HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-6-22, Page 6M n
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Twi� ir-
w hlppins cm m
Rafe, becaun it is all pr!o-
dueed from a Government.
b apested Hard.
'Tour Ipab on&V solicited'
ON. McManus Dairy
FROXX 5306 -
Spring Footwear
now on d ;"y at
Shoe Store
Knowledge comes but wisdom Unp
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Tim n are improving. to yno are
quite sate ie going on with that
weddir[, and If you want the
blest d work for the oceadoq
Me same can be procured from
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A TRIP TO ENGLAND Sa�hy After®omasofty lward+y �w . JaNs 3t�•-Zh4:�.
Warn weather 14 truly bare Whom wencher star Mems to as b eatmerres
By REV. A. W. BROWN the het strawberry'shorteake makes this smooth, a last wast wee armee
>W IUMM UAMU/MN Its bow to the lamUy. And with the tiemperatt6me b esattas aa1L todaylike October than iago. am
0odsrtd4 art co operatlso of eake Boer amid some Mr. am aim Perky Graham art
are who Aare lost valuable sets of bWtioN kaklts powder yea ear wha children aid Mrs. Wm, Rood attended '
Rev. A. W. Brown of Brrrgvesvilte, a abortcake wltb that chs!-{1ka tareh .
()at-, formerly of Benmlller and Ate- thing teeth on a sea voyage. 'That ipMtfiersl efrrwber*y �arletltfll � wohsW earNar at Lmoksaw N
l coots dlstzess of another order. onward I Christian eddNre, fatrsday n r"•
ww s _,�+w. , >.?tritr kr 1Ln,rland and ..-w r...r rr.... 6&419 marehin[ M to war,3 eutw sifted cafe Horn �.. )p, lKckson,
• •••. � ����. a taaannnm emdinarlea hakt w ler �amd Mrs w _ 41
this week mends the drat of a •pies suffer. Hence some of na with these _ ....w
of lrliere w for sins artificial but very osatul and valuableGoing a healers. powder Imekoew, were eon" visitors at
mouth additions take special Precam Christ the royal l[asiar, 1 teaspoon salt Mrs. Reed amid Mr. amid Mrs. Dkk-
A Week at Sea tions Leads against the fee; % CnD batter or other shortening sou yr
Jane 1, 19311. There to a ver) friendly old [endo- Forward into battle, i( cup mauk The Young People's Bodety of SL '-
Dear Editor,- man abroad fhb ship Astsohla wbo Is s Gee, Hie a
kalern MAndrew's 3 quarts strawberries, wash
♦miaw'e Cbareb held their ="W*
I have now been • week at sea. taking the trip back to his old cow-
/-elabire Baring-aoald, amid hulled so hidw etspl^g, f
"At mea" is nut always a very mads- try home whose oecuplidos In Canada Sift flour once, saessure, add behind Quite a number of young people st-
factory experience, whether eonsid• Is caretaker of one of our Western T>sAY=D powder and salt, sad sift again. Out tended the pies at Menesetung Park `+ p
Bred ire •period u[ menial bewilder- Ontario city halls We have found .,, brant, O Lord, that the Church of L shortening; add milk all at once on Saturday afternoon. "i �• '
ment or as a literal voyage across each other mutually sociable. In and may more as a mighty army, and stir carefully untilall boar L The Womais Guild of Christ's' .
great stretches of water. But delight converse with him 1 Noticed that tib keeping stop with the Master and dampenedThr° stir vtgotumsl) tu• chatr11 will Auld a garden party on _}-:
has far outbalanced distress In this teeth clicked as he talked sad be had agbting the good fight of faith. Is ill mixture forma a soft dough amid the chunk grounds on Wednesday, �:
week on the ocean. The distress was r little diatculty to talk clearly. HL follows spoon around bowl. Turn out Jul nth. Su served. pond
•. His wine we, Dtay. Amen. y kopek �' .•," �+
confined to Monday. It was "blue teeth were not the only new thins • • • Immediately on slighUy floured board program.
