HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1933-6-22, Page 3t .t= , q • _ MM BOOKS The Signal can give you a aloes price on Counter Cheek Books- If your supply is running low telephone 86. r.a Till SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED, Publlebers J. W. Craigie INSURANCE AND REAL MATE Dominion, Provincial, and Municipal Bonds The O. F. Carey Co. jlirm, Accident sad Motor Car INSURANCE Mks : Masse a Temple, West Street Oodsrich. • NI LEON HIIL Telephone 290 Manager _ The Arlstrsag Reel Estate , .e. .d Agency' lbws sad Lois ha Gedel& sod renes hr Sob. • •# map mom bled le asses Lea s. • r_. - J. W. £1XI ZOXG REAL EItTATI Box M Goiebf Residesee and Mies amt door west Sea Lite odies. Walt Street. Oodorf_. • G. C. L Board Under Criticism Town Council Considers Teachers' .Salaries Should Undergo Greater Reduction At the opening of the town coun- cil meeting on J'rtday ulgbt last, a reque.t was presented on behalf of the more expert swimmers tor a div- ing tower on the south pier. This was referred to the water. Katt and harbor committee for conalderation. All the members et the council were present. The Mx collector reported collec- tion of >i3A,29L1a since the previous report. Total collection' for year to date $54,212.11. A total of $118 has been paid In dog ileums. A request from Chief of Police Pos- telethwalte for uniform suits for him- self and Sergeant Rosa was referred to the special committee. A requisition from the are brigade for rubber goods was sent to the Are committee. ASK FOR rite ilk MadttMsa pare freak MILK and MOW sew d— _TAM be daliShlsd 11116 yen !�. deb chocolate 1kwsG —T1 Taste the Difference 1 Appaestleas ler Bssihirif Permits Appliestloas for building permits, u follows, were referred to the fire committee_ Geo. (Martis. rs.hingling dwelling, Right ensue: Mica Isabelle Baker. garage. WUBate street; J. Healey, veraadab oa dwalUni. Bar- ts road ; Cutin Patterson, tourist cab- in, ab1n, Gloucester Terrace; P. A. m11011. reroofiag and other repairs to dwell- ing, At David's street; James Parr, reahhsg leg dwelling. Britannia road. The Dominion Day eelabratba eom- atttss applied for the anal grant for the children's games and also for eermtesioo to nee the a xbibitlon grounds for the afteraoea sports. Re- ferred to finanee .ad public works committees. TM Godsrich Musial Society •- gusted that chairs be placed on the bs.datand. *Mad ef the beeches new titers, sad the atembers of tits (rad woeld lock then exp wider the stash after the esuosrt.• It was al- es reported that the coaacil see Mat tea bandstand is kept dean and nkat soaesre is es Mad to keep or - do amend the stead while eaaeerts are gulag as. Mother request was that tbe lights 1a the band practice rosea be Rad end who guards pat over theme. GODERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, given to understand that a renewal for a further period of ten years was Weill we did not apply for a pew bylaw. We might point out that wises oar factory was destroyed by are la 1910 we did not for the issue by applying tor complete exemption, as we were operating on a p ylug basis and did not object to raying our fair share of the general taxes, In addition to ecbool taxer, and we were further in- formed by council at that time that no further bylaws granting complete exemption would be submited to the ratepayers ou industries which were established and wbich had already enjoyed liberal treatment in the way of exemptions. '/knee litre however, several by- laws were submitted again granting complete exemption, excepting school taxes, le addition to other allewaneni and we feel that In so doing the cor- poration has broken fjlth in their previous declarations of policy, and that we have been overaueased Mee 1912 to the extent of $20,000 on which we have been paying the general rate. "It is cur opinion that all assess- ments 011 established industries should be left la the hands of tie assessor, and an