HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-12-7, Page 24
5--Thstada7. Da euther 7fL, 1986
lesr&M,r*etss 1S4$
Mewesr el Cw• Nostessastare
*very Thursday morals'.
S61 afJf b . POW .PM Per Tear, L
1 I •10NAL PAINTING 00., IA'D.
TeLegheme 8' : Godetlels, Ont_
W. H. Repent car, Rektor ad Messes►
Tusrsday, Decanter 7th, 1933
{London Advertise-ET--
dvertise-ET -The progress of this Middlesex
tarn lad through civil life to high
aaliary command to the greatest of
all wan sod back again to a recrea-
tosdfng Position in elrll life will he leer InternaUoaal confident*. He up- latter place being changed to RegMs.
always a romantic chapter In the holds the League of Nations as the Ile was Minister of the interior 38-
Canadian -age. I brit instrument In existence for co- i and
bie 1 nt-G c He tilted errar 1t -
Before the war Sir Arthur was ,.pasrotiun and understanding !Mit-
a/Delia gust 8th 1818
known to Lbw Canadians beyond the the nations and contends that. despite 1817. -The Quebec bridge was opened
social. Muiness and militiacircles 1n criticism, (toe 1,eaRs4e 4s doll4 ep►Irodlkl I to traffic. -
which he moved in Itritish Columbia. work.- 1 December 4
He bad sone to the Coast Province I, --- 1t333. -The King of Fran a granted
as a youth of nineteen witb no ad ' SETTLERS FOR NORTH COl'NTRY Ito Abraham Martin the 'plains above
vantage of fortune but with Self-re.1 (Sault Ste. Marie Starl 1the'town of Quebec. T Ii cattOgitatr,
Hance, a strong physique, a good bralu, I The settlement of the claybek will I known as the Plains of Abraham,•be-
and those qualities of character de- hardly lw made by towuape'ople from come femora In Canadian blatot0 as
rived from a sturdy pioneer ancestry stry ' told Ontario or elsewhere. They ' the battlefield on which Canada's &e-
ao.lIatvell the background, the caper- I tiny was decided.
and the discipilne of active work on is -tee the gift of doing with little. ' 1S00. --One of the world's greatest
movement to keen firearms under the
most rigid control. There are al-
ready fairly strict regulation+, but
either they are not strict enough or
they are not enforced. It seems to
be still an easy matter fur thugs to
get and keep the weapons they use
In their "business."
. . •
Icon. 1)r. R. J. Manion, Mtnnister of
Railway* and Canals, who represented
Canada at Genera hist fall, says that
Canada should be thankful for the
three tbousaud miles separating this
country from Europe, where the na-
tions "seemed to be sitting on • pow-
der magaztue." He regards the pri-
vate manefact ere--•e4+munitkons• es a
peril to Lite peactr of the world, and
declares that, although there are more
international {acts *od conventions
than ever before, there •tewa W be
Compiled Iran Files of Ilse
Montreal liasette
by F. J. N.
'ars ese s. ae*wry AIWIll41W
184A -A boy was buru utter CILIUM.
f'pper Canada, who se Willies 11411.m
t)tter became one of Canada's Oet-
tamline auWlera He took pa
trachea his native 1'revinte
in the Nor=
tier ilio) Iu l 85.&leod In Booth Attlee
]trlelliern in ltitlb, s
was W totnuatatl of the Royal ° m•
edian Regiment. For fhb service be
was knighted. --He died May 6,- MIL
1NN1-FMgar Dewdney was tines
a+ LI.uteoantdlovernor of the Noetic
erat Territories. One of his first seta
was to move the capital trona Prince
Albert to Pile u' Hones, 114 naae*otf tie
f Work
the farm. After leaving home he be- , The man who doc'. not I1n. content -
came a school teacher, an otrulaliou ! went In clearing land, In seeing his
Maki/ thee, more than now. was the !little finde ift bts gr44h 1'IbiP to 111 andve in a who
ladder of ambitions young sten. Ile
wry orwhile
found • more remnerative c.pwuhnR uo worktlLTlwwon't for
ishard, tremunerative wtntbers
in bualneas, and when the war broke art. long and patiee•e and optlmtdbr
out be was in his fortieth year, age are needed.
