HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-15, Page 2iow Serdlnelt Wedneadity, 3uI, 15 1981
1 1
o hospital's
rniidiug fund
The Municipal Council of
the Township of West Wawa -
nosh met for the regular July
• session on Tuesday evening,
July 7, 1981, in the office of
the Municipal Building. All
members attended, Reeve
Durnin presided.
The minutes of the June
meeting were adopted as
• printed on motion of Coun-
cillors Brindley and Cran-
Doug McNeil and Bob
Dempsey of Alexandra Mar-
ine and General Hospital's
campaign committee attend-
ed the council meeting to
• present the committee's pro-
• posal for funding for an
Intensive Care Unit addition
• to the Goderich Hospital.
Motion by Councilors Seeger
• and Durnin, That West Wa-
wanosh Township hereby
pledges support in the am-
ount of $1,100.00 in 1982 to
the Alexandra Marine and
General Hospital for its
addition to provide an Intent -
sive Care Unit to the hospit-
al; and further that this
Council recommend to the in-
coming 1983 Council that a •
similar sum be provided by it
for this purpose in 1983.
Motion.• by Councillors
• Cranstonand Seeger, That
West Wawanosh Township
• hereby accepts the quotation
*. of Charles C. Culbert at
$22.00 per hour for backhoe-
• •big for:various jobs required
by, the Road Department in
198r: • •
The road accounts in the
amount of $24,112.22 were
ordered paid on motion of
Councillors Brindley and
• \ Motion by Councillors
Cranston and Seeger, That
West Wawanosh Township
hereby authorizes Building
Permits be issued to: J.
Hickey (shed); J. Hildebrand
(auger cover); D. N. Stutz -
man (silo) and A. Delbergue
(hay storage shed):
Motion by Councillors
Durnin and Brindley, That
the Township of West Wawa -
nosh hereby approves appli-
cations for Loans for Tile
Drainage submitted by R.
McAllister, D. Hackett and
J. Hickey."
Resolutions received from
the City of Mississauga and
the United Townships of
Bangor, Wicklow and Mc-
Clure were endorsed by
West Wawanosh Township
Council. Mississauga's peti-
tion was soliciting support to
a request to the Province to
enact recommendations of The Dungannon Kinsmen assisted with the building of the
The Ministry of the Attorney creative playground at Brookside Public School by digging
General concerning amend- post holes on July 7. Tho PlnYround Is belle bunt by four
menti to the Assessment Act
regarding the hearing and
disposition of assessment
complaints which at present
is a very pro -longed and
drawn-out process., Bangor,
Wicklow and McClure is
resolved to petition the Min-
ister of Intergovernmental
Affairs to amend certain
sections of The Municipal
Act to have the 3 -year period
for tax sale of property in
arears reduced to two years.
Motion by Councillors See-
ger and Durnin,' That By-law
# 11, 1981 be given first,
second and third reading and
be *filially 'passed: This by-
law imposes a special rate on
the East Half of Lot 24,
concession 1 to cover repay-
ment of a tile drainage loan.
Motion by Councillors
Brindley and Seeger, That
By-law # 10, 1981, The Pro-
.cedural by-law be given third
reading and finally passed.
This by-law outlines proced-
ures to be followed by
Council in the conduct of
municipal business. Some of
these which ratepayers
should be aware are: Depute-
\ tions to Council' (Persons
wishing to present infortna-
tion verbally to Council or
make a request of Council)
shall give notice to the Clerk
at least 48 hours before the
meeting; Deputations are
limited to speaking not more
than 10 minutes; A Deputa-
tion of 5 or more persons
shall be limited to 2 speak-
ers, each limited to 10 min-
• The operation of the Waste
Disposal Site was discussed.
Council was informed , that
East Wawanosh Township
does not own the dump at the
south end of the township,
and the owner -operator •will
• not accept garbage for any
greater period of time than
his contract calls for. A
motion of last month there-
fore will be upheld and the
West Wawanosh dump, be-
ginning immediately, 'will be ,
° open , on Wednesdays. and
Saturdays (closed Mondays).
The new: hours will be from
9.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.ni. on
Saturdays, and from 1.00
pitn. to 6.00 ,p.m. on Wed-
nesdays. The Clerk was in-
•young Poo.* on an &Prime 81 Youth emPloYment
program. Prttlect supervisor is ,Jim • Laidlawo Wingham.
• t • iSenthiel Staff Photo]
• structed to publish a notice to
this effect in .the local weekly
Ross and Harold Errington
approached council on behalf
of the St Helens Snowmobile
Club in regard to possibly
purchasing the old Township
Hall. Council unanimously
disapproved of selling the
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