equitable basis of amassment agreed soon AO that all ladnstrles would be treated alike, and 11 1t is the Intention of the corporation to bylaw it is by our intention to apply for com- plete exemption accept sebool taxes. for period of tea Fasts-" This was referred to the finance committee.Cseaotd.t t Septets The finance committee reported: "With reference to tbe Collegiate Institute request foe payment of $2.500 on Slag levy, we notice with peelo.nd regret that the teachers have bees re -moped ter the coming year at a redaction 1n salary of sale s% per met. L view et the bsrdea sa taw to=payer of the high eat of ss000dary edseatlss. It wee the =- premed wish se the council that the OOoo�Ues�gleate board amid make each re- d setldes as would permit a marked saving on the 1964 levy. "Wo regard the peesedt eat of may 2% per cent as quite tstadquatg: this is only 7% per cent doses tram the peak level nasi is gats out of propsrtiea to the loss o1 glary sr ha coma mestafaed hg the mus et ear oldness. We therefore recommend were Miss Macphail Speaks at Lucknow Wants da jtrspendent Money System sad Outlines Other O. O. T. Policies • I.sckaow, Jesse 19.—Entering into 11e riding of, Beaver at Laekuow to- night, Agnes Maeplinii, C.C.F. bead. Mailed Hos. Jame.- Malcolm, member of the• riding, for what she deemed unwarranted *am 1.4 02 her pstrt,T. She accused Mr. Malcolm of calling her party ea.4rl.tlan and claimed that it pot tato practice Christian principle& Miss Maepball also chal- lenged tie L1ber01 patty to state what it thinks of OM ('.O.T: Some mem- bers denounced- it. while others lent approval to same of the C.C.F. plat- form She ailed for a ..fear defini- tion of polity. • R, J, seett. president 111 the United Farmers of Ontario and possible C. C.F. candidate for Huron -Brace Pro- efacial riding, spoke with Miss Mar pb•11 to over 500 ageemhled In the town hall, (.unknow, under the au- spices of the Lo knew U.F.O. The sew C.C.T. leader explained to the gathering tea altos and plans of the C.C.!. She can ouagd that she was Oleg to epee her eampslgn in Walk- erton tomaerew r1gltt In the Grey- Brace reyBrace riding.- and **dieted that the ~ion the would be interesting." that Dale 112.000 be paid at this time slid that a eoeg e1 this resolution be forwarded to the board" ebit�M by the Hoot+ter sec ,alp trees tato f a. ej ass, Nate Trds. paroballe -ROW Pe tisim wag is Parka eon- .. mlttee. COW pia eing sheet conditions nosed W the hacking exp o1 sewage at the ear- ner of Waterloo sad St vitesnt that "SIM M fisele17 ea *11M Mat ant yctltir's f searera., weft aver 16 the Soddy. The es.smtttee reported that all 1153 current demand notes, aaoanting to 02,25o, fad been paid off out of taxes received. and recommended that Attu , Ireavulate412eL _ WWI .1191401 us tree available funds M A} the –4.152914:7 a.., " ti From the letter, dated Jothat W. Moore Dad been pan The wowinglese r- p mined to erect. a pee add sign to was received from tea Gegerleh Or- front of his bather shop on East ran b. Limited: dtroet; that the steal root of the West 'The bylaw granting1 1 a Axed ass street rink was being painted, and last yea 01 is bylaw le 1a expired last year. This renewed a that a car of Imperial OU noun sealer - similar bylaw in 1912 add a. we were lel had been received and was being applied on the made. Recommenda- tions were that T. T. Mnrpby be per- mitted to cut down • tree on Colborne street as requested. and that the McColl -P onteaac 011 Co. Ltd. be granted permissioa to install • gaso- line pump and tank on Kingston street. in front of W. M. McLean's feed store, en th..usoal conditions. The !pedal committee recommended that it Millard and poolroom license be granted to N. H. Hinter on pay- ment of the fee. The water, light and harbor com- mittee reported that the public rest room at the harbor had been cleaned up and the Interior watt being painted, and that dens had been placed at the beach prohibiting the removal of and. The committee recommended that the request from the water and light cm - Arrow Summer Schedules EFFECi1VE JOKE 9, 1933 era LEAVE GODERICH Sana 0411 0.110 8.86 Y�1 9.00 LK. 12.45 ?IL s Prae nomom Gammas To Rows LG1�LONDON`11 TORONTO .. 