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Lu know. Sentinel, Weduesdsy, July .15, lel... Page 11
(c) Balance Sheet: ,
' Thisstatement reflects the assets and liabilities of,the revenue fund,
the capital fund and reserve funds.
• .(d) Fixed Assets:
The historical cost and accumulated depreciation. of.flxed assets is
not reported for municipal purposes. Instead, the "Capita], outlay to
be recovered in: future years" which is the aggregateof the principal
_portion of 'matured longterm liabilities, capital funds transferred
to -other organizations, and the cost cf capital projects not yet.
.permanently financed is reported'en the Balance Sheet.
Municipal Enterprises:
There are no municipal enterprise activities carried, on the by
Charges for 'Net Long Term Liabilities:
Lochalsh woman •is• 90
Debt retirement costs including principal.and interest are charged against
current revenues in the periods in which they are paid. Interest charges
are not accrued for the periods from the date of the latest interest
payment to the end of. the financial year.
Trust Funds:
Trust funds administered by the municipality amounting to $304 .are only
reflected in the Trust Funds., Statement of Continuity and Balance Sheet.,
2. Capital Outlay to be Recovered in Future Years:
• (a). Some capital outlay to be recovered in future .years does not represent
a burden on general municipal revenues, as it is to be recovered in
future years from other sources:
1980 1
Special Charges on Benefitting Landowners $254,602 $209,312
(b) Capital outlays, including fixed assets and the transfers of capital
funds'in the amount of $14,105 which have been' financed. from general
municipal revenues of: the current : year, are reported on the Statement
of Revenue and T;xpenditurr
. Reserve Funds:
During the year, .:r.:riited directly to reserve funds Without"beinrg
recorded' as revenues and expenditures of the Revenue Fund. The sources were:
1980 1979
Interest, Revenue $ 2,619 $
Ontario Rome Renewal Plan - Grant . . 27,000 .27,500
$ 29,619 $ 27,604
. Net Long Term Liabilities:
(a) The balance for net long term liabilities reported on the Balance Sheet
is made up,of the following:
Total long term liabilities incurred, by the
municipality including those incurred on
• behalf of former school boards, other
municipalities and municipal enterprises
. and outstanding'at the end of the year
amount to
In addition, the municipality. has assumed
responsibility for the payment of principal
,and.interest`charges on certain long term
liabilities issued by other municipalities.
At the end of the year, the principal
amount or this liability is
Of the long_term:.liabilities .shown. abvye_..t_he ...
responsibility for payment of principal and
interest charges has been assumed by other
municipalities for a principal amount of
Net Long Term Liabilities at the End
of the Year
1980 1979
$224,942 $167,463
12,008 '
( 7,617) . • -
$227,961. $179,+71
Accumulated Net Revenue (Deficit) at' the End of the Year:
The balance in the revenue fund at the year end is available to reduce
(to.be added to) the levies of the following classes of ratepayers:
?IL° 1272
$( 9,511) $(23,761) ,
( 4,189) ( 4,189
11 2
89q 30
$(12,799) $(27,922)
General Ratepayers
Designated Ratepayers - Police Village of
School Board Ratepayers
County Ratepayers .
6. Charges for Net Long Term Liabilities:
Total charges for the year for long term liabilities were as follows:
1202 1979
Principal Payments $ 17,493 $ 13,372
Interest 13.247 7,701
$ 30,740 $ 21,073
Of the total charges shown above $30,740 was paid from general municipal
revenues of the municipality and are included in expenditure on the .Statement
of Revenue and Expenditure classified under the appropriate functional headings.
7. Liability for Vested oiek Leave _ Benefits:
Under the sick leave benefit plan, unused sick leave can accumulate and
employees may become entitled to a cash payment when they leave the municipality's{
The liability for these accumulated days,, to the extent that they have vested
and could be taken in cash by an employee on terminating, amounted to $7,189
at the end of the year. No provision has been made for this liability.
By Kae Webster
Mrs. Francis Wilkins cel -
brated her 90th birthday
Friday, July .10. A family
birthday party will be held on
Mrs. Emile MacLennan
had her two nieces, Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Huston and Mrs.
Jim Summerville, of Atwood
when they came up to Loch-
alsh with the body of the late
John Winnfield, a long time
friend of, the family. Mr.
Winnfield came' out to Can-
ada from England as a lad of
twelve years. He worked for
a 'number of years; .with • the
late. Isaac Ensign. He "lived a
number of years with Mr.
and Mrs. Huston, and died in
Atwood at the age of eight -
five. He was buried in the
Lochalsh Cemetery.
A lovely shower was held
Thursday evening at the
Ashfield Presbyterian
Church 'for Dianne Kerr,:
youngest . daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Mery Kerr, prior
to her marriage. Mrs. Max-
ineLuther was ' •the : very
gracious Mistress of cere-
monies. There were a couple
of contests for the ladies, a
very amusing reading, and a
couple of sing songs which
were ' enjoyed by all. The
bride-to-be •' helpers were
Sandra Robb and Kendra
Elphick.. Dianne thanked the
ladies fittingly for her gifts.
A daintly lunch was served
by the hostesses.
Well by the end of next
week 'your columnist and
son, Jim Webster of Water-
loo will be off for a twoweek
vacation to Saskatoon, Sask-
atchewan and Edmonton,
Alberta to visit relatives
there. Part of the next week
will be spent with Mr. and
Mrs. Atlee Wise, Tricia and
Cecil Webster of Richfield,
Ohio. We will arrive home
about August 9.` Hope you all
have a nice summer "' and . .
happy vacationing.
