HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-15, Page 17ck!ssic:Sign and Design 396-4319A 101".141411 MI* WINO allso!*1* nil, ANFI10 eng,P VI. Swrvl NN a. v011able SEPTIC TANKS TILE BEDS PUMPING R. E. FORSTER 52114346 —27,28,29arr • MACLYN MANUFACTUR- ING LIMITED, phone 395- 3352. CAR OILING 11/4 miles north of Amberley, west off 2.1 highway.. Open Monday till Saturday, 9, a.m.' to : 5 p.m. Closed Wednes- days. --51 tfeow DO YOU WANT, A QUALI'T'Y, attractively pric- ed Canadian built organ.. with guaranteed after sales service? We also repair all makes of organs. Contact Don's Organ and Hi Fi, 724 Queen Street, Kincardine. 3963546. Your Hamrliond Organ Sales and Service Dealer. Also organ lessons available. l l eow ommi.onird* IMO 01111111. 4111•111. en= Mem aMin 20. Public`. notices : HURON TOWNSHIP : • . PUBLIC MEETING :' For all residents on July : : 17, 1981 at 7 p.m. in the : • : Huron Township . Hall,' :. : Ripley, regarding the : Township , of Huron. re- strlcted area by-law. —27,25ar : STAMP -POST CARD COLLECTORS Drop in and say hello...at QUEENS BUSH STAMPS, Bruce County Rd. 1, South of Hwy. 9, in Kinlough, 395- 354S. --20-3.1 NOTICE TOWNSHIP OF WEST WAWANO►SH Effective immediately the West Wawanosh Waste Disposal Site will be open as follows: SATURDAYS 9:00 a,m: to 6:00 p.m. WEDNESDAYS 1:00 p.m, to 6:00 p.m. West Wawanosh Township Council; - 28.29ar. WANTED - Lucknow Lawn Bowling Club is seeking information and/or pictures as to when the club' started in Lucknow. Please contact Maudie Fisher, 528-3321.a -28x The F. E. Madill Secondary School Office will be closed from July 20th - August 17th, 1981, inclusive. ' Appoint- ments for time tables may be ' scheduled from August 31st to September 4th, 1981. —28 WfUOOUT EVERYTIME Perso — fano ran moo mos1 am amp*' nal PREGNANT and need help? Free positive confidential support. Birthright. Call 3571 1066 collect or ; 432-7197. 40tfar IS ALCOHOL A PROBLEM in your family? Al -Anon can help families and friends of alcoholics. Phone Walkerton 881-31.13, Goderich:524- 6001. Ask , for an, Al -Anon number.—45tfnx HAVING A DRINKING PROBLEM? AA can help. Phone Goderich . 524-6001 or Walkerton 881-3655. 40tfar 25. To give away Mee 41 NIM. mom me =MI - TO GIVE AWAY, two 12 week old female border collie • pups.. Phone 395-5592. -28 28. Engagements'. LUESCHER - COURTNEY Mr.. and Mrs. Leonard Court- ney announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mary Jane to Bruce Luescher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lues - cher. The wedding will take place Saturday, August 8, 1981 in Pine River United Church at 4 p.m. Reception Ripley Complex. —28 31. Cards of thanks DURNIN Perry, Rose, Ralph and Sus- an wish to express sincere thanks and appreciation to friends and .relatives for the thoughts of kindness shown during the loss of their dear grandson and son, Matthew Onbelet. —28 WEBSTER I wish to thank everyone for cards, treat and visits and to all who were so good to me. Thanks to Drs. McKim, Cor- rin , and Jolly and . nurses on 2nd floor of Wingham Hos- pital. These were all apprec- iated. Mrs. Clara Webster —28 PINECREST MANOR The residents and staff of Pinecrett. Manor Nursing Home wish to thank every- one who participated in their Nursing Home Week activ- ities. Any poster contest participants who have not picked . up their poster to exchange for, a free ice cream cone should do so before the end of July. —28ar KERR Thanks to' everyone for the lovely gifts 1 received at the community and relative showers. Special thanks to the ladies who organized the showers. Dianne Kerr —28 MURRAY Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Murray and their family wish to say thank you to all who called, sent cards, gifts and flowers on the occasion ,of their recent golden wedding anni- versary. —28 ,32. Coming- events CRAFT 1 STWM Lucknow Craft Festival in the Lucknow Arena on Friday, July 31st, 12 noon - 10 p.m.; Saturday, August 1st, 10 5 p.ns.; Free draws Buy (1'iSSIFIED every hour. e--28,29 30ar saw maim moo sum Nam --oI -.