8.80 • WINDSOR *10 DITROIT .. 4.06 7.60 U1 1LTOI 3.70 ST. ormaiisir....: w . 4.70 _BSASARA r%tLi/ s.nt',l..,... w , . 6.10 Lib BEDFORDWWI INTIMw'taispbes IN irsislegis MI+ rggMereirdre S.Yiso i aged. to the whole economic preble; agejrdtng to Miss MacpbaU, will came Men people can consume as met as ehey ma produce. As for retaraiag to old standards of ilvieg, Mies ii -1l .coned the Idea. She &ltrihneed the revival a prosperity Miring the east few weeks to the fact that UM U . had gOOs o that It 1t .andard Ilsd pasted ont would bg Mort lived, as already sat - pins some was finding its way into /hs gpaeul$tive market. Mies limtpkall reiterated her stand that the control ef_ Issuing money shoe* verg Coda becameof the Go ex- tremely ecitical of the Malang ses- tem Nei Di liken, who, aloe said, gov- egled the Government. She advocated da economic hereon whicb would is- m ►nus sufdent 'money each month to stabile* prig Wends lndeaader• Meos7 yrs There w it tie aer he proaverttr until _gas=which Ss ' tree mlulon to change its name to "the public utilities commission' be granted and that a bylaw le passed aceord- ingty. The fire eommlttee recommended that the are brigade he eared to send in a statement et reeetpts and expen- ditures of -Mahe reiief fond as re- quested - The Industrial eomtdltee reported having received an offer from the Ooderkh Salt Co. of $400 for a 24 1n. 2 M ft. Lodge & fthepiey lathe and 5100 for the old holier of the Na- tional plants, and meommended ac- ceptance. The committee recommended also that the roofs of the Vents be again given a treatment of light roofing material. The committee of the whole re- commended that 110 action be taken on the claim of 3'. Donnelly for dam- ages to the McGee property on Wolfe Onset as atter lavestigatten It was found there had been no damage caned to this propetty be the town. These reports were all adopted without dltecumlon. A pdopnaal by Conciliar Seabrook that the fireball doers be given en - ether coat of varnish was referred to the Sr. eommhtter ; and a proposal kw the tnventtesat of toads on hand In Mule of the Peovltice ef New Brunswick woe sleet to the SOanee 'tnaadtte s. Connell what lotto committee of the Mole and tater reported recommend - lag aeshsptanee of the tender .1 S. P. Warta. M Ha tier palatfag die Post 15Yre: a wee Oa low get at _ �21 x SIM ,report era• ••s..,. .....r Z.=. . rgtt�t WE - SAYE YOU MONY throes* oar w.bblod IAat Wby waste time and mousy ordsrlag your daily paper or magazine when we can do 1t for you at less coot/ THE SIGNAL EIGHTY-FIFTH YEAR, NO. 16 OBITUARY - ROBERT WRIGHT The following in from a Berkeley (California) newspaper et recent date: Robert W. Wrtgbt, one of the beet - known garage owuers In the East Bay district, died at his home, 1710 Addi- son street, last evening after an ill- ness of several weeks. ills condition, although not having shown much im- provement after be was able to leave ■ hospital, was not believed t0 be cri- tical until Sunday. Mr. Wright was a native of Goder- kh, ()uteri°, but had lived the great- er part of his life ou this side of the Canadian border and bad been an American citizen for many years. For the last twelve years he had been 1n the garage business In Berkeley and previous to that time be was rail- roading lo Nevada and in the garage business ie Oast* -Crus. In 1921 he opened the California Garage oa University avenue below Grove street, but soon outgrew tbat location and opened the Stadium Gar- age on Centre street. opposite the Gazette Building. His genial pereon- allty and hie reputation for automo- tive service built up a large clientele and It was not long before Medusa warranted his building a larger gar- age 011 Addison