HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1981-06-17, Page 17a
Lucknow Sentinel Wednesday, June 17, (1981 ---Page 17
Dungannon area youth dies in car accident
Ely IViakie Park
Sympathy is exthnded- to
Bert and Joan Dougherty and
family on the death of their
son and brother, Glen in a
traffic accident near teaforth
early Saturday Morning,
Mrs. Jim McFadzen of.
Guelph visited with her cous-
in, Mel Jones. on Friday.
A Hard Times dance was
held at the Agriculture Hall
on Saturday night. The pro-
ceeds from this dance will go
towards the completion of a
second ball diamond at the.
A Stag and Doe was held
at Harry Brinciley's shed on
Saturday night for Phil Jer-
ome and fiancee,. Chris Hol-
loway who will be married
June 27.
Tom Webster returned to
his home on Sunday follow
ins many weeks in London
and VVinghatn hospitals.
Hazel will have a homemaker
come in to help out.
Jim and Margaret Erring-
ton have returned from a
Western trip, visiting_ with
friends and relatives. Son,
Roger in Calgary, Art and
Diane Dickson and family in
Sundre, Alberta, daughter,
Cindy and husband, Denis
Maxymchuk of Delta, Alber
ta, also cousin, Mariorie
(Errington) and Robert And-
reasen, Surrey, B.C. and Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Finlay, White
Rock, B.C.
Mrs. Olive Blake was one
of the many from this area
who attended the. Webster
•reunion at Huron Centennial
School, Brucefield on Sun-
• Eight directors attended
the annual meeting of 'the
Dungannon Cemetery Board.
Arnold Stothers was appoint-
ed chairman and Girvin
Reed, secretary -treasurer.. It
Arthriti,s Society pktrts
September canvass
The Lucknow and District
Arthritis Committee met on
Jun 8 at the home of the
chairman, Mrs. Alex And-
Those present were Mrs.
Jane Trnayskis, Field Rep-
resentative, Mrs, Catherine
Andrew, Mrs. Thelma
Brown, Mrs. Anne Austin,
Mrs, Cora Cranston, Mrs.
\Joyce Adamson, Mrs, Ena
Henderson, Mrs. Kay Col-
lyer a'nd Mrs. Olive Blake.:
September is Arthritis
month and it was decided to
hold the annual canvass
September 8 - 19. Last year
S2,125 was raised by the
Lucknow and District Society
and they look forward to,
another successful cam-
Purple Grove...
*from page 116
evening Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Greenwood and family of
Teeswater. Jean Paul spent
the night with \his little
cousins and on Wednesday
Teresa returned ,to
Teeswater to spend the night
with the Greenwoods.
Mr. Earl Elliott and Mr.
Linton Zettler motored to
Kenora for the week.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jim Farrell 'during this past
week were Mrs. Ada Farrell
and Marian Cliffe; Mr, and
Mrs. Bruce Aitken; and Mr.
and Mrs, John C. McDonald.
On Sunday Jim and Fran
travelled to Orangeville to
visit Mr. and Mrs, Steven
Dinner guests with Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Boyle on
Saturday were Mr. and Mrs.
Bruce Aitken.
Mr. and Mrs. Don. Forster
and family 'visited with Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Patterson,
David and Billy.
Mr. and Mts. Dave Gib-
son, Julie and Dan of London
were week -end visitors with
her parents Mt. and Mrs.
Don Gillies of Ripley.
Several from here attend-
ed the Murray Gaunt ap-
preciation night it,
Tee.swater on Thursday.
• Community Bible Studv
was held at Mrs. Gladys
Mason's home on Tuesday,
Huron Tract Spinners and
Weavers Guild and area
spinners met at the home of
Nits. Cecil Sutton on Tues-
day evening. Mr, John Far-
rell conducted a
demonstration on sheep
1Viernbers of the Huron
County Poultry Club and
Ripley Fall Fair directors
met at the home of Cecil Sut-
ton on Wednesday evening,
where plans were made for
the Regional Poultry Show to
be held in conjunction with
the Ripley Fall Fair. •
was decided to hold _the
annual decoration day serv-
ice, Sunday, June 28 at 3
Mrs. Robert Stothers,
Dungannon, Mr. and Mrs.
Rod Jervis of Goderich,
Jim Stothers and Miss Mich
cline Bossey of Montreal
attended the wedding of
Mrs. Stother's niece, Miss
Ruth Bamford of Cambridge
on friday evening, June 12.