--.® 32. Coming •vents Y• WiY. --- WOO:- - .-- SUMMER * FLING Dance to Walter Ostanek in the Lucknow .Community: Centre on Saturday, July. 18th,, 9:30 1:00. $10.00 per couple. Lunch included. Sponsored by Lucknow Agri- cultural Society. Tickets av- ailable at Bill's Place, any director or phone 528.2.184. —25,27,28ar LADIES SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT July 24, 25,. 26 Auburn Community Park, food booth provided, tent on the river flats. Held under authority Special Occasion permit. Dance, Saturday, July 25 with. Free Wind. Music Fri- day, July 24, Stevens Coun- try Gold: Sponsored by Aub- urn and District Lions. Club. Come out and enjoy yourself; supporting community , park and improvements. —28,29 YARD SALE Large yard sale on Saturday, July 25, . from 9 til 6, Bruce Road 1, between Kinloss and Kinlough. Includes furni- ture, dishes,, tools, panelling, collectables, etc. -28,29 RIPLEY LIONS BINGO Ripley and -District \ Lions Club Bingo, Huron Township Hall, Wednesday, July 15th, 8 p.m. 10 regular games, $15; one pot .. of gold; 2 novelty specials, $25 one share the wealth; one 4 corner jackpot on 5 calls, $20; purple ball, $40; jackpot, $300.00 on 52 .calls. ,Conso- lation, ' $30. Door prizes —28ar YARD SALE At Hilltop Apartments on Ross Street, Friday and Sat- urday, July 17 and 18, starting at 1 p.m. —28 RECEPTION For newlyweds Mr. and Mrs. John Collins (son of Kathryn and the late Burton Collins) July 17, 1981, upstairs in Ripley Huron Complex. "Music As You Like It", by' Fraser Downey. Ladies please bring lunch. —27;28 PAPER DRIVE Please save your newspapers for the Lucknow Girl Guide Paper Drive, Saturday, Aug- ust 29. —28,30,32 RIPLEY LIONS BARBEQUE Ripley and District . Lions Club annual beef barbecue will be held on Sunday, July' 26, 4 to 7 p.m. at the Ripley Community Centre. Children 5 to 11, .$3.00.. Adults $6.00 advance and 56.50 at . the door. Tickets available from any Ripley Lions Club mem- ber or call 395-2995 from 9 to 5 'or 395.5931 after 5 p.m. -28ar Attention Farmers A. For sale WESTEEL ROSCO grain bins, aeration systems, in - bin and •batch dryers by Shivvers and Moridge. Grain augers by Westfield, Farm King and Farniatic. Over 100 augers in stock from 31/2" to 10' - portable or transport to 71" long. Complete on farm grain systems at competitive prices by experienced build- ers. Anis Harkness Equip- ment, Harriston, 338-2821. —26-34 QUANTITY OF MIXED HAY bales, 15c, and straw bales, 40c. Phone 529.7517..---28 • - MOO.., WRNS ...IMO -OM MOP A. For sale raMe 0.11!...001.11. W X11 APPROXIMATELY :675 bal- es of Mixed hay in the stook. Phone 395,.5212: —28 TOWER KING pressed stave silos with complete , dura - guard liner, also oxygen lim- iting silos with bottom un- loading and liquid manure tank. Discounts on spring orders. Area representative Francis Boyle, R. #'3; Ripley, 395-5088. —8tfar B. Custom work NMI 1111.1 sum limn mom OMNI MONO SWATHING - HAY AND ;GRAIN; combining wagons and tracks available; plowing and trucking; cultivating. Anytime -Anywhere. Phone after 5 p.m. 529-7488. —24tfar Ammo - C. , Wanted. - LAND SUITABLE FOR. WHEAT. Apply Box D., The, Lucknow Sentinel, P.O Box 400, Lucknow, Ontario, NOG 2H0.