HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-22, Page 16, .7;T: '1;`: : •:,af „ , , , ,
Pio 1 Isteknow Ssntinisi• 411*Inalik,0 3* 22, 1901
. „.
This **hit week 'end. is
.the yearly big July gathering
in Ripley. It starts en Friday.
• mohithg• July- 24 with the
Well knoWn. Ripley Craft
Show in the Ripley Huron
Conn:malty, .entre Omni
pies. Akio the Ripley Huron
Legion Auxiliary ladies will
hold their book and
magazine sale in the Cont.
pies. Then on, Sunday . 'the
Ripley and District Lions
will hold. their annual roast
beef barbeeue.
Plans for the,*
On Monday evening of last
week, July 13, the , Ripley
Agricultural Society Met in
the high. school .cafeteria
reran . • for their . monthly
meethug. •
The meeting accepted •the
' price offer of Ron Nichol:OW
to build an additional
• bleacher for the bili park. A.
nice 'letter ken:Betty Clark
• of 1V1illarten on behalf of the
Ripley Junior Farmers- was
• read. There..will be, another
Commercial feature display
for the Ripley fair on the that
Friday and • Saturday in:
September. It is hoped that
several local farmers in the
area make entries in this
feature. With Doug Martyn,
the new master of
ceremonies for thisyear pre-
sent, the. program for Satur-
day afternoon was. discuss-
ed. •
In this discussion the
(Witless of the heavy horse,
show, flay mentioned.
, the difficulty they had
year in '.holding beck the
showing of the tandem hitch-
• ed teams after the parade
'was over. Ile asked"' some
way could be found to show
these * • and • four horse
tandems ,right after holding
the parade. Several
tions were made Including
holdingthe opening
• et:tem:des on Friday night
It was pretty well decided
that the showing of the
• tandems would be held' right
...after :the 'parade and . the
s. opening' ceremonies be held
• Londoner's compaig.here
Last. week :8 group ; of
young people from: London
.• spent , Monday to Friday.
canirdig In thla area. They.
were . leader ',Phillip.J.
Mercer,. assistant leaders ,
Debbie. "Straith.• and Rodger
IVierish. Gordon • Welker)
thfichelle 'Walker) . Jackie
• Gemus, Ryan McCOII, Kevin:'
Moore, Trevor Watt, iSteven
Kyle, Wade Saunders,Jodi
• Saunders,:Craig •VeYnsuth•
Debbie Roberts- and . ,Don
Morrow. . • • • •
The four Herb and eleven
boys :Were from the London
Memo*l lois and 'Girth
Club, On Horton Street in
deep 'doWntoWit.. London!
south of Dundee Street. It is
sponsored! by the City and .
the it-inlet:Mt head le Dave
MacDonald, Son .of Ken and.
Mary MacDonald in
This is the ithirdyear. that a.
group has been here. They
• camp out eli the Kenny Mac-
. Donald gram • farm on. the
Slzth Concession 'east In
Huron tOnship.• •
On Monday morning, July.
13, when , they arrived. In
Ripley) Dave . MacDonald'
. who WAS indinghititioatiori,
gadded them to the 'caniping
ground. On Thursday after-
noon after finishing their.:
farm visits they went to
Bruce, Beach. They set up
their camp in the front .fteld
:of the farm of Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Moore, Second . one
south Of the 8th . on the
Lakeshore road. Here they
• UniVe;sitY•llogiittti in Len,
**last Week. On Thlirliday •
)Vaidell the „ 6th.
Concession wed in Hum
• township underwent oral, •
• surgery for a, tooth..eictrao
lien. On • Friday morrdng
Allan Irwin of Ripley
Underwent -heart surgery.
Les was able to return home
•wild look out -over the cot• -i,
tagis and lake. In their last
evening here they Were able .
to picnic at the beach, Swim:.
•in the like, and maybe even
see the eclipse of the :norm
• which took plaice aroimd
midnight lest Thursday.,On.
• Friday it was back to London
with leader Phil Mercer at
the 'wheel of thewhite van.
• Phil is frorn.Upper Island
Cove . the Avalon Penin-
sult: Out from,St; John's in
• Newfoundland. During their
stay here they visited the
• Bruce Nuclear, then the
following farms with its
• Math attraction as followi
• AllanGamble - horses and
tidied fanning
Dave Calling at & RACorm
ners - dairy cattle
Bob Scott on the 40: Conces-
•Sion, hens and eggs
JIM Scott' (the .
• homestead) On 4th and:200
sideroad sheep; and on•
Thursday afternoon the
farm of :Jerry and .Anne
Huber .- hived. and:
honeybees. Two boys told us
that they were: here two
years agobut learned:. new
-thhigs from our talky During •
their week here theyhad fine .
• sutntner. weather.
Vitilthig *thane "
John Moore of Montreal is •
home visiting with his
parents ,,Mt. and Mrs. Reg
Moore -in Ripley for a Week.