'• send knead 30 seconds. Roll quarter -Inch .'
Monday" eo myself and many more Ike had. Tits suit was new, his cap ,,,r„�_ a !3 1.l�ON ppR JULY !
of my fellow -voyagers, with a Textile- and spring overcoat. He looked dap- IL J. olosbrim 1 7 a D thick and cat with 3 -Inch Routed bis- lUn4rU M
ante. 13easkkness L it terrible tbing, per. He gut chummy enough to show ed general eama(ta! stern L1154116 Lesson TaNe• - %abli a. cult cutter, Place half of clecles oa ryrat Husband--"Don't'tatl My WW. = i•,i ?'
It is said of the poor creatures who me a letter that a fellow-employfe In Canadian Psetfis 11way, with Lassen Pamenge--Joshua 1:14; 63:1, ungreased baking sheet: brush with I
suffer from it extremely that on the the City Hall had sent him Just on boadquarteem is 1iOntreal, saw Ing circlesO"dl1 let you lwtrow a poosd"
J. L 8111oft Rho relta- 14 melted butter. Place remaining
second Ditto--f'I won't If 1K...= ._
first day they are afraid they will die, his departure, and I copied this hum- quash s on top and butter tops well. Bake ..
the second day they are sure they I orous extryet from It: gulahed Ala loaf A aCce unt of in (ielier Test-Jeshtu law. dost tell m) wife 1 had s polwd
health atter pars service- In hot oven (4110' !'.) ]b b 110 own -
will, and the third day they're afraid "Dear ,-The awful thought aa11Q aha The lessous for this quarter are utem. Out strawberries in small
Mr. Runphrmy was formerly
they won't. Happily, or hxthepplly, bas Just come to me that perhaps Toe �� to �. Rall Vtoe- sketches of early leaden of Israel and plecw and sweeten slightly. Reserve
for myself it all happened on the one did not make It quite clear how we Prsddaaf." what ls written about them b large eight whole berries ter garddh-espWr-
day; and I can say the same for my telt about your new teeth. Please, at ly- condensed from an Incyciopsedls ate halves of hot blaralts, spread bot- Viewt
wife and sister w'be, aecompWRT ane. ow ar:t gwlm.of seasickness aelt the R .. _ . i(j $ellglonr Knowledge. tom halves with soft batter •and some "
We looked across at each other like purser on the brrat to put them 1n satspg story, W. do seatthing that Joshua was a brave and pod -tear of sweetened strawberries. Place
lust souls who were about to give up safe-ket-ping nada you need than n ry will clean upon on a desirable tag Hebrew warrior of the tribe of other halves on top crust -side down.
the ghost. But who ever heard of again. It would be too bad to send thing. A Tencel that earth•- hundreds Ephraim, who led the armies of Israel Spread with butter and remaining Y,
anybody dying of seasickness? The all that money's worth down to Davy of passengers and a crow t,f 244 men at"= the Jordan, caogoeted the berries. Garnish with4k whipped cream
next day we were spry and smiling. Junes and the mermaids. Please, be and boys does not lack deliKhtful stn- promised land, and distributed the amid whole be_ Serves eight.
Color returned and strength got into very careful of your comPWuloas on dies in human m%thre when there Is territory among the tribe. He was Dough may be xalled balf-lath thick.
our legs and we braved the round of shipboard. (lie Is a merry widower.) nothing to do fol a whale week but teltbe•r a pia noralaw-gtrer,like cat and baked, then shortakes split
the decks again and again, reciting de- We du not want some deslgn149 fe-
mix, pr�ay, talk aeat with them. Mases, but completed the work which after baking.