The ceremony which took
place in. St. Pauls United
Church, Preston, united in
marriage Ruth Elizabeth,
only daughter of Warren C.
Bamford and the late Alma
Anderson Bamford and Neil
Granville Davis, elder son of
• Premier and Mrs. William G.
Davis of Brampton. Follow-
ing the ceremony a reception
was 'held at the Paul Martin.
Centre, Wilfred Laurier Uni-
versity. The bridegroom is a
recent graduate of Queen's
University and is with the
law firm of Davis and Webb
in Brampton. The bride is a
graduate of Wilfred Laurier
University. The newlyweds
will honeymoon in Florida
and the Bahamas.
On Tuesday, June 9 sever-
al of Beth 1VIcConnell's
friends and neighbours drop-
ped in at lunch time to help
her celebrate her birthday.
Beth Hodges, Cora Sher-
wood, Olive Blake, Lil Mc-
Donald and Dorothy Clem-
ents brought the lunch,
complete with a birthday
cake. Happy Birthday, Beth.
Dungannon United Church
Mr. Cowan spoke on •the
subject, A Choice of Ways,
based on the parable of the'
Sower. The choir sang the
anthem, Jesus is Lord of All.
The Sacrament of Com-
munion will be celebrated in
both churches on Sunday,
June 21.
Brookside ikoadcast
By Jan Gibson and
Us* Dougherty
On Friday, June 12, Mrs.
Parrish's Kindergarten class
visited the Grand Bend Zoo.,.
The tripwas enjoyed by all.
It had been postponed from
Wednesday because of ,rain.
The instructors from the
Lucknow Swimming Pool
came to our school on Wed-
nesday, June 10 and present-
ed 'the many, rules of Water
Safety to grades 4 - 8. They
performed a skit entitled,
Water Safety. They showed
two films. There was some
participation by the students.
At the same time on Wed-
nesday, the Huron County
Dairy Princess, Dianne Old-
field, gave a dairy presenta-
tion to the primary grades.
She discussed the processing
of milk from the cow to the
table. She also emphasized
the inaportanceof vitamins in
the milk. She described a. day
on a dairy farm.
On Thursday, June 11, an
Energy Conservation speak-
er came to talk with the two
grade six classes. He discus-
sed the importance of conser-
ving energy and handed out
pamphlets on energy.'
Tuesday, June 9, Dr.
Harry Cieslar from the Hur-
on County Health Unit talked
to the school on the problem
of rabies He showed a series
of slides concerning preven-
tion and symptoms of rabies.
He stressed the importance
of avoiding touching strange
animals, tame or wild.
On Thursday, June 11,.
Mrs. Gibson's class, grade
four, went to Goderich to
tour the Huron County Pion-
eer Museum and they visited
the Huron County Historic
Jail. They enjoyed their ex-
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ofrOm page 14
• ed on Mrs. Gladys Arnold in
Ripley. Mr. and Mrs. Yeo
had come 'from Windsor to
Goderich on Saturday and
had motored up to Ripley on
Sunday morning. While Mrs.
Ye() attended church with
Mrs. Arnold, husband
Charles was on the phone
getting leads.
They were looldng for in-
formation on Harriet . Ellen
Monkley, born in 1832 in
England and came to the
Maritimes in 1840. Research
in the archives down there
led • them to Harriet Ellen
. !logos of Ripley, Ontario.
He mentioned the first Harry
P. Chapman here and was
directed to see the tomb-
stone at the southwest rear
corner of Ripley Cemetery.
A check there this Monday
morning by Ab Wylds shows
that the 'grandmother of the
present Harry Chapman was
"Ada J. Rogers, March 16,
1861 March 22,1944", wife of
H.P. autpman the first
newspaper publisher in
Ripley, We understand that
they are going to get more
information from Harry
when he comes back from
his trip.
Ontario introduced the
Probationary Driver Licensing
System Jurie 1st, 1981, as a
newhighway safety measure.
It's designed to help reduce
the high percentage of traffic
violations and accidents
by new drivers.
Statistic's show that in
Ontario, new drivers, regardless
of age, have accidents and
break the traffic laws far more
than experienced drivers.
The Probationary System
is designed to make these
drivers more aware of the traf-
fic laws for everyone's safety.
So, new drivers who ignore the
laws, or drive carelessly
during the two-year probation-
ary period, will have their
driver's licence suspended for
30 days when six demerit
points have been accumulated.
A clean driving record
is something to be proud of...
but it's up to you.
and Communications
James Snow, Minister
WiIiam Davis,Premier