HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-07-01, Page 131
Trinity "Sunday. School
Church serviceand presen-
tation of, awards, was held..
June 28 at 10 a.,n
The call to worship was.
given by the Sunday School` •
superintendent, Frank Alton.
Nancy Hunter, Scott Hackett
and Donna Raynard of ° the
junior class led the respon-
sive Psalm. Kindergarten
-gand primary classes led by
their teachers sang several
songs. Children singing were
Vanessa and Heather Alton,
Warren and Eric Andrew,
Mac Hackett, Doug Helm,
Stacey Hakkers and Danielle
Cranston. Scripture passages
were read by . Jamie Alton
and. Kenny Wilkins.
The :intermediate and sett-
for classes . presented• short
character sketches of each of
Jesus' disciples. Lori Hackett`
led in prayer. The foster
;:iiikt report : was given by
Rennie Scott. lan- flak=
k • rs and Chris Parrish„ of
the primary junior class, took
up the offering and •.Shauna
Andrew and Janine Helm led
in the offertory, prayer.
tet, _,/�. •.
• The. Sunday. School Was
pleased to welcome Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Campbell and the
students of Wingham Pres-
byterian Junior Sunday,
School whqy presented tw
short dramak'with.their u
pets. The themes of these
presentations being the Esst-
er Story and Paul's Conyers
Speclsl:..Catechism awards
for .;primary catechists were
presented to Scott Hackett
..and Nancy Hunter. ''`A Bible
was •. . presented to Debbie
Baynard: ` for completlon4 of
the first . half of the senior
catechism, while Kenny
Wilkins, Paul Hackett• end
Diane Raynard received pla-
ques with the, • prayer of
Trinity Church irwlds co
The Trinity Church con-
gregational .picnic was held
June 28 at Brookside School
at 12.30 p.m. About' 90
enjoyed a delicious picnic
dinner in the school auditor....
Mrs. Hazel'. Hackett was, in
charge of contests for the
adults. The winners were
oldest person, Walter Alton; .
youngest person, Jeff "And-
rew, son of Steve and Anne'.
Andrew; wedding miniver
am awry closest to June 28. Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Andrew Sr.;
largest family present, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles 'Wilkins
and family; Man with' most
articles in pocket .pon Alton;
lady with mortjewellaty. Bv-
elyn Hackett:
The games and range .far
the children were held fool-
• dowingthe dinner conducted
by Joan • HeIm and Shirley
The ,results were: • races,
pre school, Eric Andrew,
Mac Hackett;S, • 6 'years,
Doug Helm, Vanessa Alton;
Mrs. Ewen MacLean wet-
corned• the Ashfield W.M.S.
ladies to .her home for theiir
June meeting. Mrs; Stuart
. MacLennan•was in charge of
the meeting -and opened with,
ars prayer.
Scripture - was 'given by
Mrs. MacLennan • and the
meditation, Prayer opens the
door to God, was given by
Mrs. Henry MacKenzie fol.
lowed by prayer by Mrs Jim
MacKenzie, •
Mrs. warren Wylds had a
. reading about a garden of
Isreal hi Which all plants of
the Bible are growing. Mtn.
Jinn MacKenzie favoured
with accordian solos, Lord
Help Me Jesus and One pay •
at a Time. •
Mrs. • Stuart Maaactinnan
presented the study topic,
Church - and and social needs
from the study book of India.
Two groups formed together
in putting a puzzle of India
and Canada together. sot-
fags from the Maitland Pres-. ,
byterial president, Miss. Ross
Cumntitg, were conveyed,
Offering was received arid•
prayer given by Mrs. • Emile
Highlights of the hereby.
tectal held at. Molesworth
were given by Mrs. Warren
Wylds and Mrs. Ewan. Me,
Lean. The guest speaker was
Mita Doreen Morrison, home
on furlough. from India. The
meeting was closed with a
prayer by Mei, Stuart • Maac-
The business portion was
held and 15 'members and
two visitors .answered the roll
call, nament, plabird orr
4iowtr"of the Bible,
serenity for completion of •the
nd: half of „ the senior
000 41.
The attendance awards
were presented by Kevin
Alton and Elizabeth Wilkins
:to: kindersarten, first year,
Danielle Cranston, Eric And-
rew, Mac Hackett, Heather
Alton; second year, Kim 'par -
rash; primary, fourth. year,:
Vanessa Alton, Warren.And-
rew, Doug Helm; primary
junior, third year, Chris Far-
rish;. sixth . year, Shauna
Andrew and Janine Helm;.
junior, eight years, Donna
Raynard; ninth year, . Nancy
ation icnic
7 ` - 8 .'years, an Rakers,
Shau na Andrea►,. Chris Far
rush; 11 • "12 years, Scott
Hackett, Donna Baynard;
3 -legged raa ce, Donna Rayn'-
ard and Shauna " Andrew.'
Nancy Hunter and . Janine
Helm; kick the slipper; 6 and
under, Darrel Scott, Vanessa
Alton; boys 7 - 13, Ian
Hakkers,: Warren Andrew;
girls 7 13, Donna Scott,
Nancy Hunter; ' ball throw,
girls, Nancy Hunter, Donna'
Scott; bays, fan Hakkers,
Chris Parrish; 3 • 7 years,'
Eric Andrew Mac Hackett;
wheelbarrow race, ' Donna
Raynard and Shauna And-
rew, • Donna Scott and War-
ren Andrew, Nancy • Hunter
and Janine Helm.