parently destined to be a sucve.oful
IF-inanclal Newel
Insurance man and a prominent figlrre
fa the Canadian° Tie was
the head of the l«•ar'r•gimewt when
There is 1.o ,teed to Maborate on
taw standing of tlw lank* In Canada.
the trumpet sounded In 1914. and be Trac. the: err criticized, *a are all
was chosen to command the Second back+ tin all emntrle*. But they ba'y's
Infantry Brigade, with the rank of opened tiwlr (tools every morning of
Itrigedferlleneral every banking day through the great -
indices was born at Annapolis Royer.
N.8. William Fenwick WRllam. was
world -wile tame in the Ortsesn War
by his heroic detente of Kan. Later
he was in command of the British
for -ea in North America and was
Lieutenant -Governor of Nola 8eo01a6
1115 native Province, l0 1MO5-87. Hs
was knlghtet) in 1t151t sad died July
27th. 1883.
183.4. -Richard Jetta - Cartwrlrt
was born at Kingston. Ont. He was
Mlnb4er of Finance 1878-78; Malsler
of Trade and Commerce 1686-1911;
knighted May 24. 1879, and died Beg-
tepbtr 24, 19I2.
1838. -Four hundred American fili-
busters' from the alums a Detroit
sckl r%• ivetaat, toil
14 15 she Oddtel-
Ftiday,nMt hat Yoder
s a0a5i *ant G4dsdtb. No.
32. C.U.P..Jlet all .f the load re-
lief fend. a substantial
amount cowl 4inisid k has deoe
excel est work la rayls, 1* bear the
burden of Milt t•x11>1Mas1 s °odsrbh
tad contributed ilea ea tba taad sal
Yob,. Mager JAe wee 'reset on PH -
day algid and udaedaoed several
members of tib tots eeandl. east
whieb be ealseded Ids thanks tin be-
half of the Mee. to the lanai Coen
4k_1 gM tabsieseau farcy Peens for
the senerene tlasl.tsacg Giros in the
Getting these smart full-fashioned STOCKINGS at this price. 69c
Fine clear silk in six leading shades. Sines 81 to 10. Per pair
Sir Arthur's rapid rise to the post est depression in the world'* history, t.riea.ed to Windsor. and to show their
of commander of the Firs[ Cunadlaa and that fact talker (ken atmos evely .ywp*thy with the "downtrodden
eriticlsw fiat conkt be levelled a.inst Canadians- they burned a steamer
Division within a year after going them. The hanker. of Canada have and several bosses and killed ■ few
overseas was not due to *evident or accepted ae their fin they the safe- unarmed epeotatru+r. OM. prate with
lack. He bad lakl the fo uudatloo by martlhyt of their depositors' money, 1711 men from 8andwieh killed tweedy -
in intensive sandy of military history ami ah -y have kept their banks sal- four of the Invaders and took tour
vent. prisoners, whom he promptly court- Ilene*. Mg -
and tactics begun when he was still
luartialled and Mot, flat which he was uotknally
a vary young man. (o that K NOT QUITE SO GENEROUS reprimanded by the authorities eft Tor- of the
Bra W, 1t...Le of Kr.atlord•
supsrtntetedeat of *rgaurlatlea. who
donated en silver mend ler ides d iem-
pbu in (bp &idlers' contest. teas in-
4*ed ced WPMe t heinnaa• • - 11*. Lag
Mee some eresai a data on Om or-
der, stating -bat the C.O.littstsirktiy a
Canadian lupnhrtloo and has 46,000
Members Is tate Dominion There
ere tws worts le tie county
et Huron (beet Gaderieb baa a
me/ober/ship Uel.