fiantly Byron's "Roll on, thou dark. male to lead you from us, and who he (Moses) had begun, of turning a
deep blue ocean, roll!" can tell what may happen with all dw�Met >ia� Naber ss people of slaves tntb a nation with a WESTFUUM t
A lady who was ver) sick for a da) those clothes and the new teeth" We have a pMlrm , tft our bedroom country. Joshua &takes his first apo• ' - -
or two brought two things out of her I am glad to say at the end of the at home of an iii IW reading her peannce in the battle of the Ami -
purse while convening with me about Toyage, or nearly so, he ls able to re- Bible, her face talefilaled with a holy kites, when be routed the enemy
Port as Oe! all there and aothing light entitled "lis Cttsr�tter." Mach (Exodus 17 91. We nest led him WItSTTalt[.D. Jane 7Q -Mr. a0d r .>
luck and having the bent of times on Do n9 Mn Was PorLerbeld of (:algae, ,
a Journey -a coin which she claimed missing, feeling line, though the lareb- to our satisfaction, for 0 number of among the twelve spies not to an visited re eptly at the Moms of their
was a special charm, and -what do lug of the liner tried him severely meals that old 1417 ban set with us, out the land (Numbers 13.8. la). It trUW. MM R. Hear).
you think? -the preserved left bled- one memorable day. or one very much Hie�blot�l with snow- was at this time that Moses changed Mr. amid Mrs. Howard Campbell
Pardon me for so 1009 me white hair and a Paaanr Peaceful his name from Gabon ("bslp") to
toot of a rabbit. Neither coin mor �� and family visited on Sunday at the '
rabbit -toot had kept away the aa- the naueeoho side of being • week at ematemmce that grog* ha- not Joshua ("God. bid holy"). He was bons of ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. A.
sickness; and so far u I am con- sea. The Joys of the trip more them Barred aur evil ipoled. -1 walk the consecrated by Moses as 1114 area► Des Johnston of West Wawaaoi
cerned I would require some more make up for the palms and trials. ducks altetnately'IW" a• wb;elessle or Juni before the CiON of the wild- Mrs. Lottl• Geld end tamuy of Amb-
el► ��� t" ��'
reasonable and substantial means of There L an shandamice of pieasnre to best amid shoot kOrfernes period . man from erperiod (Deet 1149)- Reid were goes" on bunch) at the
ler superstitious type to world off the take out of a vvyege like this tam WIRSI [ and a Tung (burgh of The second period of Jaabm's Oars bases et that, meads, MW W. A.
evils that lurk around so many cor- Montreal to 1000401. Repand clergymen who, has put L ler began at the death at the great On I f. and Mr. Cr�tlL _--
ners for unsuspecting persons, On rs 8L lamnemte eight years of bad -1-1 10 Al- law -giver, which marked the tormlra- Obltwe at the bases 4C Mrs. UR C�isms iV Res
berta's far north 04 W*_ says says be L tion of the wanderings in the wOMr- Be•Aanas Igo week owe Mr. Mark tare" and PW 1 X&
we are often assured that out of The trip down the Se iawrence, that aging home to maMy = sister is aesa With the fz'ed ualm of opelmig
evil good may come. Distress may be noble waterway, with New the torth perwich, ld Ugml4 had rent I will ��' MAO �sr a Dien >rrts�irr u d
• stage on a hard road that lads to •bore, then the south shore. rowtn[ �tO new
the people p 0t The
ares[ that, ail ek, gassels, Mr. . a d M •t MNall
with, the dare to tell I!;—fe 1►tM -. rn to naw leader, to bit ter the pesaar c7t.ek. B.ek.. Mr. mind T+Ita xee t;�f tower d!a e� dt4 i►
a delightful condition of body and up Nome Steen and pike• marry somidi's rut don of the 4Nd Promised to Abraham
mind. Iu the masldtneas. trouble it whlteeottasd r»was+m mostung at the, the latter Wr01 in Al- lodhha seems at drat to . Lve lslg Mambo et OrIHb irmatia�s tiaras.