The younger children also
enjoyed a candy . scramble.
Baseball was enjoyed. by the
young people. ,
We just want to get to know you.
And an 8 x 10 family portrait in beautiful natural
colour seems like such a nice way to introduce ourselves..
\ lust make an appointment from our list of available
times- and (I professional photographer will
take your
picture in a studio getting right here in our offices. Come
ba9k later, and you'll have a: number of poses to choose
t s will also be �.
t a modest charge,gbut. prints Y . n o
from vy our free portrait, Extra
- there's no obligation to
do or buy anything, ` •
• Give us a gall • and see what' sitting times es are still
srttta►tg trru
available. If you like, make an appointment for other
families andhave a group session.
But please. Only one free portrait per family.
Pkg. Sitall24
Plistopeolin evalik X16011,1$ • �'
Make an Ap intomtit 'Soda /I. •
.• . , tee �k
Hunter; intermediate, tenth
year, Debbie Raynard, Don.
na Scott, Jamie Alton; elev-
enth year, Paul Hackett,
Diane Raynard; thirteenth
year, Kenny Wilkins; senior,'
eleventh year, Steve, Alton;
thirteenth year, George Al-
.• ton, Suzanne , Alton,, Brenda
"Hackett fourteenth. year,
Kevin Alton; Shirley Scott;
fifteenth year, Brian. Hack-
ett; Elizabeth Wilkins; six-
tcenth Year, Sharon 'Alton.
United Church/
orlon Church
July 3 $o06, -Kinloss Preebyttrirlan Bev. McDougall
JuY 12 South Iftnloss Presbytertaun llev. McDougall
"J*'Iy 19 South Klnlorw; Pririibyterlrn Rev. McDougall
Jai ►• 26 .Luclinoer Presbyterian Rev. McDuugwll
Aog. 2 " . Y.acknow Presbyterian • Rev. McDougall
Aug. 9 Ladmow, Prsabytearlan
Aug .16 Lei:knew. Vatted Church
Ang. 23 Lacinraw valid Church
Aug..•30 Laclmti►w" United Chemo
.S. • 6 Ludas* 'United Chinch
„ Rev. Muslims
Rev. Munshaw.'
Rev. Munsb aw
Rev. Munehi w
liar. Munehaw
CHOICE: coater 50 acre farm. "L shaped, 50' by 80'
hip roof barn. S00 pig capacity, new 200 amp service,
new drilled well 200• ,deep. Liquid• Manure. tank,
Farmatic mill, 2 granaries"200 ton capacity, Modernized
farm -'house, 2 storey,hot air oil heated, frame and
stucco. Mato be seen to be appreciated. 5125,000. `Call •
395-3545 to inspect.
THRIVING: Abattoir and retail meat market. Main.
'building 90' by 40'. Holding cooler 16' by 16', chiilroom
6' by 24'. Kill floor 24' by .21', 3 holding pens, Walk-in .
freezer 10' by 12', shipping room, office plus -
washroom, cutting and freezer room. Retail and storage
room. Height: • floor to ceiling 13'. Completely
equipped. This property also " includes: immaculate
brick ranch ,type bungalow `with "2 car. garage. Offers
electric "heat, ,air conditioning, 15' by 18' master,
bedroom With 2 piece washroom off suite; living/room-
iving •room -
15' by 20'°with open fire place; full suite dining room
area, minty extras including all floors broadloomed.
Completely finished basement offers laundry room,
storage and recreation room 16' by 28' professionally
finished, central vacuum system. Located on 234 acre
lot. For complete details and inspection call 395.3545.
518,000 - 6 registered lots (in old plan) Village of
$10,000 DOWN: Vendor will hold the balance in first
mortgage, interest 13%, 5 years, open, offers 1360 foot •
of frontage, 30 acres choice as jplculturai; further 32
acres oaf -threes and stream. Real opportunity forwide
awake investure. Priced for quick sale at 532,500.
OUTSTANDING BUY, for cash buyer, 523,900 or
' purchaser to arrange own financing. Choice 6 room
ranch bungalow, 4 piece bathroom, combined living
- r000m dining room 20' by 12', 3 'large carpeted •
bedrooms, utility room oft huge kitchen, wants include
Franklinss., stove and and living' soon; ssondeck and utility
room, plus storage shed in garden size lot," Located off
Bruce County Road,# 1. south -off highway 9. To inspect.
call 395.3545.
515,000 PtILL PRICE, First mortgage carries for a
5133,12 per month. Electrically heated. 2 bedroom
cottage on huge double lot. ileal mien get away spot.
Call 395.3545 to Insspect „
153 ACRE PALM. ionated just "est of Kinlough.
0 . .
Offers: ceneu' old 1.t1 room field stone firm home, Pore -
ed air, a air, oil furnace, Choice'tntplement shed, barn (heeds
repair). $80,000 cash required. 3054545 for appoint-
g.140..4.•a 1,440..rw4 %4+41,Y.�e
14.41Y.'IY.% .?.411,411440.tr ..iY'YJ tiea4ial4 ..0