Dbettkt demi/heir Baldwin, of
Galt, gave --r report se his work
and re.*,b i• that It was progressing
The old• eddies' cosiest at-
eradsd several kw,•1 and outot-tows
eessaants with mneb gusto*
.. pa t taiga strings of their in-
a tip a reel sod "hoe-
down" fust 1184 the net ed the au-
dteace tapsll ka rhythm front begin -
contest was divided
the dfvistoa being
to the age of the eoa-
dug to end,
Ms tsar
tansies. The winner of clam one
see Havey *Aram: ease 2. Allan
Hebrew: easels 3. Alex. MacDonald;
crass 4, Ws.'?pyrte. of Wingate.
ARaa dram the Mamba
The wlanals then entered a play-
off mad= foe ti'vr =del donated
by Mir, I Allan Schram win-
ner el time iv/ declared the dime -
Mon.. Sven au Inexperienced lis-
le'. renditions" were
v. and the decision
s• a popular one. The
r.. J. Heekia., Wm.
F. H. Pries.
luing tkk•ts for the
to nereral persons in
. with their eye on
eys and giber fowl,
hag twesyave cents
cense. ?we li1Me
and Henn Videos,
trout the large OM-
taprat, inky miming
I,ee i -e 1To :
InWere ea
lied L.IYkehtk. 1179: all report an ea}oyeble time spent.
146: G, OIMaa. 8N; The weekly meeting of the Y.P.B.
HET; Wm. w•``s held a theolaeasteasw-. i[
' ••glee ueji. 7.. Y^'r•-r.
-Meer -see
t he hrot ht
raids Mrsn
The few
tattle were
didn't salad
for sate te
mass, drew drew e
finer ea&
duties In attire service a Oleo -
knowledge of military prob-
lems as web as practical militia ex-
perience. This civilian soldier held
orHut Exeter Times-Advatel onto. ut there were no more
At the nomination meeting Friday from Detroit.
evening it was quite evident that - December S
there was a mieunderutaading in the 1x7,, -General ttir Arthur Currie
bis own with the professionals who minds of many of the electors with
reference to the amount of money the
aerroaaded him, and Cama 10 the Gorernnent pay, a mudtipallty la
front inevitably. When he succeeded connection with relief. It was free-
ly stated that es Exeter kms spent
1:399 last year . ,for relief:. Abe ,mrai l-
pellty was entitled to a great of $00.
1 • t that is enlirele
dollar spent by toe t malrlpaUty, pro-
tatriio : atLr
wen 3301 spent In Exeter last y
taw Government share would have been
3200 and Exeter'a whore 3100. There
anent against theirs; and fought for his are various stipulations and much de -
own views in the inner rountsils of tall work that go with the Govern -
own It would to exceed gay_
itgpr than
t><oce" is stns= rerww ARrw1lSF'-
' INV 11y pitril, ' ria odlcfiil tiupi l:reoy " re! a' •t
18r •rel.
- - • duan C4+rprr antler his-eommano a "T'nt'-' 111T -`v Kt -Oa -rows.
to the command of the entire Cana-
dian Corps. following dlMInmdefeed
HNtIsh generals, his tight to a foot-
ing of equally was not tballm 4
sot least of
Cana if l a rot
+ tne-tilisrfie
not overawed by more glittering names
and resolutely m.tebed his own Judg-
was born at Strathroy, Ont.
11946. -Tice first press despatches
from ))astern ennada, set ever Can-
adian Pacific wires, were pubitied a
the Victoria, B.C„ Colonbt. Pte-
vlamAy all messages had hem .>Ist
teroogh the C Sass.
Alege. a .aret
was tees
It was preceded by a moo in a buggy
carrying a red flag. ,:"'WV
-- !:.'° ' red.dey tllr ..t'- easy
ttmashtng the Hindenburg line will
rva a no uaa+a.
remain an Imperishable lame In mill- probably the worst disaster of Its
Lary history. Sir Arthur had hiskind
PORTER'S 1111.1.. Ih•r, ti. --urn tilts. kind in Canadian history when an ex-
,eritirs at 114 bale MINI Abroad, but he plosion uuu urr•ed as a result of the col-
•'#yty4s` a. I day.
Ildou of two
J o !i
Beat quallyt English flannelette,
splendidly made and tun Q5
cut safes •W7
Made to sell at 75c and '51,00.