Two bad surgery
- 41'wo men from th1 area
underwent surgery in
hist week end, l'olits luthis
• area extend best insheiitai
both. : Allan and Les for
recovery. . •
latnerion picnic
• A note kern Reis 'Cum*:
Ing in Lueblow states >that'
.the Erne:ten:Picnic 'Will be
heIdat LansdOwni. Park In
lOncardine a week frorn this
SUnday• oflAug. 2 at
• Antique gale . • • • ••
A good crOwd. was
reported in attendtu:Oe. at the
George McDonald sale. of
Antique's held in the:Ripley
Huron . COnunimity Centre
• Op, mplex.lait Saturday.• .
Vanaltra •
Ttumny, and Dott.
Fludder .of Ripley spent.
lastSaturday and', Sunday
Visiting with Aare%•Brat.
don, and . Gardner • in
Variastrto • • •
• Viiithwin , •
• Bill Robertson. of Toronto
. Was up to, the. Ripley. area
last Tuesday andiVednesdaY
"fora brief visit. OrtIllitirsday
he was scheduled . for a
chartered bus trip from
Scarborough to the Niagara
and New York State areas. .
• Fisting . with Irma . and
:Nelson • Hoc1g1ns 1 .Ripley:
recently were Mrs. . Jean
McLean and her .111as
• Kathy McLean both of Lon-
don, • •
%%dark winneri • :
Congratulations go to Mr.•
and 1Vht. Dan .MacDonald of
Ripley on .their recent win in
the Whitarie Lettety &inv.
sot Imam* *von
"litotes, onto° NOG' VO
2 •
illionise 0111.111li
\ 113 Illehth Street het Owes Sound, Ontario NAM 142
Ireiothose 3764670 . „
., •
„, Itilthweit pinned)
. .
• Phone . Phone
%ravine 693-4363 • KOMOka 471-3639
Dinganntm 529.7947 '
• Vitssirs4.1Wsterisis Crushed Stone
• Cement Graver •
Coshed Gravel-410*d Contractors'
Joint United Church/
Presbyterian Church
Services •
DATE • =mai
Jubt 26 Luellmow Presbyteibut
Aug. 2 Ludlow Presbyterian
• Aug. 9 Luelosow Presbyterian
Aug. 16 Leckie* tinned Church
• Aug. 23 Lueknow UMW. Morels
Aug.• 30 Ludlow linked Church °.
Rev. MeDengidl
Rev. McDougall
Rev. IVItmehito
Rev. Musishaw
Rev. MOnshitw
RAW. blunshil
Set. 6 Leeknew United Church
Rev. Munshaw
One way to fight inflation
• "Although the Retail
Council of Canada is fore-
• casting food price increases
of 15 per cent this year,
there is one way consumers
can fight back" says Gloria
Collins, of the Glad Home
• Freezing Information Cen-
tre, •"Freeze fruits and
vegetables now While prices
are at their lowest and
avoid those expensive im-
ports during the winter."
lust- be sure you learn a
few basic freezing- facts
before you start, she ad
vises,, During The past two
years, the Centre has filled
more than 12,500 requests
from consumers for tree
home freezing painphlits
and many consumers write
for help with specific
"The main problem -ex-
perienced by home freez.
ing enthusiasts seems to be
freezer burn, the white or
grey-white patches •on
food that is due to moisture
loss" says Collins. "Preezer
burn isn't harmful, but the
foods are drier and less
"Freezer burn is easily
prevented by using a good
quality freezer bag:and by
making sure that all the air
is removed from the bag
before freezing your pro-
duce. Glad freetei bags are
a good choice because
they come with a straw to
_help you remove the 'air, as
well • as labels and twist
ties, Since keeping food
frozen too long also colla
tributes to freezer, burn, it
is lntportant to date your
food on the labels pro-
vided and .1.10 your pro-
duce before its maximum
storage tiMe,"
For free pamphlets on
freezing write: The Glad
Home I:teeth.* Informa-
tion Centre, 1166 Queen
Street East, Toronto, Ott-
tatio 214g 1E4,
• Sulu* July6
4 4. 7 p.m.
ADULTS $6.00 In advance. or $6.60at door
• afilldren 6 11 • $1000
tickets available from
Any Ripley Limit Club Member
• or call 39&2006 from 0 to or
• 6954031 after On,
2.1981 BUICK SKY LARKS, 4 dr., 4 cyl.
1981 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX, 2 dr., with
air • -
1980 OMNI, 4 dr. with air, automatic
1479 OMNI, 4 door
1474 CHM, IMPALA atatIonwagon„
with air - ••
1974 CHEVELLE MALIBU, 4 door
1979 CHEV CAFNEICE• 4 door ,
1914 ASPEN, ititimorAvolon
1979 DODGE % 70N pickup
1471 DOME Corry Von
1972 Dome, 1 ton pickup
PHONE S234342