all depends on what L lost If it is toot of blue hills at the waters edge, bort, He b" kb behind, tested. but, mom fully —red of the Rev. y ,theTaylo0( llof �brot on
only accumulated bile there 14 ahead the towering spits el the inevitable I am save, thoap bit netts attractive divine command and aid (Josh- I* Mr. Den
at the home d bis brother, A r lM1
of the victim a period of feeling "At" church at their eeeNtre, ave pletat'es personality and time boa*g make 6) displayed great energy In prewar .Bert �f~ L 1f11aa Ii�woa.
amid a healthy huger that any pare of beauty and charm. Quehac. me bin a target for ftninise ops and at- ♦ rurmbet of the 7099[ people,,at =ad ea WDgil ar ians�.
doei migbt envy. But 1t is not -as ten- Triday night. In the gatboring-dea tentioa 'what fora 1 bate Willi my secistai for the Circumspect
sad ami 14 aper grreei tie Hamm l7everbyMey yenta- tis
e0samon ocem. eS b theft vomill" on its imposing belota, crown" with "w hes." a yhNmagtr of'>lsm , right tinMe g 1t pnumtpaet sad asw peegWors pltmlt at lfaNaaeg4Ns a Sat- �• a�'4 oa ~s
paroxy,yaamss to lose one's digoitg, and the Tronwnaq lit up with time tk*' years who played US whh 1100 on Tri- pap f Mns��' ire is iia Oar l[ra AkhsrR e[ wWter. It dsit- `�� ` ��s �•
that somelhing we all like to beep that and electric iwgftb soul tha astptt� of ts. op1N, ha was No bast T
saves ua from confusion and makiss tltrerforelled Neer. the >tm0pmess et dry a� fatstday, temisalp[ me late bold !• Coecepelon, and n¢d !z W at fled hoses d hes shtarlN law.
on Saturday mifgtiR em wel.agsmed M noveseele The ante takta9 was me Mrs. R. Dedasas, �/iete � i
difficult end embarrassing sitwtloas Britain, b a frta4e of deetrle gi0ry In folk t111 bioreay. " was It aa7 one The t`anaamiltaa were at O =tysr. e[ Aodariel, Bert �w
for others. Thin it in quite a time the doelt at the but. mail for es an Bat Monday ma•eaklS � &W both tb14 time In their mrtK bwrlehtmigr. i
before the sense of shame L gone and untorgettable picture. Will we ever d as were femurs v" $Ar runs petled. The loop were b*Wd to- Sia hpb alt the Jtsaw d Mr. W. A (!
the uplifted head of persolal P Us target, too, ire roost at Sunday is paying tai That emadekne00 OamispbsY.
ls recovered for sell People there the Gals of St Lwttw*l I dM" bike tin in its gr* A��tl lllf D«, gather by creaWa, the Lad pmaMet.d ♦Nor tr.. 11sY rledlq te
say not It was the sort to bring gas 1s • gtlenloli�ooki 4 the m,"Wes groTU" with homes hr fothom Wail wa1Li tewae, 4" hood d rslaMen1AN ft�d
you out of diming-reon aril bora, who Is dowsed well. vlll� net �ribig, B°t a w.aMll
� Uaim emmeawy me
amid with awe u from the beck yes ghavertsuktt47end hV' seeda lgmtpwab ��`- "" posed taPen its lidaaetpable Osty Tens sm"Y ��, tc 4 aadut tie land which reasbea&N yeu to may. "1� ha°• twe he carried his sal out Q�
' etre the story of God soul the Irma with him when be' uD t0asn aw4 tai who ,u1ry reeawltsd with ektr m LlaibMt eidbm 1lRw �r i
mast mhoweth forth His bsmieworL bIa berth to waNt'1rk� deetb h41 It leader's thiautrd
gelb (of Z* a I
► -r • fb band; whs1E iPtbaOlt The tWrd yerbe al Jodra'4
It was tbtttitilblrt ttdl0i that tN artist
~ £ - hits ever pettlettl7 atoght : "when extends from am tio•e of the well lm bwliMsla trrsn was teed icor 100143
the sunset turas the ocean bltsa to tag -room or the iLtamiMs• n That bb death. is the delicate work of Me- U by Mint goo, Qtek 90Roswd b� a �' t �" r
suitcase had to go in tom t Ud tributim the territory among the pe}K r