Let's all hope the mail
-strike will be over before that
so our country can get back
to regular routine.
Mrs. Dorothy Finlayson is
taking a course in Waterloo
• this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob McIn-
tosh are vacationing in the
western provinces.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mac-
Kenzie and family have
moved to theirr new home in
Kingsbridge couple wed
By Delores Van Oech
Congratulations to Law-
rence Hogan and Marianne
Frayne who were married at
St. Joseph's Church on Sat-
urday..Their wedding recep-
tion was held at the. Com-
munity Centre, Lucknow, fol-
lowing the marriage:
Kathy Hogan arrived at
the home of her parents;
John and Rita HoWard last
Wednesday from Calgary for
a brief holiday to attend the
wedding of her brother, Law-
Con and Vivian Hogan and
daughter, Faye of' London,
spent a few days in Niagara
Falls last week.
Best wishes for a speedy
recovery go to Cathy Dren-
nan who is a patient in the
Winghatn and District Hos-
pital since Sunday.
Yvonne Sinnett .and son,
Jimmy are vacationing for.
two weeks Avith_herhusband, _
Jim . ori the boat where he
Rev. Father Edwin Gar-
vey, C.S.B. of Texas has
been vacationing at the Gar-
vey homestead. Other visit-
ors at the Garvey homestead
over the weekend were Mrs.
Joe Garvey and Mr,�and
Mrs. Mike Garvey and family
of Mississauga.
On Saturday, Theo and
Tina Van Diepen travelled to
Toronto Airport to meet
Theo's nephew and his
friend who are vacationing
with the Van Diepens. On
Saturday they received word
from Holland, that their
sister-in-law was instantly
killed in a car . accident and
her husband, Theo's brother,
was injured.
Other visitors from Hol-
land in the area are Nolda
Hendrick's sister and hus-
band and Martin's nephew,
who are vacationing with
Nolda and Martin and fam-
ily. Betty Hendricks,_ who is
employed in_Ovyen Sound for
the summer spent the week-
end with her family also.
Mike . and Betty Lou Dal-
ton, Patty, Joey ,and Eliza-
beth are enjoying a trip to the
Western Provinces.
Mrs. Dorothy Moore of
Credo; West Virginia, her
daughter, Mary Martha
Schindler, children Charlene
and Karl and Mrs. Moore's
granddaughter, Tracy O'Neil
of Las Angeles, California
have been visiting with Mrs.
Moore's brother, Mike O'Ne-
il and sisters, Catherine
Austin, husband Cyril and
Mary O'Donnell and hus-
band, Des.
Art Murray of Chilliwack,
B.C. has .been.. visiting his
brother, Ellwood Murray and
other acquaintances in the
area. It is his first visit in the
area in 25 years.
Doug Frayne of Brantford
spent the weekend with Mrs.
Mary Frayne and attended
the wedding of his niece,
Marianne Frayne and Law=
rence - Hogan on Saturday.
Places instep dance contest
By Ben Hackett
Donna •Baynard attended
the Fergus Rotary Step
Dance and Fiddle contest on
Saturday. Donna placed third
in a step dance class of 25 for
twelve and under. Congratu-
lations Donna. Debbie Rayn-
ard is spending this week at
Camp Menesetung at Goder-
Mr. and Mrs. John Stry-
bosch of Strathroy visited on
Sunday with their. friends,
Bill and Dora VanDyke and
Jiro. and Isabel Hunter vis-
ited on Sunday with her
sister, Donalda and Bill
Smith of Seaforth. Mr. Dan
Nicholson returned home to
Lucknow with them afte r a
holiday with his daughter
and son-in-law.
Mr. and Mrs. Dobney, -
Kincardine spent the week-
end with their daughter,
Helen and Howard Blake and
Ken and Ruth Alton, Shar-
er', George and Suzanne
attended the 50th Proctor
Reunion at Belgrave Institute
Hall on Sunday. Suzanne
Alton' is having a holiday at
the home of George and
Elizabeth Proctor and family
at Belgrave.
Mrs. Donna Thompson
and baby, Amy, of Red Deer,
Alberta, are spending a week
with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harvey • Ritchie and
Members of the Trinity
Church helped to remove the
shingles from the roof of the
Trinity manse in Lucknow on
Monday. Struthers Construe -
tion . will replace the roof.
Trinity UCW discuss the
post office strike
Trinity D.C.W. held their
July Meeting Thursday after-
noon at the home of 'Mrs.
Reg Broome, with an attend-
ance of 20 ladies and two
The president, Mrs. Ken
Alton called the\knieeting to
order with the reading of a
poem; Make It Radiant.
The topic for devotions
was, Post Office Closed, and
Mrs. Warren Zinn and Mrs.
Marvin Scott gave the medi
tation. Mrs. Zinn then read a
poem and led in prayer.
The president' thanked the
hostess and the roll call was
answered with a quotation
using the word, Jealousy.
Mrs. Charles Wilkins led the
Bible Study with Bible read-
ing and a personal q iizz on
Family Living. She closed
with a prayer. Mrs.. Alex
Hackett had a reading, Time,
and the president led in
The business followed,
with a report on the progress
of the Cook Books. Following
the business a social hour
was enjoyed.