Inc all -wool and silk and wool
In smart cheeks and stripes, all
shades and colors 81= 10 50c
to 11%. Special J{h
Pure heavy silk in new neat pat-
terns, many are silk limed. Reg-
ular 75c and 95e, boxed It ,C71NtG
you wish. Special, each.,
Greg, all pare wool, largest
doable -bed aim, wekgbt about 7tyy1
lbs. and finished and whit
Singly. Regular value eA
36.50, at per pair 7
A large special purchase on sale,
beautifully fur trimmed, silk
lined sad Interlined. BJses 18 :o
44. Special prices
$1l, $1f.. $fi ad S21
Penmae's heavy all -wool Mitts
and Drawers. Men's dues, 38 to
44. Regular 31.90 per ;125
Of splendid kid with strong *ewe
seams and warmly lined. t1AA
Slee* 3 to 8. Special.. vu
60-iterh heavy English farmer's
Satin, black in deep lustre finish.
'suitable for coat linings, bloom-
ers or dresses. Regular SQ„
96c•, at per yard •7a.
Hundreds of domeos, booed from
McBride's. of Belfast; 'alas out
d business.
Hen's hemstitch. large clic.
deer Formerly 20e. Boa
d 4
Women'■ line pure linen [A_
bemstitch, 8 for {;
Women's fine white sheer tines,
beautifully embroidered corner
M soft colorings or white, 8 50c
1n box at
?Sc, 95c
"Van Remit*," New York make,
non -run silk. beautifully embroi-
dered. Vests and Blocssrs• AR
dada Boned. Seta. ...$11, .25
$1.50 rad $2.00
BELFAST. Dee. A -Mr. and Mrs.
Jobs Stake, of Wlagham, apedt Sun-
day at Mr. Will Alton's. -
Mr, acid Mrs. Sam Morrison tied
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Graham vatted
al Mr. Rs, Alma's tends/ haat wast.
Mr. and Mrs, Will McLean, of God -
mita, mid Miss Cymningham. of Port
Albert. gent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Alton.
The tinned Sunday shoot cooeert
will be held at Hbekett's ehsfett on
I /es ember -22.
NILE, Dec. 5. -Rev. W. G. Mem is
giving a weeks of aam0ns on 'Teeple
with whom Jeeps was pleased." H*
will give the second of these aur -
ewes next Banday afternoon, oe "The
Centurion." -
The aaeraaent of the Lord's Supper
was observed In Nib United church
on Sunday afternoon. A .sesytisa
service was also held, receiving two
neve member* into the *hwteb.
The Nile . ..was well regeme nod
at the erases ftassh'aaaedesg
gums leer "Wednesday overdue M
1749.--Plerre Gaultier de Varenserl
Meer de la Verandrye, died at Mon-
treal, heavily In debt. With his SonS,
he was the first white man to explore
what b now the Canadian /diddle 002; F. 0. 'moor. INC Mts. Wm- were given by Mr. Henry Matthews
West.IRoope, 1788: Wiese Duttwortu, Sol Mr. Wilmer Rutledge. who spoke
X7 19.-7 ObCMtu , . .J 1M2x w ' iQOQ: I'red B.. /d.rtf.:s:e3...Anne. T lace - 7
the devotional part tine nus i 'i
1571' : Frank i.awren e. 774: Jen, '7. 1 short ROM *eruct preceded the Scrip-
toung, 17W: D. 4t. Nairn. 1301: Geo. ture reading of Matt. 5:1-12 which
ftymoad*, S): Man Delon Drennan, was given by Joon Tabb. The topics
bora teat Titers/day evening, the party
numbering about 150.
The annual (lnristaaa concert of
the Sunday school L to be held on the
evening of Friday, December 22.
Miss Oral Finnigan of Putnam spent
the week -rod witb her parents, Mr.
and Mrs- Wm. Finnigan.
Mrs (Req. ► W. G. Shaw visited
on Tuesday with Mn. E. A. Mashell
of Bei/miller.