gold." Sky and sea were trrsdlated it costal■f We all were apetrdatltts tribes, be seems to have been no lass ebame,�no devotional bmmLtbK w
and colored most magalRtontly am Barely It most r.11redl F vesow
the great golden ball sank Into re ban,discrst sad d ric ht efaa h had Social wawa, Henry.lotwhat/" was read
dons within that Le wuwld� Not 10t It � brave and vfelorloes os the EeL by Mrs. M. ty. 1Lt. oma Porter -
land of lovely colors- I would have out of his Slot l the held. He acted in accord with � s>+
- to dredge the dictionary for adjectives We were all Mt7444w�
Ilisamr, and With ehars0wistle mood- Reid of >7 eds"
_,, s_ -- _ of a: fe Os „�•jaemt„� tc .'.3t LY�PM'1ealri° SL�:�Lr'. a� . �•tPe�itort�wllh tcil a �,�� - i� >lf'
w a ][ra etas•
sew r,;;:- ""' ,
% %MIS, ...M. _ . . .
v.....ri,:» .. .: Warr btwsreeen S� ant-oum bt6agr ..'6Sd„' Vernon. _ -O� "' ' ..
shimmering e-0 their face a 01t morning ■t 11 o'drMUii _+4do naMw 'Nilo' -.elan _
shamed sky Hamed It to ineffable and the ant mate {tet flit slsWlee �e sow modern soldiers u followed by a ash by Member Dry FOR
beahty andbetithe
them toe rpr9rhe, low& CromawNl, Havelock and Chin" pot- Henry. A Witter written by Dr. W11-
ILere were lesser thrills but w! the themplese6 of I 11 �, Joshua did not allow the ton- lord. of China, was tend by "Thor
spewlal interest to punctuate be trip- cletgysssn passenger that I have faller of the amp to e Was pt t GO& McDowell.
bell.eoM Moe R ��' Mrs.A Verandah
The passing of the ship under the eeei•ea of religion He was a God• MODowdl, Moa W. Walden and Mrs,
was One of mentioned, who I am more eould have fearing commander who made pr•yw IK S�deOse tendered a gsa�t*
famous Quebec bridlegiven us a hsrppy and helpful massage and renewed conseenUoa a prepare -
them. We felt sure as it was apo which the odkws of the shfp Careful- roll Lint Mile takes,
ties Wage 'The -Deck and
pr ached that It was not lofty enough ly left ohs The beautiful service of Hon for battle Wad danger• or was roll call was ween raee m Mtm[
to allow the fhnael of our boat to the (,bureh of 1cturim was, d emrN, •devout hero. His closing words to heard from tweny-throe we0bern
SUPERIOR STORES a•• wlthont touching as we watched read for the da) and read well. We the bus 28:8) elder and people It wee August
to lave W.YB eco•
from the stern of the boat Would (Joshes 2>1 di eontalseed thoughts
setts to bey oxt the 20th, Tha 18 -cent Lawn
were preisefal and worehipttd is this Elation, but directed the4r thoughts to dMamissed the meeting and a Mt•omt I
that meas of steel collide with Add $unday mornnhg hour and it ora good the divine Helper, and urged them to tea was -.red and a t. socia] bort
high geariag of our ship' for us. Row differently ,ve appeared
breathuwe Not eloser, closer• the night before at dinner hear when ded to e a and keep the red SeIt jurat cleared it; so we imagined we assembled at the tables and touad bled J the age of one the gr •rad By, o and MrsReg Carter and tam -Chairs
from oar Position. A thin Visa on each plate ■ grotr «que. colored tea Joshua Is •type of the greater Cly. of Woodstock, va" rs. esmdqSpecialWeek, entSale might have been passed between the paper bat or ca and Rotor trumpet Je.h°a (Jeeps) the Captain of oat at We home ad lir. amid Moa. hoed J. n�p�
brid'l'e and aw Lop of the saookstwk" or,,. °t salvation. Who lads His people Into Cool HAVE �- --
or WhirtilsY"tta at ronrtM detnN the rest of the heavenly Common (Huh - Kr J. bank i0 Wining
That marvellous Combination �t a� the former and Rave mouth to the let- 4:8, 9).