street. Some two yeah ago he also took over the lease and operation of the Shattuck Gar- age on Allston Way, near Harold Way, one of the Largest garages in the Bay district. Mr. Wright gave to his business a personal torch and be was affection- ately known as "Bob" Wright to bus- dreds of local motorists, including leading bankers, merchants and other Moines" and professional men and whose et Mils 'giecpha11 stated present nae wets '(a models 1 bave avklialt GAS IN FARM WILLS Statement by Man Who Dug Well en Grigg Pam The Clinton News -Record of last week said : In view of the many stories told of former experiences wtth gas in the well. in the vicinity of the farm of Mr. Ed. Grigg. the 9(D concession of aoderich township, where two young men so tragically lost their lives on Wednesday of last week, the story of the man who dug the well originally 1s interesting. Mr. 11. H. Cantelon. who lives just south of Clinton. formerly owned this farm, on which he was born and upon which hq lived until about a down years ago. He states that he, assisted by a helper. dug the well thirty -Ave Years ago, that during the digging of same no Inconvenience was ex- perienced. although there might have been what they called "foul air," to a limited extent, and" thit during the twenty-three years be lived on the place afterwards he was In the well several times, never having exper- ienced any trouble from gas. Titat there is a vein of gas In the vicinity is borne out by his remem- brance of the fact that when the school well was dug across the road by the late Harry Sweet and Chas. Williams the latter was almost over- come and had to be brought to the surface to be revived. Mr. Cantelon also recalls the story of a man lo. - Ing his life In a well on a farm on the other side of the road between sixty-dve and seventy years aro. presumably from gas, or "foal air; as It was called. Mr. Oanteloo thinks atmospheric conditions had something to do with the accumulation of gas is this well last week. Old well diggers, when they have reason to suspect the presence of gas, have a way of sinking a pipe, any pipe which 1s long enough and wide enough at the same time. into It and allowing 1t to extend above the top of the well a few feet- This, it is said, will draw all Dad air from the bottom of the well sad allow pore air to A11 It women. He was a well-known member of the Berkeley Rotary Qab and also was a member of Sequoia Lodge of Masons, Berkeley Pyramid of Boob and Berkeley Lodge of Ode/fellows. Mr. Wright leaves his widow, Mrs. Gertrude Wrlgbt ; one son. Warren Wright: a daughter, Min Roberta Wright, all of Berkeley, and a broth- er, Freak Wrigbt, of Braatford, On- tario. Tuberal services will be Maid to- morrow afternoon at 1.110 at the chapel of the Edward E. Niehaus Compeoy, 2640 Grove street, wider the auspices of Sequoia Lodge of Masons, wltb Dr. Herman F. Swartz, president of the Pacific School of Re ligion, officiating - An old Boor -tempered grouch 101 a good friend, eves to blmselL • 11111011111 MODEMS Wdek Artist—"Yon are the first of sty ever kissed." -•--- —. DnIpIG__IROHABLY THE RIC& �AINLY Ig1B�TRRIOIM MAN MOOTEUROPE An article, revealing astounding event. In tbe strange life of Sir Basil Zaharoff, who is reputed to have built his enormous fortune on death, destruction and misery. stir- ring wars and revolutions. so he might sell shot and shell from his munition factories, yet still amhiding W reai.ame and nationality, will ap- pear 1n The American Weekly, wltb beet Sunday's Detroit Times. ='�-iswith—"dud how �%aeee, 7 tion of Ilse 1 � �e" $�M"ipfQrewe I -Matz regulation of stock 1 and equalised tea, and a melon." stresgth. taxation, were Ostl d by the 'Pesk- in. Mian Maepbait was somewhat cri- tical of the farmers Lor not being or- g anised when tea Addle class was ceamlMa iniew.