Mn. E. Segues spent a few days
lent week a Goderich at the bo of
her daughter. Mrs. A. Thou/pool
The secret la agile/me consists not in
lrreeularity, but a being uninteresting,
R(ifiarAYINO CON11 T
The fifteenth Canadian egg -laying
contest aid the fourteenth (
egg -laying contest. both lteothectted by
the Central Esperhaeota
awa, common ed ea November 1 and
watt conchae for fif'baae weks,
MAIM = rearms- MOIL
Experiments on meter° Improve -
mots, says the Doeninies Irleid Hus-
bandry Dlrtsbn. have shown that
the outstanding came of failure in
pasture land a Eastern Canada un-
doubtedly V the searbed denclseq s
roll fertility. Many years of crop-
ping wltbout return of plant toad
bus Iapov*rhbed the soil.
Stick to Scotch Co
and Save Money
Pelnaao Owners who dura Soh
Amhnda. the dna, quiet .hithdss. loot
burglaries' dist requires She st ai. Atm
tthis hada' method for eideocq sad scow
Off. Genuine Scotch Aethradar oo
., M end h lis_ .
:;,.,-=„,e."x .8Qrn31,.3"1""C 1!t.' ,. ._ ;tat", 's -s••,-•cetera _.
, :.ytrliwrn7,e7.: i ud "r t "J ;r air,. s r' >.
expensive insn idoos. No expense for beat-
inJs when not required. No y odour, no
smudges, no noise. Order NOW:
fifty reaklence+ x1.41 many of the
factoring plants, tensing serious TO INIIRPEND8r FARf1
Imes to the small town. On Thursday. December 14th, due Mlapah benediction.
1917.--i18111ns suffered what was lug the week of Zflels annual exonrt•n- Rev. W. G. Shaw and Mr. Tboa. Me -
tion, the United Manners .1 Ontario' 1']we of Nile. Rev. W. J. Patton and
will throw their igen open to all farm Mr. Hill of BenmUler attended Pres-
bytery at Hrucedeld am Tuesday•
Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Pearson of
:teafortlt and Mr. and AMTS. Alva
Thompson and family of Goderteh
visited on Sunday with the ladfee'
parents Mr. and Mre. E. Se erase,
- ---- -.. -R • w
,.wr•.wrat*-','rfl ,. erY.tgl'. ,•+:..- • ^,•t.,T =,,,, -af
IM a odlort business 'dl R alter _ `
IP'6UPI.E which the meeting closed with the
In spite of the downpour of rain,w ttMw4•ls one of whlc•h
reel to ser fall Justice done to his; n good-sized congregation was present
c-Arrled explosives. Over 21)01 lives
Military- record. Ills growing WIN{- at the regular service at Grace church. were Host and damage to property
larity among the men w -ho fought un• tier. it. M. ('ale gave a splendid talk
der him, in whose welfare fu the try• I along tuls"ionan Iines.
(►n FrddAc PceuinaR the V.P.S. held
tog post-war period he continued to
elbow the keenest personal inilliest,
must have been one of the Regards
he prised the most.
Sir Arthurs choice for the prinel-
palddp of Mt4.1111 REAM after taw war
was tee of the many high honor* that
poured in upon him- It Wan a ape -
cal compliment because he owed little
to academic training. The gover-
nors of McGIH reeognims1 his outstand-
ing administrative and organizing cw-
96410, and- chore Urfa happy method
of crowning h4* Illustrious career.
141r Arthur rose to the dignity- and
duties of the post, and though not
hUm*etf a unteer*ity prodnet he became
an accomplished aleaker, with a com-
mand of graceful English, and held
810 own In his new sphere as he had
done 1n Flanders fields.
amounted to i25,ta(I,1**1.
Deeember 7
their ref/tiler weeknight meeting. 14;4:1. - Iroquois Ins1b,iw murelered
Lorre Elliott gave the tol,lc. unite a Father Charles Garnier. He bad been
tlbwthpr-wrre present and a mortal ens.e- .-ori*leal Jesuit* to establish
hour Was spent at the (-lose of the haw' Huron Mb•4on, wad when the
meeting. others were massacred he had escaped
1►n Thursday after1NNou the Ladies' and for a time worked .among the 11 -
AW held two quilting., one at airs. Iliad. Indians. Feeling it his duty to
Reed Torran e's. the other at Mss live In the mission be had helped to
Jennie Iturk's. Botta wilier were cosi- establish, he soon returned to Chris-
Opted.- flan Islami, where. Bk* Ftrebeuf and
horn 4411 Thur -slay, November the otl,ers, 1w was marderecl.
