and the earnest w i+h of his legion of friend* In Cornwall. tl.roughotrt the (11d F:astero District and wberever be Is known Is that he may to Mien d with continued geed heattb and be sorrel to celebrate as. diamond Jubi- lee In bb profession. as be did his golden anniversary on November 27, Whti �sr' ' archin Cornwall at 6 o'clock la the burning on November 270. MIR 14 www cold and frosty, .with no Eights on the Ilowing Minuet with good things elven (Continued on pap 4) lits stern many) many changes in the development of the town and is tbe pe•rionuel of km citizens, but he le still the ,arae stout-hearted physician. ever ready to sir all la fits power• to alleviate the ills of 'suffering humanity. Dr. Hamilton's first position of public curet wax his election to the town touneil o+ a coureillor tram the West ward In 114th. in August, 1885, during the progress of tlw great -> rkrw c.. tn. the formation of the I'rotln• a SON of Health of (Intatio, be watt appointed medkal nater of health for Cornwall by Janos T. Kirkpatrick, the then acting Mayor of Cornwall During about strong tin Ddrfr1t* * U. mils _ On November 27, 1$79, fifty. Fourth streets, when he dlseoc.eed a lamp on the corner shedding ■ flicker, land these temps continued at each cor- ner to the anal wharf. Has Bret meal was partaikeu of at the Abeaiean House, where the Klee George hotel 1s now looted, and which was then conducted by A. J Maley, alum de- ceased. The roam the was assigned to In the hotel was `io. 9, and the Doctor, to say the least, way not very favorably impressed with Oornwall no that bleak morning when he flat set foot on bee moll. Rut he was powwowed of Indomitable pluck then. &e lle is still, and nonny lived down his first int- nreaslons of the town, and In the 1that hare intervened he needed now more than at any other tunemss and wettoed Dr. and Mre. Ro l0 hull citisensltip in Fredericton. Dr. C. C. Jouee, president of the l'uiverslty of New Bennett -kit, wel- comed Dr. Ross 0n th behalf of e stu- dents and said he appeevlated the tin work of e pistons In the student life of Frederkton and said be eta to very glad bo welcome Dr. Ross Fredericton. Ciefgytleen Extend Welcome Rev. George Telford said It was a privilege to meet the membors and friends of St. Andrew's as he had many Linke with them nal cordially welcomed Dr. Itosa and Mrs. Rosa. Ven. Archdeacon Hate welcomed Dr. Hoes on behalf of the Anglk•ans of Fredericton and spoke of the work of Woe Ministerial A.aociaUon and what k bad done and the splendid teeth* of co-operation width existed: Rev. Dr. J. H. MfYtgan, urate at St. Dunstan's church, said R was an honor to be Invited to attend the function In honor of lir. host and extended a most cordial greeting say- ing they were working In the cense of Jess Caries Dr. H. II. Hagerman, principal of the Normal School, 'added words oflc welcome to those already expremaed sold awoke in appreciative terms of - the work of the churches In connec- tion with the student. of the Provin- cial Normal School. Rev. 0. W. Onion, Rev. W. J. Dade, Rev. W. C. Kteretead, Rev. lir. F. A. Wightman all expressed pleasure at being *Bowed to welcome Dr. Rom and wished him every 1.4141.013PIn his ministry In Fredericton. E. A. ch Mae - Key sell so muhad been mkt Dr. .__ Rosa •_s! Thanks 7)r. Hamilton received his earl! An individual Gift-- tour years ago, that Dr. Hamilton, then a strlppding of a young man and nn with only six months' experience as a practitioner behind him, arrived In Cornwall to commence whet proved to be a successful career boat as a medial man and a citizen, wteleh has lamestcontinued to this day alesst without interruption. On Monday next, November 27, De. Hamilton can km* hack through time and reflect over his rdddeoce here, then which will record fifty-four years. That 1s a long timein a man's life, yet Dr. Hamilton haft leen no busy that It dont not actadly seem that 1012‘ dare he trod down Pitt street on a cold and frosty morning on November 27, 1879, which was the date of his advent here. Though Dr. Hamilton Is one of v ong Zaara- ,ephkaek...P r.Hml altq►Yt1114. r; t_t.<.atietrtthem authority of w l'rorinclal Gurern- ent of Ontario, of M1 ships and Yeo- men,' coming from the I'rovine of Qneel*e. Cornwall, unfortunately, got her share of smallpox and under Dr. Hamilton's supervision a smatlppx h(s.pital was established on the Ding- wall farm on the east side of the city, nu the 1spitel being under the care of the late Dr. A. D. Wagner, with the late Frank RObkkelx as tile negligent. There were some very serer' eases, loot very few deaths ()referred. Wit the community was nett lank -stricken that I1r. Hamilton had great trouble in securing proper conveyances to offend the borlals, and be and Dr. Wagner (Continued on Page 6) SEE Carl W. Worsell —FOR— HUMIDIFIERS COAL BLOWERS PLUMBING HEATING TINSMITHINQ GENERAL REPAIRS !Tom SERYICI Phone 475 Keays Street TRY OUR Golden Guetesey �K Table Cream and Whipping Cream Safe, because it is