JUNE 22, 23, 24 � girder and fasbminp Pa ter. The room was oeorrated for the • • • ter, Mrs 3I.r1 Me3[mifpt of -
our beads and we breathed freer HUT.
occasion. 1f was carnfcal might. The WOfl1.0 IQ86ION8 is Re Whh'Watchlhg tfie old scene of "dray Chir company know bores to plea" It L no ucrihce as cosec thlrk, to their passenger petMmt. 11T101/ 'I'RA�1131.IIYAping the pilot" at 7 o'clock one morn- Heck games and spurts passed the come here as pioneers of ChrtUlaafty Ile bps conductor handed back the
Ing was a thing of interest and food days when passesgr'r, were feeling and of civilization. 17
would not pn shilling to the woman Passsaga.
for reflection for me. Ships that well !nearly all the mesh times were my position here for all the world. ♦ ...fyat coin ls no rood, madam," be Find I)IraEte► A10� ►�
Rice Uspies 2 Pkgs.19c passed in the nights and ships that powerful race bas to be won from told her. "It's Furritwe Dealer
Dm anticipated and thoroughly enjoyed by Nutt
passed i1 the day, saluting In passing, els. We are nearfatt Plymouth, our darkness to light; shperstitbn /tad "R1Mentorgl" she said, eumalsing Hamiltes 3b*d. rsedsfith _
made me repea the One Teter that first port of call. and then heigho! idolatry have to be overthrows: hien the coin. .9 "Why. It's dated 1901. '
Fane t�/�t�� ! 2 29e bears reference to the essudl meeting for London. Rat thew will demand have to be taught to love God •mid Seen *„i would surely have noticed PH(1Ne[: Store 8>K: Bea 9R6w
Mlzed Biscuits 9 Varieties lbs. he unmmmhulaUva voyagers on life's •pother letter. love their ndpabor, wMrh mean the it M r� this It It were Dad."
sea. The wnowelad hills of Qhebec Kind regards to all my tliends, and uprooting of institutions that have
U_ hike tool" labor made nobae,
to the south of no nd t w all gooey w'I.hPV to yon, Mr. Robertson, A— for res
(��large heights of Anticosti Island to the Faithfully 70ars, the slave eft free. knowledge Im,•
Oxydol Package 17e north of us from the Lawrence parted, and windows Implanted; mrd,
cube as shiver, especially a we bad ARTHI'R W. BROWN. above a11, that true wisdom imagist
left Toronto and Montreal a day Of p S. -Am afraid i shall have night• which alone can claret,, mar from a
Crosse and 2 large ��� two before with the temperature over mare tonight. A hr0•dshouldered, brute to a awn of God Who would
seventy In tile dnd
e shae a+now for- tat official ha. just been pointed out not willingly engage in each noble
Blaedcwell's Catsup - Bottles 25c to me sir a mail who was ot[cfel hang- wort, and consider it the highest
on ted BroaA Atlantle I man for some years to Dn[land• The fOnor on earth to be ailed to do itt
'b. The moods of the oePon, an varying. dear help us' A. W. B.-MaeKay of t'gaxtde.