341th, to the• w-Idmc of the late Will itit7. - Mir Franca* 1to1R11 Head,
d 1 l
['Jerson. a Son. Itoth mother and 1.Ieratenxnt I;ovc roar a aper gn-
bnle are cluing well. 114111, and Colonel MtNab, with 51*)
l)n Frlgay evening. ittrrmbwr 22t at militia marched from Toronto to
Christmas tree and concert 1. to M• i lMThtgtinwrj•',4 tavern, where 11143
held at (.nage church Lantern slides i arm(' oR NMI rehela and hornet this
(CBnealey Enterpriee4
is d to be there.
people of the 1'11e tsfee who are de-
stroys of framing mad supporting a
vigorous independent agricultural
program designed de •saute immediate
relief and bgiant ant permanent re-
Tons farmers' Mee meeting. which Mrs. Smith of last month ebher
r s
la not in any sena part of the C.F. i who
0. ttQ9ytnUue, w be held In the , niece. Mrs. Wm. Sallows. hail gone to
King Edward 1> la King etreettatheatnllne to .visit her rad t r, Mrs.
East, Toronto, beginning promptly at Courtney.
1.34) pm. If more tiara one wesalon is Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Pentland and
required the me%ag "rat be allowed cam Jack, tit London, visited on Sun -
evening season, 1 dny with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pent -
is eetertded to land and other relatives here.
term people Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jones
tained a number of friends and neigh -
continue Into
•'. tunnel Invl
nil independent -
to 1N• present.
The New Party's Troubles
will interest the children. Clad Santa i hnern. The rebel leader, 11-Illlain
I !jet) Maekensle. lied to the United
II litegro spiritual en- grave In Huron (smutty. the president,
('Id Welnewiay evening last Mr. 1 States. There * an .
M. Ta. N Lockhart entertained Ilaember 8
t1t1Pd : "Nobodw Mews the trouble
the young p eopl.•-- from --tis -i=shut i - 17109.---Fihw•wrd• +turrett was Isom, a 1'se mew" Thi. tIM 5400 be said of
church. the first white child to be Ia,rn in the the Sate n mind if the new political
W4' are please) to report Improve- I Itide:na district of titer Canada. The I n party In Canada, the C.C.F, Toerc 1*
t InN C1u I condition. >f 11 birth i r w knc wu
Ten IS. are•* t'sox's coo . i I'h ;er e a .!t. , r a as
Mrs. Cox has been quite ill with u,,.,. ft's Rapids no denying the fr*t that the three
EDITORIAL ROTE pnenmonla rat her home in Nlptssing. 1s:ts 1%1111am von t14-h.Nrltz and leader( were greeny d1*appolntrt
NI Is. Abell and her school ore prlc len others were hanged at Klug -tun• 1 the remit of tlw IaS.electbe in Mac -
Santa Claus is probably wcaMerlug udng for a Christmas concert. slave they had been e11/111/411111A1d
1 40 kene conatlhwne tD Sa*betcbew'ari
1111 behalf of this district 4%e wish 11.011t111.011t11tY
atlt by eoltrt martial. He 11111 led where ex -Judge wace was es9eeted
whetier to Ret out, taw ear for his i t1, s expresour sympathy to Mr. IRA- 'it party of hillbu.ters 111 Prescott, to win ha'art*e• thein was cpe,yder*/le
trip this year or depend upon the I lie Oct and family In the death of ,,here they were captured after the sympathy for hlrn"S$ eceesnt of hl(
reindeer arwlthe old sleigh. m
his other who leased away Vonday ••Ikotas of Ili WIIIebm1I1" An in- dismissal from a Ilidserlitp The 44e-
• • • morning At the home or her daughter, 'crest is attachedattachedf,. the /•eNlrt mar feat of StubbsStubbsStubbswAg.b11M►etd by a de -
Prime Minister !b•lnlelt says that
poverty 1s a spur to success, Well,
Mr. Bennett 1* duan; his test to en-
•iirP'*1ft•ce*s for ettc• Canadian pe0pte.