all pro- duced from a Government - 'inspected Herd. Your pationage solicited' Clif. McManus Dairy —PHONE 689-- ���tit" Introducing A HOW AND bor Saver-- FLOORS WAXED let us e1 n nItT1tCToi with on new - which we drill deliver lid thn nghty•ran be done o you at a verylow rent& For full particu • s drop i at our stare Ta1bot Cornish "Everything Electrical' PHONE Store 81 Residence 500 RtetatitiliteretalitellitVetetECtittfittEVELWEitittfitillra IMMIVEIVIEWITZWEIttelteeVellterielt 11 NE PlIE111410113111111110WIEVEITtallterEVIIIterirgtint the best-known and most revered men In g dFnwall, and ththroughoutI.egtern Ontario. for that matter. Down the Lane feels that some reference to his long and huffy (rarer will he read with interest by friends' all over the tlls- trkt at a time when he le about to mark the fifty-fourth annlvereary of 1 making Commit] the town of his adoption. Born in Goderieh 1)r. Charley J. Hamilton Waft ow born c4' h1 (iorieh. (Mt.. on September 15, 1855, and was, therefore seventy-eight yensra of age on September 15 last. He was the sonof a doctor, Dr. MOrgttn Jame. Hamilton, one of the early settlers of the Bounty of Huron. elm ISM,ailed on July 2/1, ISM, when the sub- Je'et of Mitt sketch was hut thane years old. leaving he w•(dow with three chlhkk'nhs cn. the cdct of w0mt wait Charles J. The widowed mother was then only 1n the twenty-seer•onl occur welcome that there was nothing lett for hlm to sexy but w•tek•ome• or her cage. • • r fie rFOR BABY SOAP AND TALCUM In pretty box $1.10 14 InKee-pingWitkthe Times Realizing the desire to continue the custom of making friends happy with Christmas Gifts, we have selected only useful and practical Gift Merchandise. Vit the Drugstore first. Aathracite Pocohontas and Coke We are expecting in the near future a car of Western Lump Coal. 'I <.-. FLICK `i Stents mew 17Y Dr. Hon said tw was ocerwlwlmel ehlcatkin In the common schools at ASHES OF ROSES f th at the .eloquent and gen to emus welcome ;c /:urlcrlch ani gradndto ren a tc•ralel hinwelf Gus Met. th„M (]rammer School and for (line.” yearn TOILET and mid iw had leaned to F red- erht'tnn and i e people already Sat he ACs Mem to stay. He 10141 of 4ne1dente In his work at (Ntewe and Of receeiving the hearty genal witches of fellow clergymen at Ottawa for me- ccas In him new Mad of labor. A program wall carried out roust*: ing of a number of the tadiees' quar- tette. Mrs. John Webster, Mrs. Helen Pulaif er. M1.w Marion Edney and Mir Shaw: readings by Mrs. A. i.. Iherow; sok). Yrs. Jelin Webster. Retreats -merge were stirred by tnenl- hero of the church and a most delight- futl functkee brought to a chow. CANADA'S 81(11581) AREA The total land anew of Canada, re- s m-malelt to the iibtmoor beata•1ri4J!twtrf_ or fP.FC . rad (M Jt KI w eat tavwys. le <4/Amapaat siarr,'i+te winery mine of wbhtrf► atel,NIRrigthere miles Is considered as twain( suitable for egzlrnittwal or pastoral pmeynes. stn 114•1 as a d.noglrt with the late Franels Jordan, of tioderbeh. in 11t7., he entered the University of Toronto as a student of medicine and fi- untet on May 10, 114714.. After ht. graduation he remained with ids ( step -father. the late Dr. G. ('. Mien- i non, of Oodertch, fur a theft elms ural then withdrew from the prteilee of his protestation there to nate room for hie bait -brother, the late Dr. John iteginnld Khatunm. who }rained his hither'. (Ace. iir. Hamilton earn. east to Cornwall and entered a part- nership with 1)r. J. .1 Dickinson on November 27, 1/179, and remained with I)r Mekinsnn until the latter's death on April A0, lAtti. Dr. Hamil- ton .1Nttlntwcl the pratfle of Ms pro - legation on his town atmrant from that time rap to the present, a eriinorma 151(tR1nP Int the ]senie41 -If afb-tene Oars, and blit Apia "AO Hast' (e will have carried tea her RwerwMe veers under Iii. Own ammo. The sweet Antro ACs aeon (brut socAMULE SOAP For the Smoker we have ASH TRAYS, PIPES, CIGARS, CIGARETTES, and LIGHTERS PERFUMES PI ItRE SiZE 500, $1.00, $1.50. $2.00 PLAYING GAIDS 60c, ?Is, $1.00 A USEF7ii, +fsCi �mf►s fibre For the Bath BATH !SALTS BATH BRUSH BATH SOAP BATH po'. IME '%,' lour PFRIe'I'ME 'la bill, Make n pretty package ymtr.clf ('IIRiSTMAS DRUG McE('IAI Burdock Bleed Bitters Me i ruaehen Salle A! Pond's ('ream Ile Brom) Meltzer. lee. 25e, bet, 111.110 (•algatr's Tooth Palte.2 tubes 3 Andrew's Liver Salto ... 29e. 59c• Sal Hepatica 29e, 59e. 11.19 Sim Camphor 1-.z. 15r Cutex CHRISTMAS SITS -360100,$1.00, *00 SMELLING SALTS 1500, $1.00 COMPACT/1 We are clearltng a noibtter 111 HUI • HAT WATER Chr1•tritws 98c Guaranteed tot _tyro lepra LAVENDER FLOWERS In la'ik FACE PAW I)EKM imported sort ihancstte ( ekes Snap and Rot tie Lavender Water 2rae-'"it SO H. C. Dunlop J. A. Campbell J. H. Lauder ER. Wigle Christmas Cards 2 for 5o, , 100 ... dim"•.'--- HUDNUT •8 YARDLEY • 8 TOILET WATER CHOOOLATB ARR E Han you a Reapahot 7S *Slip ART BRUSHES Bingle 31.60 Pair 32.60, $3.00, $6.00 RAZOR BLADES LATHER BRUSHES SHAVING CREAM s ) a.: •