-27tfar QI. WA ED Old Brick buildings, for wrecking and salvage pur- poses. Contact R. Lumley Demolition Inc., 1185 Murphy Road, Sarnia 1-542-4088; Ontario's lar- gest supplier of reclaimed brick. We fulfilled • 76 wrecking contracts in. 1980. We paid cash for a few buildings, we demol- ished some for no charge, and for others wecharged a :slight fee for our services. Yes, we tfavel. We have associates/part- ners living and operating out of London and Listow- el areas. Honest apprais- als, references available. We carry $1,000,000 in- surance and are covered by Workmen's Compen- sation. We eliminate eye- sores in an honest, . fast, Iand efficient manner. -23.52eow. . E. Farm services LYNN LOWRY `FARM SYSTEMS LTD. Amberley PHONE 3955286 BUTLER Ring Drive Silo Unloaders, Big Jim Silo Unloaders, Volume Belt Feeders, Convey -n -Feed Cattle Feeders, Single Chain Conveyers, Barn Cleaners, Oswalt Ensil- mixers. FARMATIC Blender Hammer Mills, , Blender Roller Mills, Blender Mills for. Ground H -Moisture Corn, Augers, Leg Eleva- tors: ACORN Cable Barn Cleaners, Hydraulic Man- ure pumps:. WESTEEL-ROSCO - Grain bins * 1350 to 259,000 bu. Bulk Feed Tanks. ' Il ACME - Fan -Jet Ventia- tion Systems. ASTON Ventilation Sys - terns. B & L - Complete Hog Confinement Systems. SLURRY -SLINGER - Liquid Manure Spreaders. CLAY - Parts and Service for 'Clay Equipment. AERO -FLUSH - Liquid Manure Pumps, Aerators, Separators. WE HANDLE . EVERYTHING - ALMOST —2ltfar • L ielmow' Sent% el, Wednesday,' July 15, 19111--4ate 17 E. Farm services BERG STABLE EQ'MENT Cleaners, Bunk Feeders, Silo Unloaders,Farrowing Crat- es, Water Bowls, Cow Stalls , and Hog Panelling. Contact Lloyd Johnston, R. R. ;3,. Holyrood, phone 395.5390. —30tfar 0 BILL TAYLOR R. R. # 5, LUCKNOW 0 On Tuesdays Or groups of 5 or more On Thursdays From Lucknow Stockyards CALL 528.3630"Home or 528.3119 Yards Tuesday or Thursday, by 8:30 a.m. for prompt service ASK. BILL FOR REQUIREMENTS OF REPLACEMENT CATTLE 5 ire--, LUCKNOW SHIPPER UNITED CO, -OPERATIVES OF ONTARIO LIVESTOCK DEPT. TORONTO Ship your livestock We've got a Iun; full o special buys Read classifieds .1 Buy, sell for trade on the csted' pages '528-2822 tbe hiexpeosiVe wig lo Shop Mc 0 ; AGH REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LTD 528-2031 LUCKNOW LUCKNOW HOME, 3 bedroom bungalow, $39,900. WHITECHURCH, 3 bedroom home, completely reno- vated. Large lot, must be seen. Only 540,000. RIPLEY - 6 room apartment. Mortgage •.available at 101/2%, 3. years to go. 2 LUCKNOW lots, 528,000. SCHOOL HOUSE; Kinlough, converted into residence on 3/4 acre. LUCKNOW - four bedroom home, three lots overlooking river, 15% mortgage. LUCKNOW HOME, large lot, 80 x 265, 4 years old, family room with fireplace, 111/2% mortgage. Asking 552,000. CLOSE TO • SCHOOL, 4 bedroom) brick bungalow, finished family room, reduced to 549,000. RIPLEY °AREA, 2 bedroom home and small barn, drilled well. Reduced to sell, 525,000. : 12% mortgage. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY Man Street, Lucknow, 2 stores and '2 apartments. Reduced to $45,000. FARMS 92 ACRES, hog set up, all clear, well drained. 150 ACRES Bruce Twp., good ' buildings, 3 bedroom home, 145 workable level, 5139,000. 100 ACRES Bruce Twp., level land, 4 bedroom home, loose housing barn. $100,000. 99 ACRES, new farrowing barn, implement shed, all workable. Priced to sell, $155,000.00. DAIRY FARM 240 acres, 220 workable, 3 bedroom brick home, barn 45'x 85, and milk house, silo 18 x 60, 35 cows and quota. Call today. 250 ACRE beef farm, 100 systematically drained; 24 x 80 upright dnd bunker silo. New insulated garage, large barn, 5 bedroom brick home. Asking only $350,000.00. 100 ACRES, well drained flat, workable, Kinloss. 300 ACRE BEEF FARM,4 bedroom home, trenchsilo, cement barn yard, asking only S200,000. 200 ACRE CASH CROP level farm with 45 acres bush. We are in need of fano listlerga FRASER MseKINNON 'ROBT. C Rea. 395- 529-7417 BARRY MeDONAGH 53821