• • •
It is annkunce•d that Ontario's motor
Ikon*, plates next year will he In
white and black. Ti.' originality df*-
playedl by 11e Department In this
mattes Ix 'startling.
• • •
The pawing of prohibition was oda
basted with great enthrals= aero
the 11.. ea Tvwsday ; lint there le prob.
Mr. W Stewart Clinton Gal 11'4 the .sminsel for the accused el0011 of the l'nitedLibernera et Mani -
The Men's Club. ---1111 Tmoslay. No.! wo., .144.11 11.1.114.tudd, afters lirfla
somber 20, Mr. Geo. Laithwaite ad-, Sir John A.
deemed the Men's CII114 (di "The Next 1.4.12. .4 royal I•liarter was given to
Wier." Hi* tote was* stokes. and oritelievat rriversity, which bast Won
inal 111H1 worth,' of thought nil (minded In HIM at Quebec hy Bishop
Trawlay, December 12. the Club will Lain!.
hold an open meeting whieh isalle• Deeember
ere invited. A good program fa being
1843. Fliehop's lege. Lennox -
arranged. One of the semi/ere will he
gibe. Lower I anniln. waft incorporated.
dehate: "Reanlved. that fruit farm -
it now the University of Ilislhop•
Ins ts, more pmfltatile then mixed
farming." Mr. Geo. Laithwaite will
I th removed from the
he captain for the aflIrmetive and Mr.
Frank Powell for the 'negative. There Public 1ffe tit "had° the H°11- R°hert
Bake/vitt knows, a* "the Greet He-
witt also he readings. irritation. owl
algae. A and good time is looked
tots' not to *Mho Il101itlettilI74 with
the C.C.F. Thee the peteral
Provincbil election la Bridal Colum -
Ma. where the (A . lade el fairly
lamely In Silage the labor
rote Is strew
The sett test o sew patty's
hold no the fared will rose
at the neat lOPP41 Of th, United
ly. in Toronto. It be roman -
hetet that nt the 1 A. anneal meet-
ing in Teensto Dereether the
femora' organise decided to link
(lel% iambi/
pert: -To find a reel Nods of polite ' `•"`
4 41,4
"foremost a Brides enemies ea ea-
-ample of nelfaorereassit Mut should
"ibis was the completed perk by
body talks Meet allEfeW have seen "wakb Mel bad aalldl oareld the
the young men of onr eonsmetnIty and
alum* shows, tbe mieehelle ATP WW1 -
out chew.
dims Ism is Ste ittooki, wkleb every-
-of Mies Mee.
against the adviee of J. .1. Morrison,
secretary of the r.F.O. from its in-
ception until he realened the posttion
thie summer on account of adrancing
North Ontario, wax a former presi-
the leaders against political affiliation
with the C C.F. W. ('. Good, ex-M.P.
for Brood county, la also oppoored to
When the question routes up at the
next ss Aston of the C.F.°. It Is doubt-
ful if Stott without the akl of Miss
Maephall, who le in a Montreal hoe-
pital. will be able to keep the C.F.O.
HA on organlyttion under the political
banner of the new Flociallat party.
Captain Phlipett, who did hie bit
In the great war, 1* raving -Ira own
trouble these clays trying to read the
Commtinist element out of the C.C.F.
pa rty.
So far as a Former -Labor miles
nnvier the C.C.F. Is 4vorwned it 4. not
likely to work out any more iletIsfac-
the C.C.F.. than it did ander Premier
Drury in Ontario. The eight-hour day,
or shorter, for which labor onions
have been clamoring will not work
out vrItb Mom who are employed oil
fanner 41aly darkness ie the long.
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19(17. -The death
Ing lia-bef or .111sin cry**. 40911 eise
thrifty farmers from motioning their
daya work, emi ou relay days sad In
stormy weather their boars ere eves
thee the factory ensployees'