Pure Lard Packafford much pleasurshlP study. III`_ _ ]Garth heeds selfdenytas mea.
b" the growing light of the morning or - �F1oreHua Ronal,
to the darkening of evening It spoke COURRIE'S CORNERS
S//s•Per K its message. How merrlly It sported nAN �
Tomato Juice
tin 5c D�oz tl 58e Itself under • ark beer and •dear O"lling r se to be June J0.- illta/11��� a++�
, sky! R•t&t dart anger It reflected Otattelllmig ePorai 4e- ha tape o'r'der of
--- when a squall came up ani heavy qts day lately. D(11WNTDROOIt, Jan,, 19. -Thin re -
SC rain clouds canopded It! There were keys Doll Loehr and Mr. Jobs gular sawing of the T.P.S. will be
tlmos when peace and r„sffnl0,,srs to Fait RhekPsparP 140110d the form- heti on Friday *V011111119, with Pf(et
Carbolic Soap Richard's CaI[e a setting of evening glory were Plo-
eras slater, afn Fbassee Ra.hM at PnNidrot. x. Campbell and W. Ctisf9
quently set forth. Today. as I write, Mr. George UtvnmU% over the week• in charge.
It serp4s full of playtnlness and mils- end. Mrs. Lloyd Riatou of Toronto Is
Superior Stores Tea Per 3% chief. is r.rra strong; pure high vfsttotbe at Vire iters• or Mr. and bwiJNg her mater. Mrs. Gbnnln[-
tremetdons m••s,,a of water ; it play+ Mor 1tntMvl N•fwoma on Nhnday were ham.
bop -scotch with the rale cloud that Mr. and Mn. John Mallis of "Offset Gordon and Fart DOW of Rossel-
Cereal Blend Per ��� ever and soon comae close r it and s� Yr. and Mn. Aral of wind- dale spent Sandal ill iagler o fete,
with the perferf nfrttow arch that son. 11r. and Mn. Will RtNper et Lit•
Package mgone a large eer•tior. of It Our Mr. Gorge ikvok” has the wall iewel viatted at the Some M Mr. (leo.
�^=s bock le lifted high on IN billows and built under nae ee ahs bares mad ifs Wailsee on Sunday.
�� 1�4 -Ib. 1 � th lb. os
then piteilisd A thing into its waters h. other one •its.esR M
Mr. and Men 4Aevmrn 1'a *s#-
!f It T►ert a thing to be played with. Yr. Albert 1�rQ10DiA Of Belhst WM tsmliy visited rN•NvM h atg•
Tin y Tin put we plunge along. making our lstn vwtrd at the houni of mr. Jas. [Attie ham one day last week.
miles every twenty four tours with lately. price to h departure tot the Mr. Bova JeRetaoo of Ml~
na,.. t Monday et his how bar&
no atopy, not even to pease •t the aa- West �°
01 •ids lof those WbQ" racing Mime i sine ftnf&rd Is home from
_ y r
"c "• •-�+• �.. _ �
0", chart 0e- the earth of oar peck. � `�- .....`• fttnthrrld, whrrtr a0!' ftmr4seen atteNd•
spowtime the water high on o1 obey 1 hag Roand Mrs. Albert _
ilib .. 1�}�n- �rr...Q.. so '�'�- M .. °.IYr•r..e�...+� :ah,.�....:r
t J. � Cutt eutarw wt0"a ti• Trmga I'm
at lost hsstsat. tsoetable 110egM_ - � �s this Ndafq. _
.+r .. always more Inforeetme than
ir^ " tgyi otse. Hatdtl at fast, wt11 ltOM a "Youth L w go& less &&new day
P�OIIfIf lie and tli
thing win may .emethtat. e•' l.[ a d.pteeder thin daring • ta r -
M I.G. seen aa[srbuM tall NNW imitpe� 1M lrempwlty."-tfldrl 10.em-
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