�c' a�`�3xi►wswtth 1leaee to take an inbelligent Interest In public affairs Miss Macle all exWessed the opin- ion that there would -Sot be a general eleetlee In 110 Saar 1lature unless Mr. Besatt brought back something of interest from the London conference, of the success of whicb she was ex- tremely doubtrel. CREWE (CREWE. June 11—Miss Violet Kil- patrick of Toronto L apeoding a couple of weeka at the bogie of Mr. and Mrs. John Ztipetick. Mr. Aidon Hasty, who has come pleted 1.15 term at tiWtifbrd Normal, 1a speodleg the holidays et his home here. We are pleased to bear that AJ - don baa been engaged an teacher of Auburn school tor the coaling year. The many trieada•1sf Klee Olive Ktl- 'Afriek .111 he glad -to know that she has been ire -engaged ee teacher of Crewe school. _ 5 Mr. and Mn. aglh5tlherwood at- tended tbe couatf eolscli picnic at Port Albert on TuilidaS. Tear truss the river and re511 the Seal whOe the mutgtsde ran up sad •'1 yi mmo 'westr— EAtESMROVGHING ► Let es leek over that leaky fay. trewgh ad make it as geed as new. De it twiny. K ens 127 er Writ. P. O. nes ISM h.4qs. We are ..arMfor Plsmhieg ad Repairs John Pinder St Davies St. Ged.rrich F. WOOLLCOMBE Ws lama= of Every Lisa A81 MK RATIN WORE aMti5WH1O OR FLAME Pius 216 eo. Williams .3•7a nasi[ QUITE alIFO*ILILL Was 11115 Golfer's Appeeraare at ■ Family Lows Party The following paragrnpb is taken from an article in tbe Jure 1b beam of Maclean's Miagaztne. The article, by Beverley Owen. 1s entitled "Watch Your Step," end deals with many freakish accident bnmeroas to the reader but possibi v tragic to the vic- tim, that enabled the different people mentioned to lay claims for insur- ance. We wonder who the unfortun- ate person was of whom tie author speaks Mtn this pa rticular 'portion of his article: Yost casualty campanile. I wan told. are constantly cubing elisions M people who slip in tier bathtubs. The choicest of all the canes related e.nesrns • certain getter wbo was visiting friend■ in tti aedeilei, n ario. He Iasi Nat retnrt d tom playing elgtetewn boles erM was enjoying the luxury of a add-afteraooa splash. Wblle treating himself to a shampoo he got soap in b1. eyes. 8e groped for • towel. Mut failed to locate she. Then bis hand'cloae1 upon a woolly substance and he seised It violently. "Ia a aeonnd, golfer, Wrdow cur- tsies •cad certain vele Wee tended up in ter bathtub. Strtlpibei to tete hItaeelf. hie ryes sial iffeN11ng end MgFAd, blinded, AB tlstiaD! SIVPIS kalif eiair towhere t Wee the laws vi., 'Ws paid his dais int' aald tis. ad)hnttrr 11.411 hie leis ..d NO"' )Pat Use um Mblal aattldnt He to ifs men a—s hredsad Ms wrist. admit the pltadis.' " SEDAN moon. itt.orrnerso etre 70.3.TTLDIT.011'.,tig1DC5TAND TAX F.%eXTRA First in Proven Ruggedness Watch dee T.rreplase as it shoots oat in frost at the tars of the tra8c light. No matter when yogi look you will lind this new and larger Ears: Terraplane on 113 -Inch wheelbase, ire away in traffic. Whoa you visit your nearest Hodson -Essex dealer esamine the ragged conatroctlon of the Esss: Terre - plass. See she deep, rugged 3i -Truss girder type hem—the deepest frame of all the cars in the Terr.piene price class. Noss the hooey sheet of steel which reinforces ties frame, Melee joined to it st 23 pokes. –--Pjeeres also that dila same sheat ori ss� • Is -welded to Jim body 'making the I+rP ami co's+fda'1f'wtlri'1!i) j."Mg*, "Unit-coostruaioo" is the =dad*, Ternptane principle which combines in the Estero Templates a new thrilling performance with Hudson -built ruggedness and ability ity to stand spender the severest driving coedirions. Today 7 out of every 10 airs ever Anile by Hedges are edit mania, oe the highways—evidence of the eederies materiais rod regime' commie - doe of Hndsoo-beak cars. gas sad drive the Hsdsoa-bsih Catedi.n car staryou Mfg ear riding comfort et small car prios..d lower operating coats. The Omen Temples. special Ds is .Iwai - able le ave models — oedeto. col" seeps, eowesedieloeesuM sea lasAMv+r..,e..,. , 2.1PROPIIr�.Msmatr ser F. R. MiLL.ER, Corms Vidalia S. sad Elgin raw. .,gay... A 4 - •